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Showing most liked content on 12/19/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    what you worried about? given the scale, it either missed or was a SAM for shooting at ants meanwhile, due the ongoing dispute along the Inner German Border the USAF has decided to terminate access to Deutscher Fernsehfunk. Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen programming will continue for the time being... (plain English for the non history nut: bye bye East Berlin TV tower)
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    mr nose gunner sir, could we maybe not wave at teh kids on the bus? yankee air pirates ruining the day
  5. 1 point
    Trying to improve the look... ...because currently I'm unable to shot down WW2 german fighters (parani FW-190D) using WW2 german rockets (post-war R4M to replace the Mighty Mice).
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Thank you very much as well!! merry xmas!!saved me buying 2 modules at dcs and having a real one like this. The beauty of sf2 is that you can fly ALL planes in ALL eras.. past, present and future, no pressing buttons and readying hours before takeoff, no expensive module buying, SF2 is my real go to when you want to just, fire up, take off, fly and complete your missions without worrying about avionics and systems, and the graphic , effects and map mods are FANTASTIC!!
  8. 1 point

    Version 2.1


    LTV A-7H Corsair II Modified A-7E for Greece without air-refuelling capability, 60 built. LTV A-7E Corsair II Ex USN 60 delivered. LTV TA-7H Corsair II Two-seat trainer version for Greece. 5 planes. LTV TA-7C Corsair II Two-seat trainer Ex USN 18 delivered. WHAT'S IN: - A-7H from DLC 22 with painted insignias - A-7E from DLC 22 with painted insignias + (1 extra skins). - TA-7H from TMF TA-7C remodded (2 skin). - TA-7C from TMF TA-7C remodded (3 skins). OPERATIONS: - Canopy Key=10 with auto closing - Wingfold Key=9 with auto closing - Fuel Probe Key=8 (only for TMF TA-7C/H) CREDITS: - TK for A-7E/H (DLC 22) - TMF (the Mirage Factory) for TA-7C, pilot, seat, tanks (repainted) - DaddyAirplanes for original skins reworked / restored - Paulopanz (me) for all the refit / modification / decals / skins done INSTALL: - You need DLC 22 to operate A-7E/H - for TA-7C you need my TA-7C pack here: - put Objects folder in your main mod folder and overwrite Enjoy. @paulopanz PS: this is for Acesfakia !


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