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4 points
4 points
3 pointsIf used for carpet bombing maybe the B-42A Mixmaster should be called the B-42A Axminster....for non uk members its a brand of carpet lol...
3 points
2 pointsLOL! and you're saying this to the ex-car mechanic (-cough- excuse me, automotive repair technician!!) There is a problem with the steering linkage on all 3 however... do both sides need linking through the axle? (broken tie-rod?? )
2 pointsI would say they had to do it that way for better/easier steering while taxing. It is called positive wheel/tyre camber. Since the nose gear is angled so much forward, when you turn right for example, the left tyre would either entirely loose contact with the ground, or only a narrow part of its working surface would remain in contact. Respectively when you turn left, same thing would happen with the right tyre. The positive camber helps in that during a turn the inside wheel/tyre would actually deform, allowing a wider surface to be in contact with the ground and the outside wheel instead of being lifted from the ground or have very narrow touch with it, would actually have a normal width working surface touching the ground. In other words, the positive camber in this case means more grip for the nose wheels and hence better steering especially at higher speed.
2 pointsI think I got it ... it was the rudders & fins! Now it flys straight thanks guys! now, I just have to have Russ fix the nose wheels...they look funny
1 point
Version 1.0.0
This aircraft mod represents a fictional evolution/upgrade of the Mikoyan-Gurevich's Ye-8 experimental fighter. There are several wing designs, systems and weapons that were under experiment during the 60-70-s though these are not actual replications of them and the pits are pure fictional using equipment/instruments of that given time frame. This package comes with 1 or 2 skin set for each variant, with decals for Soviet aircraft. This model is meant for SF2 games only. Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places. In case you have the previous Ye-8/M pack the contents of the Effects, Decals, Guns and Pilot folders not need to be copied over. Please note: The model might gets heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lod "_nd" as lod1. New weapons are provided - some type specific - beside these the model uses the general Soviet weapons. Be aware - In the 1970's and later when AA-8 can be selected, manually double loadout of these can happen. Make sure to read the manual included with the package. - - - - - Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site: Aircraft 3d work: Logan4 Cockpit 3d work: Logan4 Aircraft FM: Gepard, Cliff7600, Logan4 Aircraft avionics: Cliff7600, logan4 Skin files and decals: Gepard, logan4 Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600 There are certain texture sections that were borrowed from the Su-17 project which were originally created by Stary Thanks for 76.IAP-Blackbird and Flogger23 for the original KS-3 seat and KKR-1 pod, a modified version of them used in the pack. Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod. Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. -
1 pointRuss has given me the honor of bringing the imported FSX Connstellations (WV-2/EC-121K, RC-121D, and L-1049 airliner) into the SF2 world. Skins and decals are nearly done but I'm having an issue with the FM. All 3 aircraft share the same one, and each has a 1-1.5 degree per second drift to the right, like they're out of trim or something. On autopilot, they'll track true. But on manual flight or in wing leveler mode, they drift. I've gone line-by-line in the data ini, checking for the obvious mismatches (wings, tail, fins, engines) and I can't find anything. Admitedly, I'm no expert on such things. So, I'm reaching out to those of you 'in the know' to lend a hand and see if we can't figure this out. Even though these would be more of eye candy then actual use (you WANT to fly around for 16 hours??? LOL!!), but it would be nice for those that want to. At the very least, the military versions will appear in missions in their Naval Search and AEW tasking TIA!!
1 point
1 pointFirst day of WW3, full squadron strike on Soviet AB in East Germany... Our escort tangling with the interceptors Another interceptor, an strange one... Rare view indeed Rolling in, I configured the bombs badly and two get hanging out, they served to destroy a AAA Target aflame But the soviets bombed my home base, I landed avoiding craters, but my squadron had to divert, and the enemy tanks keep advancing...
1 pointView File Fictional Mikoyan Ye-8 family This aircraft mod represents a fictional evolution/upgrade of the Mikoyan-Gurevich's Ye-8 experimental fighter. There are several wing designs, systems and weapons that were under experiment during the 60-70-s though these are not actual replications of them and the pits are pure fictional using equipment/instruments of that given time frame. This package comes with 1 or 2 skin set for each variant, with decals for Soviet aircraft. This model is meant for SF2 games only. Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places. In case you have the previous Ye-8/M pack the contents of the Effects, Decals, Guns and Pilot folders not need to be copied over. Please note: The model might gets heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lod "_nd" as lod1. New weapons are provided - some type specific - beside these the model uses the general Soviet weapons. Be aware - In the 1970's and later when AA-8 can be selected, manually double loadout of these can happen. Make sure to read the manual included with the package. - - - - - Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site: Aircraft 3d work: Logan4 Cockpit 3d work: Logan4 Aircraft FM: Gepard, Cliff7600, Logan4 Aircraft avionics: Cliff7600, logan4 Skin files and decals: Gepard, logan4 Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600 There are certain texture sections that were borrowed from the Su-17 project which were originally created by Stary Thanks for 76.IAP-Blackbird and Flogger23 for the original KS-3 seat and KKR-1 pod, a modified version of them used in the pack. Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod. Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. Submitter logan4 Submitted 08/11/2020 Category What If Hangar
1 pointOn the North Atlantic Barrier Patrol, VW-11 out of NAS Argentia
1 pointCould always clone it tbh lol....if It was me he was asking I would have said more like... hello. sorry mate I dont allow my models to be converted,but thanks for asking as its complimentary that you like my model... if however I change my mind I will let you know... thanks for asking, and apologies for the refusal...cheers or such lol ...I understand his not wanting to allow but could of put better... anyways...onwards and upwards.
1 point
1 point
1 pointSeperate RCAF and ..liked this skin so did a quickie....US Army one...this plane love it... last shot...clipped a tree oops.
1 pointThe skin is already released as part of Daddyairplane's 707-300 pack Obligatory screenshot: Holy s**t, the Muj have got hold of some SAMs!
1 pointWas in a duel with some AV -8B's, and and 2 tankers flew thru the middle of the mix.......
0 pointsQuite a terse reply last line quite funny.....I particulrly was amused by the last line...guy seems not very friendly.. " Should I ever want my models converted to any other format I will do it myself. All models on my website are my own work and the site is totally funded by myself. If there is ever a particular aircraft I want, using the freeware programme “Blender”, I assume you know of it, I make it myself!" even thoughtI explained I make a\c etc....he trying to say ..fuck off poilitely?...lol oh well I tried.. might email back...That a no then ?...
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