Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
512X512 tiles for Rends Germany
By Icarus999
This is a simple 512X512 tile resize of Rends /Stary's 1024X1024 Germany tile set.
All artistic credit goes to Rends and Stary for creating these beautiful tiles,I simply resized them.
These are tiles only... you will need rends full terrain to make this conversion work correctly.
If you do not already have it -get the original terrain here:
Install the full terrain as per instructions in the original readme.
Back up your original GermanyCE folder in case you do not like this mod and want to go back to 1024.
The GermanyCE folder should be located here: Saved games/ ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Europe/Terrains/GermanyCE
Unpack this mod to your desktop
Copy the contents of each( season folder) to its corresponding folder i.e.- Spring to Spring / Summer to Summer.
Purpose of this mod?
My SF2 settings are set to maximize Eye candy, and immersion at the expense of frames per second. I run detail mesh settings at 16 to 24 and in some patch levels I run increased horizon draw distances of up to 200000.0----- I have struck a careful balance that keeps my frame rates just in the playable range. Rends awesome, highly detailed Germany pushed the frame rates into the unplayable range with these settings, so I undertook some experimentation to increase fps.
Thru tightening my RAM speed settings and using these resized tiles I have seen a small improvement that puts the FPS back into the playable range. However takeoffs at certain airbases can still be a bit choppy.
I believe that RAM speed is very important with this terrain and its high object density.
These resized tiles may be of benefit to those who have older computers, or those who run high detail mesh sizes.
By dtmdragon
USAF ANG 148th FS Skin for the Viper Team Dutch F-16AM (2010+)
Assigned to the 162d Tactical Fighter Training Group at Tucson International Airport, Arizona. The 148th FS was tasked with pilot training for the foreign air forces as part of the Foreign Military Sales program, although the squadron has also been tasked with training F-16 crew for the USAF and the Air National Guard both advanced and beginner training. Through the years numerous countries have detached personnel to receive advanced training by the squadron.
The first to make use of these was the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF). Training used a mix of USAF F-16 as well as some Dutch F-16s. Eventually a total of eight RNlAF F-16s were on hand. These Dutch aircraft were hard to tell apart from the USAF as they had the same markings and where the same blocks. In 1991, the squadron was officially tasked a NATO F-16 training mission which was not much of a departure from the norm. Re-designated as the 148th Fighter Squadron on 15 March 1992 and the training role continued. By May 1995 all the RNlAF F-16s had departed Tucson for their native country.
In 2003 another contract was signed that included detaching foreign F-16s. These new F-16s would be the E/F models of the United Arab Emirates Air Force. The relationship ended on 20 October 2010 with over 100 UAE F-16 pilots trained. The last aircraft departed for UAE during December.
2010 saw a new contract with the RNLAF. The Dutch already had a detachment with the 162d Fighter Squadron of the Ohio Air National Guard. This unit was to lose its F-16 task and so the Dutch needed to search for another training site. The USAF then proposed the 148th FS. So an influx of Dutch F-16AM/BM airframes began December 2010. The first class of about ten pilots graduated in late April 2011.
This time the Dutch F-16s retained RNLAF Roundels and serial numbers but have had their Dutch squadron markings replaced with those of the 148th FS.
Credit goes to the Viper Team and you will need the 'European MLU Vipers' pack here:
Essex Class - Post WWII (*)
By paulopanz
This pack bring you the original Essex Class carrier in postwar service. Ideal for KAW install.
What's in:
- a new carrier class with all proper numbers
- YAP Rising Sun for original model (not icluded)
- paulopanz for SF-2 porting, skin editings, decals etc.
- Spillone104 for help & test
- extract the pack
- take Essex_1115.lod file from your YAP Phase 3
- copy it in Objects/GroundObject/CV-9 folder
- make a copy name it "Essex_1115_Col" and leave it in CV-9 folder
- copy all Objects folder in your mod (es KAW) folder and overwrite
@ paulopanz
(*) This is NOT a complete pack: you must own YAP Rising Sun to use.
Essex Class SBC-27 (*)
By paulopanz
This pack bring you the long hull SBC-27 Essex Class carrier. Ideal for KAW install.
What's in:
- a new carrier class with all proper numbers
- YAP Carrier Pack I for original model (not icluded)
- paulopanz for SF-2 porting, skin editings, decals etc.
- Spillone104 for help & test
- extract the pack
- take Essex_Korea.lod file from your YAP Carrier Pack I
- copy it in Objects/GroundObject/CV-9_SBC-27 folder
- make a copy name it "CV34_Col" and leave it in CV-9_SBC-27 folder
- copy all Objects folder in your mod (es KAW) folder and overwrite
@ paulopanz
(*) This NOT a complete pack: you must own YAP Carrier Pack I
Suez Population
By ignacioc91
Hi!!! In this opportunity, I have populated Suez, the soutern edge of the Suez Canal. I have added some AAA and ships. I hope you like it!!! There's no readme, just replace your Suez entry in your IsraelME_TARGETS.ini with the entry inside the TARGETS.txt.
Required Files:
My Port Said Population, as all the needed files and TYPES are included there. (
IJN Kiyokawa Maru Transport. You can get it here
MiG-21bisD pack
By Gepard
MiG-21bisD german updateprogram (What if)
I. This mod is written for WoX
(a SF2 version will follow later)
II. History:
In January 1991 the Bundesverteidigungsministerium (ministery of defence of the Federal Republic Germany) decided to phase out all MiG-21 which were handed over after the reunification of Germany and scrap them.
Two mounth later ingenieurs of the german DASA company (became later part of EADS) wrote a letter of memorandum to the chairmen of their company. In their memo they stated, that an updateprogram for the MiG-21 would be a profitable cashcow for the DASA company. As reasons for their statement they gave some points:
1. Repair and updatefacilities are already existing with the Flugzeugwerft Dresden
2. Skilled personal is available
3. Good connections to eastern Europe contries are given, because a lot of WP MiG's were repaired and overhauled in Dresden in the past.
4. The eastern european states are attempting to leave the zone of influence of the Sovietunion and will try to become closer to the western alliance.
5. The economic situation of the former WP states is so weak, that it is unlikely, that they will be able to purchase modern western equipment in the next decade. What means, that they will use the weapons they already have for a while.
6. The backbone of the fighter fleet of states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania is still the MiG-21. Its an easy and cheap to operate plane and it is believed, that this plane will held in operational status till the year 2000.
Conclusion: For states which are willing to become members of the NATO and still operating the MiG-21 is an offer of a german made MiG-21 update program a welcome gift. It brings the MiG-21 to NATO standard and helps the economic weak states to operate a significant fighter fleet.To support our selling attempts is is neccessary, that the Luftwaffe must operate the updated MiG-21 in significant numbers over a periode of 5 years minimum.
In March 1991 the chairmen of the DASA decided to start a MiG-21 update program. Close informal connections to the Bundeskanzleramt and the MOD changed the fate of the MiG-21 in german service. The former east german Jagdgeschwader 8, based in Preschen, was relaunched under the new name "Erprobungsgeschwader 8". As operating aircraft only the MiG-21bis was choosen.
In April 1991, the DASA offered 3 update levels for the MiG-21 with the task to improve the combat capabilities of the plane by minimal changes in original design. The project name was MiG-21bisD. The D stands for Deutschland, the german name for Germany.
MiG-21bisD1, electronic update. It consist of the replacement of the RP-22 radar with the italian Grifo-7M, the implementation of an avionics container at the tailfin root, which contains an internal jammer SPS-142, a chaff - flare dispenser and parts of the NATO compatible radio equipment. The weapon system was modified to operate Sidewinder missiles, side by side with soviet made weapons. Only the R-3R missile was withdrawn, because the radar was unable to guide this weapon. The first MiG-21bisD1 was ready in November 1991 and entered the german service in spring 1992. In August 1992 the first MiG-21bisD1 was sold to Poland.
MiG-21bisD2, agility update. With this update the MiG-21bis got a pair of canards to improve the agility of the plane, an inflight refuel probe, new NATO compatible radio and a new french made IFF system. The radar RP-22 was slightly improved by better computers, so that the range was increased by 10% and the target quisition time reduced by 50%. The weapon system changes consist only of the Sidewinder implementation. The first D2 was completed in December 1991 and entered german service in summer 1992. First costumer was the Czech Republic in spring 1993, followed by Hungary in summer 1993.
MiG-21bisD3, full NATO compatibility. This modification included the MiG-21bisD1 avionic update and the D2 agility update. Additionally the plane plane got a new engine. The old R-25-300 was replaced by the RB-199 Mk.105 which was developed for the Tornado ECR. It was ~ 5% stronger than the R-25 and a good piece shorter. The now existing space was used for a bigger internal fuel volume. In Spring 1992 the first MiG-21bisD3 started for maiden flight, but the program came to a temporary stop, when the british company GEC Marconi Avionics offered their Blue Hawk and Blue Vixen radars to the program. In summer 1992 the implementation of the Blue Vixen was finished and in spring 1993 the plane became able to operate the new american AIM-120A AMRAAM missile. The first MiG-21bisD3 entered the german service in November 1993. It proofed as a reliable, capable and cheap to operate aircraft. In 1993 the "Erprobungsgeschwader 8" was renamed in JG75 "Erich Hartmann". It operated the MiG-21bisD3 and a later D4 update till it was replaced by the first Eurofighter Typhoon in 2004.
Poland got the D3 in 1995, Romania in 1996. India showed an increased interesse for a licence production of the D3, but when the USA denied the AMRAAM capability India retreated from program and purchased the MiG-21BISON from Russia.
I want to say thank you to Alejandro from Argentina who made the aditionally parts which i used to create this plane.
The great MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian
-Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
May 2014
A plane amazing and fabulous war. Thus the family of derivatives hunts very famous and renowned Sukhoi Su-27 can be set. Also designed to overcome the outstanding F-15 Eagle, this game has become the standard to be compared. With the end of the Cold War and the dismantling of the Soviet Union, the Russian defense industries have embarked on an extremely aggressive policy of sales of its military equipment with extreme success by getting their monetary funds to follow the research as well as globalization has brought fruits extremely beneficial, and excellent competitiveness.
Su-30 B-60
The Su-30 started out as an internal development project in the Sukhoi Su-27 family by Sukhoi. The design plan was revamped and the name was made official by the Russian Defense Ministry in 1996. Of the Flanker family, only the Su-27, Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 have been ordered into serial production by the Defense Ministry. All the others, such as Su-37, were prototypes.
The Su-30 has two distinct version branches, manufactured by competing organisations: KnAAPO and the Irkut Corporation, both of which come under the Sukhoi group's umbrella. KnAAPO manufactures the Su-30MKK and the Su-30MK2, which were designed for and sold to China, and later Indonesia, Venezuela and Vietnam. Due to KnAAPO's involvement from the early stages of developing Su-35, these are basically a two-seat version of the mid-1990s Su-35. The Chinese chose an older but lighter radar so the canards could be omitted in return for increased payload. It is a fighter with both air superiority and attack capabilities, generally similar to the U.S.F-15E.[6]
Murasame class destroyer
This model represents the Murasame class destroyers (DD-101~DD-109), in service with the JMSDF from 1994 to present. These modern warships are Japan's workhorse, capable of anti-air, anti-surface, and anti-sub combat. Two variants are included, the original as-built vessel, and a recent refit with ESSM replacing Sea Sparrows.
The Murasame class features well-rounded armament including a 76mm gun, two Phalanx CIWS, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASW torpedoes, and two vertical launch systems: a 16-cell Mk41 for VL-ASROC missiles, and a 16-cell Mk48 for Sea Sparrow missiles. The Mk48 is a low-cost light-weight vertical launch system equipped on many NATO and allied ships.
A full names list and authentic decals are included. The model features a helicopter deck and a few other surprises. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo class, Asagiri class, and upcoming JMSDF capital ships.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
Port Said population
By ignacioc91
Hi!!! This is the beginning of I hope a bigger project to populate the Middle East. I tried to bring some life to the Port Said. It can be used during the whole second half of the XXth century, as it includes new structures, AAA, SAMs that will only appear after the 1960s, so it will have certain historical accuracy both during conflicts in the 1950s or 1980s. I hope you enjoy!!!!!
Thanks very much to Stary for the Lighthouse and to Mitch from the Factory Place. I would also like to thank Wrench, I used some of the terrain objects from his Kamchatka, and for his Flag pack. Thank PureBlue for the Julhelms Factory Place , and thanks Peacemeal, your Desert 4 was my inspiration!!!
Hatsuyuki class destroyer
This model represents the Hatsuyuki class destroyers (DD-122~DD-133), in service with the JMSDF from 1982 to present. They are among Japan's most numerous and modern general-purpose escorts, and the first to use Combined gas or gas (COGOG) propulsion.
The Hatsuyuki class features well-rounded armament including a 76mm gun, two Phalanx CIWS, an 8-cell Sea Sparrow launcher, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASROC launcher, and ASW torpedoes.
A full names list and authentic decals are included. The model features a helicopter deck and a few other surprises. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo class, Murasame class, Asagiri class, and other upcoming JMSDF capital ships.
Asagiri class destroyer
This model represents the Asagiri class destroyers (DD-151~DD-158), in service with the JMSDF from 1989 to present. An enlarged and upgraded version of the earlier Hatsuyuki class, they are among Japan's most numerous and modern general-purpose escorts.
The Asagiri class features well-rounded armament including a 76mm gun, two Phalanx CIWS, an 8-cell Sea Sparrow launcher, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASROC launcher, and ASW torpedoes. Sensor systems include the world's first naval AESA radar, OPS-24, designed and built in Japan.
A full names list and authentic decals are included. The model features a helicopter deck and a few other surprises. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo class, Murasame class, and other upcoming JMSDF capital ships.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
Improved Fencer Skins
By slick cowboy
These are two SU-24MK skins for Syria and a What-If Parani airforce
I redrew the panel lines in 2048x2048 and added some rivets as well. I included the psd file I used for those who want to create more skins.
I also updated the data.ini with values for use of the K-36 ejection seat and Red7002 pilots. It looks better I think :-)
But feel free to use the original one in the aircraft mod of course.
This is not the add-on aircraft itself. You'll have to get it here:
After you installed the aircraft mod obviously...
Paste the skin folders (Paran & SyAAFCamo1) and the data.ini in your Aircraft folder (SU-24MK).
The K-36D and Red7002 go into your Pilots folder.
TW for the game
My skins and template are based on the ones by Veltro2K & Tunderchief
Layered PSD file, yours truly
I couldn't find who made the seat and pilot, sorry. But credit goes to whoever made them.
Fairchild A-14A Thunderfire (USAF AMX)
By Spinners
Fairchild A-14A 'AMX' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of Rafaels' AMX 2.0 to represent a fictional USAF version. I'm releasing this 'as is' (in response to a request) but it could do with a host of further refinements and I've quickly put the Third Wire A-7E_74 pit in there to get you up and running although I think there is a later AMX in the downloads section that might have a better cockpit.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-14A folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-14A folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AMX_EFT_580lts folder into your Weapons folder.
As always, big thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Massive thanks to Rafael Rodrigues for the AMX.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 05/05/14
SF2 WW2 PB4Y-1 (B-24D) USN Liberator, ETO Pak by Veltro2K
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 PB4Y-1 (B-24D) USN Liberator, ETO Pak by Veltro2K 4/28/2014
(Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
**Having a merged install is reccomended, as the destroyed model references the stock 3W An-12's destroyed lod.**
This pack contains a NEW aircrft, by Veltro2k; the US Navy's PB4Y-1 (B-24D) Liberator as seen in the Atlantic theatre (both North & South). This aircraft uses some SF2NA 'mission statements'.
It is designed for use =ONLY= in the North Atlantic/ETO. Research has not turned up any data about USN "D" models being used in SoWesPac or CenPac. Or in the Med.
The unit represented herein are:
VPB-105, as based in the UK.
The aircraft is finished in "Atlantic Sea Search" camo, and while 'assigned' to VPB-105, is representative of pretty much all USN VPB Liberator units as seen from Iceland to Brazil, and all points in between.
The skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals (excepting the wing national markings). The BuNums are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft within a specific unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. There are NO nose arts.
Weapons, pilot figures and guns are NOT included; you should have them already.
Damage textures are in DDS format.
When in game you'll see
PB4Y-1 (D) Liberator (v2k)
The (D) expresses that this version is based of the B-24D model, NOT the J, L, or M. All USN/USMC/USCG versions were called PB4Y-1, regardless of what sub-variant.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations, in particular for in-game usage.
Happy Landings
Kevin Stein
Operation Tainted Cigar for SF2 - Part 2 of 2
By eburger68
Operation Tainted Cigar
Strike Fighters 2
This package contains an updated version of the Operation Tainted Cigar (OTC) mod package for "Strike Fighters 2" (SF2). In addition to making the original mod compatible with SF2, this updated version also adds a number of items that were released in the years subsequent to original two versions of OTC for SFP1, including:
- a completely revamped/overhauled Cuba terrain
- a number of new aircraft
- other aircraft updated to SF2 standards
- plenty of new aircraft skins
- a bevy of new ground objects, incl. new ships
- a handful of new effects, weapons, and guns
- a more historically plausible campaign
- SF2NA-compatible campaign w/ carrier battle groups
To use this mod, you must have "Strike Fighters 2" (SF2) in a merged install that also includes "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam" (SF2V). It is recommended that your target install also include "Strike Fighters 2 Europe" (SF2E) and "Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic" (SFNA), but neither is required.
Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package. There is no need to install either of the original OTC mod versions for SFP1.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed as part of your target installation base:
REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
This mod does support installations that include "Strike Fighters 2 Europe" (SF2E) and "Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic" (SF2NA), but they are not required.
Before installing, please ensure that your target SF2 install meets the minimum requirements laid out above.
The main installation process consists of three main steps. Those without SF2NA in their base SF2 install will have an additional installation step at the end.
Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly. If you post to the forums and report that the mod isn't working or that you can't see any new aircraft or campaigns, I'm simply going to tell you to review this ReadMe and try installing again.
This mod requires a separate Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as NATO Fighter 5 or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2.exe. If SF2NA is part of your target install, then make a copy of "StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe" instead. Rename the copied file to StrikeFighters2_OTC.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your OTC mod install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
Now you're ready to install the OTC mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Unpack the two OTC archive packages that you downloaded to a location on your hard drive.
- Move the *contents* of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from each package to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
This step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
Open the Options.INI file in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Single Mission" section. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
Now, locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following:
Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
CampaignName=19621028 Op Tainted Cigar
PlayerUnit=481st TFS, 27th TFW
Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
* STEP 4: Extra Step for Installs without SF2NA *
If your target SF2 installation does NOT include SF2NA, then you have a few more files to copy over to your Mod Folder (and a few things to remove as well).
- Open the \SF2_Only folder in the directory to which you unpacked the two OTC archive packages.
- Copy everything from the \SF2_Only folder to your Mod Folder, allowing it to overwrite as prompted. (Again, do NOT simply grab the \SF2_Only folder itself and drag it over to your Mod Folder; rather, copy the CONTENTS of the \SF2_Only folder to your Mod Folder.)
Now for the removals:
- remove the following items from \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder: E-2A, E-2C (these aircraft require SF2NA).
- remove the following items from \Objects\GroundObject in your Mod Folder: Adams, Farragut, GearingFRAM1B, Kashin, Kynda, LPH-2, & USNFrigate (these ships require SF2NA).
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. Your "Operation Tainted Cigar for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section.
Installation of Optional Items
This mod package includes a number of "optional" items. Some of these optional items require you to have "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E) in your base SF2 install. Others require you to copy over LODs from third-party mods available from the A-Team (DAT) or Yankee Air Pirate. You can find these optional items in the \Optional folder (itself located in the directory where you unpacked the two OTC archive packages).
The optional items, which are found in the \Optional directory of the OTC archive packages you downloaded, can be grouped into three different buckets:
1. Optional Aircraft from SF2E
If SF2E is part of your base SF2 install, then you can copy over the F-84F and MiG-15bis from \Optional\Aircraft to \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder. The campaigns will automatically use these ThirdWire aircraft in lieu of the substitute versions (F-84F_MF & MiG-15bis_FAR).
2. Optional DLC Aircraft from ThirdWire
If you have DLC 28 (AI Only Aircraft, Part 1), then you can install and use the F-104A and F-104C from that DLC offering in lieu of the third party models. Simply copy over F-104A_58 & F-104C_61 from \Optional\Aircraft to \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder. The campaigns will automatically use these ThirdWire aircraft in lieu of the third-party versions installed by default.
3. Optional Aircraft from the A-Team
This version of OTC also supports the use of several aircraft available only from the A-Team's web site:
These aircraft require the LOD files from the original aircraft. To use these aircraft you will need to:
1) download the original versions from the web site above and unpack them;
2) copy the LOD files (models) from the original versions to the corresponding
aircraft in \Optional\Aircraft,
3) copy the aircraft folders themselves from \Optional\Aircraft to \Objects\Aircraft
in your OTC Mod Folder.
Again, the campaigns will automatically use these aircraft in lieu of substitutes once they are installed to your Mod Folder.
Below is a table that summarizes the optional A-Team aircraft, the LOD files needed for each, the substitute aircraft that will be used if the A-Team aircraft are not installed, and the section where the original can be found on the A-Team's web site:
-------- --------- ----------- -----
Aircraft LOD Files Substitutes Notes
-------- --------- ----------- -----
C-2A C-2A-R3.LOD C-130A/KC-130F Modern Planes section
E-1B E-1B-R0e.LOD E-2A Beta Models section
P-3A P-3A-R0b.LOD P-2H Modern Planes section
S-2A S-2A-R2.LOD A-1H Modern Planes section
4. Optional Destroyers
Also included are two USN destroyers (the Charles F. Adams class and Farragut or Coontz class) based on the DLG-10 included in the "Yankee Air Pirate 2" and "Yankee Air Pirate 3" commercial mods. To use these optional destroyers you must have the necessary LOD files from "Yankee Air Pirate".
Installation of these destroyers is simple:
1) Remove the substitute destroyers (named Adams and Farragut) that are
installed by default from \Objects\GroundObject in your Mod folder.
(These substitute versions are based on the ThirdWire CGN-36.)
2) Copy the Coontz2.LOD from "Yankee Air Pirate" to the Adams and Farragut
folders in \Optional\GroundObject (in the OTC packages you downloaded).
3) Create collision LODs for both destroyers by making a copy of Coontz2.LOD
and renaming it Coontz2_COL.LOD.
4) Move the Adams and Farragut destroyers from \Optional\GroundObject to
\Objects\GroundObject in your MOD folder.
Again, the campaigns will automatically use the new versions of these ships.
Campaign Notes
There are two main campaigns supplied with this version of OTC:
- Cuba: the standard campaign, allowing you to fly a variety of USAF,
USN, or USMC aircraft in support of the U.S. invasion of Cuba.
- Red Cuba: new "red-side" version of the main campaign, allowing you
to fly various Cuban or Soviet aircraft (mostly MiGs) in defense of
the island of Cuba.
By default an SF2NA-compatible version of the main Cuba campaign is installed. This version uses SF2NA-style carrier battle groups. It also uses a number of aircraft that exploit new mission types available only in SF2NA.
If SF2NA is not part of your install, then you installed a version of the Cuba campaign that uses the older SF2V-style carrier stations. You will see escort ships, but they are static. Moreover, the FRAM2_DG escorts used for the two big carrier stations south of Cuba (which are behind the front line) are gun-less, as they must be in that location (otherwise they would shoot at you). Finally, the non-SF2NA version of the campaign lacks many of the supporting AI-only aircraft, which exploit SF2NA-only mission types.
The "Red Cuba" campaign comes only in one version that uses the older SF2V-style carrier stations. If you are using the SF2NA version of the Cuba terrain, those carriers will appear without escorts (not that you'd have much chance of seeing them any way).
The ground war starts about two weeks into the campaign. This follows CINCLANT OPLAN 316-62, which provided for several weeks of bombing before the ground invasion proper.
Whatever campaign version you play, be aware that you will occasionally see the front line take on an odd appearance -- tangled, doubling back on itself, etc. Rest assured it will sort itself out after a mission or two, though it may inexplicably cause a ground unit to disappear from the map (usually a Cuban unit). This all is happening despite months and months of testing with dozens of different versions of the front line and the campaign strategic nodes.
So far as I can tell, the campaign engine simply has problems dealing with a ground offensive that must spread itself in multiple directions across a long narrow island congested with densely packed (often overlapping) terrain areas.
Changes, Fixes, & Additions
General SF2 post-Dec2009 Updates/Conversions
- Hangar/Loading Screens: converted to .JPG format
- Loadout Images: coverted to .TGA format
- Cockpit Positions: checked & updated as needed
- HUD/DTVFilter Materials: added & updated as needed
- Effects: added proper shaders to all effects
- EnvironmentSystem: added proper Dec2009 shaders & new
environment parameters
- Menu Screens: coverted to .JPG format
- Non-decal TGAs: moved to aircraft texture folders
- UserLists: added UserList.INIs to all aircraft
- AircraftShortNames: added AircraftShortName statements
to all aircraft
- Damage models: added aircraft damage models to most air-
craft DATA.INIs
- Decals: moved all aircraft decals to \Decals folder
- Pilots & Seats: moved all pilots & seats to \Pilots folder
- Radar frequencies: added radar frequency data to aircraft
radars, RWR statements, anti-radiation missiles, & ground
radars (not ships)
- Weapons & Guns: converted weapons & guns to SF2 standards
- Exp. Pack 2: incorporated Exp. Pack 2 changes & additions
into several .INIs
- Ships: added collision LODs where necessary
- Carriers: added SF2NA data to carriers as needed
Other Updates & Fixes
- added damage .TGAs to several aircraft
- tweaked weapons loadouts/stations on several aircraft
- updated flight models on a number of aircraft to use SF2
or SF2-friendly flight models
- tweaked flight models on most remaining aircraft to make
them SF2-friendly
- added cockpits to all MiGs and made them flyable
- replaced the older F-8s with The Mirage Factory F-8C & F-8E
- added additional units/skins to F-8C & F-8E
- added 3rdWire cockpits for F-8C & F-8E
- added additional units/skins to A-4B/C
- added additional units/skins to F-100D
- adapted custom F-4B skins to SF2 equivalents
- applied SF2 updates to F11F-1 & F3H-2M
- updated naval aircraft for SF2NA carrier use/parking
- added new Hangar & Loading screens for all aircraft
- made minor correction/fixes to most aircraft
- added 3rdWire versions of A-1H, B-57B, F-84F, & MiG-15bis
- added 3rdWire cockpit for F-105D-25
- replaced original cloud mod with Cellinsky's WideSky cloud mod
- updated original Menu screens and added a few new ones to round
out the set
- created new InstantAction.INI
- added custom SpeechSystem.INI to suppress some gun-firing radio
calls ("He's firing his guns!")
- updated SpeechSystem.INI for SF2NA compatibility
- carried over original Nations.INI tweaks to SF2 Nations.INI
- updated Nations.INI for SF2NA compatibility
- added several new sounds & updated SoundList.INI
- added handful of new guns
- tweaked flak guns to improve effectiveness & use new effects
- added a handful of weapons & tanks (mainly for new aircraft)
- converted main terrain .INIs to SF2 standards
- replaced original terrain w/ Wrench's updated Cuba terrain for SF2
- re-arranged positions of a few carrier stations
- re-named a few target areas (all at sea)
- created SF2NA compatible water map for carrier/ship use
- added new terrain items (static models, etc) to TYPES.INI
- updated stock Cuba campaign for SF2-compatibility, added new
aircraft to campaign, & re-ordered deployments for some units
- created SF2NA-compatible version of stock Cuba campaign w/
SF2NA-style carrier battle groups & aircraft mission types
- added "Red Cuba" campaign for Soviet/Cuba side
New Air & Ground Items
- A-1H (VA-176, VA-95, VA-65, VA-75)
- A-3B (VAH-4)
- A-5A (VAH-1, VAH-7)
- E-2A (various VAW units)
- F4D-1 (VF-13)
- KC-130F (VMGR-352)
- P-2H (VP-18, VP-56)
- RF-8A (VFP-62, VMCJ-2)
- SH-3D (HS-7)
- B-47E (380 BW)
- B-58A (63 BS)
- F-102A (159 FIS - FL ANG)
- F-104A_58 (157 FIS, 319 FIS, 331 FIS)
- F-104C_61 (436 TFS, 476 TFS)
- F-84F (12 TFW, 15 TFW)
- RF-101C (363 TRW)
- MiG-15UTI (Esquadron de Caza)
- MiG-17 (Esquadron de Caza)
- MiG-17AS (Esquadron de Caza)
- MiG-19P (Esquadron de Caza)
- MiG-21PF (Esquadron de Caza)
- SeaFury50 (Esquadron de Caza)
Ground Items:
- CIM-10 Launcher
- Cuban Squad
- SON-9A Firecan radar
- Flatface radar
- Freya radar
- M-43 Ambulance
- M-51 Skysweeper
- M-59 155 Long Tom
- NIKE/Hercules site
- SA-3 Goa launcher
- Search Radar Tower (SRT)
- Sidenet radar
- Spoonrest radar
- US Squad
- several Soviet AAA/flak guns
- US 90mm AAA
- Kesselbrut's new ZiL truck types
- Adams class
- Batimore class
- CG-16 Leahy class
- CGN-25 Bainbridge
- Cleveland class
- Container Ship
- CVA-41 Midway class
- CVA-59 Forrestal class
- CVAN-65 Enterprise
- Farragut (Coontz) class
- Gearing FRAM Ib class
- Foxtrot Submarine
- Hospital Ship
- Kanin class
- Kashin class
- Kynda class
- Landing Craft (LCM)
- Liberty Class Ship
- Liner
- Motor Torpedo Boat (MTB)
- MV Atlantic Causeway
- MV Atlantic Conveyor
- MV Baltic Ferry
- MV Nordic Ferry
- MV Tor Caledonia
- Navy Tug
- Oiler
- Oil Tanker (Tanker2)
- Petrolero
- Petya class
- Riga class
- Small Cargo Ship
- Soviet Cargo Ship
- Soviet Cruiser
- Soviet Freighter
- Soviet Tanker
- Soviet Trawler
- Sumner class
- Sverdlov class
- Trawler
- Trawler1
- Trawler2
- USN Cruiser
- USN Destroyer
- USN Escort
- USN Frigate
- USN Tanker
- USN Transport
This update pack adds a number of new items to the OTC mod package. These new items are from the following modders, who generously allowed their use:
JSF_Aggie ........................ A-4B & A-4C skins
Bunyap & pappychksix ............. A-3B Skywarrior
MontyCZ .......................... A-1H Skyraider
Volksjager & HrntFixr ............ A-1H skins (MontyCZ)
Wrench ........................... A-1H skins (3rdWire)
Julhelm .......................... A-5A Vigilante
russouk2004 & Capun .............. B-47E Stratojet
Sundowner & USAFMTL (Dave) ....... B-47E skins & decals
Ahmed Junaid Raza ................ B-57B Canberra
Zurawski ......................... B-57B Cockpit
Pasko & Column5 .................. B-58A Hustler
Wrench ........................... B-58A Hustler SF2 updates
Foxmonter ........................ F3H-2M Demon
NeverEnough ...................... F3H-2M SF2 updates
ChampionsVA56 .................... F3H-2M Ultimate Pack
Julhelm .......................... F4D-1 Skyray
ChampionsVA56 .................... F4D-1 Ultimate Pack customizations
MyTai01 .......................... F-4B skins
The Mirage Factory ............... F-8C, F-8E, & RF-8A Crusader
Gocad, Corktip_14, WildCat, ...... F-8/RF-8 skins
salvatorestupido, & JSF_Aggie
JSF_Aggie ........................ F-100D skins
Veltro2K ......................... F-102A Delta Dagger
Ordway ........................... F-102A Cockpit
Ahmed Junaid Raza ................ F-104A/C Starfighter
Spillone104 & Paulopanz .......... F-104A/C updates/upgrades
Frank Rosato ..................... F-104A/C Pack for SF2
ArmourDave ....................... F-105D-25 Thunderchief
Pasko, Column5, & Kesselbrut ..... F-106A Delta Dart
DaniloE31 ........................ F-106 Update Pack for SF2
Fleet-Defender & Team ............ F11F-1 Tiger
Wrench & Spectre8750 ............. F11F-1 SF2 updates/customizations
The Mirage Factory ............... F-84F Thunderstreak
pappychksix ...................... F-84F skin
Zurawski ......................... F-84F cockpit
Wrench ........................... F-84F (3rdWire) customizations
pappychksix & 331KillerBee ....... KC-130F tanker
Tracker & ChampionsVA56 .......... P-2H Neptune
Wrench ........................... P-2H updates
Erikgen .......................... RF-101C
Florian .......................... SH-3D Sea King
Pasko & Column5 .................. U-2A Dragon Lady
A-Team ........................... several optional aircraft (models not
included) -- see above for more info
Pasko ............................ MiG-15bis_FAR & MiG-15UTI
Paulopanz ........................ MiG-15bis & MiG-15UTI skins
Stary ............................ MiG-15/17 cockpit
Spillone104 & Paulopanz .......... MiG-19P Farmer
Stary ............................ MiG-19P cockpit (from Boopidoo's Su-15 cockpit)
The Mirage Factory ............... MiG-21F-13 Fishbed
Paladrian ........................ MiG-21 cockpits
Wrench ........................... Cuban/FAR skins for MiG-15bis, MiG-17AS,
MiG-21PF, & Il-28
Simon Porter ..................... Sea Fury
Paulopanz ........................ Sea Fury skins
Ground Objects
Nicholas Bell .................... WOE 1950's AA Mod
Canadair ......................... Powerful Flak
Gerald14 ......................... Russian Defence/ZSU-23-4 Pack
Fubar512 ......................... ZSU-23 AAA tweaks
Pasko ............................ SAMs and Vehicles Pack: Euro/Desert
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ............ S-60, KS-30, KS-19P, ZPU-4, M-42
rebel ryder & Nicholas Bell....... M1939 flak guns
Julhelm .......................... Firecan radar
Kesselbrut ....................... ZPU-1, US/UK_Cal50
rebel ryder ...................... ZIS Canvas, ZIS_Quad, Squads
Wrench ........................... M-59 (based on M-113)
Pasko ............................ SS-4 vehicles & items, Su-100
Kesselbrut ....................... ZiL Transport Pack
SUICIDAL ......................... New Destroyed Tank LODs
Pasko ............................ Hawk launcher & radars
Fubar512 & Wrench ................ Hawk INI tweaks
Unknown author ................... CIM-10A Bomarc
Pasko ............................ SA-3 launchers, Flatface radar, Sidenet radar, Spoonrest radar
Erikgen .......................... NIKE 4xMIM-14, HIPAR, LoPAR, & TTR
Fubar512 ......................... NIKE-Hercules sites layout/placement
Spillone104 ...................... SA-2 Guideline Pack
WhiteBoySamurai .................. Leahy & Bainbridge class
YEYEYE ........................... Baltimore class, Cleveland class, & USN Cruiser
Hinchinbrooke .................... HEC, Soviet Cruiser, Sverdlov class, USN Escort, Foxtrot,
Adams class, & Farragut class
GrinchWSLG ....................... Fletcher class
JSF_Aggie ........................ ThirdWire LHA upgrade
Florian .......................... USN AOE Transport
WhiteBoySamurai ...................Riga & Petya class ships
Orsin ............................ Kanin (Udaloy) class
Julhelm .......................... Soviet Tanker, USN Tanker, & Tanker2 (ND Tanker)
Suicidal & Torno ................. Container Ship
Loborojo & Suicidal .............. Petrolero
Fubar512 ......................... Fleet Oiler
Kesselbrut ....................... Navy Tug, MV Baltic Ferry, MV Nordic Ferry, MV Tor
Caledonia, HospitalShip, Small Cargo Ship, Trawlers,
Hotel, November, LCM
Polak ............................ MVAtlantic_Causeway, MVAtlantic_Conveyor
Cocas ............................ Trawler & Soviet Trawler
Raven ............................ Trawler skins
Marcfighters ..................... Zulu (USS Trutta)
Fubar512 & MiGBuster ............. Carrier Deck Illumination package
Deuces ........................... Cuba terrain for OTC
Wrench ........................... updated Cuba terrain for SF2
Stary & PanamaRed ................ EnvironmentSystem.INI for Exp. Pack 2
Stary ............................ new gun tracers, new Napalm effect,& fixed WP effects
Spectre8750 ...................... Fake Afterburner Node
Credit for the original OTC mod package goes to USAFMTL and the team of modders that contributed to the original releases for SFP1. For a list of all the modders whose work is used in the complete OTC mod, see the original ReadMes included in \OriginalReadmes.
If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
eburger68 & Dave (USAFMTL)
1 May 2014
12 July 2013
28 April 2013
25 June 2011
8 December 2010
Operation Tainted Cigar for SF2 - Part 1 of 2
By eburger68
Operation Tainted Cigar
for Strike Fighters 2
This package contains an updated version of the Operation Tainted Cigar (OTC) mod package for "Strike Fighters 2" (SF2). In addition to making the original mod compatible with SF2, this updated version also adds a number of items that were released in the years subsequent to original two versions of OTC for SFP1, including:
- a completely revamped/overhauled Cuba terrain
- a number of new aircraft
- other aircraft updated to SF2 standards
- plenty of new aircraft skins
- a bevy of new ground objects, incl. new ships
- a handful of new effects, weapons, and guns
- a more historically plausible campaign
- SF2NA-compatible campaign w/ carrier battle groups
To use this mod, you must have "Strike Fighters 2" (SF2) in a merged install that also includes "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam" (SF2V). It is recommended that your target install also include "Strike Fighters 2 Europe" (SF2E) and "Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic" (SFNA), but neither is required.
Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package. There is no need to install either of the original OTC mod versions for SFP1.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed as part of your target installation base:
REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
This mod does support installations that include "Strike Fighters 2 Europe" (SF2E) and "Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic" (SF2NA), but they are not required.
Before installing, please ensure that your target SF2 install meets the minimum requirements laid out above.
The main installation process consists of three main steps. Those without SF2NA in their base SF2 install will have an additional installation step at the end.
Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly. If you post to the forums and report that the mod isn't working or that you can't see any new aircraft or campaigns, I'm simply going to tell you to review this ReadMe and try installing again.
This mod requires a separate Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as NATO Fighter 5 or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2.exe. If SF2NA is part of your target install, then make a copy of "StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe" instead. Rename the copied file to StrikeFighters2_OTC.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your OTC mod install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
Now you're ready to install the OTC mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Unpack the two OTC archive packages that you downloaded to a location on your hard drive.
- Move the *contents* of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from each package to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
This step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
Open the Options.INI file in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Single Mission" section. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
Now, locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following:
Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
CampaignName=19621028 Op Tainted Cigar
PlayerUnit=481st TFS, 27th TFW
Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
* STEP 4: Extra Step for Installs without SF2NA *
If your target SF2 installation does NOT include SF2NA, then you have a few more files to copy over to your Mod Folder (and a few things to remove as well).
- Open the \SF2_Only folder in the directory to which you unpacked the two OTC archive packages.
- Copy everything from the \SF2_Only folder to your Mod Folder, allowing it to overwrite as prompted. (Again, do NOT simply grab the \SF2_Only folder itself and drag it over to your Mod Folder; rather, copy the CONTENTS of the \SF2_Only folder to your Mod Folder.)
Now for the removals:
- remove the following items from \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder: E-2A, E-2C (these aircraft require SF2NA).
- remove the following items from \Objects\GroundObject in your Mod Folder: Adams, Farragut, GearingFRAM1B, Kashin, Kynda, LPH-2, & USNFrigate (these ships require SF2NA).
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. Your "Operation Tainted Cigar for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section.
Installation of Optional Items
This mod package includes a number of "optional" items. Some of these optional items require you to have "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E) in your base SF2 install. Others require you to copy over LODs from third-party mods available from the A-Team (DAT) or Yankee Air Pirate. You can find these optional items in the \Optional folder (itself located in the directory where you unpacked the two OTC archive packages).
The optional items, which are found in the \Optional directory of the OTC archive packages you downloaded, can be grouped into three different buckets:
1. Optional Aircraft from SF2E
If SF2E is part of your base SF2 install, then you can copy over the F-84F and MiG-15bis from \Optional\Aircraft to \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder. The campaigns will automatically use these ThirdWire aircraft in lieu of the substitute versions (F-84F_MF & MiG-15bis_FAR).
2. Optional DLC Aircraft from ThirdWire
If you have DLC 28 (AI Only Aircraft, Part 1), then you can install and use the F-104A and F-104C from that DLC offering in lieu of the third party models. Simply copy over F-104A_58 & F-104C_61 from \Optional\Aircraft to \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder. The campaigns will automatically use these ThirdWire aircraft in lieu of the third-party versions installed by default.
3. Optional Aircraft from the A-Team
This version of OTC also supports the use of several aircraft available only from the A-Team's web site:
These aircraft require the LOD files from the original aircraft. To use these aircraft you will need to:
1) download the original versions from the web site above and unpack them;
2) copy the LOD files (models) from the original versions to the corresponding
aircraft in \Optional\Aircraft,
3) copy the aircraft folders themselves from \Optional\Aircraft to \Objects\Aircraft
in your OTC Mod Folder.
Again, the campaigns will automatically use these aircraft in lieu of substitutes once they are installed to your Mod Folder.
Below is a table that summarizes the optional A-Team aircraft, the LOD files needed for each, the substitute aircraft that will be used if the A-Team aircraft are not installed, and the section where the original can be found on the A-Team's web site:
-------- --------- ----------- -----
Aircraft LOD Files Substitutes Notes
-------- --------- ----------- -----
C-2A C-2A-R3.LOD C-130A/KC-130F Modern Planes section
E-1B E-1B-R0e.LOD E-2A Beta Models section
P-3A P-3A-R0b.LOD P-2H Modern Planes section
S-2A S-2A-R2.LOD A-1H Modern Planes section
4. Optional Destroyers
Also included are two USN destroyers (the Charles F. Adams class and Farragut or Coontz class) based on the DLG-10 included in the "Yankee Air Pirate 2" and "Yankee Air Pirate 3" commercial mods. To use these optional destroyers you must have the necessary LOD files from "Yankee Air Pirate".
Installation of these destroyers is simple:
1) Remove the substitute destroyers (named Adams and Farragut) that are
installed by default from \Objects\GroundObject in your Mod folder.
(These substitute versions are based on the ThirdWire CGN-36.)
2) Copy the Coontz2.LOD from "Yankee Air Pirate" to the Adams and Farragut
folders in \Optional\GroundObject (in the OTC packages you downloaded).
3) Create collision LODs for both destroyers by making a copy of Coontz2.LOD
and renaming it Coontz2_COL.LOD.
4) Move the Adams and Farragut destroyers from \Optional\GroundObject to
\Objects\GroundObject in your MOD folder.
Again, the campaigns will automatically use the new versions of these ships.
Campaign Notes
There are two main campaigns supplied with this version of OTC:
- Cuba: the standard campaign, allowing you to fly a variety of USAF,
USN, or USMC aircraft in support of the U.S. invasion of Cuba.
- Red Cuba: new "red-side" version of the main campaign, allowing you
to fly various Cuban or Soviet aircraft (mostly MiGs) in defense of
the island of Cuba.
By default an SF2NA-compatible version of the main Cuba campaign is installed. This version uses SF2NA-style carrier battle groups. It also uses a number of aircraft that exploit new mission types available only in SF2NA.
If SF2NA is not part of your install, then you installed a version of the Cuba campaign that uses the older SF2V-style carrier stations. You will see escort ships, but they are static. Moreover, the FRAM2_DG escorts used for the two big carrier stations south of Cuba (which are behind the front line) are gun-less, as they must be in that location (otherwise they would shoot at you). Finally, the non-SF2NA version of the campaign lacks many of the supporting AI-only aircraft, which exploit SF2NA-only mission types.
The "Red Cuba" campaign comes only in one version that uses the older SF2V-style carrier stations. If you are using the SF2NA version of the Cuba terrain, those carriers will appear without escorts (not that you'd have much chance of seeing them any way).
The ground war starts about two weeks into the campaign. This follows CINCLANT OPLAN 316-62, which provided for several weeks of bombing before the ground invasion proper.
Whatever campaign version you play, be aware that you will occasionally see the front line take on an odd appearance -- tangled, doubling back on itself, etc. Rest assured it will sort itself out after a mission or two, though it may inexplicably cause a ground unit to disappear from the map (usually a Cuban unit). This all is happening despite months and months of testing with dozens of different versions of the front line and the campaign strategic nodes.
So far as I can tell, the campaign engine simply has problems dealing with a ground offensive that must spread itself in multiple directions across a long narrow island congested with densely packed (often overlapping) terrain areas.
Changes, Fixes, & Additions
General SF2 post-Dec2009 Updates/Conversions
- Hangar/Loading Screens: converted to .JPG format
- Loadout Images: coverted to .TGA format
- Cockpit Positions: checked & updated as needed
- HUD/DTVFilter Materials: added & updated as needed
- Effects: added proper shaders to all effects
- EnvironmentSystem: added proper Dec2009 shaders & new
environment parameters
- Menu Screens: coverted to .JPG format
- Non-decal TGAs: moved to aircraft texture folders
- UserLists: added UserList.INIs to all aircraft
- AircraftShortNames: added AircraftShortName statements
to all aircraft
- Damage models: added aircraft damage models to most air-
craft DATA.INIs
- Decals: moved all aircraft decals to \Decals folder
- Pilots & Seats: moved all pilots & seats to \Pilots folder
- Radar frequencies: added radar frequency data to aircraft
radars, RWR statements, anti-radiation missiles, & ground
radars (not ships)
- Weapons & Guns: converted weapons & guns to SF2 standards
- Exp. Pack 2: incorporated Exp. Pack 2 changes & additions
into several .INIs
- Ships: added collision LODs where necessary
- Carriers: added SF2NA data to carriers as needed
Other Updates & Fixes
- added damage .TGAs to several aircraft
- tweaked weapons loadouts/stations on several aircraft
- updated flight models on a number of aircraft to use SF2
or SF2-friendly flight models
- tweaked flight models on most remaining aircraft to make
them SF2-friendly
- added cockpits to all MiGs and made them flyable
- replaced the older F-8s with The Mirage Factory F-8C & F-8E
- added additional units/skins to F-8C & F-8E
- added 3rdWire cockpits for F-8C & F-8E
- added additional units/skins to A-4B/C
- added additional units/skins to F-100D
- adapted custom F-4B skins to SF2 equivalents
- applied SF2 updates to F11F-1 & F3H-2M
- updated naval aircraft for SF2NA carrier use/parking
- added new Hangar & Loading screens for all aircraft
- made minor correction/fixes to most aircraft
- added 3rdWire versions of A-1H, B-57B, F-84F, & MiG-15bis
- added 3rdWire cockpit for F-105D-25
- replaced original cloud mod with Cellinsky's WideSky cloud mod
- updated original Menu screens and added a few new ones to round
out the set
- created new InstantAction.INI
- added custom SpeechSystem.INI to suppress some gun-firing radio
calls ("He's firing his guns!")
- updated SpeechSystem.INI for SF2NA compatibility
- carried over original Nations.INI tweaks to SF2 Nations.INI
- updated Nations.INI for SF2NA compatibility
- added several new sounds & updated SoundList.INI
- added handful of new guns
- tweaked flak guns to improve effectiveness & use new effects
- added a handful of weapons & tanks (mainly for new aircraft)
- converted main terrain .INIs to SF2 standards
- replaced original terrain w/ Wrench's updated Cuba terrain for SF2
- re-arranged positions of a few carrier stations
- re-named a few target areas (all at sea)
- created SF2NA compatible water map for carrier/ship use
- added new terrain items (static models, etc) to TYPES.INI
- updated stock Cuba campaign for SF2-compatibility, added new
aircraft to campaign, & re-ordered deployments for some units
- created SF2NA-compatible version of stock Cuba campaign w/
SF2NA-style carrier battle groups & aircraft mission types
- added "Red Cuba" campaign for Soviet/Cuba side
New Air & Ground Items
- A-1H (VA-176, VA-95, VA-65, VA-75)
- A-3B (VAH-4)
- A-5A (VAH-1, VAH-7)
- E-2A (various VAW units)
- F4D-1 (VF-13)
- KC-130F (VMGR-352)
- P-2H (VP-18, VP-56)
- RF-8A (VFP-62, VMCJ-2)
- SH-3D (HS-7)
- B-47E (380 BW)
- B-58A (63 BS)
- F-102A (159 FIS - FL ANG)
- F-104A_58 (157 FIS, 319 FIS, 331 FIS)
- F-104C_61 (436 TFS, 476 TFS)
- F-84F (12 TFW, 15 TFW)
- RF-101C (363 TRW)
- MiG-15UTI (Esquadron de Caza)
- MiG-17 (Esquadron de Caza)
- MiG-17AS (Esquadron de Caza)
- MiG-19P (Esquadron de Caza)
- MiG-21PF (Esquadron de Caza)
- SeaFury50 (Esquadron de Caza)
Ground Items:
- CIM-10 Launcher
- Cuban Squad
- SON-9A Firecan radar
- Flatface radar
- Freya radar
- M-43 Ambulance
- M-51 Skysweeper
- M-59 155 Long Tom
- NIKE/Hercules site
- SA-3 Goa launcher
- Search Radar Tower (SRT)
- Sidenet radar
- Spoonrest radar
- US Squad
- several Soviet AAA/flak guns
- US 90mm AAA
- Kesselbrut's new ZiL truck types
- Adams class
- Batimore class
- CG-16 Leahy class
- CGN-25 Bainbridge
- Cleveland class
- Container Ship
- CVA-41 Midway class
- CVA-59 Forrestal class
- CVAN-65 Enterprise
- Farragut (Coontz) class
- Gearing FRAM Ib class
- Foxtrot Submarine
- Hospital Ship
- Kanin class
- Kashin class
- Kynda class
- Landing Craft (LCM)
- Liberty Class Ship
- Liner
- Motor Torpedo Boat (MTB)
- MV Atlantic Causeway
- MV Atlantic Conveyor
- MV Baltic Ferry
- MV Nordic Ferry
- MV Tor Caledonia
- Navy Tug
- Oiler
- Oil Tanker (Tanker2)
- Petrolero
- Petya class
- Riga class
- Small Cargo Ship
- Soviet Cargo Ship
- Soviet Cruiser
- Soviet Freighter
- Soviet Tanker
- Soviet Trawler
- Sumner class
- Sverdlov class
- Trawler
- Trawler1
- Trawler2
- USN Cruiser
- USN Destroyer
- USN Escort
- USN Frigate
- USN Tanker
- USN Transport
This update pack adds a number of new items to the OTC mod package. These new items are from the following modders, who generously allowed their use:
JSF_Aggie ........................ A-4B & A-4C skins
Bunyap & pappychksix ............. A-3B Skywarrior
MontyCZ .......................... A-1H Skyraider
Volksjager & HrntFixr ............ A-1H skins (MontyCZ)
Wrench ........................... A-1H skins (3rdWire)
Julhelm .......................... A-5A Vigilante
russouk2004 & Capun .............. B-47E Stratojet
Sundowner & USAFMTL (Dave) ....... B-47E skins & decals
Ahmed Junaid Raza ................ B-57B Canberra
Zurawski ......................... B-57B Cockpit
Pasko & Column5 .................. B-58A Hustler
Wrench ........................... B-58A Hustler SF2 updates
Foxmonter ........................ F3H-2M Demon
NeverEnough ...................... F3H-2M SF2 updates
ChampionsVA56 .................... F3H-2M Ultimate Pack
Julhelm .......................... F4D-1 Skyray
ChampionsVA56 .................... F4D-1 Ultimate Pack customizations
MyTai01 .......................... F-4B skins
The Mirage Factory ............... F-8C, F-8E, & RF-8A Crusader
Gocad, Corktip_14, WildCat, ...... F-8/RF-8 skins
salvatorestupido, & JSF_Aggie
JSF_Aggie ........................ F-100D skins
Veltro2K ......................... F-102A Delta Dagger
Ordway ........................... F-102A Cockpit
Ahmed Junaid Raza ................ F-104A/C Starfighter
Spillone104 & Paulopanz .......... F-104A/C updates/upgrades
Frank Rosato ..................... F-104A/C Pack for SF2
ArmourDave ....................... F-105D-25 Thunderchief
Pasko, Column5, & Kesselbrut ..... F-106A Delta Dart
DaniloE31 ........................ F-106 Update Pack for SF2
Fleet-Defender & Team ............ F11F-1 Tiger
Wrench & Spectre8750 ............. F11F-1 SF2 updates/customizations
The Mirage Factory ............... F-84F Thunderstreak
pappychksix ...................... F-84F skin
Zurawski ......................... F-84F cockpit
Wrench ........................... F-84F (3rdWire) customizations
pappychksix & 331KillerBee ....... KC-130F tanker
Tracker & ChampionsVA56 .......... P-2H Neptune
Wrench ........................... P-2H updates
Erikgen .......................... RF-101C
Florian .......................... SH-3D Sea King
Pasko & Column5 .................. U-2A Dragon Lady
A-Team ........................... several optional aircraft (models not
included) -- see above for more info
Pasko ............................ MiG-15bis_FAR & MiG-15UTI
Paulopanz ........................ MiG-15bis & MiG-15UTI skins
Stary ............................ MiG-15/17 cockpit
Spillone104 & Paulopanz .......... MiG-19P Farmer
Stary ............................ MiG-19P cockpit (from Boopidoo's Su-15 cockpit)
The Mirage Factory ............... MiG-21F-13 Fishbed
Paladrian ........................ MiG-21 cockpits
Wrench ........................... Cuban/FAR skins for MiG-15bis, MiG-17AS,
MiG-21PF, & Il-28
Simon Porter ..................... Sea Fury
Paulopanz ........................ Sea Fury skins
Ground Objects
Nicholas Bell .................... WOE 1950's AA Mod
Canadair ......................... Powerful Flak
Gerald14 ......................... Russian Defence/ZSU-23-4 Pack
Fubar512 ......................... ZSU-23 AAA tweaks
Pasko ............................ SAMs and Vehicles Pack: Euro/Desert
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ............ S-60, KS-30, KS-19P, ZPU-4, M-42
rebel ryder & Nicholas Bell....... M1939 flak guns
Julhelm .......................... Firecan radar
Kesselbrut ....................... ZPU-1, US/UK_Cal50
rebel ryder ...................... ZIS Canvas, ZIS_Quad, Squads
Wrench ........................... M-59 (based on M-113)
Pasko ............................ SS-4 vehicles & items, Su-100
Kesselbrut ....................... ZiL Transport Pack
SUICIDAL ......................... New Destroyed Tank LODs
Pasko ............................ Hawk launcher & radars
Fubar512 & Wrench ................ Hawk INI tweaks
Unknown author ................... CIM-10A Bomarc
Pasko ............................ SA-3 launchers, Flatface radar, Sidenet radar, Spoonrest radar
Erikgen .......................... NIKE 4xMIM-14, HIPAR, LoPAR, & TTR
Fubar512 ......................... NIKE-Hercules sites layout/placement
Spillone104 ...................... SA-2 Guideline Pack
WhiteBoySamurai .................. Leahy & Bainbridge class
YEYEYE ........................... Baltimore class, Cleveland class, & USN Cruiser
Hinchinbrooke .................... HEC, Soviet Cruiser, Sverdlov class, USN Escort, Foxtrot,
Adams class, & Farragut class
GrinchWSLG ....................... Fletcher class
JSF_Aggie ........................ ThirdWire LHA upgrade
Florian .......................... USN AOE Transport
WhiteBoySamurai ...................Riga & Petya class ships
Orsin ............................ Kanin (Udaloy) class
Julhelm .......................... Soviet Tanker, USN Tanker, & Tanker2 (ND Tanker)
Suicidal & Torno ................. Container Ship
Loborojo & Suicidal .............. Petrolero
Fubar512 ......................... Fleet Oiler
Kesselbrut ....................... Navy Tug, MV Baltic Ferry, MV Nordic Ferry, MV Tor
Caledonia, HospitalShip, Small Cargo Ship, Trawlers,
Hotel, November, LCM
Polak ............................ MVAtlantic_Causeway, MVAtlantic_Conveyor
Cocas ............................ Trawler & Soviet Trawler
Raven ............................ Trawler skins
Marcfighters ..................... Zulu (USS Trutta)
Fubar512 & MiGBuster ............. Carrier Deck Illumination package
Deuces ........................... Cuba terrain for OTC
Wrench ........................... updated Cuba terrain for SF2
Stary & PanamaRed ................ EnvironmentSystem.INI for Exp. Pack 2
Stary ............................ new gun tracers, new Napalm effect,& fixed WP effects
Spectre8750 ...................... Fake Afterburner Node
Credit for the original OTC mod package goes to USAFMTL and the team of modders that contributed to the original releases for SFP1. For a list of all the modders whose work is used in the complete OTC mod, see the original ReadMes included in \OriginalReadmes.
If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
eburger68 & Dave (USAFMTL)
1 May 2014
12 July 2013
28 April 2013
25 June 2011
8 December 2010
SF2 Falklands Mod (Redux)
By eburger68
"Falklands '82" (Operation Corporate)
for Strike Fighters 2
This package contains an updated version of Kesselbrut's "Falklands '82" (Operation Corporate) mod package for Strike Fighters 2 (SF2). In addition to making the original mod compatible with SF2, this updated version also adds a number of other mods that were released in the years subsequent to Kesselbrut's original effort.
This mod package should be applied to SF2 or SF2V installations (or merged installs incorporating SF2 or SF2V) that are patched to the Dec2009 or later patch level, including Feb2010, Mar2010, May2010, Jun2010, Dec2010, Jan2011, May2011, Jun2011, Jul2011, or Aug2011. If you are running SF2 or SF2V at an earlier patch level and do NOT intend to update to one of the later patch levels mentioned above, you should NOT install this mod package.
Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package. There is no need to install the original "Falklands '82" mod for SFP1.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed:
SF2 VERSION: Strike Fighters 2
Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
This mod does support installations that include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA), however, SF2NA is not required (nor is it sufficient by itself to use this mod).
Before installing this mod package, please ensure the installation of Strike Fighters 2 that you intend to use is updated to at least the Mar2012 patch level (the Apr2012 or higher patch level is recommended). The latest patches for Strike Fighters 2 can be downloaded from ThirdWire:
Also, please be aware that the mod requires either the original "Strike Fighters 2" (with the Desert terrain) or "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam" (SF2V). If you will be using SF2V as a mod base, then you will have one additional step at the end of the installation process.
This mod can be installed to SF2 installations that incorporate "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). If SF2NA is part of your target install base, there are some additional items for you to install as part of another optional installation step.
The main installation process consists of three main steps. Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly.
NOTE: If you installed the verison of this mod released in Dec. 2010, we recommend that you NOT install this newer version over that older version. Instead, start from scratch, using a fresh/new Mod Folder.
This mod requires a separate mod folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as NATO Fighter 4+ or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2.exe or StrikeFighters2 Vietnam.exe, Rename the copy to StrikeFighters2_Falklands.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your Falklands'82 mod install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
Now you're ready to install the Falklands'82 mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Unpack the SF2_Falklands82.7z archive package to a location on your hard drive.
- Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above).
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
Open the Options.INI in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following:
Just below the "Instant Action" section is the "Single Mission" section. At minimum you should change the EndYear= statement to 1983 or higher. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
CampaignName=19820425 Operation Corporate
PlayerUnit=No.800 NAS
Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
* STEP 4: Optional Step for SF2NA Users *
This optional step is for those whose install base include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). Included with this mod are a number of custom files that allow SF2NA users to enjoy some of the new functionality included with SF2NA, including:
- Carrier battle groups in campaigns
- Carrier start in single missions (select aircraft)
- New mission types in campaigns, including NAVAL_SEARCH,
TO INSTALL: drag and drop the contents of the \_For_SF2NA folder into your Mod Folder, allowing Windows to merge and overwrite any folders and files it prompts to.
For a discussion of how these SF2NA features have been integrated into the "Falklands '82" mod, see the "Notes on SF2NA Features" section later in this ReadMe.
* STEP 5: Optional Step for SF2V Users *
This last step is for those who are using Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam (SF2V) as mod base instead of the original Strike Fighters 2 (with the Desert terrain). If your SF2 installation does not include the original SF2 (with the Desert terrain) and you're using SF2V as a mod base, then you must swap out terrain .INIs so that your MALVINAS.INI points to the correct .CAT file.
- In your SF2 Mod Folder, open the \Terrains\Malvinas folder. Delete the file Malvinas.ini.
- In \Terrains\Malvinas\Alt you will find the file Malvinas_vietnamsea.INI. Copy it to the \Terrains\Malvinas folder (just above the \Alt sub-folder) and re-name it to Malvinas.ini (thus replacing the file you deleted just above).
If your Mod base also happens to include SF2NA and you've installed the SF2NA files from the revious step, then you must make the same INI swap for the FALKLANDS.INI terrain INI.
- In your SF2 Mod Folder, open the \Terrains\Falklands folder. Delete the file Falklands.ini.
- In \Terrains\Falklands\Alt you will find the file Falklands_SF2NA_vietnamsea.INI. Copy it to the \Terrains\Malvinas folder (just above the \Alt sub-folder) and re-name it to Falklands.ini (thus replacing the file you deleted just above).
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. Your "Falklands'82 for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section.
Installation of Optional Items
Included in the \Optional folder are a number of optional items that you may consider installing (if your installation has the required base installation items).
- Canberra62: this is an alternate version of the Canberra B.Mk62, based on the 3rdWire Canberra B.6 model. In order to use this model your base installation must include SF2E Expansion Pack 2. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \Canberra62 folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft. The campaigns will automatically start using this newer model.
- Harrier3: this is an alternate version of the Harrier GR.3, based on the 3rdWire model included in SF2E. In order to use this model your base installation must include SF2E. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \Harrier3 folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft. The campaigns will automatically start using this newer model.
- IAI-Dagger: this is an alternate version of the IAI Dagger, based on the 3rdWire Nesher model included in SF2I. In order to use this model your base installation must include SF2I. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \IAI-Dagger folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft. The campaigns will automatically start using this newer model.
- MB-339A: this is the original version of the MB-339A included in all previous releases of the "Falklands '82" mod. It is offered as an optional aircraft in case anyone prefers the original version over the newer, updated model introduced with the "August 2012 Update."
- Mirage IIIEA: this folder contains an alternate Mirage IIIEA cockpit based on the 3rdWire Mirage IIICJ cockpit from SF2I. It is a replacement for the stock cockpit of the Mirage IIIEA and requires SF2I to be part of the installation. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \MirageIIIEA folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft, allowing it to overwrite file as prompted.
- Vulcan B2: this folder contains files to install the Vulcan B2 bomber to your Mods folder. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \VulcanB2 folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft. Be sure to read the "Notes on the Vulcan B2" section below for a discussion on using this aircraft in the "Falklands '82" mod, as there are significant limitations.
- WaterNormal: this folder contains various alternate WaterNormal.BMP files, which can be used to change the texture or appearance of the water in the Malvinas terrain. To use any of these alternate .BMPs, simply drag the file you wish to use to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in the \Terrains\Malvinas folder, allowing it to overwrite the version already there. Note: the default/original .BMP used by this mod is in the \3rdwire sub-folder.
Game Play Notes (PLEASE READ)
There are some important things you should know about playing this updated version of the "Falklands '82" mod.
1. Single Missions vs Campaigns
Like the original "Falklands '82" for SFP1, the Malvinas & Falkands terrains are set up to use different years for Single Missions (i.e., "Create Mission") and the Campaigns.
Campaigns: both campaigns automatically start on May 1, 1982, and continue
into mid June 1982.
Single Missions: when flying Single Missions, set the "Mission Date" to 1983. If
you set the date to 1982, you may get a CTD (crash to desktop)
when attempting to start the mission.
As Kesselbrut noted in his original ReadMe, game-generated single missions ("Create Mission") should be flown in 1983 because the only British air base on the islands was build in late May. If you have a mission date before May 29, 1982, the game will CTD becaue there is no air base for British aircraft to use. User-created missions (with a 1982 mission date) will work normally. British aircraft will still have to take off from a carrier before May 29, though, even in user-created missions for 1982.
2. Recommended "Gameplay Options"
Some of the island-based airfields are a bit rough. It is highly recommended that you change the "Landing" Game Play option to "Normal" or "Easy." If you use a "Hard" landing option setting, you may see aircraft exploding on the runway either because they start without landing gear deployed or because they lose their landing gear halfway down the runway. This is esp. true of Stanley Airfield.
You can fly all fixed wing aircraft on "Hard" or "Normal" Flight Model. Helicopters are best flown on "Normal" Flight Model.
3. Canberra Bomb Sight
In the Canberra, you can switch between Pilot and Bombadier with "Hook" key to use the bomb sight.
4. Carriers
In the original campaigns that use the default Malvinas terrain ("Falklands/Malvinas")), all Carriers have zero speed. Were they allowed to sail normally, they would cruise wildly through the ship formations.
In the new campaigns that use the NavalMap-enabled Falklands terrain ("South Atlantic"), carriers do move, and they have carrier battle groups consisting of frigates, destroyers, and support ships to accompany them. To use the new campaigns, though, you must have SF2NA as part of your SF2 install base.
5. Infanty Speed
Note from Kesselbrut: "The infantry units have too much speed - when I use normal Footslogger speed there are no ground battles."
Notes on SF2NA Features
1. New terrain - "South Atlantic"
The "August 2012 Update" for this mod introduces a new version of the familiar "Falklands/Malvinas" terrain named "South Atlantic" (and found in the \Terrains\Falklands folder). The "South Atlantic" terrain is NavalMap-enabled -- meaning, that it requires SF2NA to be part of the SF2 install base used for the mod. It is included as part of Step 4 (For SF2NA users) during the installation process.
This new terrain uses carrier battle groups for many, but not all ships. Some ships are still static terrain objects, just as they are in the original "Falklands/Malvinas" terrain. The main British carrier task force elements, for example, appear as part of carrier battle groups. So, too, all Argentinian ships that operate away from the islands and closer to the Argentine mainland (the task groups with the Belgrano and 25 de Mayo, for example).
Immediately around the islands themselves, however, most ships still appear as static terrain objects, either because they need to appear in certain places only on certain dates or because it would have been impractical to get them into their final campaign positions by allowing the game engine to sail them into those positions as part of carrier battle groups. The ships the make up the San Carlos Landing Group are probably the best examples here.
If you select the "South Atlantic" terrain for game-created Single Missions and happen to be flying a carrier-enabled aircraft, you will start the mission on the deck of a carrier that forms the base of a carrier battle group.
If you wish to play a campaign that exploits SF2NA features such as carrier battle groups and new mission types, you should select one of the "South Atlantic" (SA) campaign variants, discussed in the next section.
2. New "South Atlantic" campaigns
As noted above, this updated version of the "Falklands '2" mod includes "South Atlantic" (SA) campaign variants that exploit the new features of SF2NA, including carrier battle groups and new mission types:
- 19820425 Guerra de las Malvinas (SA): an Argentinean campaign, with the player-flyable
A-4Qs of 3 Esq. de Caza y Ataque starting on 21 May and operating from Rio Grande AB.
- 19820425 Operación Rosario (SA): a variant of the Argentinean campaign, with the player-
flyable A-4Qs operating from the ARA Veinticinco de Mayo during the early days of the
- 19820425 Operation Corporate (SA): the main British campaign, with four different battle
groups including the Hermes Carrier Group, the Invincible Carrier Group, the Amphibious
Task Group, and the Bristol Reinforcement Group. The first three appear at the start of
the campaign. The last appears on 23 May.
Please keep in mind that we have attempted to remain somewhat faithful to the general historical outlines of the original conflict. That means you will not find that any of these campaigns turn into a major carrier duel between the 25 de Mayo and the British Task Force.
We experimented with such a scenario in testing and can assure you that the results are quite boring: massive losses on both sides with most if not all carriers sunk within the first few days of the conflict. The whole thing ends very quickly, and what gets lost in the mayhem is the actual historical jousting over the islands themselves -- a drama much more interesting and compelling than an SF2NA-style naval duel.
It also needs to be noted that as welcome SF2NA's new features are, the original campaigns based on the "Falklands/Mavinas" terrain with static ships are still as engaging as they ever were. Once the campaign switches to a NavalMap-enabled terrain, the campaign engine attempts to turn the campaign into a carrier duel, and the target selection becomes very dependent on and oriented towards the movement and status of the carrier groups.
In the historical conflict, however, the Argentine armed forces never had a sustained fix on the carriers of the British Task Force, and after some early attempts to locate and attack the carriers, the campaign eventually settled into a more routine defense of their position on the islands themselves. The British, of course, never located or attacked the 25 de Mayo before it beat a hasty retreat to port following the sinking of the Belgrano on 2-3 May.
Put simply, there is a case to be made that the original campaigns based on the original terrain actually play BETTER than the new "SA" campaign variants that exploit SF2NA features. Yes, the ships don't move, but that is a minor detail. The critical component, target selection and tasking of air units, is driven by the goal of retaking or defending the islands themselves, not locating and sinking opposing carrier groups.
3. Carriers & Carrier Battle Groups
As discussed above, the new NavalMap-enabled "South Atlantic" terrain allows Single Missions and Campaigns to be flown from carriers that form the heart of carrier battle groups. To allow the old terrain and campaigns to coexist with the new variants, we have included two versions of each carrier -- one old-style carrier that does not move; one SF2NA-enabled carrier that does move. The proper carrier type is automatically selected for you in Single Missions and Campaigns based on the campaign or mission map you elect to use.
4. Exocets
For this mod most third-party (i.e., non-stock) anti-ship missiles, including the Exocet, have been converted to use the ASM/cruise missile functionality introduced w/ SF2NA. At the same time, the older versions of these missiles have been preserved, as the new ASM cruise missiles can be used by AI only against ships.
So, for many anti-ship missiles, including the Exocet, you will now find two versions:
1) "Standard" guided version
These versions are the "old" style missiles setwith WeaponDataType=1. They can be used by AI against land and sea targets. These missiles retain their familiar names (e.g., AM 39 Exocet, AGM-84D Harpoon, Kh-59M Ovod, etc.).
2) ASM/cruise missile version
These versions utilitize the new cruise missile functionality set by WeaponDataType=7. They can be used by AI only against ships. These versions can be distinguished by their names:
- U.S./NATO missiles have the ASM tag (e.g., AM 39 Exocet ASM, AGM-84D Harpoon ASM).
- Soviet/WP missiles follow the naming convention used by ThirdWire's
Soviet cruise missiles (e.g., Kh-59M AS-13 Kingbolt).
At the same time aircraft that typically carry these missiles have been updated to accommodate the ASM versions. Loadouts for these aircraft have been updated to use ASM versions by default for Anti-Ship, Naval_Attack, and Cruise_Missile loadouts.
Notes on the Vulcan B2
As noted above, the Vulcan B2 bomber is now included as an optional install. You should be aware of the limitations of this aircaft within this mod:
1. Off Map Basing: the only British-controlled airfield large enough to accommodate the Vulcan is Wideawake air base on Ascension Island, which is an off-map air base. That means that if you want to fly Vulcan in single missions, you'll have to start in the air, because your air base is not lcoated on the map.
2. No Game-Generated "Black Buck" Missions: if you were expecting the game to generate "Black Buck" style bombing raids for your Vulcan, forget it -- it ain't happening.
In game-generated single missions, the game engine will always position you in a flight of at least two aircraft (no single aircraft bombing raids, in other words), and will schedule those flights during the day time as often as it does at night. Moreover, you will likely have fighter escorts as well as opposing interceptors to deal with.
We have included a custom Formation.ini that keeps Vulcan bomber flights small and the aircraft within those flights widely separated, so the Vulcans seem to operate semi-independently of each other.
Of course, you can always use the ThirdWire mission editor to create your own "Black Buck" missions, but that's a task we leave to you.
3. No Campaigns: as the game simply will not handle the Vulcan in a historically plausible way, we have not included it any of the campaigns.
Known Bugs
There are a few bugs (none "showstoppers") that you should be aware of.
1. Stanley Airfield
The terrain on which this airfield resides is treacherous. The best we've been able to do is implement workarounds for this airfield's several problems.
First, as noted above, set your "Landing" Game Play option to "Normal" or "Easy."
Second, you will find that you will start missions off center on the runway. This is done to prevent you from losing your landing gear half-way down the runway. Do not veer across the center line when taking off (stay in your lane).
Third, even despite doing the above, you will notice that your aircraft is slow to accelerate and tends to bounce around a bit. You may even need to run off the end of the runway to get airborne.
With the exception of Skyhawks (whose spindly landing gear has real problems with this runway), all Argentine aircraft can be used from Stanley. Historically, though, the runway was off-limits to the fast jets -- e.g., A-4s and Mirages.
2. Non-paved Airfields
When taking off from non-paved airfields -- esp. the Port San Carlos FOB used by Harriers -- you will notice your landing gear sinking into the ground a bit. Also, some airfield runway textures may not appear, notably the PSP/AM2 matting at Port San Carlos FOB. These are other quirks of the Malvinas terrain in SF2 that we have been unable to fix.
3. Rapier SAMs
The British Rapier SAMs will not fire in the Operation Corporate campaign due to a bug in SF2 that prevents the game from handling Blue-side static SAMs correctly.
4. Helicopters & AI Pilots
All helicopters in this mod have been made flyable. Set the "Flight Model in Game Play Options to "Normal, and use your thrust vectoring controls in conjunction with the standard SF2 flight controls to maneuver and fly the helos.
At the end of the day, though, Strike Fighters is NOT a helicopter sim. That means helo flight models are rough, unrealistic, and borderline unstable. It also means that AI helo pilots can occasionally run into difficulties, esp. when trying to land these things.
Until someone creates better helo flight models for SF2 (or TK updates the ThirdWire flight engine to accommodate helicopters), that's just the way it is. If you don't like the way the helos fly, then don't fly them.
5. Atlantic Causeway & Atlantic Conveyor
Movement for both ships has been disabled. The orientation of the models for these vessels is off, causing the ships to move sideways in the water (a very odd sight indeed). In campaigns this is a moot issue, as both ships appear only as terrain targets. In single missions, though, the game may add one or both ships to carrier battle groups. In such cases, the ships will not move with the rest of the group.
6. Comrpnt's Missions
Comrpnt created an excellent set of historical missions for his "Falklands Mod & Mission Pack." While these work fine with the original "Falklands '82" mod for SFP1, we encountered significant problems when attempting to get them to work in SF2.
In particular, there appears to be a bug in SF2 that causes the game to refuse to start an aircraft on the ground at an offset east or west of the defined center of the airfield target area. This bug manifests itself only in user-created single missions for some reason. The consequence is that many aircraft in comrpnt's missions have problems taking off -- esp. from the Hermes or Stanley Airfield -- because they start on the ground in the wrong position relative to the runway (whether it be a carrier deck or a land-based runway).
As we could not resolve these problems or find an acceptable workaround for this bug, we have not included comrpnt's missions (though we have implemented other parts of his Falklands mod pack).
Changes, Fixes, & Additions
This mod was released in December 2010. In May 2014 it was updated with the following fixes and changes:
- performed minor fixes/updates on most aircraft & ships
- added new skins for the A-4P and Mirage IIIEA (TMF)
- added new models for the Fleet Oiler & Fleet Stores Ship
- added Type 12I & Type 23
Earlier, in August 2012, this mod was updated with the following fixes and changes:
Fixes & Updates
- all ships overhauled & brought up to SF2NA compatibility standards
- missile & guns systems on ships overhauled for functionality in SF2NA
- SF2NA versions of all three campaigns created
- land-based SAMs overhauled for performance and realism
- land-based AAA guns overhauled for performance and realism
- most other combat-related ground objects tweaked and/or fixed
- all A2G/ASM missiles overhauled for performance and realism
- all SAMs overhauled for performance and realism
- most aircraft tweaked or fixed in some way
- IA-58a Pucara flight model overhauled
- optional new skins added for: Super Etendard, MB-326GB, T-34 Mentor
- new MB-339A model added
- several new target areas added to terrain
- several bug fixes implemented for terrain items
- terrain TYPES.INI expanded to incoprorate new items
- SF2NA version of terrain added (South Atlantic)
- terrain Movement.INI expanded
- terrain front line tweaked
- Goose Green airfield taxi positions fixed
- ship smoke & flak effects tweaked
- PlanningMapScreen.INI fixed for Sf2NA compatibility
- Formation.INI and Nations.INI tweaked
- most other INIs in \Flight updated for SF2NA/Apr2012 compatibility
- ships: Segui class destroyer, Drummond class corvette, Fleet Oiler
- SAMs/AAA: HS-831 30mm AAA, Bofors L60, Tigercat SAM, Stinger launcher (UK)
- guns: 76MM_Otobreda, 30MM_KCB
- weapons: Tigercat SAM, Mk.44 torpedo, Rapier Mk. 1E, & Rapier Mk. 2A
- aircraft: Vulcan B2 bomber
Previously, in January 2012, it was updated with the following fixes and changes:
Fixes & Updates
- campaigns overhauled, with revised AirOffensive schedules, unit start
dates, and other minor changes
- variant of Argentinean campaign added (Operation Rosario), which bases
3 Esq. de Caza y Ataque (A-4Q) on the 25 de Mayo aircraft carrier instead
of Rio Grande Airbase
- Operation Corporate campaign now allows players to fly the small detach-
ment of 1 Sq. Harrier GR.3s that flew from the HMS Hermes
- flak & bomb effects fixed to reduce cartoonishly large debris
- Formation.INI updated to reflect changes from the latest 3rdWire patches
- terrain Tyes.INI overhauled to standardize data and better organize/
prioritize target types for campaigns
- terrain Targets.INI tweaked to fix various minor errors & address
problems with front line
- front line (Movement.INI) adjusted to correct problems with game engine's
handling of certain target areas in campaigns
- Exocet ASMs changed to allow them to hit moving targets in Single Missions
- ship-based SAMs overhauled to improve performance
- most warships tweaked to improve performance of ship-based SAMs
- Super Etendard's weapon stations tweaked to correct roll to the left
- Super Etendard's cockpit position moved forward
- Super Etendard's decals.INI fixed to show all decals
- Ajunaidr's Canberra B.62 overhauled to add 3rdWire flight model, remove
guns, and bring weapons stations/loadouts in line with Soulfreak's B.62
- AIM-9 Sidewinder rails added to A-4Q Skyhawk
- CruiseSpeed for all Skyhawks boosted slightly
- mission radii for all Harriers reduced to prevent them from flying
missions against the Argentinean mainland
- UH-1H flight model tweaked for performance
- ground-based SAMs, AAA, & radars tweaked to improve performance
Previously, in May & September 2011, this mod was re-released following extensive bug fixes,
changes, and additions, which included:
- missing/incorrect Sea Harrier decals
- bright white Sidewinder rails on Sea Harrier
- A-4 nation decals missing
- non-working nozzel on Sea Harrier
- incorrect alignment/decals for UH-1H
- wrong missiles on Mirage IIIEA
- Mirage IIIEA unable to maintain expected high altitude speed
- wrong .INI pointer for A-109A unit in Malvinas campaign
- Type_12M frigate not appearing in terrain
- front line leaves British ships on Argentine side in campaign
- wrong alignment for Port Howard target area
- wrong model for AR_R-530R
- wrong squadron for Harrier GR.3 (No.1 not No.3)
- loadout/weapon stations problems with S-2F Tracker
- rolling radius on Super Etendard nose wheel too high
- Airfields 1,2,5 use mix of old/new runway textures
- MB.326 & MB.339 experience nose pitch-up at speeds > 400 knots
- Harrier GR.3 & FRS.1 don't sit properly on tarmack/deck
- Harrier FRS.1 damaged 50% when landing on carriers
- aircraft on use ski jump improperly on Hermes
- AI pilots land incorrectly on Hermes
- double green Pucara's 1-Tex skin wrong color-depth
- AI pilots w/ Twin Otter not take off/land correctly
- AI pilots w/ T-34C Mentor not take off or fly correctly
- wildly inaccurate squadron strengths in campaigns for some aircraft
- "Intelligence" values on wrong force/side in Malvinas campaign
- some number decals not appear on aircraft in campaigns
- other minor errors in campaign DATA.INIs
- ReadMe for Malvinas WP not included
- RWR/ECM corrections on Harrier GR.3
- overhauled decals on Harrier GR.3
- engine updates on Harrier GR.3
- loadout updates on Harrier GR.3
- RWR/ECM corrections on Sea Harrier FRS.1
- engine updates on Sea Harrier FRS.1
- loadout updates on Sea Harrier FRS.1
- corrected black skins from Elephant for Sea Harrier FRS.1
- new "blue-black" 800/801 skins from PanamaRed for Sea Harrier FRS.1
- corrected 809 skins from PanamaRed & Elephant
- overhauled decals for Sea Harrier FRS.1 based on work by Elephant
- Lynx & Sea King upgrades by dtmdragon
- Argentine pilot pics from IceMan
- new RAF & RN pilots from Elephant & PanamaRed
- new SquadronList.INI from STORM w/ texture data keyed to it
- optional verions of WATERNORMAL.BMP from luk1978
New Optional Items
- 3rdWire Nesher-based Dagger (SF2I only)
- 3rdWire Mirage IIIEA cockpit (SF2I only)
- 3rdWire Harrier GR.3 (SF2E only)
- 3rdWire Canberra B.Mk62 (SF2E Exp. Pack 2 only)
- alternate WaterNormal.BMPs
General Changes, Fixes, & Additions
This mod is a conversion and upgrade of the original "Falklands '82" mod released by Kesselbrut for SFP1. This version incorporates the following changes over the original:
General SF2 post-Dec2009 Updates/Conversions
- Hangar/Loading Screens: converted to .JPG format
- Loadout Images: coverted to .TGA format
- Cockpit Positions: checked & updated as needed
- HUD/DTVFilter Materials: added & updated as needed
- Effects: added proper shaders to all effects
- EnvironmentSystem: added proper Dec2009 shaders & new
environment parameters
- Menu Screens: coverted to .JPG format
- Non-decal TGAs: moved to aircraft texture folders
- UserLists: added UserList.INIs to all aircraft
- AircraftShortNames: added AircraftShortName statements
to all aircraft
- Damage models: added aircraft damage models to all air-
craft DATA.INIs
- Decals: moved all aircraft decals to \Decals folder
- Pilots & Seats: moved all pilots & seats to \Pilots folder
- Radar frequencies: added radar frequency data to aircraft
radars, RWR statements, anti-radiation missiles, & ground
radars (not ships)
- converted weapons & guns to SF2
Other Updates & Fixes
- added damage .TGAs to several aircraft
- tweaked weapons loadouts/stations on several aircraft
- updated flight models on Mirage IIIEA, IAI Dagger, Harrier
GR.3, Sea Harrier FRS.1, MB-326GB, C-130, KC-130, Super
Etendard, T-34C Mentor, & IA-58a Pucara
- tweaked flight models on most remaining aircraft to make
them SF2-friendly
- added additional skins to A-4CA/P/Q, Canberra B.62, Sea Har-
rier FRS.1, IA-58a Pucara, IAI Dagger, Mirage IIIEA, & KC-130
- added new Hangar & Loading screens for a number of aircraft
- made minor correction/fixes to most aircraft
- replaced original cloud mod with Cellinsky's WideSky cloud mod
- updated original Menu screens and added a few new ones to round
out the set
- created new InstantAction.INI
- added custom SpeechSystem.INI to suppress some gun-firing radio
calls ("He's firing his guns!")
- carried over original Nations.INI tweaks to SF2 Nations.INI
- added custom pilot pics from comrpnt's mod pack
- carried over relevant customizations from original Formations.INI
to SF2 Formations.INI
- added several new sounds & updated SoundList.INI
- tweaked flak guns to improve effectiveness & use new effects
- fixed Type 12M (Rothesay) Class Frigate so that guns/missiles are
now working
- added bobrock's Invincible re-paint skin
- converted main terrain .INIs to SF2 standards
- added seven new terrain target areas for temporary ship locations
- added new terrain items (static models, ships, etc) to TYPES.INI
- added new terrain items (static models, ships) to TARGETS.INI
- fixed StanleyAirfield_DATA.INI to enable aircraft to take off
- tweaked FOB_DATA.INI to allow more than four aircraft to take
off properly from Port San Carlos FOB
- implemented custom terrain lights from comrpnt's mod pack
- updated campaigns for SF2-compatibility (& added MB-339A)
New Air & Ground Items
- MB-339A ARA
- Twin Otter
- Type 12L frigate
- Type 21 frigate
- Type 22 frigate
- Sotoyomo & Z-28 patrol craft
- Argentine Mercedes trucks (Trucks camiones)
- Banidos team static terrain models
- several new weapons or weapons models
This update pack adds a number of new items to the "Falklands '82" mod package. These new items are from the following modders, who generously allowed their use:
comrpnt .......................... Falklands Mod & Mission Pack
ChrisBV .......................... Sea Harrier Pack
NeverEnough ...................... IA-58a Pucara for SF2
Tracker & Syd Adams .............. Twin Otter
ID(io)T Team...................... MB-339A
Banidos Team ..................... Static Malvinas Models
Banidos Team ..................... Trucks Camiones
Banidos Team ..................... Type 12I, 12L, 21, 22, & 23 frigates
Julhelm .......................... Fleet Oiler
Florian .......................... Fleet Stores Ship
bobrock .......................... Invincible re-paint skin
Adrian Benetti ................... Sotoyomo & Z-28 patrol craft
Adrian Benetti ................... Malvinas Weapons Pack
ChrisBV .......................... Falklands War-era Weapons Mini-Pack
Cellinsky ........................ WideSky cloud mod
SayWhat?! ........................ IA-58a Pucara skins
JefeFOSS ......................... Canberra FAA Oscuro skin
PGC .............................. Mirage IIIEA skins
torno & HrntFixr ................. C-130/KC-130 skins
torno ............................ ARA Sea King skin
Falls, nosecone, Banidos Team, ... A-4CA/P/Q skins
Fallschirmjager, 3-A-305,
& Galtieycia
PanamaRed ........................ Harrier FRS.1/GR.3 fixes, Hermes fixes,
Mentor fixes, Pucara fixes
Elephant ........................ updated Harrier FRS.1 skins & decals
STORM ............................ updated/expanded SquadronList.INI w/ a/c .INIs
luk1978 .......................... new WaterNormal.BMP versions
Ice Man .......................... Argentine pilot pics
dtmdragon ........................ Harrier 3, Lynx, & Sea King upgrades
Wrench ........................... Gazelle running lights
torno ............................ Dagger skins & antennas for 3rdWire Nesher
Soulfreak ........................ Canberra B.Mk62 (3rdWire B6 model)
ataribaby ........................ Super Etendard fixes
Wrench ........................... Exocet ASM fixes
Torno & Paulopanz ................ 25 de Mayo CV
Adrian Benetti ................... Drummond class corvette (based on ARA Indomita/Intrepida)
Paulopanz ........................ new skins for County class destroyer, Type 12I frigate,
& Type 82 destroyer
Ariell ........................... new skins for Super Etendard, MB-326GB, & T-34 Mentor
Paulopanz ........................ Vulcan B2 skin
SUICIDAL-ART ..................... Bofors L60 AAA
Additional skins from Edward's "Falklands Mod and Campaign for SFP1."
Credit for the original "Falklands '82" mod package goes to Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel and the team of modders that contributed to that original release for SFP1. For a list of all the modders whose work is used in the complete "Falklands '82" mod, see the original ReadMes included in \OriginalReadmes.
If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
eburger68 & Dave (USAFMTL)
15 November 2010
3 May 2011
1 Sep 2011
5 Jan 2012
27 August 2012
1 May 2014
Malta 1942, a campaign for WoA
The first half of 1941 had been a hard time for the Allied defenders of Malta, when the Luftwaffe could devote several of its best units to pound the island, sink any ship within nearby waters, and decimate the small fighter force of outperformed Hurricanes. As Germany turned its attention Eastwards with Operation Barbarossa, the RAF could recover, then take a more offensive stance, putting threatening pressure on the Axis convoys to Libya, and even striking targets in Sicily.
Nonetheless, by the end of the year, as the operations East were getting stuck in the Russian Winter, it was decided to move again large numbers of Luftwaffe units to the Mediterranean Front, in order to eliminate the RAF striking force, and to bend the Maltese morale under the weight of bombs.
As the valiant defenders of Malta were to face this renewed enemy effort, the Axis leaders began to meet and plot an invasion of the island by air and sea, intended to remove once and for all this thorn from their flank. By the end of April 1942, this Sword of Damocles over Malta would have a name: Operation Herkules..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Malta 1942 : Malta now with 100% more Spitfires !!
This is my third campaign for Wings over Africa, the free add-on by The Dev A-Team that enables you to re-enact the air war over the most legendary battlefields of the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations. In this mod, Baltika had already provided campaigns over Malta covering the epic years 1940 and 1941. This 11-months-long campaign, running from December 1941 to November 1942, completes a trilogy, encompassing some of the most dramatic moments of the siege, when Malta was the closest to be dominated in the air before Spitfires were finally delivered, the closest to be strangled with Allied supply convoys repeatedly decimated or driven away, and finally the closest to be doomed as the Axis leaders planned very seriously for Summer 1942 the naval and aerial invasion of the island, codenamed Operation Herkules.
Four additional downloads will be required to play this campaign (the links are included in the ReadMe file, registration at Capun Skunkworks needed). The modified files provided here allow several flyable units to display their original markings, and activate some Sardinian and Tripolitanian bases and targets on the Tunisia map as soon as the beginning of the campaign. A French translation of the campaign texts is also included.
Flyable planes (including scheduled upgrades during this long campaign):
British RAF/FAA :
Hawker Hurricane Mk.I & Mk.IIb
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb
Bristol Beaufighter Mk.I & VI
Bristol Beaufort Mk.I
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV
Martin Maryland Mk.I & Baltimore Mk.I (reco)
Fairey Albacore Mk.I
German Luftwaffe :
Messerschmitt BF-109 F-4 & G-2
Messerschmitt BF-110 C-4
Junkers Ju-88 C-4 night fighter
Junkers Ju-88 A-4 (bombers & reco)
Junkers Ju-87 D
Italian Regia Aeronautica :
Macchi Mc.200 'Saetta'
Macchi Mc.202 'Folgore'
Reggiane Re.2000 'Falco'
Reggiane Re.2001 'Ariete'
Junkers Ju-87 B 'Picchiatelli'
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 'Sparviero'
Choose your side! As a British, Commonwealth, or American volunteer in the RAF, serving in "the fighter pilots' paradise", make sure that the sacrifices already consented by the tenacious Maltese population, and by the brothers-in-arms who fought before you, won't have been vain. As a German pilot veteran of the easy playground and hard conditions of living of the Soviet Front, take your part in Rommel's glorious epic by neutralizing the stubborn rock that cripples the Afrikakorps' supply lines. As an Italian patriot, protect Sicily against the odious raids perpetrated by the English air pirates from Malta, and prepare the capture of this invaluable floating bolt on behalf of the King.
SF2 WW2 B-24D Liberator, MTO Pak by Veltro2K
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 B-24D Liberator, MTO Pak by Veltro2K 4/28/2014
(Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
**Having a merged install is reccomended, as the destroyed model references the stock 3W An-12**
This pack contains a NEW aircrft, by Veltro2k; the B-24D Liberator as seen in the MTO. This is the 2nd in a series of "theatre specific" versions for use in the various theatres (obviously!) of WW2.
REMINDER: this is for MTO usage ONLY!!!
The unit(s) represented herein are:
514th BS, 376th BG, as based in Egypt & Libya. The aircraft is finished in 'desert pink' and neutral grey.
The skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals (excepting the wing national markings). This will make it easier for other texture artists to create other units. The serials are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. There ARE nose arts, the 1st 12 are from the original Pasko release, the others are from my "stock" of nose art decals. These should NOT be considered historical in any way, shape or form. They're just nice to look at.
Weapons and guns are NOT included; you should have them already.
All the 1stGen Hangar and Loading screens were either rebuilt to SF2-spec, or created new for this package. They are in jpg format. Damage textures are new, in DDS format.
When in game you'll see:
B-24D Liberator (v2k)
This will differentiate this Lib from any others you may have (ie: Pasko's).
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations, in particular for in-game usage.
Happy Landings
Kevin Stein
B-24D Liberator, ETO Pak
By Veltro2k
Consolidated B-24 Liberator
The Consolidated B-24 Liberator was an American heavy bomber, designed by Consolidated Aircraft of San Diego, California. It was known within the company as the Model 32, and a small number of early models were sold under the name LB-30, for Land Bomber. The B-24 was used in World War II by several Allied air forces and navies, and by every branch of the American armed forces during the war, attaining a distinguished war record with its operations in the Western European, Pacific, Mediterranean, and China-Burma-India Theaters.
Please read the Read Me file included
veltro2k for the aircraft
kesselbrut for the cockpit
GregoryP for the AvHistory sounds pak
flaps & gear sound, TMF (iirc)
Wrench for lots of ini work, skins, decals, screens,
Handley Page Halifax B2
By Veltro2k
Handley Page Halifax
The Handley Page Halifax was one of the four-engined heavy bombers of the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. A contemporary of the famous Avro Lancaster, the Halifax remained in service until the end of the war, performing a variety of duties in addition to bombing. The Halifax was also operated by squadrons of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Free French Air Force, and Polish forces, and after the Second World War by the Royal Egyptian Air Force, the Armée de l'Air and the Royal Pakistan Air Force.
3D Model (Veltro2k)
Textures and FM (Charles)
Cockpit (Kesselbrut)
Best Sim : Thirdwire
unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun
SF2 WW2 Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) Height Field Fix
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) Height Field Fix 4/27/2014
- For SF2 WW2, PTO -
This is a fix for the unflattened sections of Aslito airfield, Saipan. This package
contains a new HFD (height field) that will replace the original.
The original terrain, for those that don't have it, is available at the following
Be advised, the above listed/linked terrain is the SF/Wo* version (1stGen). I've
included my SF2 updated data ini, so you all won't be needing to make the SF2 shader
tweeks (if you don't have it updated to SF2 as yet).
To use:
Simply unzip to a temp folder or you desktop. Then copy/paste the included /Terrains
folder DIRECTLY over the existing one in you PTO-centric mods folder.
Allow the overwrite
That's it!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
[Fictional] McDonnell Douglas F-4P Phantom II
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock F-4D_78 to create a fictional fighter plane for the portuguese air force.
It comes with two skins:
1. 3-Tone Camo for the 301st Squadron "Jaguares"
2. Anti-Radiation-Green camo for the 201st Squadron "Falcoes"
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Also to Sundowner for the great templates!
Best regards
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