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Showing most liked content on 04/04/2023 in Posts

  1. 11 points
  2. 9 points
    First, I will let you know that the initial decision (GKABS team will take over soon the FCK-1 project) was "revoked" at my request because of the new circumstances arisen. As you may remember we had a bit of a trouble losing the 3D modeller we started the project initially with. My search for the "best man" continued as I let you know last time and had no luck. But, meanwhile, one Combat Ace veteran saved the day for us, when I least expected, because I never dreamed he would have time and will put aside his work, in order to give us a helping hand. Logan4 joined the team and he will be handling the 3D modelling heavy lifting for the FCK-1 for the time being and, for both projects, generally. As you all know there is a lot of modelling work involved even if we already have the 3D models, in order to prepare them for the SF2 environment... GKABS team will also, if needed, give a hand with the SU-34, when the time comes. They will also assist, if needed, with any issue raised by the project work. For now I can let you know that we will have four FCK-1 versions (yes, two seat version included, and, yes, you are welcome). Logan4 already corrected the FCK-1 3D model we have, there were some issues with it.(See the pictures included to compare some changes). As soon as we will have the UV mapping, for both models, we will start the work for some skins which will go nicely with them. We also found a better model for SU-34 than the built one we had, and we will bring it soon before commencing the work to SU-34 project effectively. We also have but... AFTER the two planes (FCK-1 & SU-34) will be finished, tested, corrected and released, THREE more surprises, one bigger than the last one, if I may say so :) You are encouraged to ask and try to bribe me (I like cookies!) but being a surprise, of course, I won't tell you anything, I will just eat the cookies. LOL As usual I will take questions if you have and I'll do my best to answer to them. In the end I want to thank Logan4 for his dedication, altruism and help. Just knowing him made me wish be a better person. ORIGINAL 3D FCK-1 model/components: CHANGED 3D FCK-1 model/components:
  3. 5 points
    An old... April fish ! The OKB MiG Ye-3bis project around 1962. From the excellent MiG-21F-13 by the Mirage Factory P.
  4. 3 points
    This is a skin that will definitely make an appearance for FCK-1:
  5. 3 points
    You will laugh, but the Soviets built a MiG-21 prototyp in a similar configuration. It was called Ye-6/2. It had an increased wing area in double delta shape. Mandatory Screenshot: Logans Ye-144
  6. 3 points
    "The bugle sounds as the charge begins, but on this battlefield no one wins The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath, as you plunge into a certain death" "Oh oh oh Oh oh oh "
  7. 2 points
    The coastline of Buenos Aires is formed so difficult, that it would need to create a lot of new tiles. A tile has the size of 2x2 km. The distance from the airport in the north to the tank farm are aprox 17 km. Some areas would need 2 tiles side by side, so that it would need 25 to 30 new tiles. All tiles are water tiles, which means each tile is 4.097kB in size. Then alle new tiles must populated with TOD files with 500 kB each. I fear, that the workload for the computer would be to high, so that slide show effects could appear.
  8. 2 points
    @Gepard your map is getting better everyday, cant wait to play the latest version :) There are some references points of Buenos Aires, if you have any questions feel free to ask me
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 1 point
    of topic just found this picture showing F-4E´s from the 50th TFW at Shiraz Air Base (Iran) during exercise Cento, 1August 1977 , how time can change , and note there are no AN/ALE-40 on this aircrafts
  13. 1 point
    I have had problems with "first gen" SF and FE. FE2 and SF2 work great. CFS3 runs great. No issues with any versions of Office that I have. Lots of very, very old Win95 games just will not run. Go figure. DOSBOX runs great.
  14. 1 point
    We will be having new updates soon about the project, I am putting now the last details in order so please stay tuned.
  15. 1 point
    The manuals don't show my throttle handles with bolted on switches and wiring dangling from them for field changes. I have the throttle handles. They existed, in the manual or not. The manuals are very important, but not always the sole arbiter of fact, including real performance vs. charts in the manuals.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Something like this? Edit: After playing with PaitShopPro it looks so:


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