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    1. Wings Over World Menu Screens

      Wings Over World Menu Screens 
      January 13th, 2019 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This package is my personal conversion of the beautiful Strike Fighters: Project One menu screens, with a number of enhancements for use in Strike Fighters 2. The main menu screen is a reworked version of the NACA Main Screen released by Camouflage (Checksix-fr.com). The title I chose for the main menu screen is "Strike Fighters: Wings Over World", in honor of the old WOE/WOV/WOI series of SF1 games. I find this name suitable for those who have a large mod folder spanning different world scenarios.
      Here below a quick summary of enhancements and additions:
      -All the music tracks from the SF games have been included; now there's a unique track for each screen.
      -Hangar Screen has got the hangar noise sounds which were present in the SF1 games.
      -Option to turn Lens Flare off as in the SF1 games is back.
      -Opportunity to change pilot at the Campaign Screen is reintroduced, as in the SF1 games.
      -Briefing Screen has been reintroduced for eye-candy (it has a small string "bug" with certain missions, since ThirdWire's removal of the FAC mission type).
      -Added generic _briefing.ini files for all the stock SF2 terrains (terrains without a _briefing.ini file might cause CTDs when accessing the Briefing Screen).
      -Added Launch/Fly button in the Briefing, Loadout, Flight Roster and Planning Map screens.
      -Added the missing PILOTPIC25 bitmap which is available in the SF1 games.
      -Loading Screen shows a generic runway and a new, longer loading sound is used.
      -Mission Editor DLC is supported with a new screen in the same style of the other screens.
      -Campaign Customizer DLC is supported with a new screen in the same style of the other screens.
      -Disabled unnecessary functions of the the System Menu, such as accessing ThirdWire's online site for viewing the game manual.
      As a bonus, the package includes 42 single missions taking place across all theatres of the SF2 series; most of them have been made by ThirdWire and released in their SF1 games. Five single missions are Instant Action scenarios of Strike Fighters 2, which I converted to be choosable and playable in the Single Missions Screen. Additional missions include historical scenarios created by guyran for the Israel theater. I renamed all single missions to use a nicer naming convention. Needless to say, all SF2 titles must be installed to be able to play all the missions.
      In addition, I have tweaked some Flight folder files to improve the realism of the game's HUD and in-game map. Since users may not like such changes, those files are not included by default, they must be installed manually. They can be found inside the "(Additional Tweaks)" folder. Here below a quick summary of changes they bring:
      -Disabled all the unuseful Labels when viewing the in-game map.
      -Disabled the arcade cones; lock your target and press F4 to visually track it.
      -Tweaked icons' colours so that they match the text's colours.
      -The in-game text background is less noticeable.
      -Text's font is now different, it is generally smaller and less obtrusive.
      -No more red and blue arcade squares when locking objects on; a faint yellow square is now used.
      -The white triangle showing the next waypoint is now a faint yellow, unlike the default strong white.
      -Disabled the radar box display; check the radar of your plane's cockpit, instead.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -ThirdWire, for the fantastic menu screens which are included in the stock SFP1 game.
      -kout, for the System Menu icon I have taken from his SF1 Grey Main Menu Replacement mod.
      -Camouflage, for the NACA Main Screen (still available at the archives of Checksix-fr.com), which I have reworked.
      -HomeFries, for the planning map enhancements available in his Semi-Transparent Map Icons package.
      -Viper63a, for the Loading sound, which I got from one of his menu mods.
      -paulopanz, for collecting and updating guyran's WOI custom missions properly to SF2 standards.
      -guyran, for the original custom missions he created for Wings Over Israel.
      -KJakker, for his interest and welcome support.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (4 reviews)



    2. Ops New Dawn Menu pack(1080P/Modern Game Style)

      A collection of original menu images for my personal US-Iran campaign pack, I think they look good so share them with you guys.
      Copy all the folders into your SF2 main folder


         (0 reviews)



    3. Ops West Wind Menu pack(1080P/Modern Game Style)

      A collection of original menu images for my personal RUS-UKR campaign pack, I think they look good so share them with you guys.
      Copy all the folders into your SF2 main folder


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    4. WOI P3 Screen Menu

      This game menu is developed based on Eagle114th's Screen Overhaul template. Credit to Eagle114th.
      The menu was developed for a super-vanilla mod pack within our team and later become available to the generic SF2 games.
      Please backup your file before your installation.
      Extract the relevant files to SF installation and SF mod folders, overwrite the file if needed.
      install fonts attached to windows
      Overwrite files with backup you made.


         (0 reviews)



    5. SF2 Top Gun Maverick Menu Screens and Music

      SF2 Top Gun Maverick Menu Screens and Music.
      19 pieces 1920x1080 
      4 wav file


         (0 reviews)



    6. New Transparent Menu Screen

      Hi everybody I really like that sf2 menus are transparent. I also wanted to share with you and added the psd files. You can add the images you want using psd files. 12 pieces 1920x1080 full jpg It is open to use for any purpose.


         (1 review)



    7. New Transparent Menu Screen

      Merhaba millet
      Sf2 menülerinin şeffaf olmasını gerçekten seviyorum.
      Ben de sizlerle paylaşmak istedim ve psd dosyalarını ekledim.
      psd dosyalarını kullanarak istediğiniz görselleri ekleyebilirsiniz.
      12 parça 1920x1080 tam jpg
      Her amaç için kullanıma açıktır.

      1 download

         (0 reviews)



    8. Strike Fighters 2: Europe - NATO Fighters 5 Menu Screens

      Strike Fighters 2: Europe - NATO Fighters 5 Menu Screens
      1920x1080 menu screens for Strike Fighters 2: Europe - NATO Fighters 5 by eburger68
      This is a set of images only; to install just drag&drop, copy/paste, etc. into your Menu Folder in C:\Users\<YOU>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 .../
      If you don't have a Menu folder, simply create it in the main directory.
      Thanks to eburger68 for his great mod.


         (1 review)



    9. Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

      Strike Fighter Project 2 – Screen Overhaul v1.2 Customizable Edition
      The new version of SF2 Screen Overhaul 1.2 is now released.  Here is the following screen this mod completely overhaul:
      -          Main screen
      -          Single mission screen
      -          Mission editor screen
      -          Hangar (Default) screen
      -          Loadout screen
      -          Planning screen
      -          Roster screen
      -          Campaign screen
      -          Campaign editor screen
      -          Pilot records screen
      -          Options screen
      It does not yet cover another screen.  It is work in progress (WIP) for now.  What I am seeking for is feedback that will help me improving the mod further. It is one of my biggest projects I ever worked on for SF2. It gave me opportunity to grow a new skill I enjoy doing. 

      NOTE:  Now that SF2 Screen Overhaul is becoming a customizable version. If you make any mods that adds or change anything to this mod, please add my name and mod name to your credit part.
      You can contact me by PM in CombatAce (I am known as Eagle114th there) or Strike fighter series Discord chat (My username is Magic Dragon, so you can find me there too.)

      Version 1.2 NOTES:
      Buttons customization instruction:
      In Menu folder (SF2 mod folder), you will see various SF2 screen named as “BUTTONS_HANGAR, MAIN, OPTIONS, etc...), there are folders for each button.  In order, to change the color of buttons, go to one of button folder, you will see different folders for various color.  Copy the file from there and overwrite the files in any BUTTONS_(SCREEN) folder.

      For example, in BUTTONS_HANGAR, if I want to change the color of “LOADOUT” square button to blue; I go to the folder “LOADOUT”, then “Blue” folder, copy the files: LOADOUT0.bmp, LOADOUT1.bmp, and LOADOUT2.bmp.  Then I paste (Overwrite) the files in BUTTONS_HANGAR.
      Screens and Buttons customization Templates
      In different “BUTTONS_(different screen names)”, there are folder “_Templates’.  You can use it to change the designs, colors, or anything you want to do with the screen background or buttons. 

      This mod uses a font known as Orbitron.  I included it in _Fonts folder.

      I want to express my sincerely big THANKS to Menrva, Wrench, UllyB, Daddyairplanes, Wilches, JosefK, FalonCAF, and everyone else in CombatAce community for making this possible.  You all have been a huge help. 

      Because of Operation Desert Storm 30 years anniversary great mod, I was able to study the codes on how SF2 menu work, which led me into developing new menu for SF2.  This mod is truly fun to fly in SF2.  If anyone hasn’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it.

      There are detailed instruction that explains how to install in the proper ways in README file.  LEASE READ IT BEFORE INSTALLING! 

      I included the plans for the next version in the readme too.  

      The feedback are always welcomed!


         (4 reviews)



    10. Alternative Hangar Template for Eagle114th Screen Overhaul

      Alternative .PSD Template for Hangars /  Eagle114th Screen Overhaul (1920x1080)
      This is a Photoshop template for making your own hangars to use with Eagle114th Screen Overhaul
      I really want to keep my aircraft collection sorted, so when i saw Eagle114th's work i decidded to make some changes and include some more info about every aircraft (i keep them separated by country / service branch)
      How to Use:
      This template contains 4 masked Groups, 1 what-if stamp and 1 text layer.
      Drag and drop your aircraft photo inside "Main Photo" Group, then press CONTROL + T to position and scale it inside the viewport, if necessary hide other layers inside this group.
      Select current manufacturer / service branch / flag or drag and drop your inside the relevant  group (note that i've included a few images like Argentine, Brazilian and UK Flag)
      Hide or Show the "What-If" layer (it contains a stamp in the upper right corner, as you can see in some screenshots)
      Use the Text tool on the bottom text and type aircraft name
      Save as .JPG 
      Eagle114 Screen Overhaul  - 
      Gravicon Font (Free Download)
      A HUGE thanks for Eagle114th for making such a wonderful new menus.
      and Wilches for some ideas
      Hope you like it :)


         (1 review)



    11. SF2 - Menu (UI) Expansion

      Eagle114th's SF2 Menu (UI) Expansion v1.2
      This is a second version of SF2 UI Expansion mod.  If you face any bugs or problems, please inform me.
      The purpose of this mod is to expand / improve the SF2 UI.  In the first version, it does two things:
      1)    Change the aircraft list when displaying the list.  Aircraft list are sorted by nation first.  There are three versions:
      a.    Version #1: Nations’ multi-branches are combined, so you’ll see (USN / USMC) A-4s or (RN / RAF) F-4Ks as an example.  If aircraft have skins for a multi-nations, it will have ‘>>’ at end of aircraft name.
      b.    Version #2:  There are both symbol ‘>’ and ‘>>’.  For any aircraft that is used by multi-branches, will use ‘>’, while any aircraft with skins for a multi nations will have ‘>>’ at the end of name.
      c.    Version #3: Same as version 2 with simplified year tag.  Instead of (19XX), it will show as ‘XX.
      2)    RWR and RADAR being displayed on the screen, there are 4 versions:
      a.    Version #1: RWR + RADAR upper right corner
      b.    Version #2: RWR + RADAR upper left corner
      c.    Version #3: RWR (upper left corner) + RADAR (upper right corner)
      d.    Version #4: RADAR (upper left corner) + RWR (upper right corner)
      Plans for next version:
      -    New menu + GUI (WIP)
      -    Make smaller version of RWR + RADAR
      -    If time permits, will work on ordinance list, so they will be sorted by type of ordinance before the name.

      The feedback are always appreciated!  ENJOY!
      Note: This mod is covers all aircraft in SF2 with all expansion pack and DLCs.
      1) MAKE A BACK UP COPY OF AIRCRAFT folder in Strike Fighters Project 2 mod directory. It can be found in this directory: SF2 (Main folder) -> Objects -> Aircraft
      2) In Aircraft Sorting List folder, choose one of three versions, and then copy and drop Objects folder in SF2 mod main directory.

      1) MAKE A BACK UP COPY OF WEAPONS folder in Strike Fighters Project 2 mod directory. It can be found in this directory: SF2 (Main folder) -> Objects -> Weapons
      2) In Ordinance Sorting List folder, copy and drop Objects folder in SF2 mod main directory.
      (RWR + RADAR)
      1) MAKE A BACK UP COPY of HUDDATA.INI in FLIGHT folder in SF2 Main directory.
      2) In RWR + Radar folder, choose one version of six versions, and then copy and drop Flight folder in SF2 mod directory.
      - First version of SF2 Menu (UI) Expansion
      - Added extra options for RWR + RADAR with half sized version (See Version #1A and #2A screenshot in RWR + RADAR folder)
      - Added Ordinance Sorting list
      Current projects
      - SF2 new MENU and GUI (WIP)
      Please contact me first if you want to use my mod for any purposes. 
      Eagle114th / MagicDragon116


         (0 reviews)



    12. Modern Names list

      Modern names list taken from Census data and tweaked.
      Drop file into FLIGHT folder
      Open NATIONS.INI and change :
      Long live Third Wire


         (0 reviews)



    13. StrikeFighters2 Replacement Hi-Res Spash Screens

      StrikeFighters2 Hi-Res Replacement Spash Screens 
      By Viper
      Replacement spash (Initializing, Please Wait) screen for SF2. Uncompress the zip file and copy the *.bmp files into "<Your Install location>\Strike Fighters 2\Menu\" folder...where-ever you installed SF2.
      Simple install: Backup your "INITSCREEN.BMP" and  rename one of the new BMP you like to "INITSCREEN.BMP" and all your SF2 starts will show the new splash screen. 
      Complex Install: If you want each of your games to have a different splash screen...Back up and edit the <game>.ini file for the <game>.exe you want to change the splash screen for in the "<Your Install location>\Strike Fighters 2\" folder. Update the "LoadingScreen=" parm with the name of splash screen you want to display on start up: ex. "LoadingScreen=Menu\INITSCREEN (1).BMP".
      Note: If you copied the <game>.exe file to some other name, you have to copy the <game>.ini file to the same name as a the <game>.exe file. Also, the splash screen has to be a BMP file...PSD included so you can make your own. 
      Thanks to "Squid" for the idea and some elements from his screens!


         (1 review)



    14. SF2 Jane's USAF Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 Jane's USAF Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
      By Viper
      The Janes' Combat Flight Simulation Series! Every flight Sim'mer worth their wings remembers those! My favorite was the USAF! This package pays tribute to that old beautiful bird. It took me awhile to create this, so feedbacks and ratings would be highly appreciated...Enjoy!
      This mod includes custom "Jane's USAF" themed menu screens, pilots and music. This mod uses customized INI files to drive the sights and sounds of the Strike Fighter 2 interface to look like Jane's USAF.
      Unzip the package and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better (More on this later).
      If you choose to install this package, I recommend that you back up (copy) your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this package into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      * To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder. I designed this package for SF2 Europe, but it should work for all SF2 series games.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\
      * To remove, simply delete the active FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders and replace with the back up copies you made prior to the install.
      * Extras and additional info...
      In the MENU folder, you will find three (3) other folders...
      1) Alternates Folder - Contains "Alternate" Campaign, Options, Pilot, and Single Mission screens. If you like one of these better, just copy them to the main "MENU" folder and rename them to the correct names...
      ...for whichever files you are changing...
      2) Music-Jets Folder - Contains alternate sound package. If the default music is too much for you, just copy the contents of this file into the default "MENU" folder. Most of the music will be replaced with jet sounds.
      3) Music-On Folder - Contains the default INI files that will turn on all the music again.


         (1 review)



    15. Strike Fighters 2: Operation Odyssey Dawn Menu Screens

      Strike Fighters 2: Operation Odyssey Dawn Menu Screens
      1920x1080 menu screens for Strike Fighters 2: Operation Odyssey Dawn 2.0 HD by FRPignon
      This is a set of images only; to install just drag&drop, copy/paste, etc. into your Menu Folder in C:\Users\<YOU>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 .../
      If you don't have a Menu folder, simply create it in the main directory.
      Thanks to FRPignon for his great mod and to Chris “BeachAV8R” Frishmuth, who kindly gave me the permission to use his in-game screenshots.


         (0 reviews)



    16. SF2: Vietnam Air & Ground War Expansion Pack Menu Screens

      SF2: Vietnam Air & Ground War Expansion Pack Menu Screens
      1920x1080 menu screens for Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam modded with Air & Ground War Expansion Pack by eburger68.
      This is a set of images only; to install just drag&drop, copy/paste, etc. into your Menu Folder in C:\Users\<YOU>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam.../
      Thanks to eburger68 for his wonderful mod.


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    17. StrikeFighters2 Vietnam Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 Vietnam Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v5
      By Viper 05/17/2020
      Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
      This mod includes custom "vietnam Era" themed menu screens, pilots and (w/ 60s) music. You should unzip this package and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
      1) Backup (copy) your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folder. I "highly" recommend that you (if you can) "RENAME" your Menu folder and let this mod create a new Menu folder for you. If you had installed any other menu mods, that may conflict with this Menu mod. 
      2) To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder. Don't forget to back up before loading any mods!
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Vietnam\
      3) To uninstall, delete the folders updated by this mod and copy (rename) your backed up folder to FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA.


         (4 reviews)



    18. SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1920X1080 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.2) Hi-Res 1920X1080 Menu Screens and Music v7
      By Viper 04/26/2020
      Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
      I made these upgraded alternate "Korean Air War" themed Menu screens to go with Do335's "SF2 Wings Over Korea" package!
      Pleae unzip the compressed file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
      If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT and MENU folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT and MENU folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strikefighter2 Korea\


         (2 reviews)



    19. SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v7
      By Viper 05/17/2020
      Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
      I've seen some very nice screens in 1920x1080 mode, so I thought I'd give it try. So here is my "Top Gun" contribution! Special thanks to Homefies and Spectre8750 for their contributions that led me here...
      This mod includes custom "Top Gun" themed menu screens, pilots and music. I used the MENU INI files to reuse the music files for different menus. This reduces the size of the package as I don't have duplicates of the same music files for different menus. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
      If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 NorthAtlantic\


         (1 review)



    20. StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens!

      StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens v5
      By Viper 05/17/2020
      Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
      This mod includes custom 1920x1080 "StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm" themed menu, pilots and Campaign screens. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
      I recommend that you back up your CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm mod folder.
      My StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm\


         (2 reviews)



    21. Strikefighters2 NATO Fighters 5 Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 NATO Fighters 5 Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v5
      By Viper 05/17/2020
      Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
      This mod includes custom "NATO" themed menu screens, pilots and music (AC5, thanks to tonipm99). This mod will over write the MainScreen INI delivered in the NF5 package with the stock INI file. I did this so I can go back to using JPEG images rather than the BITMAP menus that came with the original NF5 packages. 
      Unzip the package and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better. If you choose to install this package, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this package into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      * To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 NF5\


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    22. Strikefighters2 Israel Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 Israel Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music! v5
      By Viper 05/17/2020
      Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
      Special thanks to Homefies and Spectre8750 for their contributions that led me here...
      This mod includes custom "Israeli" themed menu screens, pilots and music. I used the MENU INI files to reuse the music files for different menus. This reduces the size of the package as I don't have duplicates of the same music files for different menus. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
      If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Israel\


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    23. Strikefighters2 Europe Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 Europe Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v5
      By Viper 05/17/2020
      Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
      Unzip the package and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing to see what you're getting. If you choose to install this package, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU, CAMPAIGNS and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this package into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      * To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe2\


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. SF2 Hangar Screen Template

      Hangar Screen Templage for all SF2 series
      I've been forgetting to upload this ...and finally remembered!
      This is a stripped-down version of my Photoshop PSD Hangar Screen templage.
      I've left 2 'aircraft' layers in, other than the background/foreground items so you can see how it was done, using both a photograph and screenshot to replicate the old WoE-style.
      Get used to using the cut/slice tools and the eraser!! And don't forget, SF2 wants them save as jpgs for in-game use (same goes for Loading Screens, too)!!!
      Have Fun!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    25. SF2 Series Menu Screen Templates

      Menu Screen Templates for SF2 series 5/20/10
      This is a pack of Photoshop PSDs for the following menu screens:
      The Hangar Screen will be released seperatly, as that needs a more intensive readme, with full instructions for 'how to..', in particular on editing screenshots for use.
      They are multi-layered, with redrawn seperator lines, 'blackboards' for the displayed text, and new backgrounds. The background included herein a more of a 'generic' type, of various sky scenes. All the 'hot spots' for the mouse remain in the stock positions.
      They are the standard size of 1024x768, as used by 3rd Wire. Although in PSD format for Photoshop, they should be usable in any other program that can open and work PSDs.
      As always, read the readme for full instruction, and details for use.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


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