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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Mirage 5P-4

      Mirage 5P-4 Peruvian Air Force
      Need DLC Mirage 5BA.
      Export version of the Mirage 5 for Peru; 22 built.
      Mirage 5P4 : Upgraded aircraft for Peru; two built new plus upgraded older aircraft.
      Model: TK
      Texture: Denis Oliveira
      Original Skins: ghostrider883
      3D mod: Denis Oliveira
      UserList and Decals: paulopanz


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    2. F-14 Menu Screens, Speech and Menu Music Mod.

      F-14 Menu Screens, Speech and Menu Music Mod. v1.0
      For SF2:(Any) Series and or Mods addons.
      By Spectre8750
      This is a set of F-14 Screens plus Navy Speech edited to sound
      as through a Radio set. Music is Chopped and looped Ace Combat 6
      Themed selections.
      Just drop the Folders into any SF2 Series Stock or Modded Game
      root Directory. Choose one of three Mainscreens and rename to
      Hope you Enjoy


         (4 reviews)



    3. Udet Rescue Bouy and S7-S13 Class E-boat for SF2 WW2 Battle of Britain Installs

      "Udet-Seenotbojen" or Udet Rescue Bouy and S7-S13 Class E-boat for SF2 WW2 Battle of Britain Installs
      To install, copy the included Objects, Effects, Missions and Sound folders into your MOD folder and make the INI file edits described below. If you already have an E-boat in your ground objects, back it up. If you don't want a high poly E-boat model, maybe just install the Udet-bouy. Tested in a WW2 Install based on SFNA patched to June 2012 Level. You can also slip the E-boat into your Euro WWII as it is a ground object, same goes for the Udet-bouy but you will not be able to use the custom Target placement as this has been written for the Battle of Britain Terrain.
      All users should be prepared for longer load times as the E-boat model weighs-in at around 5.6 MB despite my poly-crunching and pruning -- the original was MUCH bigger this! If you want a smaller model, try copying and renaming LOD2 to LOD1 -- you will be missing crew, dingies and torpedos but have a smaller, but still big, file.
      Talking of the original, the base model that I've imported into SF2 is a fantastic 3DS Max model by Alvaro Alves of De Espona 3D Models and is released as a creation here under a Royalty Free License. The version here is very heavily edited and with mostly new textures.
      The Udet-bouy is my own creation.
      This started out as a small project to learn 3DS Max by making a low poly Udet-bouy but it kind of got out of control! So, a LOT of work for such a little object and it's big brother but worth it I think. If you're a 109 pilot with a damaged engine limping back to France, try a belly landing next to an Udet-bojen and then swim for it!
      Hope you like it,
      Steve T.
      February 2014


         (4 reviews)



    4. SF2 WW2 French Navy Aircraft and Ships Pak

      SF2 WW2 French Navy Aircraft and Ships Pak 2/16/2014
      = For SF2 (Full 5 Merged REQIRED!)
      **This mod -WILL NOT- work in 1stGen game installs. It's designed for the the SF2NA environment**
      This is a VERY odd package, probably one of the oddest I've ever done! It contains both historical and "What If..." items.
      I really don't know if this belongs in the "What If" Hangar, or the Regular WW2 Downloads Section. But it may increase the "fun factor" of having something different. I'd started this mod in July, 2013, and just never got around to finishing it.
      This package contains aircraft and ships of the French Navy for WW2.
      Aircraft (Real):
      Grumman G-36A (Martlet I/F4F-3), Flottile 13 (somewhat real, somewhat What If)
      V-156F (Vought SB2U) E/AB-1 (real *model is a stand-in*)
      SBD-3 Dauntless Flotille 3 (real, circa 1943/44)
      Aircraft (What If...):
      Sea Hurrican Ib, Flotille 12
      Martlet IVF (F4F-4) Flotille 13
      PA Bearn Class CV*
      PA Joffre Class CV*
      Suffren Class CA
      Malin Class DD*
      Ships marked with the star (*), while having historical names and numbers, are complete and utter "stand-ins". However, everything DOES work (more or less). The Suffren class CAs are, of course, Foch, and are correctly shaped.
      For those aircraft with working canopies (G-36A, Hurricane) and folding wing (just the Martlet IV), the Standard Animation Keystrokes are used; shift/0 for the canopy and shift/9 for the wings.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, you might want to give the (rather extensive) "Notes" section a read for historcal and non-historical backgrounds. The "credits" section breaks down "who has what and where did it come from".
      Also, please remember, some of these models are very old, and may have some "issues" in SF2.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


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    5. Mirage 50E(E) Ecuador Air Force

      Mirage 50E(E) Ecuador Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Donated from venezuela.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira, Ludo
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - paulopanz,coupi


         (5 reviews)



    6. Mirage 50EV Venezuela Air Force

      Mirage 50EV Venezuela Air Force
      New Version
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Upgraded Mirage 5V aircraft for Venezuela, with Atar 9K-50 engine, canards and updated avionics (including radar).Six new-build aircraft, three upgraded ex-Zaire 5M, plus six upgraded remaining IIIEV and 5Vs.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira, Ludo
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - paulopanz


         (2 reviews)



    7. Mirage IIIEX Armée de l'Air

      Mirage III EX
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      This was the prototype for an upgrade refit by Dassault for ex-Armée de l'Air Mirage
      IIIEs being offered to export customers. Included in the package was the SNECMA
      Atar 09K-50 engine, canards, fixed in-flight refueling probe, a longer nose (F1 style),
      new avionics including HUD, and other refinements. Parts of the upgrade were
      applied to other export versions aircraft.
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo.m54
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira


         (3 reviews)



    8. Mirage IIIEA Argentina Air Force

      Mirage IIIEA Argentina Air Force
      The Mirage IIIEA in service with the Argentine Air Force.
      This was one of the most important combat planes during the Malvinas/Falklands war of 1982 between Argentina and England and were responsible of the sinking of the HMS Sheffield destroyer...
      Install - Need Update July 2012 (Minimum) and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture Temp by Ludo.m54
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira


         (5 reviews)



    9. A-7A & F-8A Fictional 1963 Skins

      USAF A-7A Corsair II and F-8A Crusader 'Fictional Circa 1963' Skins for TW A-7A and F-8C AC.
      These are separate aircraft that use the ThirdWire SF2 A-7A and F-8C lods and cockpit/avionics and various other files.
      This file contains the relevant .ini files to convert them to USAF aircraft Circa 1963. The loadout.ini calls for the AIM-4G. You will have to obtain it from whichever weapons packs here at Combat Ace contains it.
      They were built from a SF2 5+2 merged install and use stock decals and other stock references.
      They are in .jpg format for SF2.
      INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the A-7A_AF and F-8A_AF folders into your aircraft folder. Choose the desired skin in the loadout section. Fly.
      I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use. For any other use, please contact me first.
      If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
      Thanks to Spinners for the inspiration for these skins and to all who are helping me learn to skin by direct involvement and/or by inspiration.
      If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.


         (1 review)



    10. Soviet and Bulgarian MiG-17 skins pack.

      Soviet and Bulgarian MiG-17 (not MiG-17F) skins pack.
      All skins are in jpg.
      1 new Soviet camo skin , with new decalset.
      2 new Bulgarian camo skins with historical numbers.
      1 new Bulgarian "silver" skin with historical decals.
      install: put everything in SF-2 mods folder.
      About the decals, they all are derived from Flogger23 soviet decals
      many tanks to Svetlin for his valuable info.




    11. JA-37 Viggen ''Skin''

      Viggen Digital Skin by me ;)


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    12. RAAF F-111 PACK

      Aussie "PIG" Pack
      In memory of those who flew and maintained the "Mighty Pig" 1973-2010
      F-111C "PaveTack"
      Upgrades are:
      -NEW Decals
      -Damage Textures
      -Wing posisions
      -Higher Weapons Bay Loadout
      -Nav Lights
      -Engine effects
      -Cockpit Textures
      -Speed (Mach 2+)
      -RWR symbols and sounds
      -New Aircrew Skins
      Thanks to
      F-111C/G Version 2.0 By FastCargo
      Skin by Jat81500
      Decals by USAFMTL
      Original model by Paco and Wpnssgt
      Original FM by Column5
      Sounds by the Mirage Factory
      Original Avionics and Gunsight by MJ
      Pit by NormanKnight
      Combat Ace
      Happy low flying
      Thanks to the F-111 community and the RAAF.
      Thank you ADF Serials for their extensive data and photos of the F-111C, RF-111C and F-111G that served in the RAAF
      3 years of bloody hard work....... enjoy
      Thank you Wing Commander Curr for giving me the chance to take part in aviation history by attending the F-111 Retirement.


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    13. sf2 MM40 Exocet for land launcher

      This is a 3ds max file for mod...... for the mm40 exocet missile
      Include bmp file
      I will make the truck also in the future
      This is a freeware


         (1 review)



    14. Su-25A Grach/Frogfoot Repack

      First of all this plane is here because of the hard work of the following people:
      Armour Dave
      and many others...
      This is a repack of the Su-25A attack aircraft remade for SF-1 and tested in WoE October 2008 patch.
      The original authors of this baby are AmokFloo and 76.IAP-Blackbird, who made the great model for SF-2, and then
      Uhu recoded the ini files and made everything compatible with SF-1. I have later merged it with the fantastic MiG-27
      cockpit made by Armour Dave and Sal, which was posted by Ordway.
      I liked the Su-25T/39 version a lot but it was a little bit to much for me, and to much for the Russian Air force I guess. So this is what I have been waiting for.
      A simpler, more down to earth version, rugged but still quite deadly in the capable hands. Reminds me a lot of the old Su-25A days of the LOMAC series!
      WARNING: Except for the gun there are no other weapons in this pack for this bird so make sure you have some juicy Russian weapon pack installed.
      P.S. There are some great skins for it made by WINGSOVERISRAEL at:


         (6 reviews)



    15. F-29A Razgriz

      Dels' F-29A Razgriz skin
      The Razgriz Air Command Squadron was the alias adopted by the survivors of the 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Wardog" in the late stages of the Circum-Pacific War. They used all-black jets with the Razgriz logo on the vertical stabilizers and red coloring on the tip of them. This skin has Blaze's number.
      -Special thanks:
      -TK for the SF sims
      -Dels for the plane and the templates I used
      -EricJ for the tutorial I used
      If I forget anything, please post a comment below.


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    16. F-29A Wardog

      Dels' F-29A Wardog skin
      The 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron, nicknamed Wardog, is the main squadron the player is assigned to in Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. It was initially a squadron composed primarily of trainees, led by Capt. Jack Bartlett (callsign Heartbreak One), and two other veteran combat pilots. They were engaged off the coast of Sand Island and all the pilots were killed, except for Capt. Bartlett, trainee pilot 2nd Lt. Kei Nagase (callsign Edge), and those on the ground. After this incident, she was moved up to the # 2 position because of her wild flying style. The rest of their flight consisted of the two trainees who had been on the ground during the fight, 2nd Lt. Alvin H Davenport (callsign Chopper) and 2nd Lt. "Blaze". This skin has Blaze's number.
      -Special thanks:
      -TK for the SF sims
      -Dels for the plane and the templates I used
      -EricJ for the tutorial I used
      If I forget anything, please post a comment below.


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    17. Repaint Wolf Fw 190 Cockpit v1.0

      Alternative visual Wolf357 Fw 190 Cockpit
      v1.0 (02.23.2014)
      Only repainting cockpit tiles job for the Fw 190 lover:!
      Put the cockpit folder into the your Fw 190 folder and overwrite (Back up before),
      Included, alternative REVI Gunsight.
      Best regards
      Tested into mt SF2 WW2 install with the Fw 190A-1 mod by Wrench:
      Credit: Wolf cockpit


         (3 reviews)



    18. MiG-15bis R1/3 "Photobis" & SB "Fagot-B"

      The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 (NATO reporting name: "Fagot") is a jet fighter developed for the Soviet Union by Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB. The MiG-15 was one of the first successful swept-wing jet fighters, and it achieved fame in the skies over Korea, where early in the war, it outclassed all straight-winged enemy fighters in most applications. The MiG-15 also served as the starting point for development of the more advanced MiG-17. The MiG-15 is believed to have been one of the most widely produced jet aircraft ever made, with over 12,000 built. Licensed foreign production perhaps raised the total to over 18,000.The MiG-15 is often mentioned along with the North American F-86 Sabre as among the best fighter aircraft of the Korean War and in comparisons with fighters of other eras.
      Inside this 3rd and last pack (special versions):
      - MiG-15bisR-F1 "Photobis" recon base version with 2 guns and camera;
      - MiG-15bisR-F3 "Photobis" Czech recon version with 1 guns, bigger fuel tanks and camera;
      - MiG-15bisSB "Fagot-B" Czech jabo/fighter bomber conversion with two extra pylons added;
      - 10 all around the world users skins;
      - a lot of historical decals;
      - all data tweaked;
      - pilots, sounds, weapons;
      - screens;
      - Openable canopy (key 10) closing at take off;
      - N-37 gun flagged as secondary gun (except for F3) for better ammunitions sparing;
      - working cameras for R1/3 (key pagdown twice)
      - Tk (aka Tw) for Exp. 1;
      - Stary for the long awaited great pit;
      - Spillone104 for pylons, sounds, edits, help, testings ......
      - Y.Gordon for his Aerofax "bible" book;
      - paulopanz (me) for skins, decals and edits
      - Exp. 1 needed
      - My MiG-15bis pack needed
      - Copy all in your mod folder and overwrite
      - remember to configure from control options panel the secondary guns key
      @ paulopanz


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    19. [Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 1 for SF2

      This pack consists of two planes. The stock F-105D_66 and F-104G have been modded to create planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
      1. F-104Dh DesertStar, 8th Squadron "The Scorpions"
      2. F-105Dh DesertChief, 1st Squadron "The panthers"
      1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
      2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
      The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
      If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis, textureset.inis and userlist.inis
      I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
      There are several people I have to thank:
      Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
      Spinners for the dhimari decals I've been using to create this mod.
      Bobrock and Sundowner for the great work with the templates I used. From Sundowners template I also used the Sharkmouth for the F-104Dh.
      If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
      Kindest regards


         (3 reviews)



    20. IAI FINGER A Argentine Air Force

      IAI FINGER A Argentine Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      IAI Finger is a jet fighter and bomber Mach 2.2 used by the Air Force Argentina .
      Finger is the name of a modernization program carried out at the
      planes made ??in Israel IAI Dagger possessed the Argentina Republic .
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo.m54
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Denis Oliveira
      Modified TW Nesher Cockpit tiles and Avioncs ini - Coupi


         (6 reviews)



    21. Mirage F1CE

      Mirage F.1CE
      This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him.
      This add-on shows the Mirage F-1CE used by the Ejército del Aire.
      In June 1975, with tension growing with Morocco, Spain decided to strengthen its Air Force and bought 15 Mirage F1C that were allovated to Albacete AB. In mid-1976 there was still some tension with Morocco and Algerian and Libyan MiG-25 flights on the Mediterranean, which would made Spanish Air Force to purchase ten more Mirage F1C and two years later order 48 Mirage F1C and F1E. The aircraft here represents the first true F.1CEs delivered to Spain, with conformal ALE40 chaff/flare dispensers.
      Specificities :
      - Radar Cyrano IVM.
      - RWR.
      - Chaffs and Flares dispensers.
      Covered units :
      Ala 14, 141° Escuadron.
      Installation :
      - Copy and paste the Objects folder in your mod folder.
      Crédits :
      - Aircraft : BPAO and Centurion-1.
      - Cockpit : Brain32 and Centurion-1
      - Skins : Centurion-1.
      - Decals : Paulopanz.
      - Templates : Brain32, ACE888 and Ludo.m54.
      - Avionics and data tweaks : Crusader.
      - FM : Baffmeister.
      - Interception light : Coupi
      - Missiles, rocket pods and seat : Ravenclaw_007.
      - Weapons : The Mirage Factory.
      - Hangars et loading screens : Centurion-1.
      A big thank to all on Combatace and C6 forums that helped us solving issues we encountered.
      Any omission in credits is totally unwanted, if I forgot somebody, let me know, I will correct this.
      This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
      Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
      Ludo, Centurion and the whole Mirage F.1 Team!


         (13 reviews)



    22. SF2 WW2 MTO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1 series ( Early & Late), v.9 by Cocas

      SF2 WW2 MTO Bristol Beaufighter Mk.1 series ( Early & Late), v.9 by Cocas 2/10/2014
      -- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Recommended/Preferred) =
      *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
      *Note x2: This mod represents BOTH early and late production Beau Mk.1s for the MTO ONLY! Seperate versions are in the works for everywhere else, as their start/end dates tend to differ.*
      These are BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. This is the third of a set of Beaufighters. This package contains 3 aircraft, representing the both early & late production Beaufighter Mk.1F & the early NF Mk.1Fs.
      We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examination and so forth.
      This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
      Beaufighter Mk.1F Early (Day Fighter) Standard Desert Day Scheme
      Beaufighter Mk.1F Late (Day Fighter) Standard Desert Day
      No. 252 Squadron
      No. 272 Squadron
      (Both aircraft have both squadrons. Early and Late divides the straight tail from the "bent" tail marks.)
      Beaufighter NF Mk.1 Early (Night Fighter) Desert Day uppers, Special Night Unders
      No. 89 Squadron
      The Squadron Crest for each is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
      Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS. Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already). No bombs or rockets; these are Mk.1s, not equipped for them. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      Other squadrons can easily be reproduced by creating new squadron code letters. As is my habit, sample bmps are left in the various Decals folders so you can match the font and size.
      All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the units represented.
      New Hangar and Loading screens for each are included.
      When in-game, you'll see:
      Beaufighter Mk. IF (Early) (CAF)
      Beaufighter Mk IF (Late) (CAF)
      Beaufighter NF Mk.I (Late) (CAF)
      for these aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will differentiate these Beaus from any others you may (or may not) have.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      - for Cocas Aircraft Factory -


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    23. SF2 X-52pro profile

      This file is designed to be used with a default control ini. so if you have made significant changes to your controls button assignments then you should move them away from the controls folder within your mod folder and then start the game and let it create a fresh "default.ini" in the controls folder prior to trying this profile.
      To install just place the "SF PITkey.pro" into your 'C:/user/public/documents/saitekSD6 profiles' folder then activate the profile with the little green icon in the bottom right corner of of your lower taskbar.....start the game and assign your axis and you should be good to go.
      you will have 3 modes NAV, A-A, A-G.
      Hat #1 works the radar regardless of which mode is selected
      Hat #2
      •(NAV mode) cycles waypoints and also enables elevator trim
      •(A-A mode) cycles visual air targets
      •(A-G mode) cycles ground targets
      Hat #3
      •(A-A mode) Cycles A-A weapons
      •(A-G mode) Cycles A-G weapons
      Everything else is not effected by which mode you are in
      See the attached JPEG which better explains where everything is on the layout.


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    24. SF2 WW2 MTO Regia Marina Cargo Ship

      SF2 WW2 MTO Regia Marina Cargo Ship 2/20/2014
      -- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      Yet another repaint/repurpose of Stephan1918's EXCELLENT First Eagles cargo ships. This time, we're representing merchant ships of the Italian Navy (Regia Marina) of WW2.
      This will give you something other than the stock cargo ship or anything else (available or not) for auntie-shipping missions in The Med
      These ships ARE armed, to 2 20mm guns, so they WILL shoot back when under attack!!
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. You'll also be editing your sound list, if you haven't already, to add the ship sounds
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      edit: the ship is NOW in the zip. sorry folks!


         (3 reviews)



    25. New Woe Mainscreen BF3 style + music

      This time its the new BF-3 inspired Main menu screen and the Serenata Immortale by Immediate Music to try and make you feel more epic and in awe when you enter your air combat sim.
      BE WARNED that the picture will mask the Menu buttons but they will still be there and they should appear when you navigate your mouse over them.
      I left it like this on purpose to have a cleaner looking Screen. Hopefully you wont have much trouble for this...
      Do NOT forget to BACKUP your files if you have an alternative installed.
      Good hunting pilots!


         (3 reviews)




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