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Showing most liked content on 02/28/2025 in all areas

  1. 13 points
    already done GAR-3A (AIM-4F) early and late version GAR-4A (AIM-4G)
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    The link is to a site which is dedicated to the east german fighter bomber squadron JBG-37, which used the MiG-23BN and earlier the MiG-17F fighter bomber. If you go to the page you will see the use of MBD-2-67U quad rack with 4 bombs and on the bottom of this page you see the nuclear weapon pylon, which was intended for RN-40 A-bomb. Other links on the page are to the gun, the unguided rockets (in pods and the big S-24 with the special launch rail for this rocket) and the Kh-23 guided missile. Simply click through this site, it has a lot of good photos. For the MiG-23 fighters i must look in my archive, whether i have some good photos of the armament or not.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Thanks, but how odd, really... There must be a practical reason for this "upside down" thing, but I just cannot think of any good one right now. Oh, well, that will be an interesting detail for Ravenclaw to replicate in his models
  6. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a visual (only) improvement of the F3H Demons cockpits. I offer a visual (only to improve the look) improvement "as is" based on photos and other data (in fact, this aircraft had different panels in different versions, radars etc., so this topic actually requires deep development). What's inside: 1. Improved central panel texture 2. Improved radar texture Installation: 1. Make a backup of your files 2. Delete (!!) your cockpit and avionics files, as well as your Cockpit folder (all mod panels in JPG format) 3. Place the Cockpit folder cockpit and avionics files in your aircraft folders (check the names if necessary, rename the cockpit and avionics files to your names (look at the names in your backup) Thanks: Foxmonter ........................ F3H-2M Demon ChampionsVA56 .................... F3H-2M Ultimate Pack F3H here:
  7. 1 point
    Helloe everyone, The F8Us / F-8s Crusader have new working gunsights. Eagle114th
  8. 1 point
    A-4 Skyhawk have working new gunsight: Eagle114th
  9. 1 point
    Hi Volks, Hi Eagle114th, i'm also tweak with some Avionics and Radar Screens since years. Specialy F-4, A-6, Tomcat and F/A-18C. I want to upload it as my own, but these great Mod is worth to bring all the stuff together! F-4B eary Radarscreen F-4C Early F-C 67
  10. 1 point
    Hello everyone! Surprisely it did not take me that long time to re-work on the gunsight and I realy like this system very much. Fromn now on, I will be using 512 x 512 for all gunsight and use it to create various gunsight in differensize in MILs while the image itself remaind the same size. By using maths to calculate the location of the MILs for each section of gunsight, the edge of 512 x 512 is 150 MILs. NOTE: For in-game, the gunsight is set to 150 MILs, For example, for A-1C gusnight, whch is 50 MILs, using 150 MILs image (512 x 512), and in-game, by usiign 150 MILs, will show up as 50 MILs. I hope i make sense toy ou. This, in my opinion works better than re-adjusting MILs for differnt images in differen texture size. That way, all gunsight have the same qquality as each other without having some gunisght hat is higher in quality while some lower quality. Anyway, this wil give you an idea how I set up template to draw the gunsights: What you wills ee is red lines for position from center to corner of texture border, which gives me 45 degree. There are three circles: 25 / 50 / 100 MILs ANd youc an see how Mark 8 gunsight is made: NOTE: I am using both flight manual and the photo of gunsight recticle to as reference while using the template to create gunsights accurately as possible. Which results in this: What I didnot realize before is that the line from Mark 8 actualy start from 25 MILs and end at 150 MILs. That is so interesting! However, I am very hapy with the result of re-worked gunsight for all aircraft in the current version of SF2 - CAP v0.3 and the next version wil start using the new gunsight / optical sight system. Note you wil see each gunsight being correctly scaled according to gunsight they were designed for. Except for radar gunsight, due to SF2 not having moving gunsight in circule ways, like A-1C and A-4, so they are made in 50 MILs. Mark 20 Mod 4 Mark 11 Mod 1 (This image includes boht caged and computing leading gunsight) Mark 11 Mod 7 (This image includes boht caged and computing leading gunsight) N-9 (Unique version for F-89D) Unknown gunsight type - A-4 Skyhawk Unknown gunsight type - F-106 Delta Dart ASP-3N (MiG-15s and MiG-17s) I am now back workong on Mark 18 Gunsight for F-86s, along with A-1C and A-4 radar gunsights. Cheers!
  11. 1 point
    Smart work on the updated one!


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