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Showing most liked content on 09/25/2024 in Posts
11 points
9 points
6 points
6 pointsThe shots of the Belle came out crappy, so I have to refly it. But these all look good to my eyes. I'm trying to give you different shots of the separate skins/years both stationary & in flight.
5 pointsF-16 thema ... USAF FSD skin in course for the Thirdwire F-16A Block 10 ! P.
5 pointsand here i thought Birmingham Belle would've been one of your first ones posted serious note do you remember which year skin the last one was (65833/106thRS)? meanwhile, back on the range and the joy of discovery..... of what a pain straight silver (or black) paint jobs can be!
4 points
4 points
4 points
3 pointsI'm making 2 mod of fifth generation fighters, so I've been doing a lot of testing on this, and based on gameplay I think some of the late model F-15Es are often a big threat.Well, actually, quite a few modern birds are threat too.Many of them can detect me and attack from considerable distances.It depends on the modder's design,but for some advanced radar, this is not unreasonable. I have seen elsewhere: "F-22 can be detected by APG-68 and APG-80, at ranges of 5-10km", so it is reasonable for other better radars to detect stealth aircraft at farther distances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For reasons we all know,I think it is not possible to restore AESA in the game. However, for 4th/5th generation fighters, I usually set a very low TWSUpdateTime(about 0.1-0.01 for example) and ScanRate(about 200+) in the avionics.ini to eliminate the high scanning delay of traditional mechanical radar. And I usually give a higher TrackStrength, about 200-250. Higher strength can more effectively eliminate the effects of ECM and low RCS. Of course, different modders may have different standards for this, and they may set higher values. We need to set a standard ourselves. I usually consider the number of T/R units of these AESAs, and their power IRL. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to build a function formula for this, so most of the data was obtained by comparison and testing. We lack some working modes of other modern radars in SF2, so I will rely on the existing TWS modes for most things. This is my usual method of "simulating" AESA. In addition, I will draw independent radar MFD images for them separately, but that's another story. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a screenshot of the APG-81 test, for reference
3 pointsQuality as usual there mate....although that horrible sticker thing on the tail of that bird could do with toning down a little.....
2 points
2 pointsInteresting! I'm not exactly happy with the values I chose for the F-22 add-on we released, even because at the time I couldn't test it against other comparable stealth aircraft. If you have any suggestions for the F-22, I'll add them to the list of fixes and/or improvements.
2 pointsBut why ? Surely someone can paint/build whatever they like and leave it up to the person downloading the particular mod to decide which version they like best. There really is a great fear on here about somebody doing a better job than their own. Not trying to cause an argument but just stating the way things have gone......
2 pointsthank you everyone who contributed in the Simple Model Request thread, esp thanks to ravenclaw_007 (he did do the model work) now just gotta wrap them AlphaJets up and do the fun parts: ini edits, loading screens etc
2 pointsThank You , that helped a lot just something that i made this morning , new AN/ALE-40 dispensers and the antenna and sensor on the intake the skin has to be made by daddyairplanes
1 pointhttps://theaviationist.com/2024/09/21/a-6-agm-84/ A nice account for a nice idea of mission
1 pointHello Julio, this is what prompted me to look into the problem. I realized that the lewis gun was used as weapon station since it had both entries in the data.ini and the loadout.ini. This then made me experiment by placing the Lewisgun folder (lewis01) into the weapons folder instead of in the guns folder (where it was by default) and that did the trick as well as renaming the entry in the loadouts,ini from " 303CAL_LEWIS_MK2" into "lewis01" with the station ID matching the one in the [centerWingStation] in the data.ini. All thst was left to do was to adjust the AttachmentPosition of the gun and the ejection entries because the gun wasn't sitting right. What a nightmare!! If I had seen your post earlier it would have saved me quite a few hours, but thankyou so very much for looking so deeply into the problem and setting up your schematic!
1 pointoverall i am a fan of that theory, but as EricJ said some get quite overwhelmed by the interfaces of blender, or cannot find max 2009. this is for those folks who cannot tqake that step for whatever reason, but can work an image editor or an ini like noones business. i'll also point out tho, the post you quoted was response to a joke between ravenclaw and myself (even if made publicly)
1 pointTotally agree with that. For fairly simple items, I would suggest learning Blender or 3ds Max so you can make them yourself, just like some of us had to take that journey (yes, I'm talking about myself and still constantly learning from those more proficient).
1 pointI think this might be a start for you to solve the Lewis guns issue. Regarding item 1, looks to me like a problem with the DATA file/Loadout ini, related to the Lewis guns. Because you can't see them. Check one by one the editions where the machine guns appear in your DATA file and also in Loadout ini file. Also check if in the DATA/Loadout files, the name of the Lewis gun It's the same one you have in your "Guns" & "Weapons" folders. Several of the Nieuports that have the Lewis gun on top of the wings have this issue. Some of them do not have in their original 3D LODs the Lewis guns. They use the Lewis from a third party work that you find in the "Guns" & "Weapons" folders of your game.
1 point
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1 point
1 point"its the way of the future....." well for training anyways.....
1 point
1 pointI have some new questions for all the weapon editing masters here. So, I don't expect to reproduce terminal-sensitive ammunition in SF2, I will set the standoff dispenser such as JSOW to Cluster. First of all, is there a clear difference between Cluster - AP and - AT in Warhead Type? And will the explosive mass be evenly divided among each submunition? I also noticed that even if I choose Cluster - AT, it is actually not very effective in destroying tank clusters unless the submunitions hit the enemy vehicles accurately. Maybe the only solution is to increase the number and density of submunitions, as well as increase the explosive mass? In fact, I don't like such fabrication.
1 point
1 pointMe boy a bajar del barco por un tiempo ,tengo que mudar mi PC a Windows 10 y no se que resultará de este cambio, solo espero que no me de problemas. Esto es en lo que estaba trabajando, y mi tiempo para esto ya se cuenta en minutos en lugar de horas como en otros tiempos.
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