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Showing most liked content on 04/02/2023 in Posts

  1. 17 points
    We (the admins) have been getting some well, complaints, about the lack of information on some of the recent uploads. This is just a reminder to all CA Members that are making mods and uploading them. We always appriciate the contributions, but pleas follow these guidelines!! ==================== Important Information on File Upload Policies and the Minimum Requirements Thereof: At the very minimum, the following is required for an upload here at CombatAce 1) A screenshot of the mod; not a photograph of the Real Life ™ item, but an in-game shot, so people can see what it looks like. For terrains/terrain mods, a shot of your favorite aircraft flying over the terrain, highlighting terrain features is a good one. 2) A quick, simple description, this is what shows in the Announcement Threads below, describing for WHICH 3W Game series; meaning if for ONLY SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI, or Only SF2 Series, OR is usable in both; what the purpose of the mod (is it a "What If..", or a mod of an original aircraft or mod of another mod, etc) Generally, explain the purpose and intent of the Upload. 3) Inside the uploaded zip, a COMPLETE readme with full instructions on How To Install, if other parts are needed and where to get them; etc. There are several dozens of REALLY good, clear conscise readmes around that one can base theirs off of (I should know - I wrote most of them!) Also, list sources and if using someone else's as a base PLEASE make sure you have permission (as in for TMF Products). If the mod is from someone that has signed the Freeware Accords, PLEASE make sure you list their name, and Thank Them for their Original Work. It's the civilized way, doncha know! Thank you all for you kind attention to details; working together we can only create better mods, and a better 3rd Wire Community! Wrench kevin stein
  2. 10 points
    8K reskinning of the Fiat G.91T.3 Tango Gina. covering all squadrons with historical correct Decals etc.
  3. 6 points
    Taking the mountains of Afghanistan
  4. 2 points
    I updated & uploaded the MQ-9 and MQ-9 Block files 1.0.1 files just waiting for approval. 1.0.1 added this line AircraftRole=BOMBER instead of AircraftRole=ATTACK so the drone would fly higher when creating a mission. fixed the ServiceStartYear=2017 ServiceEndYear=2050 Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=2018 ExportEndYear=2050 Thanks to bazillius feedback.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    This is the list of ground objects that are on my to-do list so far: 1. Centurion tank 2. M48 Patton III tank 3. Um Al Maradim Class of missile attack craft 4. USS Pegasus (PHM-1) 5. FV601 Saladin Air 1. MQ-9 Block 30 2. Be-12 3. SU-33
  7. 2 points
    View File General Atomics MQ-9 Block 5 Reaper Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net What's included: General Atomics GK-MQ-9 Block 5 Reaper weapon included: AGM-114K AIM-9X AIM-92D ATAL Brimstone GBU-12D GBU-38 GBU-54 M272 Gorgon Comm. Gorgon Recce. Hatchet MQ9 EA Pod MQ9 ESM Pod MQ9 RWR Pod MQ-9 Tank All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder //Please add to Soundlist (If you don't have the WAV sound added) under Flight directory and change the XXX with the correct number [SoundList] SoundFileXXX=MQ-9 [MQ-9] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE FrequencyControl=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=1500.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=60 OutsideConeAngle=180 ConeOutsideVolume=90 If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net 1.0.0 Credit goes to the following: Third Wire for making this outstanding game. Compufat for making the data file and testing, making all the texture for the Drone. angelp for making the new weapons/texturing all the new weapons. as well as the data files for the model. and finally making the required addon in 3ds max for the model. ravenclaw_007 for GBU weapons. Zurawski for using his outstanding MQ-10A Kodiak cockpit Coupi for making the screenshots also the hangar and loading screens Finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop Mixamo If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net gulfknights.net Submitter GKABS Submitted 04/01/2023 Category Other  
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Do you have a pre 1979 manual that references the dispensers but not the cockpit control panels for them? Of not then surly this is just a situation of the flight manual being behind the changes? And if you do are the cockpit changes possible a (classified?) supplement to the manual that you simply haven't seen? Hard to imagine the dispensers being present without any cockpit controls...
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    It would be reasonable to assume that any aircraft in SF2 would have the countermeasures installed as all the aircraft simulated are in an operational theater with an active war ongoing. The US military will swap mission essential equipment from vehicles leaving a theater to those entering it and will prioritize units going to a theater over those not scheduled for deployment.
  15. 1 point
    The 80's Lavi fighter would be a great addition with the what if family mods ! P.
  16. 1 point
    View File SF2 Top Gun Maverick Menu Screens and Music SF2 Top Gun Maverick Menu Screens and Music. 19 pieces 1920x1080 4 wav file Submitter kosmo92 Submitted 04/01/2023 Category Menus  
  17. 1 point
    MQ-9 Block 5 coming soon. screenshot by Coupi.
  18. 1 point
    The guide in question:
  19. 1 point
    Hey, so i started remaking the arava from the beggining since it was really bad, and this time nothing clips (i hope). I'm following a guide, and he's making the entire aircraft as one big model, and i was wondering if i need to do that too, and then get it into the game? or do i use seperate blocks and stuff for the wings, so they are different models? Or can i even just make it like him, and then sort of cut pieces so they are seperate? Totally new to this and really have no clue, thanks for the help
  20. 1 point
    1994? Gratuitous photo........
  21. 1 point
    again...... sometimes you just gotta make yer own stuff On Defense 1995 Watchman, 95 Oh! Hardluck. you guess the year
  22. 1 point
    F-15STI of the Israeli Air Force
  23. 1 point
    English Electric Lightning F.Mk.51 - 119 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1964
  24. 1 point
    (Probably of more interest to the Arab Air Forces after the Six-Day War)
  25. 1 point
    Korea 1950 ( in another world of course )
  26. 1 point
    Hi gang, one of the reasons I sort of stopped caring for the series couple of years back and went my way of not flying combat flight sims was plethora of controversial movements by TK around 2010-2013 period -followed by lack of QOL updates and Thirdwire's focus on mobile market that followed; one of these design decisions was locking clouds altitudes at unrealistic and immersion killing levels of over 14-16k feet ASL which made game less of a fun or challenge turns out solution was very simple hack of vertex shader in ENVCLOUDS.FX which you will find attached in this post, just drop it into your mod's Flight folder, overwrite if asked tested with stock clouds, SARCASM 1.5 and excellent Menrva's realSKY Environment -which I am looking at modding a bit on my end technical blurb: this is simple vertex shader hack that pushes the vertices of clouds plane meshes downwards in world space by user-configurable value: const float4 P = mul(float4(input.pos.x,input.pos.y,input.pos.z - 1900, 1.0), g_mMeshToWorld); // position, world-space where 1900 is world-space units (= meters), all the hack does is feeds the shader skewed z (z being height in SF series, as things should be) value of course there are some issues with intersecting with close range terrain meshes (near_scene) so visual glitches might ensue at times but that was the reason TK pushed them up in the first place Also, if this or other method was posted earlier apologies, haven't looked around much the forums. Cheers, Stary ENVCLOUDS.FX
  27. 1 point
    @Stary Yesterday I graduated and the IT engineer in me has been thinking about the rendering issues of your shader hack. I think they cannot be solved for good without some major hex-editing (no idea where). I'll try to explain what might be happening: your shader hack successfully moves the rendering of clouds to a lower Z value, but clouds as an entity/object are still thought by the game to be in the original, hardcoded altitude. This is why they disappear abruptly from the top border of the camera; on stock altitude values, clouds beyond the top border of the camera disappear without us players noticing. By moving the rendering of clouds to a lower altitude, we see this clearly because the disappearance behavior is still triggered by the hardcoded value TK has put. I cannot claim this is exactly what is happening in the game code, but given how it happens it makes sense to me. Needless to say, I'd love to be proven wrong, or that we manage to find that one hardcoded value that needs to be changed.


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