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Showing most liked content on 08/12/2023 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    worst movie Spielberg ever made. totally lame -- sorry for the sidetrack!
  2. 4 points
    At the moment i'm checking all parking positions in the Battle of Britain 2 - 1960th terrain. Its timeconsuming.
  3. 4 points
    are the brits fightin the belgians? ah well, heres the number one buzzard.....
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    Uploaded and awaiting approval
  8. 2 points
    Hi Coupi, I do not have that problem in my install. If I were you, I would delete the Rafale mod from the game, download the latest version of the mod and install it anew.
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
    sure not. I just showed you where you need to try the values to get everything become OK with the plane. for each aircraft you will have to try different values. but you can of course make them empty! For fun. The game will not crash from this, but the plane may behave unexpectedly. In general, the game takes these values by default from the AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI file, which is located in the CAB file of the game itself, so try it if you want. OR EASIEST way add empoty mass . But then the plane will start to fly worse. although for target aircraft it is even better. Sometimes I do. Mmmm... things in that, you do a mission in the editor, with the take-off of all the bombers, then the bomber immediately after take-off starts circling near the first waypoint, and if you made yourself a mission to intercept, you will never meet these bombers. He will circle around the airfield for an hour, two, three hours. Even if it is a tanker. If you generate a quick mission, then everything will be fine, aircraft with CRUISE_MISSILE missions will be generated in the air by themselves near the desired control point. You can easily verify this yourself. open any generated in IcelandNA theater mission with the Tu-22 and you will see that they have neither a takeoff nor a landing waypoint. There is only a point for launching cruise missiles and a few points after. Therefore, these aircraft often cannot land. for myself, I like to do global single missions in which all planes will take off at the right time, where there will be tank breakthroughs and artillery ambushes. Therefore, flying in circles and landing have long been a problem for me. I don't play the way TW intended exactly. I like grand ground batles. therefore, when I fly over, everything under me explodes and the ground battle rages on.
  14. 1 point
    Hello, Please... About the Rafale mod : Is there a fix in order to have the good configuration of the loads on the left MFD ? Here the example of the Rafale C F4. So I don't understand the link between their cockpit.ini file entries and the stations (meshes) indicated from their cockpit LOD file. Thanks, P.
  15. 1 point
    Well, then my useless opinion: I also faced this problem. I have been looking for a solution for a long time, I manually twisted the normal, but I could not defeat the seam after export. The only way out is not to cut the model in this place. I know, this is useless advise, sorry
  16. 1 point
    Here's how the line one will work. It'll be weathered just like the CAG bird. I had to make custom decals for the tail, so the numbers could be seen. I removed the shark mouth from the line bird, but otherwise somewhat similar to the CAG version.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Fiat G.55 Centauro - 1st Fighter Regiment, Parani Army Air Force, 1946 In early 1946, Fiat restarted production of the G.55 Centauro by utilising 20 partially complete airframes remaining at it's Turin factory and a similar number of Fiat RA.1050 R.C.58 Tifone engines (a licence-built Daimler-Benz DB 605 rated at 1,475h.p.). Initially, Fiat expected that the new G.55's would be sold to the Regia Aeronautica (this was still before the establishment of the Aeronautica Militare) but with the country being desperate for foreign currency all 20 G.55's were sold to Paran where they were operated to good effect by the Parani Army Air Force who received their first examples in May 1946. Skin Credit: Charles
  19. 1 point
    Now starting to paint the German unit markings.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    I don't have it but wanted to post anyway
  24. 1 point
    Testing (and editing) over the welcoming kingdom of Dhimar
  25. 1 point
    Never forget to Check Six in a melee....
  26. 1 point
    The two-seat version of the fifth-generation fighter, J-20AS, IRL This branch version was discovered in early 2022, we are not sure what it is designed for, there are rumors that it will be a UCAV command platform, pretty cool
  27. 1 point
    RAF Duxford I added some new parking areas and placed the parked aircraft to correct positions.
  28. 1 point
    Well, it was a hell of flight test!!! During my test drive, escorted by my wingman in a ROCAF´s M2000, I was surprised by a chinese J-15 who send me some love, but I was fortunate to return to base with my test plane. He SURVIVED, so its a good thing!!! My 2 cents: - (I changed the afterburner effect for another, to satisfy my personal taste, and needed to apply a F/A-18 cockpit to fly) - I think the rudder visual movement need to be decrease a little, to some like the F-16, FBW planes do not have so much amplitude of movement in the rudder. - The only issue I detected its the black line coming from the cockpit, like said in the post above. Congratulations and thanks for the work of everyone involved!
  29. 1 point
    Ladiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies and Gentlemen !!! ( continuous and annoying drum rols!) Here's the pack for you delight tasting ! Oops, I said tasting ? Well, you all know it was testing :) Don't by shy, be wild and rip it apart, take it for a spin in your virtual skies and, (whispering) in two weeks , here, at the same hour and place, you let me know what you think, will you ? PS - I won't spoil it telling you here what version it is, I let this surprise for you to unwrap it home, when you will open it ;) Test pack.7z
  30. 1 point
    Our 3D Max operator, Logan4 is fiddling with the shapes of the "B" model and tries to keep the model as accurate as FCK-1 "B" model close ups pictures we've got.
  31. 1 point
    The C model, WIP and some of its arsenal.
  32. 1 point
    We started work on the C model as well adding supplementary pylons and correcting/adjusting model data as necessary.
  33. 1 point
    WIP finishing touches to the LOD
  34. 1 point
    We have some update for you with the current project. There has been some 3D work made and corrected (lamps, canopy actuator, lower pitot, plane's hook), damaged meshes added. Logan4 also built and adapted , from scratch, a brand new HF-2 surface to air missile. Work will continue to the project as planned with some expected (slightly) delays due to the summer holiday I think. We'll see when the time comes.
  35. 1 point
    Status update - the scoops and gear door actuators are finished. - there have been added most of the antennas - a hook was made for the aircraft - Maverick rails ready - other 3D model improvements Further "to do list": - the canopy mechanism - adding the bottom and spine light meshes - L/R landing lights at the main gears. - afterburner emitter texture and mesh - further skin work
  36. 1 point
    More WIP... Gear, gear door animations tested, correction and polishing almost finished. Minor aircraft body correction as well. Weapon pylons for AG ordnance finsihed and polished. Added external fuel tanks to the model. Some tweaking and editing for the main plane's files. We also work for some skins. Landing lights, gear door actuators, canopy mechanism, missing airscoops/outlets, Maverick rails will be next on the to do list.
  37. 1 point
    Some WIP shots. I would like to add that we are making serious progress with our FCK-1 project. Our 3D Max "operator", Logan4 is binding things together with a ferm grip; our project starts to get a clear contour.
  38. 0 points
    i try to get rid of this seam , i try Edit Normals in 3ds max and in max it looks like it works no more seam but as soon as i have the lod in game the seam is back any idea what i do wrong ???? in 3ds max is no seam visible in game the seam is there


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