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Showing most liked content on 02/18/2024 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    OK, some weekend progress - first round and start of "interior decorating". Will continue to add more details and interior props soon enough, hope you enjoy for now, thanks!
  2. 5 points
    Had bombs left over, soooooooo....................... And of course, just as I'm in the slot, the boat turns. It took 4 tries to catch it steaming in a straight path
  3. 5 points
    did you know, that in the first part of 1993 the 510th Fighter Squadron's tails were left unpainted because "they were the only A-10 squadron at Spangdahlem"? they would get their black tails with white thunderbolts 6 months before becoming the 81st FS.....
  4. 3 points
    "excuse me sir, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior?" you mean the A-10, the baddest close air support platform ever? "why yes! You've heard the holy BRRRRT from Heaven?" for those that never saw the comic
  5. 3 points
    McDonnell Douglas F-4M 'Kārearea' - No.2 Squadron, Royal New Zealand Air Force, 1992
  6. 2 points
    Nothing special, but to keep the skin requests for texture artists/skinners consolidated in one topic, so we're not posting all over the place. Just post your request here, and a neighborhood skinner will come by and will help you out. NOTE: This isn't an aircraft request thread...
  7. 2 points
    its not legos or motors, you cant just swap parts out you either need a new model (time to learn), a friend who can make one (learn patience). third option is to choose the pit you can tolerate best (lesser of two evils, like an election) there are some small things that can be done with texture and ini fixes, but it sounds like this isnt one of them.
  8. 2 points
    been back to stickers for this one. i mean i do already have them dialed in pretty good
  9. 2 points
    contract bids for next fiscal year open up in June*, you can see about being the primary supplier for base vending machines then. . . . . . . . . . . . . ok it opens in May, but I like Dr Pepper and Pepsi machines rarely have it
  10. 2 points
    We should have a Skin Request Topic, so we can consolidate all the skin requests, much like how the Arma forums do that, so people can request stuff without posting in various topics. That way texture artists can visit the topic and say yay or nay.
  11. 2 points
    The fun thing is... we're all here for flying AND for the sh*ts and giggles! Enjoy SF and CA!
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    closest thing i could find, i like it
  14. 1 point
    Well I cant help you there, unless there is another Kitty Kat 'pit in the downloads section, it is either the TMF OR the stock one. Personally if there is not another available, I would just "live" with the TMF one, I know, the OCD will play merry hell with your brain, but we sometimes have little to no choice, Cockpits are not something that are commonly modded unfortunately, so we have to use stand ins or totally, in some cases inapprpriate ones. I wish I myself had the skills to do 'pit modelling, as I do understand and emphasise with your issue.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Yeah you're doing it all wrong. Take this Soundlist.ini and ADD that stuff to the one I gave you from the Tornado pack. in sequential order. SOUNDLIST.INI
  17. 1 point
    You realise you can use the stock cockpit in the TMF Aircraft, and vis-versa
  18. 1 point
    For some reason I won't fly SF2 Hawgs. I don't know why but maybe I like the gadgets and doohickeys of the DCS plane better, even though I never flew in an online squadron. Anyway it's looking pretty good DA
  19. 1 point
    Well normally what we do is take the one from the CAT File and add to it, and it works like that. My only thought is that it may be out of order on the Soundlist.ini that you have already, but it's a complete one, but check the sequence and see if it's not a typo or something, as "Cannon" is a default sound, and something is out of whack apparently, and I'm trying to help (not that well I apologize) figure it out.
  20. 1 point
    Well the CAT extractor is in the Download section under Utilities. I looked at the gun files and it says "Cannon", so I assume the default sound. Hopefully guruu chimes in and helps, because it looks like it should work right out of the box.
  21. 1 point
    I'm thinking you have a "virgin" Soundlist.ini and it's reading off of that. What you should do is using the CAT Extractor, find the game's soundlist.ini and add that gun sound to it, and put it in the Flight folder.
  22. 1 point
    Looks like somebody doesn't have a good taste in sodas...
  23. 1 point
    I tried this on a YAP model looks great in the Lod viewer where plane can’t be seen but in game plane is just white and still sitting there
  24. 1 point
    Can one of our talented skin makers do this cool F-16 skin, please?
  25. 1 point
    The aggressor version is not in our plans at this time but if you want to make one, send me a message.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    I was looking at this the other day http://tailspintopics.blogspot.com/2015/10/grumman-6c-trim.html?m=1
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    View File SF2 P-51D/K Mustang by Crisis Remod Pack SF2 P-51D/K Mustang by Crisis Remod Pack 1/28/2024 -For SF2, Any and All- Another 1stGen Salvage Project... This is an SF2 Remod of P-51D Mustang by crisis. Historically this was one of the first aircraft mods released for SF1 in approx 2008. While the model still has some issues (see "Notes"), it's fully functional, and has been upgraded for the SF2 environment. I believe this will be a complimentary aircraft for the stock 3W Mustang (and others). This mod is supplied with just about all the original skin sets I could find from the 1stGen SF mods section and from Marcfighters archive. Unfortunately, several were not up to snuff, with inaccurate coloration, or had painted-on markings that make it impossible to allow the use of the superb 3W decal system. Therefore several, while replicating the originals, are new builds. These were made from a new template, and it is included. These skin sets cover US Army Air Force (WW2 ETO), USAF (post-war), Korean War units for the USAF, RoKAF, SAAF, and Israeli Air Force directly post-WW2 and during the 1956 Suez Crisis.. Several of the included skins make use of decal sets I created for other mods, as you all know how I hate to waste good decals!!! :) You will find herein ... USAAF/USAF: 362nd FS,357th FG (ETO) -1944 start date (NMF) 375th FS, 361st FG (ETO) -Sept, 1944 start date (Camo/NMF/Invasion Stripes under wing/fues) "USAFSilver", Generic NMF -10/1947 start date 12th FBS, 18th FBG (Korea) -1950 start date SAAF: 2 Sqdn, SAAF "Flying Cheetahs" -1950 start date IDFAF: No.101 Sqdn (NMF) -1948 start date No.116 Sqdn Blue/Brown Camo (1956<) -Suez Crisis camo scheme RoKAF: 51st PFS* (ROKAF) -Korean War. #18 is Col. Dean Hess' aircraft, with nose art *=Provisional Fighter Squadron 98.6% of the markings are decals, with some small exceptions (see notes). Decal randomization is TRUE. While many skins had to be remade, some are still 'as issued' (un-retouched). All remain in bmp format. As is usual, serial numbers & 'plane in squadron letters' (WW2 & Korea) are as historically accurate as possible. Those fully 100% matched are marked with the star (*), those correct, but unable to match to a individual code letter are marked with the plus/cross (+), those with no mark are generic. For those units listed in the game's SquadronList ini, my (patent pending) 'fake SqTail' decal is used to activate their name displayed on the Loadout screen. The SF2 'date switch' is used for all services on their respective skin sets. Sounds and drop tanks are included. All weapons used are also included. If you End Users (tm) have the SF2I expansion that adds the Mustang and WW2 era weapon, feel free to edit the loadout ini to use those stock in-game 3rd Wire items. The data ini has been brought up, as much as possible, to current standards. The FM test drives as fully compatable with SF2. When in-game, you'll see P-51D/K Mustang (cr) on the Aircraft Selection dropdown. This "(cr)" will differenize this one from the 3rd Wire or Wolf357's (and variations thereof). This mod DOES (sorta) cover both the D & K variants, as there's very little (actual) difference between them (one built in Inglewood, CA -D; the other in Dallas, TX -K; albeit with a different prop). Canopy acutation uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Also, give the "Notes" a browse, as it explains certain issues this model has, and the change logs. Good Hunting and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/16/2024 Category P-51  
  30. 1 point
    Ready 5 for an early morning CAS tasking in the Red Sea...
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    some F-4E´s and F-4G´s did get the single piece windscreen , here are the F-4G´s from the Idaho ANG that did get it including a new cockpit for it just notice by looking to the pictures that i have to work on some cockpit items a bit more , nothing major
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Okay First update the A-6A has been sent to the team and we are working on two things making the data files and the textures hopfull this is what the textures will include.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    Scouting for Boys.. (USAAF Air Liaison SQ, 1945)


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