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Showing most liked content on 12/22/2023 in Posts

  1. 12 points
  2. 5 points
    Absolutely off-topic, but Menrva please forgive me I have to... Not sure, maybe one more or perhaps 230 is the number. Modders probably will keep doing things the way they want. Complaining might not change a thing. ahh...so you are in that downloader guild...You know there is much more happening here. People are talking, and contributing. At least the forum's old farts still do. Makes me want to reach out to all of them (modders) in their secret Illuminati-Shogun subforum and ask them to stop uploading anything...
  3. 5 points
    Considered the Harm, but went with the AGM-123. I like doing that in a Typhoon. It goes up like a rocket.
  4. 5 points
    leave it to you to mount a nuke on a harm...... Viking takeoff
  5. 4 points
    1940. Bombers knocking out a Tommy airfield. 109 is covering the airfield.
  6. 3 points
    It is said that "All Things Done In Darkness, Must Come To Light"..... "Let There Be Light".....
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    just a quick status report: Taiwan Straits terrain revamp nearly done. I should be able to release it over the weekend North Cape revamp has to be gone over again, as I forgot where I left off with it's rebuild! (oh, dopey me!) ArmourDave's F-105 Thunderchiefs nearly done; just trying to run down some more nose art images The F3D/EF-10 Skyknight has all it's skins, decals and ini work completed, I'm just awaiting to see if I get a new LOD with certain mesh fixes before release. If I don't have it before the end of they year, I"ll release it "as is" calling it a "provisional Beta" after Jan 1 next year. It'll be spllit into the F3D-2 and EF-10 as I've used 2 different cockpits for it's intended use in the Fleet (night fighter - F3D, Escort Jammer - EF-10)
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    we have a similar Iraqi in ODS30. But I can make you one more like on photo.
  11. 1 point
    Look man, don't be telling commoners about the Illuminati-Shogun subforum. We gotta be above them in order to mod right.
  12. 1 point
    as many as the people who make models and or skins want to make everyone doing this does it as a hobby and predominantly as what interests them we do some other things from time to time. my current projects feature new and improved skins for fighters in this, so i've taken a little additional time to do additional skins ODS specific to add to the updates. but for the most part its what the modder wants to spend their limited time on i give the same invitation that i give everyone else: if you dont like it make your own! it may seem hard to work on Blender, Photoshop or GIMP but you dont know how you'll do until you try it. and two of those three programs are free, so cost isnt an issue. only time.... dammit J, you know the first rule of Secret Illuminati Shogun Modding is we dont talk about Secret Illuminati Shogun Modding
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Dear Friends, The huge update 5.201 is live. It contains three major additions and a number of other fixes and improvements. Flying Circus Vol.III is now officially released and is available on our website and on Steam. Most of the Flying Circus Vol.III aircraft were already available via the Early Access program - the last one is the R.E.8 two-seater, a very versatile aircraft for its time (it began to reach the front in late 1916). It was designed to carry radio and photographic equipment for reconnaissance and artillery spotting, and a small bomb load on underwing racks. For more information on this airplane, please read our Dev Blog#354. In total, Flying Circus Vol.III contains 8 early Great War aircraft: the Albatros D.II, Halberstadt D.II, Nieuport 11.C1, French Nieuport 17.C1, Nieuport 17.C1 adapted for British service, and Hanriot HD.1 fighters, and the R.E.8. and F.E.2b two-seater reconnaissance planes. Updates to the Western Front map to include the entire frontline, many new objects and settlements, and five seasons - Summer, Autumn, late Autumn, Winter, and Spring. The WWI Pilot's Career mode has also been updated - it now starts earlier, in 1916, includes all available WWI era aircraft including FC Vol.III and Collector, takes advantage of the updated map and uses all of its seasons. Please note that the updated map and career mode are also available to owners of any Flying Circus volume (If you don't see the new map seasons immediately, please wait a few hours - they are being assigned to eligible accounts on the server). It is recommended that all FC players start a new WWI career, however we have been able to keep the old FC careers playable - they don't include the new additions and are unsupported, but you should be able to finish an existing WWI career if you wish. Another fascinating addition is a new aircraft type, something we haven't had in the sim before - a player-controlled military glider. In our simulator, the visual model of the CG-4A glider was restored with great care, and our engineers recreated in its new virtual life all the main features of its control and use. It should be noted that this is a new class of objects for our simulator and we have developed a number of technologies to make its realization possible - for example, a flexible towing cable. In addition to the Quick Mission Builder and multiplayer modes, if you have the Normandy and/or Bodenplatte modules, you can fly them in career mode on the Western Front during the major airborne operations - Overlord, Market Garden, and Varsity. The third major addition in this update is the short version of the long-awaited IAR-80/81 Collector Plane (the long version is also included in the purchase and will be made available in early 2024 in January or February). We have covered it extensively in our Dev Blog#355. The I.A.R.80-A fighter series 106-150 is the base model for the short version - it has six 7.92 mm FN Browning machine guns that fire German ammunition. Its flying capabilities were comparable to those of the Yak-1, but later versions of the IAR had more powerful weapons and bombs: I.A.R.80-B series 181-200 has four 7.92 mm machine guns rather than six, as well as two 13.2mm FN Browning machine guns that fire 13.2 mm Hotchkiss rounds. The I.A.R.80-M has two 20 mm MG-151/20 cannons and two 7.92 mm FN Browning machine guns. The I.A.R.81 series 151-175 is equipped with six 7.92 mm FN Browning machine guns and can carry up to three bombs weighing up to 400 kg. The underbelly bomb rack has a distinctive parallelogram mechanism, similar to the Ju 87 dive-bomber, preventing bombs from hitting the propeller during dive bombing. In addition, the Achtung Spitfire! campaign that previously was only available on our website is now released on Steam. 5.201 Changelist The CG-4A Collector Plane has been released; Flying Circus Vol. III has been released - R.E.8 two-seater airplane is added to the sim; Romanian I.A.R.80/81 fighter is available in Early Access (short version, long version will be added in the next update); Added Autumn, Late Autumn/Early Spring, Winter and Summer seasons for the Western Front WWI map (available to either Flying Circus module owners); All Flying Circus Vol.III airplanes have been added to the Pilot's Career mode during WWI timeframe; The accuracy of AI gunners on player-controlled aircraft matches the "Ace" level on AI-controlled aircraft; AI won't turn on the landing light during a daytime approach; A tactical number set by the player is saved; The send message button in multiplayer chat matches the team color; A 100% setting on a control axis should result in 100% value displayed in the technochat instead of 99%; T-34 mod. 1942 and PzKpfW III Ausf. L won't be erroneously listed as part of the Bodenplatte module in the equipment selection menu; Pilot's Career: new options have been added for fine tuning the difficulty level; Assault guns with indirect fire capability (SU-122, SU-152, Stug III Ausf. G, SdKfz 184 Ferdinand) have panoramic sight leveling features to ensure accurate shooting. Ballistic tables added to the Description tab for Stug III Ausf.G and SdKfz 184 Ferdinand ; New training scenarios added for SU-122 (firing at stationary targets and indirect fire); Removed extra aftersounds from the SHKAS machine guns firing sound; Airco DH.4 stabilizer fixed camera position corrected; Pilot protection from the shrapnel corrected on British planes when the canopy is closed; Albatros D.II lower wing aerodynamics data corrected; Li-2 altitude throttle lever function inverted according to its label (forward - poor mixture, reverse - rich); La-5 ser. 8 wing sturdiness corrected; Overlord campaign is updated and translated into French.
  15. 1 point
    They are the legends as well. I certainly have done my part in the mod (and I'm not done yet, some stuff will be reworked after the release due to time constraints), but without them the mod wouldn't look nor be as great as it is. Thank you for the kind words, posts such as this are pretty rare and mean a lot to us modders. Due to the heavier quality of textures and 3d models, requirements are not the same of stock SF2. I tried my best at finding a compromise between quality and performance. Fellow @guuruu optimized all sound files and this has even shortened loading times very noticeably. Sometimes I get reports of crashes to desktop, sometimes Nvidia drivers mess things up, reinstalling them seems to work (at least for one member of the development team). I'm currently running the mod on a mere Intel UHD integrated graphics card, but with the DXVK wrapper (Vulkan rendering for DirectX games). Without it I'd experience crashes to desktop as well. The wrapper made my experience smooth and stable. So, I will post instructions on how to download and install DXVK for use on SF2 at the mod's download page once it's released.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Blender rigged 'universal soldier' .
  20. 1 point
    Georgian Air Force Su-25A and Su-25UB Versions ( new camuflage )
  21. 1 point
    F-105s....F-105s? Is someone actually referencing the Vietnam conflict other than myself and Sundowner? I thought all us old geezer fans long disappeared. Anyway, we like F-105s. A lot. But not enough to make one with functioning bomb bay doors, since as Wrench and others shared even though designed for that capability they were never used as intended. Fun fact, our project advisors including Thud Pilots shared that many times the bomb bay doors were literally sealed/riveted shut. But who knows, maybe just for fun in the future we'll add that functionality but definitely put it on the "wish list." Well, since you brought up the topic, just for fun here is our latest Thud updates and bonus sneak peek of WTR Terrain and Atmospherics 2.0...
  22. 1 point
  23. 0 points
    caught this in my FB feed this afternoon. sad news given while i doubt anyone here knew him personally, im sure many of us use his site regularly https://www.facebook.com/groups/25487412851/?hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&multi_permalinks=10160200886817852 1941-2023
  24. 0 points
    You can't research military aircraft without stumbling on to his website. I was just on his site the other day and wondered if he was still alive and how much longer his site will stay up. I doubt he made any provisions for someone else to takeover. Which means another legendary site will most likely fade away to the wayback internet archive site.
  25. 0 points
    Terrible, terrible news!!! I literally use his for most of my research!! My deepest condolences to his family I know this is going to sound worse than awful ... Does anyone know of a way to get ahold of his serial database, and archive it someplace???
  26. 0 points
    Sad news. His site (Joe Baugher's Home Page) is a gold mine of references of military aviation history. My deepest condolences to his family and relatives.
  27. -1 points
    It's funny to read from those who yesterday literally shouted that oh! my file, which is in the public sharing, was stolen! The same people are now saying let's copy this site! Yes. The information is really valuable. The first thing I thought about yesterday was to copy all the information. I think the author would be happy that his work and hobbies were not lost. sorry for this comment. RIP mister Joe Baugher.
  28. -1 points
    Don't be sorry, because you should be ashamed of this comment. This isn't the place for it, but since you bring the matter up, let me explain why it is not comparable. His site is open to everyone, it does not require accounts to access the info, and on top of that no one here is taking credit for the work he has done, I certainly won't. Yesterday's matter was about one guy taking credit of the work of multiple modders (mods that are not freely available without an account and that usually come with ReadMe files detailing explicit wishes not to share them elsewhere), sharing it elsewhere without any permission nor crediting to the original authors. Just because you're fine with someone taking your stuff and share it as their own doesn't mean that it should be fine for me and everyone else.


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