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Showing most liked content on 12/30/2023 in Posts

  1. 15 points
    I just want to drop a little thanks to all the mod makers here at CA. The last 2 weeks have seen a plethora (sp?) of new or imporved mods for the game. Been a long time since we've had so many 'all at once'. This will end the year on a high note for the community, even given what hells are happening around the world. Keep up the good work, everyone. Keep the faith Thanks Again!
  2. 6 points
  3. 5 points
    the first time "2 weeks" has been uttered in a good way.
  4. 3 points
    The freeware licensing for CA is here. This has not changed much since about 2008. In the West this is seen as a basic common courtesy and politeness to fellow members.
  5. 3 points
    not next but in the pipeline A/B models are in the pipeline i had to double check, i did these already
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    yeah i know you got it rougher than 99% of the community at the moment. part of why the argument suprises me abit there are some that have a big issue with this. not the biggest problem in the world, but it is a major problem in their world having had a skin and the model done like that with credit to neither, i understand their point of view i do fail to see why its hard to simply put a sentence in somewhere saying "this person did this part of the project you see"
  8. 2 points
    done with Mud Hens four more aircraft types until these two wings are done (not counting two seaters). guess which one is next (bonus points if you guess the block)
  9. 2 points
    90th FS, 3rd Wing on its only deployment of the 1990s
  10. 2 points
    It's not worth losing any sleep over piracy issues really. Do you REALLY know how many models and skins etc have been and still are created using pirate copies of 3DS Max and Photoshop ? There would be an awful lot less pages of downloads here at CA without them. Not trying to be argumentative or anything, just stating a fact. A lot of folks here get all wound up about piracy issues while being fully guilty of it themselves.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    View File [Fictional] Lockheed F-104H Starfighter for SF2 Lockheed F-104H Starfighter for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the stock F-104G to create a fictional F-104H in service with Air/Aerospace Defense Command in the 1966-1986 timeline. Markings are provided for the following squadrons; 111st Fighter Interceptor Squadron (Texas Air National Guard) 178th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (North Dakota Air National Guard) 186th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (Montana Air National Guard) 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (a regular USAF unit attached to the 25th Air Division) BACKSTORY On March 15th 1963, two Soviet bombers overflew Alaska and despite a desperate chase the F-102A's of Alaskan Air Command were unable to intercept them. The immediate response to this embarrassing intrusion was to deploy ten F-106A's drawn from various Air Defense Command Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons to Alaska and to recall the remaining F-104A's that had previously been transferred to the Air National Guard back in 1960. Despite the excellence of the F-106A it did come with a pretty hefty price tag (and was actually out of production) and Air Defense Command realised that in order to replace the earlier F-101's and F-102's a cheaper alternative was required. With Lockheed's multi-role F-104G Starfighter in a high-rate of production the relatively low unit cost attracted the attention of the US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara who authorised production of the F-104H a dedicated interceptor version based on the F-104G and an initial order for 200 was made. The F-104H was powered by the uprated General Electric J79-GE-10 engine rated at 11,905 lbf dry thrust and 17,844 lbf thrust with afterburner although initial deliveries were powered by the earlier J79-GE-8B. The F-104H incorporated the advanced Litton LN-3 inertial navigation system and also featured the Autonetics NASARR F-15J-50 radar and fire control system optimised for the air-to-air mode with all ground-mapping, contour-mapping and terrain-avoidance modes deleted. After some debate, the M61 20mm cannon was retained but the main armament for the F-104H was the AIM-7 Sparrow semi-active homing missile, the AIM-9 Sidewinder infra-red heat-seeking missile and the AIR-2 Genie unguided air-to-air rocket with a 1.5 kt nuclear warhead. Entering service in April 1965 the F-104H eventually served with nine squadrons. Whilst the USAF's F-104A's and F-104C's had suffered the highest accident rate of any of the USAF Century Series fighters (25.2 aircraft destroyed per 100,000 flight hours) the F-104H's fared much better and were second only to the Spanish Air Force who actually achieved the perfect safety record of losing none of 21 F-104's over a total of 17,500 flight hours. The F-104H was gradually withdrawn from Aerospace Defense Command service from the late 1970's onwards although two Air National Guard units soldiered on until 1986 when the type was finally retired. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-104H folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-104H folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Thanks to bobrock for the excellent F-104G template. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - December 30th, 2023 Submitter Spinners Submitted 12/30/2023 Category What If Hangar  
  13. 1 point
    sorry i will not download your work anymore. i thought yyou are my friend and just gift me your skins. sorry, i will not rober you anymore on such big money as 0.33 kopiika
  14. 1 point
    lets say 0.33 kopiika per view on any video featuring one of my skins. seems the going rate for a newly monetized account or better still, just give credit for the parts that arent yours. which is one of the biggest gripes, and biggest terms of use in the readmes
  15. 1 point
    di you buy the plastic scoop and bucket at the store, or put time and material in to make it yourself? did he use the spoon and bucket for his personal use, or is he giving it out to others? if he's giving it out to others does he at least say you gave it to hi, or claim that the plastic items were always his? those readmes that are in almost every mod arent random words for the hell of it, they are poor man EULAs. slightly less binding than what you also dont read from EA or Blizzard; slightly less because our legal teams are much smaller than the corporations. but the terms are pretty generous really, especially for no money. every mod i've ever seen says at a minimum This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. and The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed simply put, dont make your own money off my work and if you use it for anything, give me due credit for creating the base of what your using. and yes even making videos can be making money, if they were to become popular enough to be monetized or whatever adding commercials to a video is called these days. which is why alot of people create videos; seeing the tik tok stars and hoping to make money off it too
  16. 1 point
    But you still need an "old" and no longer available legally version of max to use the TW exporter. The whole SF series owes it's success and long life to three things; 1, TK making it "user friendly" in the first place. 2, The "leaked/stolen" F-4E model. 3, Dodgy software.
  17. 1 point
    Believe me, it is not a waste of time to talk about these things... sometimes it is good to know what the community thinks about respect for the work done here... and my comment to Menrva is not a criticism, it is just saying that we must be firm with the rules but you don't have to go on a witch hunt because it is exhausting and you can fall into injustice... I think that outside of CA there are many people who honestly don't know how long it takes to make a model... hey Here you have a crazy person who took 10 years to create a marvel... (I say crazy out of affection), when you get involved you value him a lot and you empathize more with the frustration of seeing your creation usurped. I also believe that there are stupid people, without bad intentions, who have not thought about what they do and share things "generously", they deserve a cordial warning, and there are certainly ill-intentioned people who appropriate other people's work, without any respect, towards them. You have to be tough and severe. Some can sometimes find me on a Latin FB (I haven't posted photos of the sim in a while) the thing is that several complaints were generated due to the CA material that was published without consent, with the support of several users and the administrators it was achieved filter the content before making the posts public, personally when I saw that a CA file was published I chose to invite the user to delete it for the good of everyone and the reputation of the site... I think people understand with good manners, I also insist There are cretins who don't care about anything, but sooner or later they will close the door from the outside... my message is simple, CA gives us the possibility of approaching talented people who offer quality work for free, simply in exchange for loyalty If we do not respect that, accounts will be closed and a great community will be smaller and more exclusive. Regarding the issue of whether you design with legal or pirated software, come on... that corresponds to the moral formation of each person, I will not think about anyone's wallet, everyone knows what they are doing, we are already quite adults. .
  18. 1 point
    Hmmmm.... Then lets try the SCANG Swamp Foxes: 157th & 316th, flying C's & D's, Block 52.
  19. 1 point
    I'm going to take a flier on one of my favorite assignments, and go with the WolfPack; 35th & 80th Squadrons, flying C's & D's, Block 40.
  20. 1 point
    Lockheed F-104H Starfighter - 318th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, Aerospace Defense Command, USAF, 1971 On March 15th 1963, two Soviet bombers overflew Alaska and despite a desperate chase the F-102A's of Alaskan Air Command were unable to intercept them. The immediate response to this embarrassing intrusion was to deploy ten F-106A's drawn from various Aerospace Defense Command Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons to Alaska and to recall the remaining F-104A's that had previously been transferred to the Air National Guard back in 1960. Despite the excellence of the F-106A it did come with a pretty hefty price tag and Aerospace Defense Command realised that in order to replace the earlier F-101's and F-102's a cheaper alternative was required. With Lockheed's multi-role F-104G Starfighter in a high-rate of production the relatively low unit cost attracted the attention of the US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara who authorised production of the F-104H a dedicated interceptor version based on the F-104Gand an initial order for 200 was made. The F-104H was powered by the uprated General Electric J79-GE-10 engine rated at 11,905 lbf dry thrust and 17,844 lbf thrust with afterburner although initial deliveries were powered by the earlier J79-GE-8B. The F-104H incorporated the advanced Litton LN-3 inertial navigation system and also featured the Autonetics NASARR F-15J-50 radar and fire control system optimised for the air-to-air mode with all ground-mapping, contour-mapping and terrain-avoidance modes deleted. After some debate, the M61 20mm cannon was retained but the main armament for the F-104H was the AIM-7 Sparrow semi-active homing missile, the AIM-9 Sidewinder infra-red heat-seeking missile and the AIR-2 Genie unguided air-to-air rocket with a 1.5 kt nuclear warhead. Entering service in April 1965 the F-104H eventually served with nine squadrons and was gradually withdrawn from Aerospace Defense Command service from the late 1970's onwards - a relatively short service life. Template Credit: bobrock (you'll find it in the SF1 downloads section). Stock decals apart from the 318th FIS' tail marking. 318STARFIGHTERTAIL.TGA DECALS.ini
  21. 1 point
    I did look at the 'S' but prefer the load outs built into the 'G' including the M61 which I think is covered up in the 'S' conversion I looked at. I also looked at the 'C' as I fancied the refuelling probe but prefer the broader fin on the 'G'. So, for me, the 'G' hit the spot!
  22. 1 point
    @Sundowner Agree to disagree. I'm not losing my sleep over such issues, but when they involve my works (and those of the modders I closely work with), I want to do my part to try and prevent that they are shared without permission. I may fail at it, but after spending months and even years in making terrains and other mods, I think I have this small right of pointing out where mods shouldn't be downloaded from. It's bad that some others repackage stuff as their own without crediting the original authors, especially since it doesn't take much to do so. I'm like this, like it or not. I won't be silent when things like this happen. You're entitled to being passive on the matter, but I certainly did not expect that my post is being called out more than those pages of piracy. It seems to me things are starting to become the opposite over here as well, and I truly hope it's just a wrong impression.
  23. 1 point
    Two things: 1- I think the post is excellent and I suggest that we support it by reporting the offending FB for intellectual property violation, with multiple requests measures will be taken so that the message is understood loud and clear... the same can be done in Mediafire (perhaps the file has already been deleted). 2- On the other hand, I support the existence of sites like YAP RV and others that show the work of modders or that only share screens of enthusiasts who customize or only show their experience with the sim And here I do not agree with Menrva, we cannot guess if a FB site that initially posts screenshots then uploads pirated material, that's always the responsibility of whoever is wrong, whether it's the admin or a guest... don't do the stupid thing Capun did by pointing the finger at those who visited FB communities in which certain users made their own mistakes, the guy puts everyone in the same bag... ... He took me off his page and when I asked him for explanations he told me "Tell me who you are with.. and I will tell you who you are" without further arguments. . ... That is, if I visit a group and someone has the bad idea of posting something illegal, am I a pirate?... and what happens if here something pirated is published and the complaint arrives late... are we all complicit here because we were able to download that material??? what nonsense... people judge themselves by their actions and not by presumptions... For me it's simple, if the site is a community and something illegal is posted you can support CA by publicly rejecting piracy and asking the administrator to filter the posts... if the space is private you simply unsubscribe or stop following it.
  24. 1 point
    While not publicly shown, the previous release of ODS 30AE offered reworked hit boxes and collision points for all of the over 140 aircraft of the mod; some aircraft required major fixes, others only needed small improvements. Referenced model node names have also been corrected in many cases. This (boring and time-consuming) work improves the hit detection of bullets and missiles and of crashes into the ground; overall it puts all of the aircraft of the mod on par with each other, for quality consistency's sake. Another detail that is often neglected regards landing lights. After several days of work, I'm happy to announce that the next release of the mod will offer standardized brightness and range values of landing lights for all of the flyable aircraft of the mod (not player-flyable aircraft will get the same treatment at a later time). Previously, many aircraft were missing landing lights or had broken values that caused rendering issues of landing lights. Each of the over 80 flyable aircraft (sub-variants included, not counting AI-only sub-variants that were also fixed) has been tested carefully to make sure that quality consistency on landing lights is kept throughout the entire roster of aircraft.
  25. 1 point
    I just downloaded this modification to watch what happened. My planes are there too. sure, the author did not ask my permission. If you gave your plane as a gift and share it, be prepared that it will spread over the Internet. Let the schoolboy play, don't damage your nerve cells by this. I deleted the modification and just forgot about it. it's just a rambling collection of planes. It's not worth my attention. My opinion.
  26. 1 point
    I am no expert, but it looks to me more real like this: To my knowledge, the gun camera is more or less on the center line in the cockpit, while the Pitot tube is offset to the right on the nose, so probably the picture was inverted at some point (if it is real).
  27. 1 point
    I found this info on the RD-9B Turbojet. We might be able to work out updated engine data for the Mig-19. http://www.leteckemotory.cz/motory/rd-9b/index.php?en
  28. 1 point
    The plane MiG-19S was a very good dogfighter in subsonic area. But for the pilots it was a nightmare. The fuselage fuel cells had a design flaw and so they were leaking under certain conditions like hell. During flight it was so bad, that there was a permanent danger to lit up the plane. Additionally there was a permanent danger of overheating the engines, because the cooling was not efficient enough. Even worse when using afterburner. Then the plane was dangerous for the pilot. IIRC the LSK (east german Air Force) lost 30% of their MiG-19s by engine problems (overheating or fire). If there would be the chance to modify the FM in that kind, that overheating problems would appear ....


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