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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Iceland02 Full-scale Terrain v1.0

      Iceland 02 Full-Scale Terrain v1.0
      by Baltika
      Thanks to:-
      Gepard for his terrain tutorials, which started this adventure off all those years ago. Also for his new WoE runways which are included here.
      JSFAggie for his Highway runway Mod, which has been altered and modded for use as glacier-based FARPs.
      Brain32 for sound advice on creating terrain tiles. Cheers mate;-) Your hi-res lava tile has not been used here, but may see the light of day if I ever manage a hi-res set for this little terrain.
      Wrench, Dave & all the gang at CA for invaluable advice on how to make things work, garnered over the years and hopefully put to good effect here.
      MajorLee, Deuces, Edward and anyone else who made a terrain mod and posted about how to do it. Thanks!
      TK for making the whole bag of bolts hang together.
      Installation instructions:-
      Unzip and drop the "ICELAND02" folder into your Saved GamesThirdwireStrikeFighters2Terrains folder.
      If there is no terrains folder in your mod folder, create one and drop the ICELAND02 folder into it.
      That's it! Go fly, and fight for the liberation of Iceland.
      This terrain has been completed using SF2 June 2010 patch. It is not supported on WoX series or earlier patch levels. But, if you really must try, use the ICELAND02_DATA.INI file included in the "Use_in_WoX" folder for SF1 series. Your mileage may vary.
      This terrain features a completely new Iceland map, scaled up to full size and with a completely new tileset. All mission types are flyable for Red and Blue force. It has taken a number of years and several false starts to get to this point. Like gepard said about his Israel terrain, I feel the journey may never be finished, so if you spot any oddities or bugs, drop me a line at CombatAce and I'll try to fix it.
      I will post targetisation updates as and when these are completed. For now, kick back, enjoy the Arctic scenery and have a blast.
      27 October 2010


         (4 reviews)



    2. Iceland Terrain v1.02 Update

      Iceland Full-Scale Terrain
      v1.02 Update
      by Baltika
      19 December 2010
      This update will bring any previous version of my Iceland terrain up to v1.02.
      -Added Iceland02_Water.bmp and revised ICELAND02.INI file to enable full water functionality for SF2 EP2 Mission Editor users. Thanks to tn_prvteye for creating the water.bmp file included here.
      -Added full city tile .tod files for buildings in Reykjavik.
      -Added 40+ additional targets to Reykjavik. AAA defence much stronger now!
      -Revised ICELAND02_NATIONS.INI file for extra sea locations and accurate representation of Iceland Defence Force.
      -Corrected overlapping ground units in Red and Blue Force Air Defence Sites.
      -Corrected overlapping ground units in Red and Blue Force Army Bases.
      -Added Iceland02_DOGFIGHT.INI file.
      -Added USN and USMC to Limited Nations List in terrain NATIONS.INI file.
      -The revised NATIONS.INI has cured the hard lockup bug for CAS/Anti-Ship/Armed Recon missions in SFP1/WoX builds.
      You must first have installed Iceland Full-Scale terrain v1.0.
      This pack will update both v1.0 and v1.01 to v1.02.
      Simply unzip and drop the various new files into your \Terrains\ICELAND02 folder, making sure to over-write the previous versions.
      This update is good for SF2 and SFP1/WoX installs.


         (0 reviews)



    3. Do you really can fly and fight with a F-16?

      Do you really can fly and fight with a F-16A?
      28 gun only dogfight missions
      The F-16A Netz is one of my favorit planes in WOI and i know that a lot of people love the F-16A too. I fought a lot of dogfights and scored more than 100 kills with it.
      Then i asked me, wheter i won the dogfights by i my flying abilities or by the superior missiles? When i was shot down by a MiG-29 i asked me wheter the enemy plane was better or only the missile.
      To get a correct answer i thought a gun only dogfight will show the truth.
      So i started to make a seria of dogfight missions between the F-16A Netz and the planes of the period. The F-4E, F-5E, F-14A, F-15A, F-16A, F-20, MiG-21MF, MiG-21bis, MiG-23MF, MiG-23ML, MiG-29A, Mirage 5D, Mirage 2000EM and Kfir C2 i took as enemy in 1 vs 1 gun only engagements. Later, if 1vs1 started to become boring, i made 16 planes air combats. In the most cases it are 4 F-16A vs 12 enemies. For planes with comparable flight performance, like the F-15A or MiG-29A, i decided to make 8 vs 8 engagements.
      For me its a big fun and it is challenging, even the hunt on MiG-21MF or Mirage 5 can become difficult and dangerous if enough enemies are around you.
      And i hope you enjoy the mission pack too.
      Copy all files into your missions folder
      Thats it.
      III. Be aware
      The missions are made for WOI oct2008 patch.
      The most planes are stock in WOI, but you still following planes.
      At Combat Ace download section you find:
      Mirage Factory iranian F-14A, (add on planes/modern era aircraft)
      Mirage Factory F-5E Tiger II, (add on planes/cold war aircraft)
      the MiG-23ML, (add on planes/cold war aircraft)
      Mirage 2000EM (add on planes/modern era aircraft)
      And at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 you find the
      F-20 TigerShark. (3rd Party Mods)
      For remarks, comments, bug report, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      November 2010


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    4. Operation: Polar Glory '99 v1.03

      // --------------------------------------------
      // Operation: Polar Glory 1999
      // By Baltika
      // v1.03
      // 19 December 2010
      // --------------------------------------------
      // Campaign mod for WoE October 2008 patch installs
      // Russian Invasion of Iceland 1999
      // --------------------------------------------
      The proposed construction of US missile defence systems in former Warsaw Pact Eastern European countries poses the greatest threat to Russian national security since the Nazi invasion of the Great Patriotic War.
      The refusal of the Western Powers to negotiate on this issue has left the Kremlin with no option but to pursue a military solution. Full-scale war in Central Europe is considered detrimental to Russian national interest.
      A bold strike to occupy the strategically vital staging post of Iceland is considered to be an achievable goal which will demonstrate the resolve of the Russian people whilst avoiding a nuclear escalation of hostilities.
      Once occupied, Iceland will become the major forward missile and submarine base of the Russian Empire and will guarantee strategic control of the North Atlantic.
      Air and ground units of the Iceland Defence Force are on station to mount a defence of the island. The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN-69, with units of Carrier Air Wing 7 embarked, is making all speed to the North Atlantic to oppose the Russian invasion. . .
      // --------------------------------------------
      // 1.03 update
      Revised installation instructions to synchronise with Iceland terrain v1.02.
      // 1.02 Update
      This adds in squadrons from the remaining members of the Iceland Defence Force:-
      RNoAF 332 Skv (F-16)
      RCAF 441 Sqn "Silver Foxes" (CF-188)
      KLU 323 Sqn (F-16)
      Also adds in the following ground forces:-
      Norwegian Telemark Battalion
      Dutch Regiment Huzaren Van Sytzama
      Royal Canadian Dragoons
      In addition to the files listed below which were required for previous versions, you will need to add the following files:-
      CF-188 mod by Saguanay, based on Mirage Factory FA-18A:
      Available at http://www.checksix-fr.com/
      KLU 323 Sqdn Skinpack by RavenClaw_007 (Put in F-16A_Blk10-NDC folder):-
      // ---------------------------------------------
      Required Files:-
      Iceland Terrain by Baltika, and v1.02 update:-
      Aircraft Carriers & Ships:
      USN Nimitz Class Carriers - Modded by WombRaider from original by Digital Overload:
      Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY
      UdaloyI by China Insky Team
      UdaloyII by China Insky Team
      Russian Aircraft:-
      MiG-31M - Modded by Erwin Hans from lindr2's original
      SU-33 Sea Flanker by Insky Group:
      SU-39 by Erwin Hans et al
      MiG-29 by Mirage Factory (MiG-29C_rus)
      Tu-95A Bear by Veltro2k
      MiG-27K mod by Gepard
      Su-27 by MarcFighter
      NATO Aircraft:-
      F-14A+ - Modded by Typhoid from Mirage Factory original:
      F-15C/D MSIP by Dave, Crusader, Fubar512, wpnssgt et al
      Harrier GR7 by bobrock
      Tornado F3 by bobrock
      F-16A Block 10 NDC by Mirage Factory
      FA-18A by Mirage Factory
      EA-6B Prowler by Agamemnon &allenjb42, original by Hawker
      57th FIS F-15C skin by Dave
      VF-103 Jolly Rogers F-14 skin by Paul Nortness (put in F-14A+ folder)
      // ----------------------------------------------------
      Ensure that all files listed above are installed.
      The files included in this download pack are set up to make it obvious where everything has to go.
      Contents of \Campaign folder to your WoE\Campaign folder, \Menu folder to WoE\Menu folder, etc.
      For those who are updating a previous version of this campaign mod, just drop the included files into your existing install, over-writing any previous version. This will break any earlier Polar Glory campaign still in progress, so you may wish to finish before updating.
      Any problems getting it up and running, give me a shout.
      // ----------------------------------------------------
      I had a problem getting Su-33 loadouts to work in campaign mode. To get the missiles to show up, I had to use the weapons editor to remove StationCode entries from these missiles:- AA-11B, AA-10C and AA-10D. If you have nay trouble with this stuff, post in the support thread and I'll do my best to help out.
      For all those of you who say, "Why aren't you using the new TMF F-14A/B for SF2?"
      This is a "template" campaign based on all the stuff I have in my heavily-modded WoE Oct 08 install. The purpose is to get a workable Iceland campaign out asap, as this has been requested and is a mission goal. I am also behind the curve in modding SF2, and I am very keen to see what the new EPs and F-14 game will bring to the table in terms of naval warfare. Those of you who have tried my Midway campaign will know I can force naval engagements in the WoX engine, but there is no point busting a gut to get something done when it will be served up on a plate soon enough.
      Having said that, look out for "Operation: Nordic Hammer," coming soon for SF2 series.
      Meantime, have fun in the Battle for Iceland ;-)
      Bug reports, complaints and Single Malt to Baltika, c/o CombatAce ;-)
      18 November 2010
      // ------------------------------------------------------


         (1 review)



    5. MiG-21F-13 (1975)

      In mid 70th the egyptian technicians replaced the R-11 engine of the MiG-21F13 by the R-13 which came with the MiG-21MF. The new and stronger engine made the MiG-21F13 faster and more agil. It also does not suffer anymore by compressor stalls which were common with the R-11 engine and the R-13 engine also not so often "died" if a missile was fired, so that restart of the engine in the air was not so often neccessary anymore.
      The most interessing point of the replacement of the engine is, that the R-13 normaly does not fit into the fuselage of the MiG-21F13. But the egyptian technicians found a way to overcome this problem and make fit was does not fit. So the most agil MiG-21 was born.
      The plane itself is made:
      by TK
      The Cockpit is made
      by Mago (Paladrian)
      and only the small ini edit is made by me.
      -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      November 2010


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    6. MiG-21PF (1975)

      MiG-21PF (1975)
      corrected a little mistake, i had forgotten to remove the internal gun. Sorry my fault.
      I. HISTORY
      In mid 70th the egyptian technicians replaced the R-11 engine of the MiG-21F13 by the R-13 which came with the MiG-21MF. When it became obviesly that it was a successfull project the same upgrade program was started with the MiG-21PF. The R-11 was replaced by the R-13 engine and in the most cases the holding bolt for the GP-9 gunpod was included. In some few cases the brakechute container was placed above the engine pipe as it is known from the later MiG-21 seria.
      With this upgrade program the MiG-21PF became faster and more agile. With the gunpod the MiG-21PF pilot had a substancial increased dogfight capability.
      II. CREDITS:
      The plane itself is made:
      by TK
      The Cockpit is made
      by Mago (Paladrian)
      The GP-9 Gunpod is made
      by Spillone104
      and only the small ini edit is made by me.
      -1. Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
      -2. Unzip file gp-9 gunpod.zip into your weapons folder and follow the instructions you find in the readme with the name"add to weapondata.ini"
      Thats it
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      V. IMPORTANT!!!!!
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      November 2010


         (2 reviews)



    7. F-20C TigerShark

      F-20C TigerShark
      BE AWARE:
      The F-20C TIGERSHARK pack is a mod of the F-20A TigerShark.
      It comes WITHOUT the neccessary file F-20A-R0b.lod
      You can get the file from F-20A package available at A-Team Skunkworks homepage.
      This is the flyable version of *****s static F-20
      It represent the F-20C as it was intended as successor of the F-20A.
      Max Speed: Mach 2.1
      Acceleration from M0.9 to M1.2 at 30.000 ft in 29 seconds
      max turn rate: 20° = 18 seconds per 360° circle
      sustained turn rate 11.5°/sec at M0.8 at 15.000 ft
      Length 14,40 m
      Wingspan 8,30 m
      Internal fuel 5.500 lbs
      take of weight clean 17.260 lbs
      combat weight 50% fuel 15.060 lbs
      max weight 26.290 lbs
      1 x General Electric F404-GE-200
      Thrust 49,88 kN dry
      70,094 kN Afterburner
      2 x 20mm M-39 cannons 460 rounds
      up to 6 AIM-9 Sidewinder
      2 x AIM-7
      2 x AIM-120
      5 pylons with max 8.000 lbs external stores
      BE AWARE: the F-20C Tigershark is a high agile plane with a tendency of fast rolling and overrolling. Thatswhy dont move the stick to fast!
      Known issues:
      - the model is low poly (was originaly intended to use as ground target only)
      - the skin is relatively simple, upper and lower side of the wings are similar
      - airbrakes are not visible
      - i used the F-15A cockpit which is the closest available to the F-20C cockpit
      - nose gear steering is not animated
      I want to say thank you to ***** for the permission and his help to mod his static F-20A Tigershark
      The flight model is partly basing of TK's stock F-16A FM
      The cockpit is basing on TK's F-15 cockpit
      -Unzip F-20C files into your objects/aircraft folder.
      -Copy file F-20A-R0b.lod from your F-20 into your F-20C folder
      -Unzip Decals into your decals folder (If you dont have one, create one into objects folder)
      That it.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      November 2010


         (8 reviews)



    8. Tu-22M3P EscortBackfire

      Tu-22M3P EscortBackfire
      This bird is fiction. First i saw such a plane in the very old computer game Harpoon.
      In some scenarios the Tu-22M3 bombers were escorted by a fighter version of the Backfire
      which was armed with long range missiles and a MiG-31 style radar.
      When HoneyFox released his excellent Tu-22M3 bomber i remembered the old Harpoon
      Story and modded the Backfire into a Fighter.
      Have fun!
      Tu-22M3P for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
      While making the EscortBackfire i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this
      The plane itself:
      Modell and skin by HoneyFox
      Thanks for permission to make this mod.
      The Cockpit is taken from fabulous B-1B
      Cockpit by Dels
      And finally my little share
      I edited the Data file to implement the air to air missiles, added the ECM and Chaffs etc,
      modded the radar and HUD.
      I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
      unzip into your aircraft folder
      Thats it! Enjoy flying.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      Dezember 2010


         (5 reviews)



    9. Tiran Pack(israeli T-54, T-55, T-62)

      Tiran Panzers
      I. HISTORY
      In the 6 days war Israel captured hundrets of egyptian and syrian T-54 and T-55. In opposite to the common trevia the Israelis accepted this panzers as good, reliable and powerfull vehicles and used them under the designation Tiran in the IDF. Tiran1 were the T-54 and Tiran2 the T-55.
      Tiran panzers proofed very successfull in Yom Kippur war. For instance: the war deciding israeli panzer attack at Sinai was launched by Tiran vehicles. The major plus point of the israeli Tiran over their arab counterparts was the superior crew training. While arab crews were only able to fire from stand the israeli Tiran crews were able to fire while moving. Arab crews needed 20 -30 second for a aimed shot. Iraeli crews needed 15 seconds. The difference seems to be not much on the first view, but it is deciding.( Mind experiment: 10 egyptian T-55 and 10 israeli Tiran2 detect each other at the same time at a range of 1.800 meters, the israelis will fire after 15 seconds. At this range the hit chance of the vehicles gun (D-10TS) is 2/3 = 66,666% What means, that after the first israeli salvo only 3 to 4 egyptian tanks survive. If the egyptians fire 5 - 10 seconds later they will hit 2 - 3 Tiran. 7 - 8 surviving israeli tanks will shoot back and will kill the rest of egyptian tanks with the next salvo)
      During Yom Kippur war israeli forces captured further T-54, T-55 and T-62. The later ones were pressed in service under designation Tiran3. Modernised T-62 with 105mm gun L-7 got the designation Tiran 6.
      II. CREDITS:
      The models itself are made:
      by TK
      and only the small ini edit are made by me.
      -1. Unzip all files into your objects/groundobject folder.
      Thats it
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      V. IMPORTANT!!!!!
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      December 2010


         (1 review)



    10. SF2 Series J-10A Vigorous Dragon PLAAF Green Camo

      ChengDu J-10A Vigorous Dragon PLAAF Green Camo for SF2/V/E/I
      By SidDogg
      This is the PLAAF Green Camo livery set for the
      ChengDu J-10A FINAL By Erwin_Hans.
      A BIG thanks to InSky and all involved for this aircraft,
      as well as the skin template used to make this skin.
      Install the SF1 J-10A FINAL, using the SF2 method described in the
      SF2 knowledge base.
      Simply unzip the skin into your SF2 Series Mod directory


         (2 reviews)



    11. Persian Gulf Terrain

      Persian Gulf Terrain -------------- Beta 0.5--------------------------
      This terrain is written for SFP1, but should work properly with WOI,WOV and WOE.
      I. Short description:
      This terrain covers the most parts of the Persian Gulf from Strait of Hormuz to the oil fields of Bandar e Khomeni. It includes the coastal region of the Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and the coastal region of Saudi Arabia. Kuwait and Iraq are NOT included in this terrain, because an other terrain (Desert Storm) is already covering this area.
      At the moment Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the western part of Iran are ready for action in this terrain. Ground combat you will see on iranian soil, mostly in the Busher area.
      At the UAE and the eastern part of Iran only airfields are operational, no other targets. This will come with the next update.
      The tiles of the street network are only placeholders. I'm not satisfied with them. They will also replaced.
      There are some other issues which still have to be done. Dont forget. Its a beta release at the moment.
      Improvments of Beta 0.5
      1. 312 target areas instead 175 in Beta 0.1
      2. Iran is nearly finished. Rivers, towns, villages, bridges, some factories, ports, oil fields, Scud launchers, coastal defence missile launchers are set on the map. A SAM network around Bandar Abbas in the southeast of Iran ist installed now
      Unzip all files into your StrikeFighters/terrain folder.
      Put folder Silkworm into your objects/groundobjects folder.
      Thats it.
      Q: What is to do to make it usable for WOI,WOV and WOE?
      For WOI open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      For WOV open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      For WOE open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      Then you must download a tileset which is made for SFP1 desert terrain and install into the Perischer Golf folder. Be aware, that there are 19 new tiles, so that your terrain could be look something strange.
      III. Credits. I want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the PG terrain, and made the new ground objects like cars, fireengine, floodlights, run- and taxiways ...
      IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      22 Januar 2011


         (5 reviews)



    12. North Cape Terrain

      North Cape Terrain
      by Baltika
      Beta v 0.6
      Major Lee - core DBS Tileset
      Gepard - NATO/WARPAC Runways
      Stary - Germany CE Buildings and TOD files
      Wrench - NATO/WARPAC runway upgrade
      grumpapotamus - Doppler Radar Dome
      Deuces - terrain TOD tutorial
      Thanks to the whole gang at CombatAce.
      Unzip and drop the NORTHCAPE folder into your WoE/Terrain folder.
      Airbases in Norway are best for scenery.
      Recommended Files:-
      CVN-75 by Digital Overload
      TAKR Orjol by Gepard
      TAKR Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY
      UdaloyI by China Insky Team
      UdaloyII by China Insky Team
      BRDM_SA-9 by rebelryder
      SA-11 & SA-17 by 101tfs
      ScudLauncher & Missile by bigal1
      Soviet SAMs by gabilon
      Known issues:-
      Sea/water effects don't work, yet.
      Targetisation incomplete.
      TOD files incomplete.
      Tested in Wings Over Europe Oct 08 Patch.
      This terrain will be updated as and when time permits.
      Don't hold your breath ;-)
      4 April 2011


         (5 reviews)



    13. [Fictional] Eurofighter EF-2000AR Tifón (Typhoon)

      This is a mod of the EF-2000 Typhoon from Bongodriver to make it look like fighterplane for the argentine air force & naval air arm
      Simply drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mods Folder.
      Thanks to Brain32 for adapting the plane to SF2-Standards and to Bongodriver for creating this bird!
      A BIG BIG thanks to
      USAFMTL (and various partners in crime) for his help and guidance and support.
      Jimmybib and Sundowner for initial consultation on skinning and all credit to Sundowner for producing the final skins which are superb.
      Moonjumper for his advice on some avionics matters
      All of you for you encouragement and kind words through it's development
      My Producers....etc...etc :) Oh god I'm going to cry..
      Anyway I decided to release slightly early because I'd like some of you to enjoy tweaking this thing, theres alot of talent out there who can make this thing great.
      Absolutely no part of this is to be used in payware but moddify the model any way you wish and re distribute in your own freeware mods as you wish with no permission required from me, just give me the relevant credit.


         (1 review)



    14. Orange Revolution: 2004

      // Orange Revolution: 2004 Campaign
      // By Baltika
      // For Black Sea 2.0 Terrain
      // By Pfunk
      // ------------------------------------
      // This campaign mod would not be possible without
      // lots of hard work by many talented individuals.
      // Credit where it's due:-
      // Pfunk for Black Sea 2.0 Terrain
      // C5, Dave, eburger, et al for NF4+ pack.
      // ErikJ for MiG-29A Ukrainian Early Camo
      // ErikJ for Su-27 Ukrainian Splinter Camo
      // Gramps for Russian Speech Pack
      // --------------------------------------
      // Installation Instructions
      // Install SF2: Europe
      // Patch up to Nov '11 Level
      // Install Nato Fighters 4+ from CombatAce
      // Install all NF4+ update packs
      // Install Pfunk's Black Sea 2.0 terrain from SimHQ
      // Install Pfunk's Objects/GroundObject files from Black Sea 2.0 download
      // Unzip UkraineCampaignMod files to your desktop or wherever. Drag & drop the unzipped file folders to your NF4+ mod folder, over-writing when required. I have set it up so it should be obvious where everything has to go.
      // Fire up your NF4+ install and select "040710 Orange Revolution" from the campaign menu and choose your side. Fight for the liberation/occupation of Ukraine!
      // Nota Bene: If you have an existing SF2:E NF4+ install, you can add Pfunk's Black sea 2.0 terrain and object files and all the files from this campaign download into your NF4+ install and all will be fine - it's how I did it on mine, don't panic ;-)
      // -----------------------------------------
      // Baltika's Musings
      // This is my first published campaign mod for SF2 series.
      // I wish I could do more, but RL being what it is, as you guys all know round here, life, love and family take priority.
      // Having said that, I hope you all enjoy this campaign mod.
      // As ever, feedback, Bug Reports, and Single Malt Whisky can be sent to Baltika, c/o CombatAce.
      // Slainthe!
      // Baltika
      // 27 February 2012
      // -----------------------------------------


         (2 reviews)



    15. [Fictional] McDonnell Douglas C-12C (F-4E)

      Simple mod the stock F-4E_78 to make it look like a fictional
      fighter plane for the spanish air force.
      The spanish air force was thinking of replacing their F-4C-Fleet
      with F-4E for some considerable reasons:
      - The lack of a gun in combat would often be a problem once all
      missiles are fired or the enemy got to close to use them
      - Using a gunpod under the fuselage would reduce either firepower
      (due to the lack of one pylon for bombs etc.) or range (same, but
      for fuel-tank)
      Carter's administration took the F-4Cs back, converting them into
      QF-4C Drones for weapon testing and delivered two entire squadrons of F-4E. The first squadron, the 121st, received their planes in 1979
      displaying the SEA camo. The 122nd received their planes six
      months later, in 1980, featuring the two-tone grey camo.
      The planes received the designation "C-12C", while the "C" stands
      for "cañon" - spanish for cannon, referring this way to the chin-mounted gun.
      1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to
      overwrite, click yes.
      Thanks to Wrench and Dr.Doyo for the two-tone grey camo. And to
      Stratos for the inspiration.
      Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they
      Kindest regards


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    16. Menu X (HD)

      This is a menu screen project for North Atlantic that replaces the default (4:3) menu screens (loading screens and icons) w/ widescreen (16:9) photographic alternatives. It's still a work in progress but I'm almost done.
      The file contains a small program by the name of JSGME (JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler) which can enable or disable the mod when used correctly. It's optional but highly recommended.
      The Saved Games folder should be extracted to "C:\Users\(Your User Name)". If you don't wish to use the JSGME program simply copy the various folders from the folder "MODS" and move them to "C:\Users\(Your User Name)\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic".
      Also, I've included both an alternative shortcut icon and a PNG for those that use a dock program. Both can be found in the Desktop directory.


         (4 reviews)



    17. DBS Hi res replacement tileset

      ****Hi res replacement tiles for DBS terrain v0.99b****
      This is a simple repaint of tiles for DBS terrain, the reasons this is not v1.00 are following
      - I am not happy with the transition from "SeaIce" to "Sea" area and need to make transition tiles to smooth it up, for that I will need original texturelist of the first DBS terrain...
      - As you will notice theese tiles are done in 1024x1024, I have been making such tiles on all my recent work anyway then downsizing them to 512, after a few days if there will be enough intrest in this I will post a poll on CA to see if anybody actually notices significant enough visual improvement for me to continue with 1024 tiles, yes I need test bunnies lol
      Simply unzip into DBS terrain folder and overwrite when asked, I recommend backing it up in case you want to revert to the old ones.
      I didn't expirience any performance loss even with higher resolution tiles(2048) however, mission loading times will probably increase!


         (2 reviews)



    18. GermanyCE Terrain Tiles REPAINT v1.0

      *****GermanyCE Terrain Tiles REPAINT v1.0*****
      by Brain32
      Terrain objects, trees and houses by CA_Stary
      1.Requirements - Wings Over Europe are required in order for this mod to work!!!
      2. Installation.
      Un-ZiP "GermanyCE" folder into terrain folder(X:\....\Wings Over Europe\Terrain) of your Wings Over Vietnam installation.
      As before with my VietnamSEA repaint I offer trees and objects in separate folder to enable simpler instalation for users that either don't want it or can't take the performance hit :)
      To install the trees and objects, simply copy all the files from "Objects" folder to x:\...\Wings Over Europe\Terrain\GermanyCE.
      2. Overview.
      The tiles are made with help of satelite imagery taken mostly from central - west Germany, mountain tiles were taken from Alps area, and shoreline tiles...well, from German coast lol. Nothing was hand drawn, all those shapes exist in nature but were violently connected together so they fit...
      3. Known issues
      First ofcourse it will have some errors, however the number of those is on par with default terrain if not even better, if however you do find some eye-poking errors please report them with a small image in file announcment thread.
      Again same as with VietnamSEA, I didn't work much with the cities, you will notice some improvement in transition city texture but nothing dramatic, it is planned for future update though I simply didn't have time for it now and didn't want a completely functional mod sit on my HDD for maybe months at 99% completition
      4. Did I forgot something?
      I sure hope not...


         (14 reviews)



    19. [Fictional] Thai F-4E and F-4J Phantom II

      Fictional mod of the stock F-4E_78 and F-4J to make them look like fictional fighter planes for both Royal Thai Air Force and Royal Thai Navy Air Arm.
      During the Vietnam War, thai troops assisted the US against the Viet Cong, losing more than 1,000 men in the fights. During the many battles in Vietnam, thai soldiers experienced the tremendous power of the US Air Force and Navy aircraft.
      Especially the F-4 Phantom with her J79-Engines roaring over the battlefields received a special respect from the troops.
      But not only in Vietnam, also in Thailand itself, where many sorties of the US Army and special forces were initiated from, the Phantom was an impressive and formidable apparition.
      As for being an important partner, especially in black op matters, the Pentagon granted Thailand the permission to purchase some F-4Js for their Navy, which were of great use during the hasty evacuation of Saigon in 1975, protecting escaping vessels and aircraft against potential threat from northvietnamese armed forces. As reward for their unconditional aid and sacrifice during the War, the Pentagon allowed the selling of 17 previously cancelled F-4E Phantom II (Serials 75-0638 - 75-0655)
      to Thailand at a much lower price than eventually stated at the contract.
      1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
      Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
      Also to Sundowner for the great templates!
      Kindest regards


         (0 reviews)



    20. RAF Kestrel GR1 & GR3 Pack by Cocas - V2.0

      ************************ Royal Air Force Kestrel GR1/3 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 V2.0 ************************
      Due to technical internet issues Cocas has asked me to release this for him as he's unable - This is the V2.0 update of Cocas and Spinners fantastic "Sea Kestrel" pack and is a fairly comprehensive overhaul of the original pack with almost everything either new or improved! This pack includes all the Effects, Weapons and Sounds required to run on a standalone setup but it has only been tested on an Full 5 Merged setup.
      Unzip then copy and paste the Effects/Flight/Objects/Sounds folders into your Mod folder (usually C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 **or whatever yours is called**).
      Aircraft Specific Info -
      Kestrel GR1 ('87 - '05) - Designed for the RAF as a purely ground attack aircraft alongside the the Royal Navy's Sea Kestrel FRS.1 it had the Radar removed and had the new Angle Rate Bombing System (ARBS) fitted instead but was otherwise virtually identical in performance. The 4 RAF Squadrons equipped with the GR1 were given different paint jobs to reflect their different areas of speciality with 1F & 20R Sqns painted Green for Central Europe, 3F Sqn painted in White/Green winter camo for Northern Europe and 4F Sqn in Desert sand for the middle East.
      Kestrel GR3 ('06 - '20) - This massive upgrade saw everything from the engine to weapons to the avionics all hugely upgraded, especially the weapons. It included a new Nose mounted FLIR camera with RWR and the ability to carry the more advanced weapons that the RAF had developed. All 4 Sqns returned to a Grey paint job for the GR3.
      Issues -
      ARBS - I've tried to be tricky here and made the ARBS system a laser designator but with no range. You'll need to fit some LGB's to see it working but if you want to actually drop LGB's then you'll need to add a separate Laser Pod to do the guiding. It does look pretty cool though!
      Hovering is quite difficult at 1st. With a fuel weight of under 25% and no weapons you can hover at around 55% thrust but without a working Nozzle gauge it's difficult to tell where your nozzles are pointing, especially as the 3D model nozzles stop moving at only 40' visually! My recommendation is to apply fully forward nozzles (98.5') and then slowly move it backwards until the engine exhaust dirt looks like it's pointing at 90' but it's not ideal (see Alternate Cockpit below).
      The mapping is "interesting" in some places with stretching, especially on the 2 Booms. The 3F skin (winter Camo) was really tricky, so much so that I wanted to punch a thousand cute kittens by the end after spending hours/days trying to get the edges to match up! So sadly it's not as good as I'd like but the PS templates are out to so hopefully you can improve on my skin.
      *******If you find any issues or find that I've got something wrong please contact me on CombatAce - http://combatace.com/user/64030-ianh755/ *******************
      Alternate Cockpit Usage (for Advanced Users only) -
      Included in this pack is Bobrocks fantastic Harrier AV-8B cockpit which, as it includes important Nozzle info, makes hovering much easier. However the Cockpit is more limited in comparison to the Kestrel (F-23/29) version so, if you're not bothered about trying to hover that much, I'd stick to the original Cockpit. Installation is simply dropping the Cockpit folder with it's 2 ini's into your A/C and altering the aircraftname.ini to point to the 2 new ini's. I'd make a backup before you though just to be safe! Please use at your own risk, if you don't know how to alter ini files then please don't attempt to install the new cockpit in case you break something!
      Massive thanks to Cocas for creating the 3D model and patiently modifying it everytime I asked for any/every crazy little thing!
      Spinner for his fantastic work with the original Pack.
      Dels for creating his superb F-23/F-29 cockpit used here with his kind permission.
      Bobrock for creating his amazing AV-8B cockpit used here with kind permission.
      Ravenclaw007 for the stunning weapons he makes and I continue to enjoy using.
      Spillone104 for his Improved Afterburner Effects.
      The Various Modders who've made the Pilots and Seats which I used from my install but sadly I can't find out who you are to give full credit (please PM me and I'll update this with your name) but I think its' EBurger68, ChrisBV, Ravenclaw007 and EricJ
      Have fun and thanks for Downloading.............................................IanH


         (2 reviews)



    21. Royal Navy Sea Kestrel FRS1 & FRS.2 by Cocas - V2.0

      ************************ Royal Navy Sea Kestrel FRS.1/2 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 V2.0 ************************
      Due to technical internet issues Cocas has asked me to release this for him as he's unable - This is the V2.0 update of Cocas and Spinners fantastic "Sea Kestrel" pack and is a fairly comprehensive overhaul of the original pack with almost everything either new or improved! This pack includes all the Effects, Weapons and Sounds required to run on a standalone setup but it has only been tested on an Full 5 Merged setup.
      Unzip then copy and paste the Effects/Flight/Objects/Sounds folders into your Mod folder (usually C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 **or whatever yours is called**).
      Aircraft Specific Info -
      Sea Kestrel FRS.1 ('88 - '05) - Designed for the Royal Navy as a Fleet Defence Fighter with a secondary ground attack role. The Sea Kestrel's hovering ability allowed the Royal Navy to keep it's carriers smaller and therefore cheaper. All 3 Sqns were painted in Extra Dark Sea Grey with High Viz roundels.
      Sea Kestrel FRS.2 ('06 - '20) - This massive upgrade saw everything from the engine to weapons to the avionics all hugely upgraded, especially the weapons. It included a new Nose mounted FLIR camera and the ability to carry the more advanced weapons that the RAF had developed for the Navy. All 3 Sqns were repainted into Medium Sea Grey.
      Issues -
      Hovering is quite difficult at 1st. With a fuel weight of under 25% and no weapons you can hover at around 55% thrust but without a working Nozzle gauge it's difficult to tell where your nozzles are pointing, especially as the 3D model nozzles stop moving at only 40' visually! My recommendation is to apply fully forward nozzles (98.5') and then slowly move it backwards until the engine exhaust dirt looks like it's pointing at 90' but it's not ideal (see Alternate Cockpit below).
      The mapping is "interesting" in some places with stretching, especially on the 2 Booms. The 3F skin (winter Camo) was really tricky, so much so that I wanted to punch a thousand cute kittens by the end after spending hours/days trying to get the edges to match up! So sadly it's not as good as I'd like but the PS templates are out to so hopefully you can improve on my skin.
      *******If you find any issues or find that I've got something wrong please contact me on CombatAce - http://combatace.com/user/64030-ianh755/ *******************
      Alternate Cockpit Usage (for Advanced Users only) -
      Included in this pack is Bobrocks fantastic Harrier AV-8B cockpit which, as it includes important Nozzle info, makes hovering much easier. However the Cockpit is more limited in comparison to the Kestrel (F-23/29) version so, if you're not bothered about trying to hover that much, I'd stick to the original Cockpit. Installation is simply dropping the Cockpit folder with it's 2 ini's into your A/C and altering the aircraftname.ini to point to the 2 new ini's. I'd make a backup before you though just to be safe! Please use at your own risk, if you don't know how to alter ini files then please don't attempt to install the new cockpit in case you break something!
      Massive thanks to Cocas for creating the 3D model and patiently modifying it everytime I asked for any/every crazy little thing!
      Spinner for his fantastic work with the original Pack.
      Dels for creating his superb F-23/F-29 cockpit used here with his kind permission.
      Bobrock for creating his amazing AV-8B cockpit used here with kind permission.
      Ravenclaw007 for the stunning weapons he makes and I continue to enjoy using.
      Spillone104 for his Improved Afterburner Effects.
      The Various Modders who've made the Pilots and Seats which I used from my install but sadly I can't find out who you are to give full credit (please PM me and I'll update this with your name) but I think its' EBurger68, ChrisBV, Ravenclaw007 and EricJ
      Have fun and thanks for Downloading.............................................IanH


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    22. USMC AV-16A & AV-16B Kestrel II by Cocas - V2.0

      ************************ USMC AV-16A/B Kestrel II for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 V2.0 ************************
      Due to technical internet issues Cocas has asked me to release this for him as he's unable - This is the V2.0 update of Cocas and Spinners fantastic "Sea Kestrel" pack and is a fairly comprehensive overhaul of the original pack with almost everything either new or improved! This pack includes all the Effects, Weapons and Sounds required to run on a standalone setup but it has only been tested on an Full 5 Merged setup.
      Unzip then copy and paste the Effects/Flight/Objects/Sounds folders into your Mod folder (usually C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 **or whatever yours is called**).
      Aircraft Specific Info -
      AV-16A Kestrel II ('91 - '02) - was the USMC version of the Royal Navy's Sea Kestrel FRS.1 and included the Marines new 25mm GAU-22 (instead of the Royal Navys 25mm Aden 5) but was otherwise virtually identical in performance. It was painted in light Grey for this version.
      AV-16B Night Attack Kestrel II ('03 - '20) - was the USMC version of the Royal Navy's upgraded Sea Kestrel FRS.2. It included a new Nose mounted FLIR camera and the ability to carry more advanced weapons but otherwise virtually identical in performance to the FRS.2. It was painted in Dark Grey for this version.
      Issues -
      Hovering is quite difficult at 1st. With a fuel weight of under 25% and no weapons you can hover at around 55% thrust but without a working Nozzle gauge it's difficult to tell where your nozzles are pointing, especially as the 3D model nozzles stop moving at only 40' visually! My recommendation is to apply fully forward nozzles (98.5') and then slowly move it backwards until the engine exhaust dirt looks like it's pointing at 90' but it's not ideal (see Alternate Cockpit below).
      The mapping is "interesting" in some places with stretching, especially on the 2 Booms.
      *******If you find any issues or find that I've got something wrong please contact me on CombatAce - http://combatace.com/user/64030-ianh755/ *******************
      Alternate Cockpit Usage (for Advanced Users only) -
      Included in this pack is Bobrocks fantastic Harrier AV-8B cockpit which, as it includes important Nozzle info, makes hovering much easier. However the Cockpit is more limited in comparison to the Kestrel (F-23/29) version so, if you're not bothered about trying to hover that much, I'd stick to the original Cockpit. Installation is simply dropping the Cockpit folder with it's 2 ini's into your A/C and altering the aircraftname.ini to point to the 2 new ini's. I'd make a backup before you though just to be safe! Please use at your own risk, if you don't know how to alter ini files then please don't attempt to install the new cockpit in case you break something!
      Massive thanks to Cocas for creating the 3D model and patiently modifying it everytime I asked for any/every crazy little thing!
      Spinner for his fantastic work with the original Pack.
      Dels for creating his superb F-23/F-29 cockpit used here with his kind permission.
      Bobrock for creating his amazing AV-8B cockpit used here with kind permission.
      Ravenclaw007 for the stunning weapons he makes and I continue to enjoy using.
      Spillone104 for his Improved Afterburner Effects.
      The Various Modders who've made the Pilots and Seats which I used from my install but sadly I can't find out who you are to give full credit (please PM me and I'll update this with your name) but I think its' EBurger68, ChrisBV, Ravenclaw007 and EricJ
      Have fun and thanks for Downloading.............................................IanH


         (1 review)



    23. McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet

      McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet Package for SF2 1.1
      Package for SF2 (Includes aircraft upgraded under the two phases of the Incremental Modernization Project) UPDATED
      1.1 Updates:
      - Skin pack added to make a total of 9 different skins that cover the change in markings over the years as well as squadrons that have been activated and disbanded etc. Plus a few special/ anniversary skins.
      - Additional 'CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase II Operation 'Mobile' Lybia 2011' Aircraft with with loadouts, markings and a pilot skin specific to the campaign.
      - LoadOut.ini files and weapons updated.
      - Improved Bird slicer IFF aerials.
      This package contains three separate year specific aircraft to cover the original aircraft and the upgrades it received in latter years as part of the Incremental Modernization Project:
      ‘CF-18 Hornet’ is the initial aircraft and covers the period from delivery till 2006.
      ‘CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase I (03)’ the AN/APG-65 radar is replaced with the AN/APG-73 radar, the AN/APX-111 IFF is added, as is ability to use JDAMs and AMRAAMs. This covers the period from 2003 to 2007
      ‘CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase II (07)’ this includes the integration of the Joint Hemet Mounted Cuing System, the ability to carry the Sniper XR targeting pod and an upgrade to the aircrafts ECM jammers. This aircraft covers the period from 2007 till 2017+.
      There are overlaps in the operational dates due to the time each upgrade program took to do the entire fleet.
      You can use the single mission editor to select a Laser Guided Bomb Attack loadout or the Mixed LGB/AMRAAM loadout used over Libya.
      I have used the Mirage Factory CF-18 from the SF2 NATO Fighters 4+ Mod as the base for this Mod.
      Also includes is an extensive rwr.lst file and library
      Simply un zip and drop the contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder, make sure you override when prompted.
      Credit goes to:
      The Mirage Factory for the original CF-18,
      Spectre8750 for the F/A-18A, A+ and C by The Mirage Factory for SF2 package,
      Dave for the F-16C package,
      331KillerBee for the MGunny 331KillerBee's Ordnance Shop II


         (8 reviews)



    24. Cirrus clouds for SF/WoV maps (beta) SP4 update

      Original cirrus clouds, replaced by these newer effects here...
      ~> combatace.com/files/file/6567-siberian-sky-cirrus-clouds-for-missions-and-terrains/
      original description...
      *Beta* test, updated for SP3 and SP4 generation of Patches, of very large layers of high altitude cirrus clouds that can move across SF/WoV maps and can be set to any desired altitude (you can fly through these clouds). Cloud effects are created by a type of "ship" object that follows a waypoint across a map. Read the Install file, it describes what's going on here.
      The website is a thread on this at the ThirdWire SF/WoV forums.
      Thanks to TK/ThirdWire and all the modders who made this Aw-Sim possible. Thanks to Polak for encouraging me in this.


         (2 reviews)



    25. Operation Crusader 1941, a campaign for WoA

      On mid-November 1941, six months had passed since Rommel's Afrika Korps and the Italian Army of Libya had driven back the Western Desert Force to Marmarica, secured positions at Sollum and Halfaya, surrounded and besieged the port of Tobruk. All of the Allied ill-planned counter-attacks against Rommel's strong positions so far had failed. Yet, though scarcely and expensively supplied by sea, the Tobruk Fortress still stood fast, fixing enemy forces and denying this strategic supply port to the Axis. Now Rommel was ready to deliver a heavy and, he hoped, decisive blow against Tobruk by November 20. Therefore, he had ordered his subordinates to ignore all of the deceptive maneuvers the British could attempt against his Eastern positions in order to disorganize the assault.
      Unfortunately for Rommel, it was a major offensive that Cunningham's Eighth Army was actually planning, named 'Crusader' after the new cruiser tank model just delivered on the Desert front - both the tank and the offensive crystallizing great hopes. While the XIII Corps was to threaten and locally outflank the main enemy positions at Sollum and Halfaya, the XXX Corps, with 7th Armoured Division as a spearhead, was to advance deeply into Rommel's rear lines and seek a decisive battle in the open against the outnumbered Panzers. The flanking maneuver began on November 16, and when the 7th Armoured Division stroke the Italian division 'Ariete' on November 18 at Bir-el-Gubi, Rommel didn't understand at once that he was to lead a major and decisive battle.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Welcome to the first of my first two campaigns designed for TK games – actually, for a marvellous free add-on for TK games. A 'Gazala 1942' campaign shall indeed be uploaded very soon. So please forgive some possible mistakes and omissions, due to sometimes scarce or conflicting sources. I need your indulgence, and possibly, if wanting to share, your informations and sources to amend my database for my other projects.
      Almost all of the required planes and objects are provided already in the excellent Wings over Africa mod, except an Italian skin for Stuka. Fortunately, Wrench has designed an adequate model which is available for downloading at Combatace. Also, my own Soft targets for WoA will be required. All of the links are included in the ReadMe file. Some modified files are provided, allowing some Italian units to fly the Fiat G-50 in campaign with adequate markings, and giving higher hosting allowance to several airfields in order for them to manage the large number of units posted as historically as possible on the start line of the offensive (accurate details in the ReadMe file). A French translation of the campaign texts, as well as a handful of new counters are also included. Now time to take off and fight for Tobruk!


         (1 review)



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