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Showing most liked content on 05/24/2023 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    This is something that I've been working on for a while, and not sure what else needs to be put in, recommendations are welcome. Wild Weasel Techniques in SF2.pdf
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    Some Maverick practice. Didn't hit all the targets I fired at but it was okay, learning how to shoot the missile with the TRAM 90
  4. 2 points
    on the other hand..this toilet bomb under Hornet shows another thing... now do not take it so seriously As much as this is funny (or not) this shows how 'creative' new generations are....just copy everything from parents/grandparents... and pretend it is fresh...and it is not only about the toilet bombs
  5. 2 points
    Sorry , for the next weeks i will do nothing else but enjoying Los Angeles and San Diego and not to forget Disney Land with my grandchildren if i´m back i will take a look at it , it is on my to do list anyway
  6. 1 point
    I have the Toilet Bomb, but this one is as yakarov pointed out, is a different one.
  7. 1 point
    we've had the toilet bomb for many years FC made it for me a long time ago. It should be in one of my Skyraider skin packs edit ---- N/M I've attached it. it dosen't have the "control fins", just the tank and bowl ToiletBomb.7z
  8. 1 point
    Try this video, hope it helps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvetfvIEFmU&t=5s
  9. 1 point
    Vorwärts!!!! Auf in den Kampf!!!!
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    A small island in the Gulf for a friend...
  12. 1 point
    Just a heads up from the Thirdwire Discord. There's a dude named Gryphus who friended me and wanted to be unsuspended from here because he fucked up and probably used multiple accounts and banned from here. He may approach you if you're on there to download files from here to him and homie don't play that as I don''t want my account banned because he can't get unsuspended.
  13. 1 point
    buenas noticias, felizmente se recupero todo, pronto luego de resolver problemas de la vida real me hare un tiempo para comenzar a lanzar los aviones.
  14. 1 point
    Most have probably missed this fact that with Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic, additional types.ini statements for a terrain have been introduced. Here below you'll find the extra ones: [TargetTypeXXX] Reported=FALSE DetailLevel=2 FadeWithDistance=TRUE IgnoreHeading=TRUE AdjustZBuffer=FALSE The most interesting and useful statement is DetailLevel. The Ground Objects graphics setting in the options has always been rather pointless in Strike Fighters as it would only affect randomly parked aircraft. This DetailLevel statement makes it much more useful when applied to most if not all target types defined in a terrain's types.ini. DetailLevel=3 means that the target type will spawn only when Ground Object settings are set to Unlimited, a value of 1 means that the target type will only spawn when Ground Object settings are set to Medium or higher. The below screenshots show it clearly. Ground Objects set to Unlimited; even the smallest eye-candy objects are shown, loading times are obviously higher. Ground Objects set to Low; only priority objects (those that should be targets for missions) are shown, loading times are quicker. The downside is that it requires a terrain modder to add such DetailLevel statement to each of the eye-candy objects in a types.ini file. If you have 300 or more, you can imagine it takes quite a bit of work and trial and error to choose which priority to assign to each object. This update/feature will be part of the IraqWA terrain in a future update of the ODS 30AE mod. The other statements are also used in the stock IcelandNA terrain, here below a summary of what I managed to figure out about them: FadeWithDistance - No matter what, it doesn't seem to work. it would have been cool to have terrain objects fade like TOD entities; most likely this is a placeholder for something TK never implemented properly. IgnoreHeading - Rather self-explanatory, it makes the object type ignore the heading you give to it in a terrain target area of the targets.ini file. TK uses it for the countless tree LODs created for the IcelandNA terrain. AdjustZBuffer - When set to false for runways, they suffer from heavy z-buffering issues on tile based terrains. Most likely this option was needed for specific runways on the IcelandNA terrain, since runway LODs are placed over another LOD, that of the terrain. For our usual tile based terrains, this statement may be of little to no use. Reported - The only statement I couldn't figure out. For sure you wouldn't set it to false for main terrain objects. This info may be useful to terrain modders wiling to optimize their own terrains and make them more scalable depending on graphics settings. Please admins, pin this topic for future reference.
  15. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    This is a fix pack for my "SF2:NA US Stock Ships Data File Mod/Update 1.0" located at the link below. http://combatace.com/files/file/14561-sf2na-us-stock-ships-data-file-modupdate/ When I uploaded the US Stock Ships Data File Update pack I accidentally packed up some of my second to last file versions instead of the final variants I intended to upload. This Fix Pack contains the adjustments that I overlooked when I first uploaded the pack. Just copy and paste into the mod folder that you placed the "SF2:NA US Stock Ships Data File Mod/Update 1.0" into and overwrite when ask. I am also updating the pack to include the changes this pack adds so you don’t need this Fix Pack if you downloaded the "SF2:NA US Stock Ships Data File Mod/Update" after 2/9/2014.
  16. 0 points
    Gente hoy se me restauró la PC al año 2018 que significa que todo ese trabajo que nunca termine no se terminaré


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