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Showing most liked content on 10/14/2022 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    I never played dcs, so I have no idea how to fly my models in that simulator,but I was contacted by a Colombian guy who is working on the mirage III & 5 models for dcs
  2. 5 points
    Unfortunately, I have to agree. I suppose we were all pinning our hopes on the release of the windows 10 update; but this has not materialized and I've given up hope that it ever will. If something miraculous happens and we see an update then maybe all the work we modders put into the game will have some purpose .. but as it stands, I have to concede that we modders are working inordinate numbers of hours to please only ourselves, each other, and the handful of users left. I wish TK would read these forums and at least give us a clear idea of what to (or not to) expect.
  3. 5 points
  4. 4 points
    Sorry but no. These versions I've uploaded are not even complete as I already explained in the first post. I'd rather complete them someday rather than starting a new one. They were started in 2017 and only got released in 2022. A WW2 version would require even more researches from zero and lots of free time I lack. Strike Fighters 2 is pretty much dead, we few remaining modders can keep it alive only for so long. A mere hundred downloads don't justify spending some years behind the development of a new terrain. Sometimes it feels like a waste of effort to my eyes. I wish the community was still active as it used to be. These days it's mostly about end-users asking for such free additions. Unfortunately this stuff doesn't grow on trees and actually is very annoying to develop in the long term.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points
    I was not able to convert from jpg to dds format with proper layer for the waves. So i made the tiles old school tga. So looks Energodar at the moment. In the forground you find the town of Energodar. In the middle, where the smoke is, is the thermal powerstation Energodar situated and in the background you see the 6 reactor buildings of Energodar Nuclear Powerstation.
  9. 2 points
    Never underestimate the enemy Flak.
  10. 2 points
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Quick bump to this thread -- good news: Swambast has managed to retrieve all of the Bleriot XI files after a hard drive crash of last fall. Next up are some final additions to the model, and then proper mesh splitting, pivot point adjustments, and other related features. After that comes the ini file crunching phase and FM testing. This will all of course take several more months -- ideally, I hope to have a working beta model, and that flies, by sometime next spring -- but it all depends on how the project develops further since both Swambast and I are also busy with other duties and real work. Will post again under this thread when important developmental milestones are reached with the Bleriot. Pic. below is one of the latest Bleriot renders done by Swambast. Cheers all, Von S
  16. 1 point
    I guess a very brief description of the differences would be that provided in Wikipedia for EQ-6 - new Sherloc digital RWR, new Cyrano IV-SP1 radar, and capable of carrying two Exocet missiles at once. 30 built Mirage F1EQ-5 is capable of carrying a single Exocet under the fuselage. Other sources indicate Cyrano IV-MR radar with terrain avoidance capability for the EQ-6. An interesting piece of information on the EQ-6, that I came across, is that back in 1989 those were equipped with rails to carry and launch Kh-29L soviet/russian laser guided A2G missiles. On a different note, I am happy to see new Mirage F1 variants with later cockpits and more recce, ECM, etc. pods included in the weapons list, so I hope we are close to the moment when it will be time for updated Mirage F1CT/CR versions.
  17. 1 point
    One of the forerunners to the Wild Weasel program...KTTV Channel 11, an Invader from the 729th BS flying electronic counter-measures (anti-radar) missions in Korea circa 1951.
  18. 1 point
    Looks awesome! i really hope it does get a campaign mode for the immersion.
  19. 1 point


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