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Showing most liked content on 08/12/2022 in Posts
8 points'F-4E Kurnass IAF Yom Kippur war pack' is updated and now the 'F-4E Kurnass IAF Yom Kippur & beyond pack
7 points
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4 pointsDownload updated and is now the 'F-4E Kurnass Israeli Airforce Yom Kippur war & beyond pack' - Now contains ALL F-4E Kurnass variants up to and including the Kurnass 2000 - Camouflage colors in original release lightened slightly - Modified Lebanon 1982 Campaign added to also utilize the aircraft and weapons in this pack.
4 pointsDownload updated and is now the 'F-4E Kurnass Israeli Airforce Yom Kippur war & beyond pack' - Now contains ALL F-4E Kurnass variants up to and including the Kurnass 2000 - Camouflage colors in original release lightened slightly - Modified Lebanon 1982 Campaign added to also utilize the aircraft and weapons in this pack. https://combatace.com/files/file/17879-f-4e-kurnass-iaf-yom-kippur-beyond-pack/
3 pointscant find a good usable decal for this units planes? fine, i'll make my own decals. but with blackjack. and hookers
3 points
3 pointsThe firing unit will be completed soon I will make the data file for it with the missile.
2 points
2 pointsHello Gentlemen, I've been having fun researching the Skoshi Tiger programme and have tracked down most of the pilots in the "provisional" 4503rd Tactical Fighter Squadron- and have assigned their names as decals on the aircraft.. and have also added decals for some "outliers" including this particular aircraft which "borrowed" nose art from a marines Skyhawk aquadron! Not long to go now; would've been great to add a little more authentic capability to the F-5C, like the ability to jettison all weapon pylons; but this just isn't possible in game. I've got the documentation left to do now and it should be ready soon ..
1 pointView File F-4E Kurnass Israeli Airforce pack F-4E Kurnass Israeli Airforce pack Included: - F-4E_Kurnass - F-4E_Kurnass_72 - F-4E_Kurnass_73 - F-4E_Kurnass_75 - F-4E_Kurnass_78 - F-4E_Kurnass_2000 - F-4E_Kurnass_Super_Phantom (Prototype) - some new weapons Animation / Function - Canopy - Hook - Air Refuel - Wing fold ______________ only on hard wing F-4E´s - Gun Vent ______________ automatic when gun is fired or as soon as the landing gear is deployed - Brake Chute____________ works with the Air Brake below 150kts (Excludes F-4E Kurnass (78) & F-4E Kurnass 2000) NOTE: - This mod replaces existing TW and TMF aircrafts , please remove the existing folders before installing this mod , the existing skins / textures will no longer fit !!!! NOTE: - Stock TW squadron decals are used but with more detailed higher resolution versions that have panel lines and rivets etc for the Isreali Airforce Kurnass squadrons: 69, 105, 107, 119 & 201 NOTE: - Some texture folder names may seem unusual but it is to create continuity to avoid the bug that stops an aircraft upgrading during a campaign if the texture folder names don't match. NOTE: - There were multiple separate F-4E deliveries prior to the 1973 war and due to the variations in the Blocks all sorts of different configurations of ECM antenna, strike camera, slats/ flaps, 'slime' lights, MIDAS4 etc. Not to mention local upgrades of 'slime' lights, MIDAS4 muzzle mods and slat instillations. Now throw in the Operation Nickle Grass emergency aid ex USAF aircraft during the war! I have rounded them all up into the first three in-game variants below: F-4E_Kurnass (with & without 'slimers') F-4E_Kurnass_72 (Hard-Wing & MIDAS4) F-4E_Kurnass_73 (Soft-Wing & MIDAS4) Hangar screens are in 1920 x 1080 Installation: - Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack and overwrite if ask to - If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce! - Campaigns folder contains the stock TW 1973 Yom Kippur War and 1982 Lebanon War campaigns modified to include the aircraft, weapons and textures in this pack. Credits: - original model by TW , BPAO , Crab_02 - cockpits from TW & ravenclaw_007 - AUP cockpit Avionics by Cusader - F-4E USAF pack uploaded by ravenclaw_007 - TISEO made by Crusader - original F-4E and Kurnass 2000 Templates from Sundowner - new updated model , textures and weapons by ravenclaw_007 - original F-4E Kurnass 2000 and Super Phantom for Strike Fighters 2 by dtmdragon, Wrench and Sundowner - fake pilot F-4 chaff/flare by ravenclaw_007 - new Walleye II ERDL Mk.23 Mod 1 by ravenclaw_007 - myself (dtmdragon) for modification of the F-4E USAF pack into an Israeli specific F-4E Kurnass pack with IAF textures, weapons, loadouts and campaign mods CA fair use agreement applies. Dan. Submitter dtmdragon Submitted 07/18/2022 Category F-4
1 pointwarthogaircraftdatabase.blogspot.com and warthognews.blogspot.com want to check, you might information, find a lot you will, but messy it is, time and patience are needed and answers find you will.
1 pointSince i couldn't find that parking spot in Atlantis, you've decided to send me off to find that 1 palm tree in Greenland, haven;t you? This link doesn't tell you which ones are there, but it will at least tell you where some of them were in 2016, but it leaves out where they are now. But I'll keep looking, even though both are probably on the East slope of Krakatoa. (I'm gonna find that tree and park under it.) https://www.globalsecurity.org/jhtml/jframe.html#https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/gao/679205.pdf|||Force Structure: Better Information Needed to Support Air Force A-10 and Other Future Divestment Decisions
1 pointrecently declassified photos of secret operation over Bilya. Until a few years ago, it was stated that COL Ted Masters had been released from internment by the Bilyans after intense negotiating..... (a request someone has been telling me about for a while now)
1 point
1 pointyou and me really need to talk id say you got the newer markings and i've got the older ones, except i did do both since there was a little over a year seperation between the two styles also, theres new ADFs coming at months end. B model and A model w/o the tractor beam that was on what i originally worked with did you put your Buccaneer head on skin or as tga? frankly, i should have gone tga myself, it was a PITA gettin him squared up on each side and each aircraft! (dammit, gotta fix that rescue mark on the B. number 93 on the list now.....)
1 point
1 pointBattle of Britain in the late 1950th. Heading for target area! Horrido! One Tommy down!
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1 pointWent on to do a campaign with the O-1E Bird Dod in Korea. Have been assigned to a rare Armed Recon mission and i laugth when i saw what was my target :)
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1 pointapparently .... the coords are on the tank mesh! I had to d/l my VC13 Scooter to see how I did it last time!!! and it works .......................... now, off to make 2 full sets of serial number decals -- old style (0-*****) and VN era types (af/number/3large digits)
1 point..and the VNAF represented too .. 522nd Fighter Squadron 1967..
1 pointMost of the code in SF2/FE2 (for multiplayer) is still there. The problem is that the Microsoft service (DirectPlay) that was necessary for MP to work disappeared sometime around Windows 7 and/or Windows Vista. Hamachi as far as I know does not work with SF2/FE2 so, theoretically, you would have to re-install and/or re-enable DirectPlay in Win7/8/8.1/10/11 in order to get MP working in SF2. DirectPlay, by the way, is required both for MP over the internet and for LAN. So, without DirectPlay, there is no LAN capability either. Here is a lengthy thread detailing a long (and failed) attempt to get DirectPlay working again in SF2 (as far as I could tell from the thread, it requires an awful lot of DLL editing and whatnot). If you wish to experiment using some of the info. in that lengthy thread, recommended is to download the "dplay.dll" (DirectPlay driver that's missing from later vers. of Windows), unzip it, and pop it directly into the game folder for SF2 (not into the user mods folder) -- and then continue experimenting. (No guarantees however that any of that tinkering will work.) The missing DLL is available here (at dll-files.com), if you want to experiment with a possible, working LAN in SF2 -- unfortunately I can't offer any more info. since I abandoned bothering to tinker with MP in FE2 (in my case) yrs. ago -- it just wasn't worth the hassle. Cheers, Von S
1 point
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