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  1. 10 points
    Hello, for those interested in the When Thunder Rolled Project and recent updates... Since the General Discussion forum is the most visited forum, we wanted to post a few teaser WTR screenshots here. However, we encourage you to visit our dedicated forum with additional screenies and details, thanks! https://combatace.com/forums/forum/342-wtr-general-discussion/
  2. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 UH-1B Huey Slick & Hog Remod Pack 9/14/2022 -For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)- This package contains remods of Pasko's 1stGen UH-1B helicopters, both the 'Slick' and 'Hog' gunships. These aircraft have been given unique name identifiers, as to not have the conflict with other mods of these same birds. I've collected just about all the 1stGen skins I could find for these, and created all new decals for them. Where possible, and discoverable, any serial/BuNums associated with a particular unit have been marked with a star (*). All serials ARE historically correct for the models depicted. In the case of the Canadian Hueys, no "(*) star" is used as the 10 serials ARE the 100% historically correct ones. This mod depicts several models of the UH-1B that are visually "pretty close" to each other. In truth, their minor differences won't effect gameplay in any way, shape or form. These are the UH-1B, UH-1C and UH-1E. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. UH-1B Slick == US Army; early and late skins (dark or lighter OD) US Army Medevac: possibly representing 57th Medical Detachment USMC : VM0-2 "Cherry Deuce" (used both Slicks & Hogs) Canada: CF-118 3 skins covering their uses and from 1966 thru 1995 in their Search & Rescue and utility service. UH-1B/C/E Hog == US Army; early and late skins (dark or lighter OD) US Navy: HAL-3 Seawolves USMC: HML-167 "Warriors, VMO-6 "Tomcats", The sF2 'date switch' is fully active, so watch for it. Also included are (finally) damage textures, a destroyed model, all weapons, sounds, pilot figures and so forth. The "275rocket" is a stock 3W item, and therefore not included. FM is relatively untouched (ie: "as is"), so be aware. I'm sure further refinements of the FM are needed. On the aircraft selection drop-down menu, you'll see: UH-1B/C/E Huey "Slick" (P) UH-1B/C/E Huey "Hog" (P) Obviously, the "P" stands for Pasko. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Also =PLEASE= read the "Notes" section for information about Nation assignment for the American birds. Where possible, ALL original readmes have been included. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. 1 point
    You can contribute to the discussion in this forum https://combatace.com/forums/forum/342-wtr-general-discussion/
  4. 1 point
    Awesome!!!! The issue has been resolved. Thank you so much for being so kind and helping me.
  5. 1 point
    I just noticed the problem .. I see from your screenshots that you have a pilot folder directly into your strikefighters2 directory instead of in the objects directory. The fake pilot should be in the following directory: Users/Hani/saved games/Thirdwire/Strikefighters2/Objects/pilots/fake pilot
  6. 1 point
    Journal of FSLt Douglas Bell-Gordon, RNAS Part 3 "He foolishly passed our machine without noticing us." Wednesday, 13 September 1916 It has been wonderful to be back in the air again. The M.O. cleared me to fly on Sunday and I was slated for an afternoon show on Monday, 11th inst. The wing thus far has been equipped principally with “Strutters” of the single-seat variety. My machine, however, is one of our two that carry both a pilot and a gunlayer. I am newly assigned Petty Officer Hayden as my back seat wallah. He is a very posh sort and worked in an art gallery before joining up. Still, he has a terrific sense of humour and we are on a first name basis when nobody else is listening. The first flight on Monday was up to the lines near St-Die. PO Hayden and I carried a few light bombs and were to trail our coats to attract any Huns that might be in the area. Meanwhile six single-seat Sopwith machines hid above, poised to attack. The ruse worked – such things scarcely happen in military life. Three Fokker monoplanes dived on us and we dodged about until, as in the pictures, the cavalry arrived to rescue us. At that point, I turned towards home. One unfortunate Hun decided to dive in the direction of our lines and try to hide himself against the backdrop of the hills and fields below before turning back toward his own territory. He foolishly passed our machine without noticing us. The HA (“hostile aircraft”, as the Air Service terms it) immediately began to tumble out of control and crashed into a wooded hill. The whole thing was witnessed by Stearns and my first victory was formally recognised by the Wing Captain. We repaired to the Pomme d’Or Hotel that evening to celebrate. The Yanks were already there but were too drunk to smash the place up, so the evening was uncharacteristically relaxing. The following day, Tuesday, we took a radio to spot for our guns. PO Hayden is very accomplished at Morse – much more so than I. But this time we were on our own and were once again interrupted by our Hunnish friends. Hayden hit one of them and I managed to get our machine behind it and sent it down, apparently out of control. Despite attempts to confirm the destruction of the HA, it seems that the Fokker jockey might have regained control. In any event, it was recorded officially as merely “driven down”. Today we flew a long distance to the east, the longest patrol yet. Our machines carried bombs for a railyard near Mulhouse. And once again, Mr Hun made an appearance, this time in larger numbers. What a fine scrap it was! PO Hayden and I punched holes in one yellow Fokker, and then his friends punched holes in our machine. After about ten minutes of milling about, both sides became bored and went home. Saturday, 16 September 1916 Another long patrol back in the direction of Mulhouse. We scattered bombs over the German frontline positions. Yet again our Hunnish opponents rose to interrupt our fun. At first we had the upper hand. There were eight Sopwith machines against five Fokkers. Just as we were feeling very pleased with ourselves, another six Fokkers appeared on the scene. This was a fight unlike any I have experienced to date. One could not aim. One could only point in the general direction of an HA and fire away. PO Hayden was turning his Lewis gun first one way and then the other. He expended three complete drums before we were done. I managed to get on the tail of a Fokker that was chasing one of our fellows and sent him down out of control. Flight Commander Draper saw the Hun crash, making this our second victory. We had taken some damage in the fight and begun to head west towards home when I heard the Lewis gun firing behind me. One of the German machines had decided to follow us. I came about and, after a few minutes of diving and zooming and turning in a vertical bank, I got behind him and sent him down streaming smoke. Sometime during the morning’s events, a bullet had grazed PO Hayden’s back. He was bleeding and our engine was beginning to sound ill so I abandoned the chase of the HA and headed for the French aerodrome at Belfort. We landed safely. Thankfully, PO Hayden was not seriously hurt and was able to make light of the whole affair. Today’s second Hun went down in the books as another “driven down”.
  7. 1 point
    checking a few other things out, then caught the view
  8. 1 point
    90-day rotation of Icelandic Air Policing because Iceland(NATO ALLIE), doesn't have an Air Force to protect them.
  9. 1 point
    On-Mark B-26K Counter Invader in experimental Blue-Gray camouflage circa 1966:
  10. 1 point
    Over Yougoslavia : (my plane is the small column of smoke on the runway)
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Allen, as I previously said in the terrain's support topic, I'm not going to work on the terrain anymore at this stage. It burned me out badly. I have no motivation. For simplicity and gameplay purposes all of Bosnia is Red Side. If and when a campaign will be made, front line changes can all be controlled in the campaign data. If you prefer to have Sarajevo on Blue Side, you can change it yourself.
  14. 1 point
    Out of Villafranca Proper lady for Italian sky. Hope that both of you are aware that private messages can also be used to ask someone questions... Especially in the screenshot thread. Just a small thing to keep in mind.
  15. 1 point
    *still have time before the midnight line is crossed into Thursday .... * not just the Hogs, but the Slicks as well
  16. 1 point
    HML-167 (top) VMO-6 (bottom) on the prowl for Charlie (revamps of Pasko's UH-1B. coming "soon")
  17. 1 point
    some more cockpit progress pics for the Recon Norwegian birds (RF-5a) ..


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