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Strike Fighters 2 Series by Thirdwire

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All SF2 Series Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. 6Sqn skin for EF2000 Typhoon

      6 Squadron Skins for Eurofighter Typhoon

      Credit for the original model goes top Bongodriver and Brains 32 for converting this to SF2.
      The original skins were produced by Sundowner.
      These are the guys who deserve the credit for the aircraft.
      This pack adds decals for the 19 single seat FGR 4 aircraft currently based at RAF Leuchars in Fife. It does not include details for the 2 T3 aircraft operated by 6 Squadron.
      To install simply unpack and drop into your mod folder.
      Enjoy :-)
      Note: - You need to have Brains 32's conversion of Bongodriver's Typhoon installed.


         (0 reviews)



    2. 1435 Flight skin for Eurofighter Typhoon

      1435 Flight Skins for Eurofighter Typhoon

      Credit for the original model goes top Bongodriver and Brains 32 for converting this to SF2.
      The original skins were produced by Sundowner.
      These are the guys who deserve the credit for the aircraft.
      This pack adds decals for the 4 single seat FGR 4 aircraft currently based at RAF Mount Pleasant.
      Unlike UK based Typhoons, the aircraft of 1435 Flight do not have Squadron bars on the fuselage or the shield style of squadron markings on the tail fin.
      To install simply unpack and drop into your mod folder.
      Enjoy :-)


         (1 review)



    3. SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (Trop), 335 Squadron (MTO/RHAF) Skinpak

      SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (Trop), 335 Squadron (MTO/RHAF) 4/28/2013
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. After all, it's just a skin and decals!! However, the decal radomization will not be functional in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs*
      A new Desert camo skin for Raven's Hurricane IIC (Trop), recreates 335 Squadron, Royal Hellinc Air Force, as flown with the RAF in Egypt and the Western Desert.
      This skin is still in bmp format, so it's usable in SF/Wo*. Decal randomization is TRUE. All the markings are decals, most of which (serials, plane-in-group letters) are reused from other skins sets
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them.
      Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      With Thanks To Raven for the bird, and the OK to tweek her!
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      **Note: this is a reupload. The original upload from April seems to have vanished**


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    4. [What If] 74 Squadron Eurofighter Typhoon

      [What If] Skins for Eurofighter Typhoon

      Credit for the original model goes top Bongodriver and Brains 32 for converting this to SF2.
      The original skins were produced by Sundowner.
      These are the guys who deserve the credit for the aircraft.
      This pack adds decals for 8 single seat FGR 4 aircraft marked for service with 74(F) Squadron RAF. Included are two sets of decals – a standard lo-vis set and a hi-vis set.
      Background:- In 2012 as Europe struggles with financial chaos and the threat of international conflicts loom the UK Government realise that the Armed Forces are not fully equipped to handle more than a single conflict. To adress the issue 8 Typhoon FGR4 aircraft destined for the Royal Saudi Air Force are diverted to RAF service and assigned to No. 74(F) Squadron. They are tasked as a Rapid Reaction Force.


      To install simply unpack and drop into your mod folder.


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    5. [Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack

      This contains the following changes and additions:
      Capability to mount rail-launched AIM-7 Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons. The F-4K 80 and F-4M 80 have their missiles mounted further forward to clear the chaff and flare dispensers.
      Grouping of the inboard pylon and Sidewinder rails together. This makes the loading screen neater, and preserves the inability to use the Sidewinder rails and inboard pylon simultaneously.
      Rail launched versions of the AIM-7 Sparrow (AIM-7E to AIM-7P are covered).
      An EMI Reconnaissance Pod adapted for the USAF and USN attachment types. This pod is carried on the centreline pylon. It will show up in the loadout under the name "F-4K/M Reconnaissance Pod"
      Auscam skins for the RAAF F-4M '75 and F-4M '80. This skin is a recolouring of the SEA wraparound skin using standard Australian vehicle camouflage colours(As seen on this M1A1 Abrams: http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/Phil_H_au/misc/abrams_camo_2.jpg ). For the F-4M 75, full colour decals are used, the F-4M 80 uses black decals for lower visibility.
      Renaming of the skins in TextureSet.ini for consistency.
      Fixed tail skin for the camouflaged RAN F-4K. The upper part of the tailplane now contains the correct unpainted portion.
      Various other skin fixes.
      Recoloured decals for the "LateGrey" RAAF F-4M 80. The new decals are significantly lightened for lower visibility.
      Removed "USN" from AttachmentType for the Sidewinder rails for RAAF and RCAF aircraft, and substituted USAF.

      Copy the contents of the "Objects" folder into the "Objects" folder in your mod folder. Merge all folders when prompted. Overwrite all files when prompted.
      Sundowner: F-4B Templates
      ravenclaw_007: High-definition AIM-7 Sparrow missiles
      Spinners: F-4M SEA wraparound scheme (recoloured for Auscam scheme)
      Olivier ANGUILLE: EMI Reconnaissance Pod


         (1 review)



    6. VF-32 Swordsmen Last Cruise

      This is a comprehensive skin for VF-32 for the Mirage Factory F-14B.
      The skin includes comprehensive markings for the CAG, CO, line jets, and the Columbia memorial jet.
      Please read the readme and enjoy!

      Thanks to the Mirage Factory for creating the aircraft and for Tony Holmes for his publication F-14 Tomcat Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom


         (1 review)



    7. VF-31 Last Pac Cruise

      This is a comprehensive skin for VF-31 for the Mirage Factory F-14D.
      The skin includes comprehensive markings for the CAG, CO, and line jets.
      Please read the readme and enjoy!
      Thanks to the Mirage Factory for creating the aircraft and for Tony Holmes for his publication F-14 Tomcat Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom.


         (1 review)



    8. Kestrel/SeaKestrel PSD templet

      this his my PSD templet for the Kestrel and SeaKestrel
      use at will!


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    9. SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (Trop), 335 Squadron (MTO/RHAF)

      SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IIC (Trop), 335 Squadron (MTO/RHAF)
      -- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. After all, it's just a skin and decals!! However, the decal radomization will not be functional in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs*
      A new Desert camo skin for Raven's Hurricane IIC (Trop), recreates 335 Squadron, Royal Hellinc Air Force, as flown with the RAF in Egypt and the Western Desert.
      This skin is still in bmp format, so it's usable in SF/Wo*. Decal randomization is TRUE. All the markings are decals, most of which (serials, plane-in-group letters) are reused from other skins sets
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them.
      Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      With Thanks To Raven for the bird!
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein


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    10. Mirage 50E(E) Ecuador Air Force

      Mirage 50E(E) Ecuador Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Donated from venezuela.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira, Ludo
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - paulopanz,coupi


         (5 reviews)



    11. F-103E Mirage IIIEBR Brazilian Air Force

      F-103 Mirage IIIEBR Brazilian Air Force
      Version 3
      (two versions included)
      Install - Need Update July 2012, DLC Mirage IIIO and DLC Mirage IIIEL
      The F-103 Mirage IIIEBR represented a tremendous leap to the Brazilian Air Force, being over thirty years of service and more than 65,000 flying hours.
      The versions of Mirage III acquired by FAB were developed primarily for air defense missions, but keep some capacity to act as platforms for ground attack.
      The engine was a SNECMA ATAR 09C, whose maximum thrust with afterburning reached 13,900 pounds (6305 kg), leading the aircraft a maximum speed of Mach 2.2 (2,350 km / h).
      The fire control system was based on radar Thomson-CSF Cyrano II, which originally operated the integrated air-to-air missile infrared Matra R530, later replaced by Israeli missile Python III.
      As arms fixed, the aircraft was equipped with two 30 mm DEFA. For navigation, the Mirage III FAB type Doppler systems used. In the early '90s, the FAB joined the Squadron's missions Jaguar air-ground attack, starting to use free-fall bombs and rocket launchers.
      O F-103 Mirage IIIEBR representou um tremendo salto para a Força Aérea Brasileira, ficando mais de trinta anos de serviço e voando mais de 65.000 horas.
      Os Mirage III das versões adquiridas pela FAB foram desenvolvidas primariamente para missões de defesa aérea, embora mantivessem alguma capacidade de atuar como plataformas de ataque ao solo.
      O motor era um SNECMA ATAR 09C, cujo empuxo máximo com pós-combustão alcançava 13.900 libras (6.305 kg), levando a aeronave a velocidade máxima de Mach 2,2 (2.350 km/h).
      O sistema de controle de fogo era baseado no radar Thomson-CSF Cyrano II, que originalmente operava integrado ao míssil ar-ar infra-vermelho Matra R530, depois substituído pelo míssil israelense Python III.
      Como armamento fixo, a aeronave era dotada de dois canhões DEFA de 30 mm. Para navegação, os Mirage III da FAB utilizavam sistemas tipo Doppler. No inícios dos anos 90, a FAB incorporou ao Esquadrão Jaguar as missões de ataque ar-solo, passando a utilizar bombas de queda livre e lançadores de foguetes.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi
      Data.ini - Denis Oliveira, Coupi


         (5 reviews)



    12. Atlas Cheetah C Ecuador Air Force

      Atlas Cheetah C Ecuador Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      The Cheetah C was the ultimate development of the Cheetah series, and was the only fighter aircraft in service with the SAAF until replaced by the Saab JAS 39 Gripen in 2008. Many of the features of the Cheetah aircraft are still classified, and the SAAF is unwilling to reveal too many details. What is known is that in addition to the upgrades described above, the Cheetah C incorporates a more sophisticated avionics and navigation suite and a new pulse-doppler multi-mode radar (ELTA), both of which are regarded as being better than the systems fitted to Block 50 F-16s[citation needed], and one of the most advanced EW systems fitted to a fighter aircraft. The aircraft is also fitted with a data link, though the capabilities of this system are unknown, and it received updated versions of the helmet-mounted sight, HUD and improved HOTAS controls.
      Other improvements include the fitting of a single-piece wrap-around windshield with an anti-radiation coating in place of the old three-piece version, a new in-flight refuelling probe with less external piping, new undercarriage and suspension, the deletion of the wing fences, an upgraded version of the Atar 9K50 and a new nose to incorporate the more sophisticated electronics and radar.
      Like the Cheetah D, the Cheetah C is capable of delivering precision-guided munitions (PGMs), ranging from laser-guided bombs (LGBs), to GPS-guided weapons and TV-guided bombs. It also has the capability of using stand-off air-to-ground weapons such as the MUPSOW and TORGOS. In addition, it is able to carry a raft of air-to-air weapons, and the SAAF currently equips its aircraft with the V4 R-Darter, a beyond-visual-range (BVR) radar-guided missile, and the U-Darter, a highly capable short-range infrared (IR)-guided missile.
      A measure of the capabilities of the Cheetah C is the result of an air-combat maneuvering (ACM) exercise between the Cheetah Cs of 2 Squadron and F-15E Strike Eagles of the 494th Fighter Squadron, United States Air Force at RAF Lakenheath, after which the score tallies for each side were almost exactly equal.
      Now sold to the Equator.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Denis Oliveira
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi, MirageFactory


         (5 reviews)



    13. HMS Bulwark (R08) Hi Res Deck

      HMS Bulwark R08 Mod Hi Res
      Includes a 1950s Suez era type scheme
      You need the Bulwark model from eburger68:
      Really for SF2 with SF2NA ship capability


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    14. HMS Albion (R07) Hi Res Deck

      HMS Albion R07 Mod Hi Res
      Includes a 1950s Suez era type scheme
      You need the Albion model from eburger68:
      Really for SF2 with SF2NA ship capability


         (1 review)



    15. HMS Eagle (R05) Hi Res Deck

      HMS Eagle R05 Mod Hi Res
      Includes the final deck scheme to 1972
      The Ark Royal R09 version of this layout is now here:
      You need the Eagle_L model from eburger68:
      Really for SF2 with SF2NA ship capability


         (2 reviews)



    16. Mirage IIIRP PAF

      Mirage IIIRP PAF
      [install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO*]
      Mirage IIIRP : Export version of the Mirage IIIR for the Pakistan Air Force; 13 built
      Temps by Ludo
      Texture - paulopanz
      Mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals and cockpit - Coupi


         (4 reviews)



    17. INS Vikrant (R11) with Hi Res deck

      INS Vikrant (R11)
      1961 to 1979 style deck
      INS Vikrant (R11) (Ordered as HMS Hercules) was commissioned into the Indian Navy by then Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Vijayalakshmi Pandit on 4 March 1961 in Belfast. The name Vikrant was taken from Sanskrit vikranta meaning "stepping beyond", i.e. "courageous" or "bold". Captain Pritam Singh was the first commanding officer of the carrier.


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    18. Royal THAI Navy A-7E Corsair

      Thailand purchased 14 A-7E's and 4 TA-7C's for coastal defense and sea patrol duties.
      Aircraft were delivered during the summer of 1995 and were in service with the 104th "White Shark" squadron,
      1st Wing at U-Tapao International Airport. These aircraft are currently not operational as of July 20, 2007.
      However, the Royal Thai Navy continues to maintain the operability of the aircraft with the necessary maintenance
      and by starting them up and taxiing them on the airport's tarmac
      Here a new skin with its historical decalset for our A-7 collection.
      ----> needs SF-2NA to work
      edited data.ini included:
      - key 10 canopy open
      - key 9 wingfold operation
      with automatic closing at take off
      All in main mod folder
      Tk for the plane & the stock texture
      Michael "Mike1" Riddell for original SF-1 mod
      me for decals tweakings


         (2 reviews)



    19. Phil Air Force F-8H Crusader

      In late 1977, the Philippine government purchased 35 secondhand U.S. Navy F-8Hs that were stored at Davis-Monthan AFB in Arizona.
      Twenty-five of them were refurbished by Vought and the remaining 10 were used for spare parts. As part of the deal, the U.S. would
      train Philippine pilots in using the TF-8A. They were mostly used for intercepting Soviet bombers. The F-8s were grounded in 1988
      and were finally withdrawn from service in 1991 after they were badly damaged by the Mount Pinatubo eruption, and have since been
      offered for sale as scrap.
      Here a new skin with its historical decalset for our F-8 collection.
      ----> needs SF-2V to work
      edited data.ini included:
      - key 10 canopy open
      - key 9 wingfold operation
      with automatic closing at take off
      All in main mod folder
      Tk for the plane & the stock texture
      me for decals and tweakings


         (1 review)



    20. BaC p.45

      This his the Bac P.45 Strike aircraft
      a lot of stuf made up by me basing my self on the fewe information i have
      FM should consider has beta or just standing since i dont know a thing about FMs just how make planes fly whit copy paste work!
      skin cloud better in outher hands try my best but ran out of patience sorry!
      Cockpit by FLorian and Sundonwer
      F-4 370 fuel tank from Gunny´s pack included
      all weapons are on Gunny weapons pack
      decal are stock
      model, skin and ini edits by me Cocas
      to install just drop the r on you savegames etc StrikeFighters folder
      templets included.


         (1 review)



    21. Mirage IIIRZ South African Air Force

      Mirage IIIRZ South African Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Type: Single seat reconnaissance / Fighter
      Manufacturer: Dassault (France)
      Wing Span: 26.97 ft. / 8.22 M
      Length: 50.85 ft. / 15.50 M
      Height: 14.76 ft. / 4.50 M
      Wing Area: 376.75 Sq ft. / 35 Sq M
      Weight Empty: 15,983 lb. / 7,250 Kg
      Weight Takeoff: 21,715 lb. / 9,850 Kg ( Recon Mission)
      Weight Maximum: 29,872 lb / 13,350 kg
      Powerplant: 1 x Snecma Atar 9C turbojet w/afterburner
      Max Speed At Cruising Level: Mach 2.2 @ 40,000ft (12,000mt)
      Combat Radius: 760 miles / 1220 km clean
      Armament: Two DEFA 30mm Canon, Matra R.530 and AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.
      Cameras: 5 x Omera type 31 cameras, SAT Cyclops infra-red
      Runway Required: Take off and land on 2600ft / 800mt
      Mirage III RZ No 836 was one of four Mirage III RZ's delivered to the SAAF in 1967 for tactical reconnaissance and were the first of the Mirage variants in the SAAF to wear camouflage.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture Temp by Ludo
      data.ini - Coupi
      decals - Coupi
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi


         (4 reviews)



    22. Mirage IIIR2Z South African Air Force

      Mirage IIIR2Z South African Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Export version of the Mirage IIIR for the South African Air Force, fitted with an Atar 9K-50 turbojet engine; four built.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture Temp by Ludo
      data.ini - Coupi
      decals - Coupi
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi


         (3 reviews)



    23. Skin AN-22

      Extraiga el contenido de este archivo dentro de la carpeta principal de mods del SF2 \Objects\Aircraft\AN-22
      Esta carpeta contiene 2 skin de este modelo mas nuevos TGA, que remplazaran los viejos para los propulsores
      tambien hay un archivo Data ini que rempaza el origuinal, contiene una modificacion para poder lanzar chaf y flares
      Banidos Team
      Skin: Torno
      Ante cualquier problema contactenos en CombatAce.
      Extract the contents of this file into the mods folder of SF2 \ Objects \ Aircraft \ AN-22
      This folder contains two skin this newest model TGA, that replaced them the old to the thrusters
      there is also a Data ini file rempaza the origuinal, contains a modification to launch chaf and flares
      Banidos Team
      Skin: Torno
      Any problem contact us at CombatAce.




    24. Bf109E-3

      Updated BF109E-3,3d model,skins,templates and paintwork, by me
      Russouk2004 May 06 2013
      This model is as acurate as I could get it and with skins,and templates has cost me some hard work and long hours...
      This model is for Strike fighters2 series.
      It is a free add on and as such cannot be modded without permssion.
      To install,
      extract and place folder BF109E-3,into mod folder of your choice...
      C:\Users\XXX\Saved Games\ThirdWire...(or to your path if dfferent.)
      Must have...
      Latest patch July12,and latest weapons pack,tho latter isnt essential.
      hope you enjoy it as mch as I did makng this model.
      Includes 6 German a\c and one Swiss...you may want to make swiss seperate A\C as it was after all a neutral country...lol
      2 X new german pilots(by me)...one with goggles down,one with them up..(Gerpilot and Gerpilot2 respectively.)
      Centreline tank...part of 3d model.
      Squadron ini entries.(add to squadronlist.ini)
      There are a few niggles which im sorting...
      Legal stuff...
      Feel free to repaint using seperate templates....
      added new layers for panels rivets and common decals.
      any older skins will need to be modified with new templates...Included.
      This model is free and cannot be altered without permssion(3d model) unless requested,if modded,via ini files etc,all I ask is credit,where credits due.
      This add on cannot be used for financal gain.
      Any queries to ....
      Thanks to following...
      Wrench for testing..
      Baffmeister for new FM`s.
      (Data for RussoUK BF-109E-3 model. FM by Baffmeister, Charles, and ThirdWire. Beta 0.9)


         (2 reviews)



    25. SF2 WW2 Luftwaffe Drop Tank Fixit Pak

      SF2 WW2 Luftwaffe Drop Tank Fixit Pak
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --
      = For SF2, Any and ALL WW2 ETO/MOT Mods folders =
      This pack supplies 'rewritten' weapons data for the original, seperate LOD 300 Liter Luftwaffe drop tank.
      This change has been necessicated by the release of (SUPERB!) new models for RussoUk's Bf-109 series WW2 Luftwaffe fighters. As these models make use of the 'built in to the aircraft lod' drop tanks, and said new tanks use the same name as the original seperate lod tanks.
      What this mod does:
      The data and loadout inis supplied herein are for ETO based FW-190s, from my various releases. For those other aircraft that call to the old "Tank_300_LTR_190" tank, particularly those MTO based (109, 190s, Stukas -RA and 87R versions), you'll be doing those yourselves. As well as any other ETO LW aircraft.
      I've renamed the droptank data and main inis, to create a 'new' version, that replaces the older one, and supplied edited data and loadout inis for some aircraft (my FW-190 series).
      Insturctions are below, as I can't do everything, for End Users ™ to rename the callouts for any other LW aircraft that use this older style tank. It's a simple text edit, and damn near everyone SHOULD be able to handle it.
      End Users ™ =WILL= have to browse through all their LW and RA aircraft that may need this change, and make the appropriate edits.
      As always, fairly easy to follow install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. The "Notes" section contains the full instructions for manually editating the others that WILL need it. A list of said aircraft is not included ...
      Have Fun!
      kevin stein


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