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Showing most liked content on 01/03/2025 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. 8 points
    Indeed, especially those of us on fixed incomes. I live in one of the hightest cost-of-living state in the USA. My Social Security check basically just pays the rent, which just went up $67. If it weren't for government (federal, state & city) assistance I wouldn't make it every month. Medical insurance (Meicare) is normally paid out of SocSec (approx $180 for me). California state pays that, along with 'food assistance' (EBT -- which just got lowered $25 because SocSec went up 30 odd $s). If it weren't for a small draw from my share of my mother's estate (she passed July 2021), I wouldn't be able to pay the rest of the bills. (car insurance, in one of the highest premium state in US, mabye even the world!), cell phone -can't live without that-; Cable which includes TV, internet and land line (specturm -- fucking expensive and I only have 1 premium channel, and that so I can get MAX streaming). Some that know will say "but what of your late wife's estate? (Pat also passed in 2021 -- on Christmas Eve. She'd been in hospital since May, on the first weekend of November, had a seizure and went into a vegitaive state coma --0 brainwaves-- the only thing working was her heart on machines for everything else. Her heart finally stopped 2am Dec 24). Well, she done fucked on that too; never had any sort of advance directive or Will, so EVERYTHING SHE EVER WORKED FOR IS LOST. What would have been a nice chunk of change from here 401k could have been split between me and her sister (7 figures). Well, that's gone with the fucking wind; nobody's ever gonna see that. To say nothing of sense of loss of you life partner of nearly 38 years and the mental stress that induces. I most DEFINATELY did NOT want to pay the "poor, poor pitiful me I'm broke card", but ... you folks have just pissed me off beyond all fucking reason. Yet you continue to have your own internet, as the posts here show, and complain on how you can't pay for even a 1-2 day shot at the downloads. You all need to look at yourselves first before pissing all over Combat Ace and those of us that have been here and supported the site, in my case for 20 years. edit: forgot to add more to this rant: This machine I'm typing from is from 2008. It's have 4 or 5 hard drives, at least 4 vid cards, and the Winge10 upgrade. If anything else goes wrong with it, that's beyond my ability to fix; gonna need a new one. And not just the machince, a monitor as new ones are HDMI, and a desk as this one won't accept the newer widescreen units. So, it's not just 2-4 thousand for a "this'll probably be the last computer I'll buy" but everything else that goes with it.
  3. 7 points
  4. 5 points
    Bristol Blenheim - 2-VLG-III, Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force, 1940
  5. 5 points
    Happy New Year, guys. Let's be reasonable and patient, and think once again over what Erik has decided to implement in order to keep CA alive. Having the possibility to choose between a 2-days, a monthly, a 6-month and an annual subscription is already good enough and actually gives good opportunities. I myself come from a poor country (as compared with the developed countries in the EU and USA) and know well the hardships that come with the lack of money (though not to the same extent as some of our fellow members). Paying a fee of USD 1.00 probably costs more than the fee itself, so to me that makes no sense. Also I think the above suggested payment per file size is not an option either. One who is having difficulties to spare USD 9.95 for a monthly subscription will hardly ever be able to spend USD 60-70 for a single mod. And the high quality mods are large in size. Those who can afford to spend USD 60-70 at once would most probably prefer to go for a 6-month subscription (USD 49.95). For me spending at once USD 89.95 for an annual subscription comes a bit steep, however I do intend to make use of the monthly subscription option. I have already purchased a monthly subscription as a start. There will be times when real life will be keeping me away from actually playing SF2 and paying for a subscription then would not be justified, but that is what the monthly subscription is for. Furthermore, those of us, who cannot afford a long-term subscrition, we need to consider - do we really need everything and all at once? High quality mods take time to be created. Everyone must wait weeks, months, even years for a desired mod to be shared, once the modder considers it ready. Some mods even never get finished and released for various reasons. That said, how hard could it be to wait a month or two more? Do we really need to have every mod right after it got uploaded? Is it better to never get a mod (simply because CA is no longer there) than wait a month, or two more knowing it is avavailable to get at CA as soon as one can afford to pay the subscription? No one is asking for a continuous subscription (though it would definitely help Erik a lot), so if one cannot spare USD 9.95 today, one could start saving and spare the money in 1, 2 or 3 months, as long as it takes. Buying a monthly subscription several times a year is a good solution and already a generous option that Erik is giving us. Let's be reasonable and patient. If PayPal is not an option for everyone and other convinient options exist, then adding these would be helpful to keep CA alive. The above of course is not intended for those who come here purely to get free stuff and do not care about CA and the little community we have. They will not change no matter what we write and actually I have nothing to say to them, they are not worthy of the attention. In fact I support anything that will stop such people from expoiting CA.
  6. 5 points
    that is true can you telll me how many of those are on the internet via computer and modem, let alone flight simming on non basic computers? my point on finances is that if you have the capability to play this game of ours, and to come to this website, you probably arent poverty stricken nor living off of a few USD equivelant a day
  7. 4 points
    Over Guernsey. (Battle of Britain 2 1960th terrain)
  8. 4 points
    Work on the Iberian Penninsula/NW Africa map rebuild from OP Pelayo is taking much longer than expected/anticipated. Due to recent events my motivational index has dropped into single digit territory. It's also a bit difficult to find 'what goes where' with respect to the various industires in Portugal, Spain, Morocco and Algeria. OTH, all the airports have been redone with deep details. All runways have been repaved and repainted (you can actually SEE the lines now!!) Rest assured I'll get back to it sometime as soon as the shitstorm passes. The Indian Air Force Fitter A's should be out next week
  9. 4 points
    thought you were going to pay me with pecorino romano...every 3 months. As you might know my position about paying a subscription. I would deliberately make the mod even bigger. I am not sure if everyone would be happy about it. And by the way...If paying by files... then another whining...example - This file - F-960 Silly Vengeance was here before for free...and everyone downloaded it for free....but only me has to pay! .... exactly. Had I known I would increase size of the files by bigger textures, and a few more models.... Amen. I am paying 39% tax ! lucky me. (just that everyone is complaining...so why not me. And I have 35cm of snow on the streets and no one is cleaning this..even if I am paying tax subscription) Everyone. Please read what Svetlin wrote in a few posts above. read again and then again. No one is saying to pay every month. It is not like there are tons of mods every week. Yes years before..But not anymore..At least for now. many modders will stay here. I will stay here (complying with a claim that some modders are part of IlluminCAti) And I will continue to upload only here... But I would be very angry if my files were being uploaded somewhere else. and now read again what Svetlin wrote... And amen to that too. my advance apologies to everyone else for replying to this comment: Fuck you.
  10. 4 points
    Me and pretty much all of the other modders here have never made a dime out of our own mods. I worked thousands of my own hours of life in order to produce several high quality freeware mods, always released for free for others to enjoy. Enjoy your ban. If I ever see other comments with such accusations to us modders, consider yourselves insta-banned.
  11. 4 points
    To those commenting, This thread has become large and difficult to read. I read everything posted here. Your suggestions are important and I welcome them. When I've done the homework you've all assigned me, I will have answers for you. My grandfather used to tell me, Erik you've done a lot of speaking, now is the time you listen. I will follow his guidance and get back to everyone as soon as I'm able. Thank you again for your suggestions. Erik
  12. 4 points
    joined the forums 4 years.Have paid the memdership before I understand is a hard choices. Runing a Website need a lots times and moneys.especially for a not big forums but have lots of data to maiantain.Advertising earnings rarely. but for the third world. 10usd per month not cheap,its fact. so why not get more opitons,like 0.99 per hour or 3.99 per week,not 6usd for 2 days.and why not use more payment methods.like alipay or others.In my country,paypal is not user-friandly. hope CA become better and better. if i solve the problems of my paypal.i will give a helping hand anyway.but have other payment method is better.
  13. 4 points
  14. 3 points
    Sorry to chime in on a discussion which I think has well and truly run its course. Personally, I think it's quite reasonable for the users of a website to contribute to its upkeep (just like car registration, fuel excise, land tax, council rates etc.). I also think it's quite considerate of the site to offer many subscription options. We're in the denial and anger stage at the moment, it will just take time for people to progress through to acceptance. Dels
  15. 3 points
  16. 3 points
    so everyone bitchin about it, pulling the income card, pulling the exchange rate card, answer me this: where are we going to read you bitch at when combatace.com goes 404? where will you be gathering to say what should have been done when the lights go down? you all seem to be the experts, so this would be useful to share
  17. 3 points
    I am really really really getting pissed off by now... Being European or from the US doesn't make us richer or more privileged than anybody else... Yes... income may SEEM higher, but so are all expenses... I am not gonna repeat myself in total, but I can say that I pay a subscription for CA despite the fact that I cannot afford it. A computergame and its mods are part of a hobby, if you can't afford it that's too bad but still no disaster. If life really sucks and dealt you a bad hand, I figure that you have other worries that are more pressing than financing your hobby. You have to give a little to take a little... Instead of going after 'you are richer, I am poorer' whining, read the first text which explain why we are at this point and go after the leeches with more than 1 account. And if you are on of these freeloaders... I already told you what you can do. Still seems to me that a subscription model is the best and easiest way to go... things do not need to be more complicated and costly than it already is.
  18. 3 points
    Possible solutions that I would implement, and some of them I already implement on my website: 1 - In order to download, a new member would have to have X (days, weeks?) registered for this function to be released and he would have to introduce himself in a new members' thread created specifically for this purpose. The result of this is that it would end (or would MUCH reduce) the number of people cheating and creating new profiles to bypass the download limit. 2 - I play other games, like Assetto Corsa for example, and there are countless sites for downloading mods. Almost all of them direct you to download the mod from an external repository like ModsFire.com (example image attached). I'll be honest in saying that I don't know exactly how it works, but perhaps if we used this to host mods from now on it would reduce the amount of space and bandwidth needed. And as time goes by, we should upload old mods to these platforms as well (it would be a great opportunity for modders to take advantage of this and update their mods to make them even more attractive). The effect of this will not be immediate, but the tendency if we adopt these solutions is to use less and less bandwidth and storage and Erik will have fewer and fewer or almost zero bills to pay. 3 - Maybe we should show the world that we exist and bring in people who don't even know SF2. Make videos on YT about the mods, create a CombatAce - SF2 community channel allowing anyone who wants to contribute and the monetization of the videos would be directed to cover the costs. Continuing with subscriptions could be valid, those who subscribed would have advantages, such as exclusivity in new mods such as early access, perhaps a review of the prices would be good (I'm not going to cry about my conditions, things are the way they are, when I can pay, I will, when I can't, I won't and we move on). At the moment, my insights are these. What I know is that although the measure taken is well-founded and fair, it may have been poorly implemented and generated the chaos we are seeing. If we continue like this, the result will be that many modders will leave here, upload their mods to other platforms (like the ones I mentioned above, for example), and this will become a "select club" with no new members, until CombatAce inevitably succumbs because the subscriptions of old members will not be able to cope with the huge amount of mods that are already hosted.
  19. 3 points
    Hi Erik, comment and suggestion from a 'taker'. First bear in mind that I know squat about running a web site and that, before your explainations, I had very little idea (if any) about the cost of it. I am not a rich man (not even close), but I leave in a safe and reasonably comfortable country (except for the weather), I have a roof over my head and food in my plate everyday, and I have a computer. So I cannot complain and, although I rarely have £50 left at the end of the month, I could probably part with a tenner once in a while. However I do not doubt that some people struggle much harder and see even $7 as quite a significant amount of money. I also agree that nothing can justify that you alone have to pay for everything, and asking the community for some contribution is only fair. And I also understand that, if volontary contributions do not cover your expenses, you have to change policy. But something seems a bit weird, and possibly unfair, to me: someone who just wants a small file (some gadget or eye candy) and does not plan to download anything else for some days will pay the same as someone who downloads ODS (pretty much a full new game). So, as alexduck511 suggested, I think it would be interesting to have more payment otpions. I don't know how feasible it is (if at all) but why not have the options to buy individual file, priced according to the size, without a subscription. For example, for any file up to 10MB you could charge $1, then add 10 cents per extra MB (these values mean that a 70MB file will cost more than a 2 days subscription). Examples: If someone wants EricJ's Tunguska (6MB) and Gepard's Panzerpack (5MB), that'll cost 1 + 1 = $2 - quite affordable. If someone want the 3 vol. of yakarov79's Cold East Ground Objects (214MB, 385MB, 75MB), that'll be 21.4 + 38.5 + 7.5 = $67.4 - much more than one month subscription. Again, I don't know how feasible that would be and wether it would be worth the trouble for you (and it may also depend on how Paypal charges you for the transactions). However, that should solve the problem of multiple accounts which, according to the figures you gave, is indeed a disgrace. It may also allow some people to spread their expenses. Sorry alexduck511, I'm well aware that wouldn't solve your Paypal problem. Happy New Year everyone! Franck
  20. 3 points
    @Erik thank you for your words and your serenity before the avalanche of visceral reactions, your attitude has been humble and appropriate, so it is appreciated to be an attentive host despite the situation that you are revealing. As my interest is that we get out of this turbulence I propose that we start this year with a new theme which is intended exclusively to work on actions that lead to CA to its self-sustainability, that this is scalable and does not depend only on charity or economic streak of its members. Personally I would like to develop in detail the points that I exposed comments above and that we leave aside for a while the blueprints, 3dmax and brushes and use our work skills to make the numbers that the site needs and launch a roadmap of how the site will be planted facing new times, I have thought of many things like promotions, social networking, contests and marketing strategies to bring new enthusiasts who have desirable material in exchange for a fair economic contribution (and incidentally educate that life is not just want, I want). ... anyway 20 people won't sustain this site for long, what do you say, do you support me? @Muesli @yakarov79 @bazillius @Eric J. @Wrench @FANATIC MODDER @madvad @Dave @dtmdragon @Stratos @MigBuster @daddyairplanes @Jimbib ...and others that are reading. let's soar or fall in style !!!! but the attempt is up to each of you.
  21. 3 points
    Just noticed the changes recently. Thanks for all the good times. Hope the party ain't over. Nobody out there has done more over the years.
  22. 3 points
    First and foremost, I want to wish everyone on this site a happy 2025. I truly appreciate you all and hope this year brings success to your lives. Secondly, there's a lot to say, so I apologize in advance if this is lengthy. I prefer to express my viewpoint fully in one context, rather than diluting the same idea in parts and repeating myself. Where I come from, there's a saying that goes, "Politeness doesn't take away from courage," and that's where I'll share my thoughts on this matter... In over 20 years of visiting forums, I've seen that arrogance and a lack of empathy are terrible moderators. When I read Erik's post, my first thought was, "He's absolutely right, but this will upset those who have contributed," and I didn't comment until I saw if all viewpoints would be treated with respect and empathy in a place where the average age is probably around 35, meaning adults with common sense. Well, I was right... (in my opinion) the problem of discontent is due to the fact that for CA to be what it is today, it has taken 20 years with a handful of users who contributed for free to a site that admitted them for free, in a symbiotic relationship of collaboration (some with little, some with a lot, but everyone has added something) and to unilaterally decide that those who have contributed content to the site should now be forced to pay a subscription overnight is completely logical to generate, at the very least, annoyance. (And here I want you to understand my argument very well): the reasons Erik gives are very sensible, but the solution could have more common sense and could have taken things more calmly. According to what I've read, the problem lies in the maintenance costs, caused by the exponential growth of user accounts that download large amounts of content. But is that the core issue? Isn't it more about monetary resources? And who's causing this content flood? The ones who have been around for 15 years? Or the new users...? If you think about it, who's been around for so long already they've probably downloaded everything they wanted during that time. The problem is the new users who want to catch up in a week and the famous "I want" crowd that doesn't even use common sense in their forum posts. Are they really going to question whether multiplying their accounts is harmful to the site...? I came from Checksix and Column.us, and that's where I found this amazing place. I'm sure that if there had been a subscription when I arrived here, CA wouldn't be what it is today, because there are talented people who wouldn't pay anything because they have other priorities, and yet they don't have any problem sharing their talent in exchange for a 'like', feeling part of a collaborative group, or simply for personal growth. I'm also disturbed by the lack of empathy from some users. We've been part of this community for years, and it's disheartening to see people resort to attacks when faced with different opinions. I greatly appreciate everyone's contributions, but let's remember that we're all human beings first. While this platform may not solve world hunger, it provides a valuable escape for many who face challenges in their daily lives. Some live in areas without reliable electricity 24 hours, others in conflict zones, and still others deal with chronic illnesses. This community offers a much-needed distraction. The cost of the subscription is also a concern. It's important to remember that people's financial situations vary greatly. Some may have already established themselves, while others are still building their lives. If everyone is expected to pay, we should reconsider the values of this community. The focus should be on finding sustainable solutions rather than criticizing those who can't afford it. In my children's school, we encourage cooperation and inclusivity. If a child can't afford a field trip, we find ways to help them participate. That's what community is all about. If you don't share these values, at least try to be respectful.
  23. 2 points
    Yeah fair enough, but bazillus is saying it's 7%, and I don't expect inflation to go down anyway, but it's not 7%, so got it.
  24. 2 points
    not to get into a political discussion but inflation is CURRENTLY at 2.75% all the previous increases are stacked, the last few years worth of high inflation didn't go away. so yeah inflation is lower now but it's still increasing and nothing happened to lower the prices from the years of massive inflation that bloated prices for just about everything. bad energy policy, the pandemic and so many missteps in economic regulation led to the increase the last couple years. Only recently has the increases stabilized but nothing has reduced as of yet. I'm paying massively higher prices today for groceries than I did a couple years ago and nothing short of an economic boom and deregulation in some areas will change that.
  25. 2 points
    I'll tell you the joke... but in exchange talk to me internally so that the modders and the old ones who are very hard (but deep down they are very tender) can read what we talked about above and give their opinion without getting lost in this ping-pong. The joke is that at some point FB through 2 profiles were hated here because subscribers published CA material without consent ... I was there so I can attest that it was real but they were not former members but newbies who either did not know the rules or did not respect or his mother ... anyway, then it was solved, a little external relations and today the atmosphere is calmer.
  26. 2 points
    What other suggestion? And it also works for Erik. You can make additional packages in special seasons. Like the Gift Bomber that a modder made, where there's a tornado throwing gifts. And with that special offers. For example, with each registration, a free Christmas template or bonus. They could also hold competitions between members in SF2 online. This would work.
  27. 2 points
  28. 2 points
    I was offensive to Muesli and I think he was saying offensive to you Bazillius. It's just that I thought he was talking to me, because the answer he highlighted sounded very similar to what I wrote.
  29. 2 points
  30. 2 points
    https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,73438.msg797978.html#msg797978 Still some work needed
  31. 1 point
    i'll put it in simpler terms. a loaf of bread cost me 47 cents pre pandemic. today, if i go to one store thats way out of my way its 99 cents. otherwise the exact same generic store brand that was $0.47 has stabilzed at $1.48 $400 grocery budget used to get a couple of nice home cook meals, one dine out and one fast food meal and then 3 weeks regular home cook meals for a family of 4. Now we only dine out anything if we get a special from T-mobile and any nice meals (Bdays, Thanksgiving, Easter etc) need extra money in the food budget. your average American is seemingly way richer than 75% of the rest of the globe. but we also pay way the hell more for almost everything than the rest of the world. so we yankees actually do feel financial stress too
  32. 1 point
    Hi Svetlin, Your point is absolutely right. But I was not suggesting to replace the subscription system. I was just saying that adding a payment per file option could be usefull fore some. My examples were meant to show that is you only want a small file you can afford it right away, but is you want a big mod, a subscription is a much better option. That was just an idea, and I agree that the extra charge for a $1 payment might defeat the purpose. Cheers Franck
  33. 1 point
    Of course, my income can allow me to pay these dozen dollars, but I think the website should also provide corresponding high-quality services? And I think this will cause many creators to leave. I think it is a better way to make high-quality campaign MODs and charge for them, just like the previous Desert Storm MOD. And I paid for the Desert Storm MOD. If such a high-quality MOD can be provided, I am willing to pay for the part that I am interested in.
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Erik, what do you think of what I suggested for Peace Puma? Here in a community that participated in Nintendinho, the tournaments always generated more attractions and attracted attention. Then for the winners, you can make offers on the package or offer one bonus or another. Oh, I don't know how it would work. I am going to sleep now. More time. I apologize to Muesli. I thought you were my Fuck.
  36. 1 point
    Friend. And this question goes to Erik. Can you tell me, besides me, how many foreigners there are on the site. Because then I see which community on Facebook I promote. I participate in some foreign communities.
  37. 1 point
    Friend, keep calm... this is like a developing news story. We need to think about what to do. Neither my $10 nor the other person's $160 will solve a debt instantly, because this needs to be constant. That's why I'm suggesting ways where the lack of money can be compensated with new, interesting, and attractive material for enthusiasts who do have their $10 to get your MiG-29 UB or a skin for the new Argentine F-16... You have very interesting things on your profile, that can add value to the site without putting your wallet at risk, guys... I'm not just a pretty face (ahem... ahem), apart from painting skins for endless 2 weeks (which I think it's advisable to release now), I'm also a salesman and this place is very financiable if we all work on it... I want to make it super clear, I'm not some kind of communist, (and I'm very far from it) but I do believe in the common union of people and that's powerful... the rest is just simple political discourse, here we make sense of the essence of collaboration. If you're following my idea, this transcends the fee that Erick has to pay annually, this can be a place that can contribute to a friend in need, no one is free from misfortune and we can empower ourselves to help a brother... but we must be intelligent and put our talents to work. So, friend @bazillius, take a deep breath, I also exploded for 30 seconds, but then you have to open your mind and most importantly you have to let your guard down.
  38. 1 point
    Friend. I'm sorry. I thought you were writing to me. I got confused. Please disregard my answer where I explain that I am not trying to change anything.
  39. 1 point
    i just say from my position. i will not pay $10 per month. i dont know what to do. How live SAS iL-2 site? How live Falcon BMS? May be we need sponsors. let someone most clever, find it. I dont know what to do. In our country everything works on donations now. Food for refugees is bought with donations, weapons are bought with donations. Cutting off the poor from the site will definitely not increase the site's income. That's what I think. This is my personal opinion. Try it if you want. If a person cannot pay, he still will not pay. And paying to upload a modification to the site is nonsense. Let's make ratings, as PeacePumab said. This is a bad decision, but it is better than completely cutting off all free mod makers.
  40. 1 point
    you know what, ffs .... Erik, just start askin em what ice is......
  41. 1 point
    Thank you for your input and gracious reply. I too agree that kindness and politeness go a long way, so thank you for that. I hear what you're saying in both posts and appreciate your views. I will add your thoughts to the future release. Thank you, Erik
  42. 1 point
    Gifting sounds like a good way to do it, but I won't as once word gets out people (a lot of people) will ask for it, and while I'm not hurting on finances, it isn't infinite, and I have to pay bills too. And some people will get mad when told no, so it's up to the person if he/she wants to do it for other people. But other than that either don't, or do get a subscription, and like Nyghtfall said, and my personal opinion of the whining about this situation. It's not Erik's fault (but was his choice) to go this route. Had people not abused the system, he probably would have (or not) done this anyway.
  43. 1 point
    Hey there, first thing I want to mention is that in my opinion the arrogance and rudeness of some people in this discussion is disgusting. Some people here are godlike and that is nothing new. To bad... Nevertheless, Erik has a valid point. Servers have running costs and someone has to pay for it. If having an active subscription is the way to go to solve the costs-issue, than be it. It's his wallet - his money, his rules. But as this community is from all over the world, of course some people get problems now on how to pay the subscription. Maybe it's not the golden idea, but would it be technically possible so gift a subscription to anyone? It could at least be a short-term solution for some people out there. P.S. I made s subscription...I hope that helps a bit.
  44. 1 point
    Thank you. The Modders in this community have always stood up and put their shoulder behind this place when we've needed it. I owe them a huge debt and amount of gratitude. It's one of the reasons I don't complain about finances, and try the best I can, to quietly maintain things in the background. Sincerely, thank you guys. Please take a bow for all you've done throughout the years. You deserve applause and appreciation. @logan4 you own the spotlight sir, center stage please. It is unfortunate but everything has gone up in price, even what do here. What used to cost us $400 a month 20 years ago has increased yearly to our current state. Everything has gone up and I mean everything. The cost to have the books and taxes done for the site has doubled since I first started. Our licensing and support for our forum software has doubled. Not to mention we've been running outdated forum software because our Apache distro is outdated but I can't upgrade the LAMP stack without new gear, it's a never-ending battle. Licensing for our domain names has gone up 35%. Licensing for hosting software has gone up. The cost we pay to PayPal for every transaction has gone up. The servers have been at contractual rates for 24-month clips, but they go up with every new contract. We're working on the 12th renewal now due to be signed by the 15th. Our delivery costs have gone up 46% while growing in volume. Even electricity has gone up. If we broke even every month I'd pass out. Let's not forget I'm also forced to look at a $3000 - $4000 hardware upgrade because our gear is old and tired. I'm surprised the old girls have lasted this long if the truth be known. The amount of abuse these machines take is insane. I'm sure you've noticed the sluggish response when making form posts? That's our MySQL database machine just choking on the size of our database after 23 years. So, the bills aside I've been agonizing over the equipment for years just praying it hangs in there. On the plus side we don't have any money to keep track of, so our banking fees are non-existent besides the PayPal fees. Another good thing is my hips are still in decent shape because I don't have a fat wallet to carry around. I prefer to end on a positive note, so I'm going to leave it there. Erik
  45. 1 point
    Hello everyone, It have been a great new year day and eventualy got a chance to work on mods today; This time I am re-working on the optional accessiblity system to make more noticable and can be noticed easily. When switching to IRM, the inner circle will appear as red. And when lock is achieved, it will move to enemy aircraft telling that IRM is ready. Any thoughts on the new system? I am applying it on the rest of aircraft for next alpha version of mod. Eagle114th
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    While I admittedly didn't see it myself, I have a paid subscription so it as it says won't affect me. Got to pay money to get them thar downloads now. Which in effect removes the need for people to create multiple accounts to circumvent the rule.
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
    Now it has its own shark mouth decal, it looks better.


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