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Showing most liked content on 02/03/2022 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Absolutely gorgeous cat! meanwhile...
  2. 4 points
  3. 2 points
    Well, I do not know ... I have this glitch manifests itself, even when the shadow settings are set to Unlimited. Perhaps the problem in my ancient system? ... if this nuisance exists only with me, it does not matter. It's time to update the video card. In general, I apologize for a false alarm. P.S. Once again, sorry for the annoying misunderstanding! This is entirely my oversight, even the system has nothing to do with it. The fact is that when I played with the skin, adding stickers, I needed to start the game quickly. Therefore, I tested a Bayraktar in FE2. This module loads much faster. But the FE2 engine is somewhat weaker than the SF2 series, which has more recent updates. I just forgot about it. Now that I've placed the Bayraktar in SF2 everything works great and there are no shadow issues.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Probably most of you already know of this, but I just discovered this story thanks to a newspaper article. Thought about sharing it with any few other youngsters like me: Pardo's Push: An Incredible Feat of Airmanship (historynet.com)
  6. 1 point
    Once there were the same complaints about the same shadows on my MiG-29 9-12 and in SF2. I then had to cut the plane. Don't shoot yourself, live some more, play. No need to be so dramatic. I am pleased to know that someone else is playing from Ukraine. And you, if you shoot yourself, as any white officer should do, you will deprive me of that. This is pity isue of the game. it also poisoned a lot of blood for me when I did the Grad. It needsto know about isue and it have to be nailed somewhere
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    My favorite out of the custom skins I've made for my German pilot Conrad Kuenzl. I present his Albatros D.III, "Der Löwe von Sachsen": After bouncing around the Kest and Kasta systems throughout most of 1916, Kuenzl finally got his big break with a post at Jasta 6 in November 1916. That was followed by a transfer into Jasta 11 just in time for Bloody April of 1917, which is where the above shots are from. Here are a couple shots of Kuenzl's D.I, "Lazarus," a reference to the fact that (a) his last flight in an Eindecker ended with him surviving a crash, (b) flying a D.I with Jasta 6 revived his combat pilot career, and (c) the D.I was to revive the German air service in general. He has 41 kills as of May 1917 - 11 behind Richthofen, but easily his closest rival.
  9. 1 point
    Yes,it contains all the content of SF2
  10. 1 point
    check the poly count of your model part that is not showing the shadow , in case of the tank tracks try to split them in half same for the aircraft fuselage and wings i had this problem on many of my models on the end i have to reduce the poly count of that particular object and the easiest way was to cut the part in half sometimes even in more pieces if the tank tracks are one object make a left and a right one out of it
  11. 1 point
    Hi, I think I found the data entry, which is causing this effect. Open the aircraft data.ini, go to the sections for LeftMainGear and RightMainGear and find the following line in each section: CompressGearOnRetraction=TRUE You may either change TRUE to FALSE, or comment out the line (//CompressGearOnRetraction=TRUE), or simply delete it. That will solve the sinking-wheels problem. It will result though in a slight visual oddity on gear retraction to where the landing gear will not compress and the wheels will pass through the aircraft fuselage, because the landing gear compartments are shorter than the fully extended landing gears. So not perfect, but works and so far I have not noticed any negative effect.
  12. 1 point
    Rick Rawlings No. 24 Sqn, November 1916 Bertangles Aerodrome My promotion to full Lieutenant came through the other day, close on the heels of my tenth air victory. More importantly, the promotion came with two weeks of leave. Lately, it has all been Halberstadts and Albatroses, which means that every fight is a near thing, no matter what our initial advantage may be, and my nerves are shot. There are few of the men left from when I joined, having lost Garfield on the attack on Bertincourt and Rogers was killed while I was recuperating from when an Albatros scout rammed my plane... Fortunately, the last flight we took on was of Fokker biplanes, which are not as dangerous and I was able to bring one down. The Major, if course, is still a source of inspiration for us, but I wonder if even he is getting discouraged? It is a sobering thought to remember that with these new German scouts, however many rounds you send after them, twice as many will come back you way...
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I thought we had Rafales????? Okay fine...we'll do it the old fashioned way!!!!!
  16. 1 point
    First deliveries and... first missions !
  17. 1 point
    Go Do...That Voodoo...That You Do...Oh So Well!!!!!!!!!!
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Lockheed F-104H Starfighters of Fliegerstaffel 17, Swiss Air Force, 1971
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    so to add (since i couldnt find this in here earlier) you can also set default start dates for the loadouts. say for when different weapons were used. example below Strike<-------------------------------------------------------------- original Loadout[01].WeaponType=Mk15 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Strike_61 <-------------------------------------------------------------- original StartDefaultDate=1961 <----------------------------------------- the first line in red sets the starting date DefaultFor=STRIKE <--------------------------------------------- the second line in red will make this loadout the default for what ever stock mission you need. in this case STRIKE Loadout[01].WeaponType=MK39_3M Loadout[01].Quantity=1 also remember to add square brackets to your mission types, Strike and Strike_61 in this example. adding in the post seems to strike out the text after adding like so
  25. 1 point
    Thought it would be nice to show off some of Gooseh's fine skin work now integrated into PWCG: 3. Jasta 2 = Feb 1917 1. Jasta 5 = Mar 1918 2. Jasta 6 = Oct 1918 4. Jasta 11 = Apr 1918 5. Jasta 18 = Jun 1918 ...and let me tell you that these screenies really don't do them justice. Please visit the PWCG sub forum if you are interested in downloading these beauties. https://riseofflight.com/forum/forum/394-pat-wilsons-campaign-generator/


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