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Showing most liked content on 08/20/2018 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    looking good ! Beagle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  2. 10 points
    Good thing is, the parts are working, bad thing is .. it is the old SF1 model, it is working better with this old model
  3. 6 points
    After Vacation, visiting eastern part of Syria
  4. 4 points
    Hello All, This project started in November 2015! I started to share this project with two other guys Logan4 and Heberth around March of 2016. And here we are... First I want to thank the following individuals: Logan4 for the 3ds Max issues and Florian for showing me the slimmer technique. I want to thank Mue for his valuable tool program for making this project easier. Of course, thanks to Marcelo for his Su-27 model (I believe it is a 2007 model) so it is a old model but still useful. I will get to the point... I wanted to finish this project by 2016. Will, as you can see, there is still plenty to do before it is consider finish. The reasons are the same - time, family, work, interest, and anything else you can think of. The model is old and has issues with its UVMap and so a lot of items need to be modify or change just to make it close to what I wanted. So, any issues you will eventually see... most likely I already know. Now due to time and interest, at this point, I just want to finish it. There are plenty of issues and errors in this Mod but I am OK with it. Example: the MAWS on the forward fuselage of the J-11A_Upgrade is in the wrong position and the size could be bigger. My mistake was making the fake pilot mod before I made the new template and try to fit it in the proper place. However, using the old template and the size of the aircraft model, the position is pretty close... it is just the way the model was made that made it hard to fit in the right place. Anothere was the J-11B_AL-31F's top shield for the HUD was deleted, it was meant to be this way. The initial J-11B was to have a new hud and cockpit with AL-31F engines. It turns out that the eventual first J-11B was with a Holographic HUD and AL-31F engines. I just included that model for fun. Another example: The right main inner wheel well is not UV unwrap, so you are going to see the lower right wing textures instead, I did try to locate it using the Mue's tool... it is not there. Another example: The way the model was UV unwrapped, there are plenty of areas where it will "bleed" into different shapes. What I meant by that is... if you place a line (as in a panel line or a rivet) you will not see the panel line or the rivet... what you will see is a stretch mark or a blended or distorted line or spots of color. So things like these is what you are going to see as errors. Basically - size, shape, position, etc. will be adjusted as needed to make it look ok or fit. Finishing up the panel lines, making the stencils, markings, and adjusting the aircraft, etc... Thanks to CombatAce for being here and for its continuing support of the community for FREE! I thank CA for all the wonderful toys we get to play with! Hopefully I will finish this thing... Cheers! Ace888
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    If anybody would like to test the FAA versions for me before I upload them please let me know...... I've also given the basic ( as in non clipped wings) version the same treatment.......just dont really have time to make new skins for them.......they've all been done so many times before anyway.
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    a very promising test....might lead to something...who knows
  11. 2 points
    there's EXCELLENT footage in this film, not only of the Peacemaker, but the Stratojet (B-47). AND the sharp eyed will be looking in the background for all sorts of other eye candy.
  12. 2 points
    Stratotankers are finally lineup waiting approval they'll be on station shortly time to leave the 4 engined Boeing alone for a while...
  13. 2 points
    Even after so many years of service, it still presents an image of barely restrained mayhem........
  14. 2 points
    TWO.... MINUTES....... TO MIDNIGHT midnight.... midnight....... its all night edit one: huge thanks Jarek! edit two: Valhalla Express will return in Stratotankers Pack 2
  15. 2 points
    Was watching "The Final Countdown". Still love that movie. VF-84 Tomcats were some of the best looking Tomcats ever....
  16. 2 points
  17. 1 point
    Salve a tutti, utenti italiani di CombatACE! Riguardo un terreno dei Balcani, c'era questo vecchio thread https://combatace.com/forums/topic/60560-parlando-di-bagatelle-e-facezie/ Anziché "resuscitarlo" ho preferito crearne uno nuovo. Chissà quanti utenti italiani sono ancora attivi su CombatACE... Il terreno è ancora in alto mare in fase WIP. Chi ha già giocato con alcuni scenari che ho rilasciato per SF2, sa che ci tengo alla qualità e alla precisione. Con un po' di tempo e pazienza, arriverà. La passione per il terrain modding non mi manca di certo. Enough chit-chat, ecco giusto due immagini per incominciare: Mancano ancora tanti aeroporti, etc. etc., lo so! Perché ho tagliato fuori la Sicilia? Scelte di design e gameplay; la Sicilia è già rappresentata nell'altro terreno che ho rilasciato, sulla Libia; inoltre, così do' priorità a combattimenti al Nord e sull'Adriatico. Niente aerei Jugoslavi sulla Sicilia! Ah, dimenticavo: ci saranno due versioni del terreno, una che coprirà gli anni 1963-1991 (prima dello scioglimento della Jugoslavia) e uno dal 1992 fino ad oggi, con i nuovi Stati dell'area Balcanica. Che ne dite?
  18. 1 point
    Had no idea the B-36 was ever in a film - what great footage.
  19. 1 point
    Mikoyan MiG-21PFM 'Fishbed-F' - Aggressor Flight, Ukrainian Air Force, 2002
  20. 1 point
    In groovy formatting. http://mig35.tass.com/?utm_source=tass&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=banner_752_150
  21. 1 point
    512 max tiles per terrain restriction broken...lol. now there's no limit, well at leat till 1024 are used up..
  22. 1 point
    Having fun with this.......just about done I reckon.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    USAF F-94B Starfire, Intercept Mission, Korea 1952. (EricGen's F-94B Starfire; One of my favorite PauloPanz's skins repainted natural metal; new lines, rivets, etc.)
  25. 1 point
    USAF RF-80C Shooting Star, Photo Recon, Korea 1952. (EricGen's SF2 RF-80C; PauloPanz's orginal skin repainted natural metal; new lines, rivets, etc.)
  26. 1 point
    USAF AT-33A Shooting Star, Armed Recon, Korea 1951. (EricGen's SF2 T-33A; PauloPanz original skin repainted natural metal; new lines, rivets, etc.)
  27. 1 point
    Thank you for your interest, yes we are still working on the project.
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  29. 1 point
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