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  1. 7 points
    Douglas A-4D Skyhawk - No.7 Squadron (The Rattlesnakes), Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1977 During the early to mid-1950's almost every US Navy aircraft programme hit some sort of propulsion trouble with engines that were either down on thrust or simply so unreliable that they were a hazard to flight safety. Douglas were no exception and the SkyKnight and Skyray programmes were hit especially hard and the A4D Skyhawk programme initially didn't fare much better with the J65 down on thrust and the Pentagon bizarrely ordering that reconditioned Air Force J65's should be used for Skyhawk production. Ed Heinemann's wish to shoehorn the Rolls-Royce Avon into the Skyhawk fell apart when a production licence was granted to Westinghouse who then decided to only produce (with Navy funding but without telling Douglas ) a six-tenths scale version as the XJ64 giving less thrust than the J65! However, by 1955 the Navy BuWeps had decided to fund the promising Pratt & Whitney JT8, essentially a scaled-down JT3 or J57 and by 1957 the resultant J52 was running sweetly on the bench and Ed Heinemann could plan growth versions of his brilliant 'Bantam Bomber'. At about the same time the Navy were hinting that perhaps a more flexible machine was required than the high-altitude nuclear bomber of the original A4D requirement and the increased thrust of the J52 meant that two more stores pylons could be added and higher gross weights permitted. Douglas had planned to introduce the engine in the A4D-3 (A-4D) and A4D-5 (A-4E) variants but the US Navy cancelled the A4D-3 in 1959 and slowed the A4D-5 programme down. Douglas then looked at export opportunities resurrecting the A4D-3 designation to produce a multi-role fighter version later designated the A-4D which introduced the new J52 engine rated at 8,500lbs thrust plus a small and simple multi-mode radar. Oil-rich Dhimar became the launch customer ordering 60 A-4D's in 1961 and these were delivered in early 1963 initially to No.7 Squadron of the Dhimari Air Force who operated the type until 1982. Skin Credit: salvatorestupido
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
    did the ground crew move? ___________________________________________________ I'd climb the Empire State Building, fight Muhammad Ali Just to have you baby close to me (10000 internet points to whoever gets it)
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    St. Andre de LÈure Aerodrom, a civil used former german bomber airfield of the Battle of Britain, with two short runways.
  8. 2 points
    Aerodrom Peuplingne, reactivated german Battle of Britain fighter base.
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Ezer weizman's personal spitfire used for airshows in israel.
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    Finally returning to this great game, a huge thank you to all the people that spend much of their free time keeping keeping SF2 alive. Thank you all. best regards.........................eccles.
  13. 1 point
    July 2023. Dogfight between philippino FA-50 Golden Eagle and american F-22 Raptor. The result: Okay, it was not a fair test. The Raptor had additional wing fueltanks. But it is impressive, that a low cost lead in fighter came into shooting position. I think it would be time, that someone could make a FA-50 for our community. Here the full news report: https://www.sandboxx.us/news/a-philippino-attack-jet-reportedly-beat-the-f-22-in-air-combat-exercises/
  14. 1 point
    gotta dirty her up a little bit then we'll actually get some numbers down
  15. 1 point
    It was in so many parts cause I haven't my helicopters folder here , so just checked AH-64 DATA to know what is needed . BTW ... I'll be very grateful for any opinions about FM ... as Eric said, this game isn't dedicated for helicopters and I must to use lot of tricks to make FM acteptable ... So any bug you can find is very valuable for me.
  16. 1 point
    https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,71512.0.html https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,71518.0.html
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    And weapons with small fix for loadout . Objects.7z
  19. 1 point
    Aerial battle over Al'Aranak I was testing and I got shot down by a totally illegal nuclear thingy. I decided to watch my wingman who managed to fire his two S-24 and was chased by two old F-86s. And then... That's science : you don't get what you expect.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Here are some more pics from the Colorado Springs Airport. (KCOS). Enjoy!
  23. 1 point
    Guardians of the North. F-104G CF-104
  24. 1 point
    It was supposed to be an intercept mission, but a combination of ground fire and other MiGs killed them before I got into range, so I had a free flight to just cruise around the Korean countryside in 1951.


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