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2 points
2 pointsThank you all for the posts and replies. Sorry for the bugs, looks like there always is something to fix. Once we have gathered a number of issues and fixed them we will release an updated version. The "white information text" on the screen is the DEBUG we use while working and editing the game. We forgot to switch it off, sorry. But you can easily make it disappear by pressing the NumPad "." key (also CANC/DEL) in the right side of the keyboard. That will cycle 4 modes (ON/OFF/partial/no pop-ups). Otherwise, you can also edit the HUDData file inside the FLIGHR folder. See the picture below. As for the exploding planes and CTDs, YAP RW (as the original YAP3 was) is not designed to play random missions, but only to be played within the inluded, manually edited missions. As far as we know, those issues happen because if you try to generate a random misson, the game engine looks for objects which are not included in the package and then crashes. Exploding planes are also caused by the game, which puts an aircraft over another on the runway, making them crash before starting. If the mission starts in the middle of the jungle or just nowhere, is because in YAP there are many more "airfields" than in the stock game, but some of them are fake. They are in fact cities and this trick was made to make them light up at night and enhance the night experience. As you can see, there are a few restrictions, caused by the fact that the 1st and the 2nd Gen of the game are not fully compatible, but if you just play the 102 included missions you'll be fine. Tha's why we also obscured the "Campaign" button, which also caused the game to crash. Thanks.
2 pointstonights installment is quite a bit of a rehash, calling back on one of the original SF2 mods for the Phantom i just added abit more flair to it, as i tend to do
2 points
1 pointMany aviation historians wonder what happened to the soviet Spitfires...
1 pointHello Lex2Limit, Your works are impressive! I like what you do with the radar and gunisght. I have some feedback adn suggestion; I think that the optical sight could be bit bigger. From the docunment, the 'fixed' circular is about 70 MIls diameter or 35 MILs radius. And the roll reference (vertical lines outside the fixed circular sight) is a bit longer compared to the pitch refernece (Two horizontal lines). Here is two images with SOS (Served Optical Sight). By the way, I am looking forward tsting SF2 with your new F-4D avionics overhaul. I will be releasing my version in about a week or two, still have a lot to do with various F-4s. It is a very fun project! Cheers!
1 point
1 pointNice Work!! i Play with some F-4J tweaks: RadarScreen early with Grid and Old Gunsight. Later Without Grid and New Gunsight. i'm not sure if this is correct but i see some Picture frome the new F-4J pit whre the Radar Screen is i little bit on the right (we don't have this pit in SF2 ) there s no grid and da Glass is a little bit pulpy.
1 pointHello everyone, I am still puzzled by the issues with both GunsightName / AGGunsightName and GunsightRollTabsName. What I am trying to do is to have GunsightRollTabsName only enabled for GunsightName, while not being tied to AGGunsightName when switching to rockets / bombs with depressed sights: Here is codes I have in F-4S_Cockpit.ini: When using air to air weapons, the pitch / roll reference looks just right (roll tabs), as well the range bar (when lock on target by radar) But when switcing to rockets / bombs, this hapens: I would like to request for the advice to workaround this issues. I have tried experimenting another ways with [HUD] to replace roll tabs (HUD_ATTITUDEBARS and HUD_BANKINDICATOR), but they do not stay with the fixed sight, so I am stuck with this situations at the moment. Thank you adn I wish everyone a great day! Cheers Eagle114th
1 point
1 pointtonight on The 10th Kingdom..... damn still wrong series
1 point
Version 0.90
Sundowner's EF-4C Phantom II, Wild Weasel IV this mod represents the F-4Cs that were modified to perform the Wild Weasel mission in the very early 1970s as they flew over Vietnam, then after Vietnam and into the beginning of the 1980s with the Indiana Air National Guard Included Three complete aircraft highlighting the Vietnam, post Nam and Indiana Air Guard era's of this aircrafts career Credits Sundowner 2 new EF-4C model with all relevant parts built in, new F-4_MER rack daddyairplanes research, new skins and decals. ini edits unknown author who did the original 67th TFS decals. i used roughly half of them, but neither Sundowner nor Wrench can recall who's they originally were cSomers611, nightshadeP/R test team a special thanks to Nyghtfall: my original request was for a new fakepilot model similar to the original mod Nyghtfall came through in spades with a beautiful fake pilot model. The same day he sent that to me however, Sundowner sent a full up model with all parts including the permanent strike cam in the Sparrow bay. While I went with Sundowners approach instead, i still highly appreciate Nyghtfall taking the time to assist my original request. Instructions unzip, unload contents of "2 Mod folder" into mod folder of your choice. **********************NOTE******************************************* This is Sundowner's model, and as such it is not part of the CA Freeware Agreement. You may not use this model for anything other than your personal use without express permission from Sundowner ********************************************************************* i hope you enjoy this mod as much as i enjoyed creating it Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 10 Mar 2025 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* -
1 point
1 point
Version 1.0.0
This is a visual (only) improvement of the F3H Demons cockpits. I offer a visual (only to improve the look) improvement "as is" based on photos and other data (in fact, this aircraft had different panels in different versions, radars etc., so this topic actually requires deep development). What's inside: 1. Improved central panel texture 2. Improved radar texture Installation: 1. Make a backup of your files 2. Delete (!!) your cockpit and avionics files, as well as your Cockpit folder (all mod panels in JPG format) 3. Place the Cockpit folder cockpit and avionics files in your aircraft folders (check the names if necessary, rename the cockpit and avionics files to your names (look at the names in your backup) Thanks: Foxmonter ........................ F3H-2M Demon ChampionsVA56 .................... F3H-2M Ultimate Pack F3H here: -
1 pointagain, sometime you gotta make your own patches
1 pointAlthough I am not entirely at liberty to release this...as it is based on a joint venture project also, I would prefer first, to finish the cockpit for it (and other zippers)... and some mingling with TMF... the new cockpit would be a challenge - and I have already a lot of challenges at the moment...so this is a very slow-cook project. and my very old project...somewhere I mentioned that I work on something with a name containing F and 8...(not F-8) Stary made a cockpit so in that matter it is "easy peasy" I also started Drakken a long time ago...but other more interesting projects came by then. Although I get past the wing section already.. But those are not 2-week projects. So if someone is in a hurry for a new model... I do not know how others work, but for me, every model is becoming very personal, I really need to read whatever books are available on aircraft ( which means sometimes I need to ask a lot of favors from family and friends to go "dig in old books" purchase and ship it to my place. Not to mention getting manuals and reading them back-to-back to understand how it all works when building a cockpit model. Then It is a pure pleasure to work on a model. Yes, you can buy a ready model (or download it free) and bing-bong-ta-da-dum export it for game standards. But this is not the same. And I always hope that the end user (player) will see the difference. live long and prosper.
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