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Showing most liked content on 08/08/2023 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. 5 points
    The wingmen reach out of fuel, the propellers stop but the aircrafts don't slow down, and they held the formation until WP 9 to finally crash when doing the landing approach. If you're cheating, do it til the end damn !
  3. 5 points
    Wear some sneakers that are sneakier than your last sneakers.
  4. 5 points
    tanto que hacer que no sabes por dónde comenzar
  5. 3 points
    Fly Low - Pretend Dead - Circling to further route from WP 5 and attack enemy when they turn their back - Pray a lot
  6. 3 points
    Making the plane use up all its fuel is not an easy task in this game. For me, the most frustrating thing about AI is when the plane starts flying in circles. Circle after circle without fireing in case it have AG guided weapon. Or guided bombs. I made a trick for myself using JSGME.exe program which make AG guided weapon unguided but with some features which I looked at Guuruu's inis. Another disappointing moment is when your escort sticks to any Shilka and loaded with a dozen AA missiles all commit suicide against this Shilka trying to kill it, at a time when you are attacked by bandits. Appeal to reason using TAB menu or call help in this situation is completely useless. Knowing these issue, sometimes I want to laugh and arrange funny fights using the mission editor. There is also such a issue of the game that when you choose the CAS mission, the enemy aircraft, no matter what AA missiles it is armed with, will attack ground targets until it uses up all its weapons. And only after that he will pay attention to you. I sometimes fly nearby and watch the enemy attack. Sometimes I shoot off something from him, for example, a tail, or aileron and I watch how he hardly tries to attack tanks and I laugh. I mock him. But one day, not expecting resistance at all, I suddenly received a missile from such an aircraft. But that was once. And I also really like to arrange a helicopter fight. 50 Mi-24s versus 50 Mi-24s. Only they need to specify the role of fighter instead of Attack and add Sweep and arm AA-8 and AA-11. The fights are amazingly funny. Especially when they got out of missiles, they begin to rotate their cannon turrets and pour bullets at each other By the way 25% it is "bingo fuel" in most normal games ha-ha. But not here. With bingo fuelb here you can reach the end of the universe and back twice
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points
    Haha, I originally planned to put the HSI where the EOTS is now, but I found that I can't seem to switch to other screens when I don't need the EOTS, so I have to reconsider moving it to other suitable locations now, maybe between the legs? Maybe replace the radar screen? Or integrated on ADI? (forget about it) Still need to think about it,but It'd be there for sure.
  9. 2 points
    Yeah I feel you without the wingman, I fly solo all the time myself.
  10. 2 points
    I can't help you as my old DACT reports say that they get the evil eye modifier, i.e. they see you regardless when in real life they would be snuck up on easy. I mean if you're using your radar that may be the reason too. It's an active thing and they will detect it.
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    In 2022 I tested the AI with a what if project "Rafale NG and the Remora UCAV" from an old UCAV mod. This seems to be interesting to do despite SF2 AI limits.
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    Plan to release with J-20AS, I want to enhance it as much as possible at the AI level
  15. 1 point
    No worries, this is just a free discussion session. So basically, I was recently testing the WIP cockpit features. And in a flight, I'm staring at my fuel indicator,looks like I'm using less than 25% of the fuel I'm carrying, I said to myself: "Oh good, I can travel the whole pacific. " Then....... my wingman said: "Two's bingo fuel!" "You what?!" A WTF situation happened. ================================================================================================== Lol,so, as far as I know, the AI does use a different flight and combat system than the player-controlled aircraft,like they are in easy mode. And even they say "bingo fuel" ,they will still fly through the whole pacific, in this case I just wondering what push them to say "bingo fuel"? Like in my view,we are far from bingo. Besides that, I want to hear some interesting AI behaviors from you too haha.
  16. 1 point
    That'll work, as it's nice to not to always have to switch to the in-flight map to orient yourself.
  17. 1 point
    Nvm, imma just running a quick test on EF-2000,it's nice, But stupidly I forgot that there is also a MFD between the legs which I plan to use as a moving map panel,maybe it would be a good idea to integrate HSI into it, Or adding a simplified HSI function to RWR's compass is also a good idea too, imo
  18. 1 point
    Well on the current EF2000 the HSI is linked to the RWR, so you can still navigate and then still have the RWR visible. How to do it I don't know of course, but it looks like it can be done though. Or I could be wrong, it's been a while since I flew it.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Yeah then again with my DACT reports I never really used the radar (cold nose) and they would "sense me" and then dodge, but I needed that to do maneuvering and such to get them to react, so it wasn't an issue. But yeah, some of them would be easy if they didn't have it. Maybe it models the mirrors, and you get close enough to "see" you, which could be an explanation. I'm not a programmer so I wouldn't know how to fix that issue, so we're stuck with it.
  21. 1 point
    Okay try to travel universe next time
  22. 1 point
    View File Mirage F1EH-200 Mirage F1EH-200 In December 1975, Morocco ordered 25 Mirage F1CH interceptors. In March 1977, an additional contract was signed, stipulating the delivery of five additional Mirage F1CHs, as well as 20 Mirage F1EHs (including six aircraft equipped with in-flight refuelling probes). F1EH-200 specifics: same as EH_Early + S530F (1990+) AN/ALE-40 Chaffs/Flares dispenser (control panel on left bench) ALR-66 RWR instead of BF ELT-### ECM Pod capability AAQ-8 IRCM Infra-Red CounterMeasure pod capability HARES pod capability This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F.1 Team Submitter ludo.m54 Submitted 08/07/2023 Category Mirage F1  
  23. 1 point
    Indeed, these super hornets have excellent combat capabilities, Even if it has nothing to do with AI, EricJ's project is a MUST HAVE for modern script players!
  24. 1 point
    The Mirage F1EH-200 is uploaded and waits for approval. It includes ELT-460 fix. The preview
  25. 1 point
    Swiss P-51 Infos: North American P-51 Mustang - Aviation History of Switzerland (swissair00.ch)
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    el viejo modelo de mig 21 i de Ale, hoy ya con tren y algunas cositas mas.
  28. 1 point
    los modelos de l-188 Electra de la Armada Argentina
  29. 1 point
    Is it possible the ex-Egyptian now ex-Iranian Su-35s were pressed into VKS service to make up for losses?
  30. 1 point
    Not to diminish from above post, but I suspect poster RWatson has passed. Full name Russ Watson. A USMC vet and a survivor of the Khe Sanh experience. Always a friend and mentor to me. I honor his experiences and mourn his passing.
  31. 1 point
    Buenas per tutti.. Tuve menos tiempo del esperado y más complicaciones al momento de ponerlo en vuelo que las que podía suponer.. un poco porque hace mucho que no agarro esto y es casi como aprender de nuevo y otro poco porque de veras el data ini se puso complicado con el tema del vertical lift. Igual me acordaba lo suficiente como para por lo menos llegar a carretear jaja Mirando a la cámara Se supone que por su condición V/STOL es embarcado, entonces lo lógico es que tenga las alas plegables. Por las dudas, y por el mismo precio, también le puse sonda.
  32. 1 point
    Hoy tengo un rato libre y lo pongo en vuelo en el sim. Si más o menos anda este finde lo subo SIN TEXTURAS a modo de beta jugable, y también al Checkmate y a otro What If más que tengo bastante avanzado.
  33. 1 point
    Vought V-156s aboard PA Bearn


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