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Showing most liked content on 08/06/2023 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Slow but making progress...The external model and texture processing has been completed. CockPit is the most hard part, I spent almost a whole weekend learning and researching how to make those colorful objects in the cockpit perform the correct feedback behavior, but it finally worked. I've bought a F-35 cockpit from the resource site, maybe will start working on it when the J-20 program is finished.
  2. 5 points
    Lightning take off run at RAF Duxford.
  3. 5 points
    RAF Duxford I added some new parking areas and placed the parked aircraft to correct positions.
  4. 5 points
  5. 5 points
    After 8K texture overhaul of the G.91Y, G.91T.1 & G.91T.3 I started to reskin the R variants (R.1/B, R.3 & R.4) Now the boring part starts - doing the small rivets...
  6. 4 points
    The two-seat version of the fifth-generation fighter, J-20AS, IRL This branch version was discovered in early 2022, we are not sure what it is designed for, there are rumors that it will be a UCAV command platform, pretty cool
  7. 4 points
    Doing some basic plinking in the Block III E version. I'm warming up slowly to do the latest VFA-31 scheme (I think I have enough shots to pull it off), but focused on other things right now than skinning.
  8. 4 points
  9. 3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
    Where's your Buick????? Up wayyyy too early...
  12. 2 points
    Be sure - I´ll count them all!!!!
  13. 2 points
    nother day on the flightline with my camera
  14. 2 points
    ok, the guy is fucking troll, posting stuff "acquired" by means unknown. lets not keep giving him the attention he so badly craves, and just ignore it (and yes, the SR71 is a DAT bird, as is the JAS37, so we know he at least had access to their 'stuff' at one time)
  15. 2 points
    well, a nights sleep and having to split the tiger image between two panels got me to thinking about how to make the tga work yes, im THE Abe Froman. Sticker King of Chicago.........
  16. 2 points
    After a brief and fruitful discussion, decided to work on this birdie @Jimbib and @simonmiller416 will recall it very well, thanks for trust in me Jim, hope not to disappoint you :D BTW, These are the most difficult wings i have ever done (by now) all other meshes are a real mess, so, they are a no show (also, by now) hope they are good enough.
  17. 2 points
    Over the weekend i reactivated an old project of me, a version of Battle of Britain 2 terrain for the 1960th. Screenshots: Vulcans parking at RAF Wittering, while Lighnings made a full squadron take off.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Thanks, Pol! The default [ doesn't go out as far as the non-sighted [. Maybe I'll give editing it a whirl... Here's #6, which means I am twice as lucky as we thought, TROOPER117!
  20. 1 point
    why props? jets carry it to mach 2 just fine i thought warbirds in retirement or a little gem i found in my archives
  21. 1 point
    The only type of Vigilante that deserves props...... .
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Very strong with the force that guy must be... A missile took away the middle section of the fuselage, leaving no connection between the nose and the rear, but that guy in the cockpit still manages to keep his stuff together.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    (A picture with video link) This is another thing for test out the true TVC function lol A bit troublesome to modify the key settings
  30. 1 point
    don't think so but i`m working on one , still some details missing and the skin has to be made to
  31. 1 point
    Bucc, Vulcan and Phantom at an airfield somewhere in Scotland.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    And don't forget this one (or do I have to get my paintbox out again?)!
  36. 1 point
    esto es lo que hay por el momento, plantilla tiene una blanca pero los tonos de azul negro ya los pinte, el azul oscuro completo sirve para los modelos franceses, y quizás algún modelo anaranjado para blancos de misiles. Nunca se resolvió el problema de cabeceo /alabeo ya que utilizo el data del B-24 Liverator, artilleros de los laterales no disparan ( o nunca tuvieron la oportunidad como en el video). El cokpit es el clásico de b-17 con algunas texturas nuevas, El armamento aparte de los bombas misiles Bat , bombas comunes igual que un b-24, desconozco si se utilizaron torpedos o otro armamento especial
  37. 1 point
    algunos avances en otros planos (no mod Malvinas)
  38. 1 point
    Hola @torno. Gusto en saludarte. Soy usuario de CA hace mucho tiempo, pero nunca publiqué, hace tiempo que modelo y ya me animé a mostrar mis trabajos, que con el apoyo de @Markos81 en los modelos de vuelo, se han vuelto espero, al menos aceptables. Se me ocurrió posterlos aquí, ya que siendo de habla hispana, llegaría a los mas interesados, no obstante que no tengo inconvenientes con el idioma inglés. Te agradezco los conceptos sobre nuestro trabajo, al que le falta un rato todavía para publicarlo. Viniendo de vos, es un gran halago. Cuando esté este listo, ya mostraré algunos otros que tengo en cartera, esperando a ofrecerlos a la comunidad. Sin más que decir, te envío un saludo desde La Plata, Argentina. Hasta pronto! P.D.: que lindo se ve ese SUE!
  39. 1 point
    Hola Walter! Seria bueno mapear y pintar el interior de cockpit y los cockpit frames de colores distintas del IAe.34. Agrega mas realidad. Excelente trabajo!!!
  40. 1 point
    I tried use this in Falklands campaign adding Brazilian Air Force F-5 in side of UK but when i go to the mission page appears the Harrier of UK. How I fix this? Thanks.
  41. -1 points
    It is the easiest thing ever, yet you guys are talking about it as if it were black magic. The water bitmap is 8bit, and Photoshop is known for messing them up during saving. If you want to create a working water bitmap, you must use the exact colours from IcelandNA's water bitmap. Open and save the water bitmap in Microsoft's Paint, and that's it. Sweden does not have enough water space (red), so any water bitmap will not work good enough. The terrain is only 60% of RL, and the sea areas are too small for the in-game fleets which are used to wide open oceans. You might make a _water bitmap which spawns ships over water, but on such terrains you'll see them over land occasionally, it's guaranteed. Better not to feature something broken. If it worked with no issues, I would have included a working _water bitmap for that terrain package I released, don't you think? Besides, it is only used for game-generated single missions. For campaigns, you can have fleets regardless of a _water bitmap, because the campaign data must contain the fleet's coordinates on the terrain. I'm not going to explain any further than this. This matter was discussed to death countless times, and any being with a functioning brain will use the search bar of CombatACE to find any relevant threads containing the key-words water, bitmap, fleet, etc.


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