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Showing most liked content on 02/11/2024 in Posts

  1. 13 points
  2. 11 points
  3. 9 points
  4. 9 points
    F-84E Thunderjet of Col. Robert L. Scott Jr. , World War II ace with 13 victories and a member of the famous Flying Tigers.
  5. 6 points
    The Mirage F1CR Standard F4 is uploaded and waits for approval The preview
  6. 6 points
    F-84E Thunderjets of the 68th FBG... Blue - 525th FBS Red - 526th FBS Yellow - 527th FBS C/O aircraft - MultiColored
  7. 5 points
    Well, the Viggen model available here is a team work between some member of the Scandinavian Front team, including Ravenclaw and myself. It's not based in the same source file that the DAT model is based , is a new model with a LOT of improvements if we compare it with the DAT model. Teh model, like all the final Scandinavian front pack, is a BETA since some of the members abandon the project and the leader, JOnathan decided to release as it to provide the CA people a mod with planes that until then were only available in DAT site. I think I still have the source files, but right now I don't have time to work on it I will try to find the original models and release them in a separate pack, but they are last in a long line of models (F3d, LAvi, NAmmer, CH-47,A3D,A2D,A7M, IowaBB, FREEM, B-32,HE-277,JU-388... so it could take more than the usual two weeks
  8. 4 points
    Very old stuff sent to me by wpnssgt.......
  9. 3 points
    It begs the question -- I know a few TMF birds have been updated for SF2, but have all of them? Even if, like the delta-wing mirages, have stock 3W counterparts. (crusader, corsair ii, etc) AngelP: don't forget I've got your A3Ds, all skinned and decaled. They (just!!!**) need a better working flight model, and some 3d work on the wing folds. At your convience; not a major rush item(s) **they flip over on the carrier cat shot, and won't catch the wire on landing. other than that, .... LOL!!!
  10. 3 points
    On the red side, I have several planes in different stages, hope I can deliver some, shortly... more detail means more time spent...
  11. 3 points
  12. 2 points
    In the last days i was busy with TOD object placement on the tiles. Its a boring and time consuming job to move the trees and houses to the correct position. Some went good, some other things not. So i was never really happy with the TOD buildings for the London tiles. So i made a new one, but, to be honest, it looks more like soviet town flat blocks than London row houses. In the background you see the TOD building, which are original on the London tiles.
  13. 2 points
    Yes, as I wrote, (because of a bug) the other games ignore the non-default saved games folder location on drive G and put the mod folder always in the default saved game folder location, i.e. C:\Users\<your user name>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\<game name>. If you want the mod folders of the other games also in the non-default saved games folder location, you can use a workaround by modifying C:\Users\<your user name>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\<game name>\Options.ini: [Mods] Directory=G:\<path to non-default saved games folder>\Thirdwire\<game name> After running the game, a new mod folder will be created at the new location. At the old mod folder location you only need to keep Options.ini and Version.ini, all other files can be deleted here.
  14. 2 points
    Proper, quality work.
  15. 2 points
    can you imagine keeping all that checkerboard touched up?!?!?!? the paintjobs did get simpler though as the birds got more advanced
  16. 2 points
    as for color picker, i said it felt like that happened. but i did also say i would be corrected if i was wrong! i have had some conversations in the past were the other sides arguement was a scanned pic, rather than a hex value or color chip or anything else that doesnt have as much wiggle room as an old picture. as for the rest, all i can say is that time moves on and you've been very up and down in showing up around here the last few years, more so down with the released mods. i do know i am usually pleasantly suprised when i see you have a post in the WIP or Screenshot threads. and if GKABS and his team are getting your max files, that is seriously awesome. you, BPAO, ravenclaw, eburger, and several others did do very awesome work at teh beginning of this, in the SF1 days and earlier. stuff that really does still hold up decently today. yes, there are better models and skins, because there are better software, tools and computers today than 20 years ago. just look at teh lodviewer as one example. alot of the work done in the past is somewhat hampered by its success, not many newer modders want to spend their time on those because their still pretty good and why reinvent the wheel if its not squeaking?
  17. 2 points
    @ Daddyairplanes, You are right, I've been more and more pissed off over the last 12 months or so but it all stems from the same basic thing & that is the overwriting of someone else's work, sure, if you dont agree with the colours,decals fonts or whatever of a particular model, then certainly go ahead and make your own, that's why I've uploaded so many templates over the years, I've wanted folks to do their own thing and upload them for us all to use but I did'nt intend them to replace my original work like has been done too many times. I was hoping for multiple uploads of the same skin in different users versions of what they feel the best colours etc are, it's called freedom of choice. And that's exactly how it used to be done, we all had respect for each others work, there was no need to try to "compete" as it seems now. In the F-15 thread you basically said that I'd used a colour picker on a photo to get a colour reference, LOL, Trust me I've never done that! But I've done just about every else, fs numbers, hex values & god knows what else. (try skinning on a monitor calibrated for photography work, that will really mess with your head) But I can state for a fact that if lets say five of us used exactly the same Hex values or fs colour chip on a skin, at least one of us would say that the colour looked a little "off", not wholly wrong but just now how they would have chosen it to look....hence the need for more of this variety as apposed to the ego pushed version of things we've been seeing just lately. Also what I dont want to happen here is for folks to think that there is a rift between me and you, because in my view there is not. You know why I decided to stop uploading any more work, but seeing as you've done a huge amount of work on the MF factory Boeing 707 and C-135 series of birds I'm going to use you as an example but users please be aware that this happens all over the downloads. My statement is how would you feel if tomorrow I re-released a full on remodelled and remapped version of 707's & C-135's and did it so that ALL of your hard work was to be overwritten as it's junk/crap less "historically accurate" Like I said DA this is'nt aimed at you personally there's a few offenders on here and they know who they are. But lets move on, my health is screwing me over a bit more just lately as some of you know, but with the recent announcement from Gkabs to take a look at redoing some of the older models we've been in contact with a view of me supplying some of the many max files I have sitting on various drives for him and his team to work their magic on so hopefully we'll be seeing new not a re-hash of my poor old 20 year old attempts. Btw any of you want to make custom brushes etc for the likes of nostep/nopush marks weathering or anything it's really easy to do just ask.......just think of all those little yellow marks on JASDF planes......loads easier than copying layers.
  18. 2 points
    Thanks for the questions WW. There's just two of us making it, and we do the web updates, pictures, articles etc so - instead of developing we have to stop to do that. So when we are intensely working, there can be some time when you don't hear a lot. Anyway, as a slight update ... quite a bit of recent work has been behind the scene stuff (how the software works etc) so not particularly exciting. However, there's one aspect that has been totally transformed, and we hope to show an update soon when a bit more work there has been done - I'll leave you with it's a bit of a game changer. Release date not officially set, when we are over most of the hills we'll post a rough release date.
  19. 1 point
    I was looking at the A-6A and EA-6B_AH while I was making the adjustment for the ALQ-99 and I have found out that these two models need a lot of work or just to make a new one so at least it will be as good as the attachments to it lol. A-6A is just so basic and low ploy. (other SF2 models are low poly but they look great) EA-6B AH someone did a good job starting the model but it still has some imperfections. sorry and don't misunderstand me I am not trying to criticize the model creator. I thank everyone who worked on any model for this great game, but I think we need to make a list of jets that we need to enhance. I think the Grumman A-6 Intruder will be my first choice to make as it is an all-weather attack aircraft. if you have any other jet from the game that you think we need to improve please list them (please don't go wild only list the low poly models ) and will try to see what we can come up with. Thanks, GK
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    I don't know if this will help, but here is a tutorial from the Knowledge Base about running the game from another disc or disc partition (I've never done this as I go in for HUGE single drives....) If it doesn't, we'll think of something else (grin). We've got a lot of smart people here; ask the questions somebody will help figure it out! (and welcome to CA!)
  22. 1 point
    Love the details on theses models.
  23. 1 point
    For those of you saw the movie: remember the word "The Roach" used after dropping the 40mm grenade on the VC? I uttered the same phrase here, since at 2 miles every Gun & SAM in Iceland started firing. If you don't, here's the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f96p-IhcZhQ
  24. 1 point
    There are indeed a lot of models that need a face lift, along with a fair few missing types too, a huge endeavour, I wish I had the knowledge, and the tools to be able to do it, but alas, I am only an old groundpounding, grunt.
  25. 1 point
    To make the view further back would normally need a model edit. It has a fixed place for the eyes. You may be able to edit the aircraft xdp near the top are the viewing angles, but I don't know if there's a setting you can add to that to offset the eyepoint not really seen anything to suggest that.
  26. 1 point
    I found an old map of Fairford in the timeframe of the 1960th and it showed a base with 3 runways. Thatswhy i made some changes:
  27. 1 point
    well, we've always had more room than...... any of the old countries
  28. 1 point
    RAF Fairford (WIP). What a big base. If americans build something they build it big. Parts of the texture of the runway is missing. Some buildings and some parking areas are missing too. Will come later.
  29. 1 point
    "Say Halo to my little friend"....


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