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logan4 last won the day on December 3 2019

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About logan4

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  1. Thank you very much the quick answer Erik. Will check the PM too. I know we need them and occasionally these do have some usable things in them. That company should hire some people who actually use websites and not just create contents, so functionality/usability is actually works as desired by endusers. Or just have proper quality department so they not need to do 650+updates, etc. Just my 2 cents. Thanks!
  2. Hello Erik, Not sure if it is my rig or not, the last few days I'm getting advertisements pop up on random places. From today's "show" I got the following two. First is from the SF2 submenu group (I hiden the ads so content is not problem, the place it popped up): even stranger that not every time have this shown up, its random, but got it twice in 4 tries either by selecting the subgroup from the forum page or selecting from the clickable adress route on top (going back from a lower page). The next I run into a few days ago, and today checked if still exisits for me. In the download section when you go to the newest sf2 red edition pack, the page has 8 ads populating the text enviroment of the page. Thanks in advance your opinion on it.
  3. This link has an old video showing the Shafrir2 with some close ups. mostly from 0:20-1:20 and after 2:10. https://cutt.ly/IekY39KF
  4. Yes, you may Sorry for the delay in reacting, just saw this thread.
  5. If you look at the labels under the counter then you will see that it shows the correct value as scale 0,1LBS means *10. So nothing wrong there....only expectations. Also there is a difference between the stock and the TMF pit, TMF pit uses left side counter with 0,1LBS scale for internal fuel ammount, the right side counter to show the external fuel ammount with LBS scale 1=1, the stock shows internal volume for the right/rear tanks. In case you want to see all 5 digits then in the _cockpit.ini: [TotalFuelCounter] Type=TOTAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR CounterNodeFormat=fuel_dig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=LB Scale=0.1 <-------- remove this entire line
  6. Welcome to the club Bartleby... I would advice you to read trough the SF1/SF2 knowledge base and the mod & skining discussion threads, you will find how you can look at things and much-much more. Beside the above, download Mue's LODViewer which will enable you to see polycounts and how the models are structured, animations, etc. ------------------------------ Back to topic... Since young age I was scale modelling, then mid 90's I was overseas in the US and brought a package of 8 flight sims in a box, these required still to be run from MS-dos. In the early 2000-s run into Jane's IAF and USAF. In those years one of the gaming magasines had a copy of Stike Fighters Project1 included in its monthly issue. Played it trough several times, but I did miss the ability to jump from one airplane to the next like in the Jane's simulators to finish the objectives. Later on as the SF titles come out sooner or later brought them and strated to play with them more. Then run into the CA and Column5 sites and saw other birds could be built and added, so I thought, if nothing else than I can make some of my airplanes from what I'd drawn between 1990-2005 (215+ with 5 views) to be part of the game and fly them around. So started to fiddle with G-max, from there got deeper and deeper into making different objects, weapons, skins, etc. Later I only got SF2 when I had a new rig that I thought would be able to run all my siming titles and some of the shooters I played back in the days.
  7. In the AC_data.ini remove the "AHM" entries from stationID 18 and 19, thats what causes 4 amraams to show up. In the loadout.ini change Loadout[18].WeaponType=AIM-120C-5 ----> Loadout[20] Loadout[18].Quantity=1 ----> Loadout[20] Loadout[19].WeaponType=AIM-120C-5 ----> Loadout[21] Loadout[19].Quantity=1 ----> Loadout[20] As those are your AHM only stations. Alternatively remove stations 20/21 and have the ahm on station18/19 with the IRM-s Side note: loadlimit 3500kg is a bit unrealistic for a 500kg type pylon with IRM/AHM loads... Side note2: stationID8/9 seem to be none existent in yout data.ini, also keep in mind that the stationID-s should be seqential, not 1,28,2,3,5,6,7,10,11,etc
  8. Gentlemen.. please not argue on things its not worth of.. beside each of you are correct from your own standpoints, so its a draw... One thing about the F18pit was - by the way - it had dials for 2 engines so was easier to test things out. A dedicated pit was started for these birds - as can be read few post above about its "notion". Please sit back, enjoy gaming, it will come as soon can be done and as RL allows..
  9. "Its been 3 years dude" I can understand you frustration about time. I can assure you he is quite bussy with several projects that will bring several aircraft to this game as time allows. All of us working man and woman and do this in spare time. An other thing... "dude" is used for people whom know each other. Unless you are palls, this is out of manners.. Get yourself stright.. Third, if you have read through the "community most wanted" topic, then you would have a close enough answer there too to your question..
  10. Those are the actual pivot point locations, these only visible when you work on the model in blender. We link the meshes to each other (parent/child), and animate the required meshes (strouts, airbrakes, canopy, etc), - not rigging like for a movie or such - and we place the pivots of the mesh to the rotation point we want/need. Or I misunderstood something.
  11. If you look at the Mirage4000 pits there is a simple variant of that kind of displaying, could show the basics. I got more sophisticated ones also, but those aren't released yet with their birds. There are various ways to show things and also depend on the weapon stations too, if they have single or multiple munition type load abilities.
  12. In Blender you select the mesh on the right side in the sceene tree, and in the upper bar would show up the different counts, tris, faces, etc. (marked them with blue on the pic)
  13. There are limitations for sure that will cause issues and to a degree I would go with depend on the shape. I have mesh that has only 2.1k faces and had issue with its shadow showing up properly or at all. Also the TW exporter has issue with meshes over 5k poly, it will either crash or might make the export (depend on how much it is over that number). If made the lod, in game most likely the mesh will not be visible. The blender exporter will make the lod but, if I good remember will not show in game.
  14. There could be several factors. Also you exporting it from 3dsmax or blender? First things to look at: - correct lod name call-out in AC.ini file - if any or more mesh has more than 5k vertices themselves (not combined count, individual meshes)
  15. RussoUk's tutorial is good in the knowledge base: Don't forget you do vertex animation not poly or mesh... --------------- As for the pit problem, if you have flipped faces then you should make them face correctly. If not solves, send me over in PM then I can try to take a look at it, might be material or other settings issue.

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