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Showing most liked content on 03/07/2025 in all areas
5 points
5 pointsdon't forget to add the Snap-On tool factory if you add Kenosha. With all the money I spent with them in my career, they've probably built a whole annex named after me!!!!
4 pointsI recently signed up, and I have to say, I was skeptical at first, but having seen the average download filesize I completely understand that CA is a subscription site. I run my own servers and having people hammering them for multi-GB downloads day after day would put a big load on them.
4 points
3 pointsMesserschmitt Bf 108P Taifun - 9th Training & Liason Regiment, Parani Army Air Force, 1942
3 pointsIf you compare SF with other sims you may notice that planes explode way too easily. You just look at the plane funny and it's already going down in a ball of flames. In my install I went out to fix this. Generally, every airplane part (fuselage, inner wing, etc) has its own HP bar. Once it's depleted, it's gone. HP pool is determined by the size of the part - obviously, B-52's inner wing would have more HP than F-15's. StructuralFactor statement is a plain multiplier for every such part. At 1.0 it does nothing, leaving HP at 100%, at 2.0 it makes it 200%, etc. So, what I did, I gave every structural part a StructuralFactor=2.0, unless it was already higher. This gave some ruggedness, but planes were still exploding too much. The issue is fuel tanks. They are big, always get hit, and once hit - leakage, fire or explosion proc very easily. This allows stuff like easy kills with just 1-2 cannon hits. I wasn't looking for an elegant solution, and as a dirty crutch just added 35mm of steel armor on every fuel tank (it has no weight so alright). This is not supposed to represent any real-world protection, just to crutch over game's engine mechanics. And it gave good results. Aircraft did not become indestructible, a good missile hit or aimed burst still takes it down. But aircraft (you and AI alike) now can take some non-critical damage, and you may even see damaged planes actually hit the ground. For the first time while playing, I managed to get hit and lose one engine, limping home instead of outright exploding. Another issue is ground vehicles. In vanilla SF, a single 20mm shell destroys any tank from a single hit, from any projection, which is wrong. After experimenting I found that ground vehicles have pitiful HP bars and you need to up them literally by 1000s. For example, I gave T-55 StructuralFactor=4000.0 for hull StructuralFactor=5000.0 for a turret. You would think that this is a lot, but a single Maverick still gets it; if you use cannon, now you have to work for a kill. The downside of this is that you have to apply changes manually to every vehicle you want to have it. I had a lot of available time during night shifts, but it is really a tedious process. But it makes dogfights and ground attacks more involved for sure
3 points...the pattern is full! (82nd Flight Group, Italy, 1945). Ran across this pic while searching for something else...
3 pointsLake Winnebago in an early stage. Screenshots shows flight along east coast to south. Then heading to west. A placeholder tile marks the location of the town of Oshkosh.
3 pointshere is the final AIM-4 pack includet are the AIM-4F and AIM-4G AIM-4 Falcon Missiles.7z here is the AIR-2A Genie AIR-2A.7z here are the ini´s for the F-101B Voodoo and the F-106A and F-106A_72 , i includet a manual and an automatic version of the ini´s but the automatic ini´s are not working the way they should so you launch some missiles with the bomb bay closed , i personally use the manual version this way i´m sure the missiles getting launched with the bomb bay open for all other aircrafts you like to use this AIM-4 missiles and AIR-2A you may have to change the positions on the weaponstations your self F-101_&_F-106_INI_Updates.7z NOTE: Please make a backup from your ini´s befor using the new ones above ingame pictures with the new missiles and the updated ini´s F-106A F-101B the AIM-4F early and late and AIM-4G missiles AIR-2A Genie
2 pointsis that James Garner and Donald Pleasence???? I'll leave now .... (couldn't resist!!)
2 pointsFirst: It's not my site. I just contributed to this site, like many other people here. Those people do not appear out of nowhere with their first message being a complaint how bad CA is and they cannot support because of... Secondly: Yeah, maybe some sort of banner would help. On the other side, have a look at the forums. There are a lot of very similar postings - my downloads don't work, my downloadspeed is at 1kb, why no more free downloads, whatever... It's rather obvious, that many of those people simply do not read...or think, they are special and if they start a new posting, the importance of their complaint rises to unexpected heights. At the same time most of them never did something here on CA. There are millions of excuses, why people can not contribute, but in the end one problem still exists (and has to be addressed - NOW): The server (CombatAce), while it is running...COSTS MONEY, that ERIK has to pay. Like it or not! I understand, that there are problems in the world, that make financial support difficult and/or impossible. You will have to live with that in the end. It is as simple as that. In all honesty: Do you really expect, that one guy, that took most of the costs for YEARS now for YOU guys to download stuff for FREE that the CA-people made FOR FREE, do it until the end of time, because you cannot pay, you will not pay, your taxes are to high, you have no money, the weather isn't right and whatnot...? And one last thing: Your last sentence is the same whining I read many times now. Yes, it's your favourite game, yes, mods are not available anymore and yes, you cannot play the game or are deinstalling the game because of it. May I ask, what do you expect us to do now? I played many online games in the past and I invested much time in it and also some money here and there. If the companies that run those gameservers decide to shut the servers down, it is how it is. You can to NOTHING. Your stuff is GONE. At CombatAce you still have the choice to help out and contribute in one form or the other....by subsciption, by knowledge, by mods. Most of the complainers do nothing of it.
2 points
2 points
1 pointI've definitely seen that in some of planes I adjusted. Your method is superior, as it allows for finer tuning and better results, but requires matching the armor values for nearly every aircraft individually. You can do things like, for example, having a multi engine bomber and giving its engines better protection from the rear and sides, but worse from the front, encouraging frontal attacks. StructrualFactor is just simpler, you can slap it on every component and get the durability boost
1 pointHello everyone! It have been quite hectic month with the real life and endless researches on F-4 series (USNS / USMC and USAF), and creating multi radar textures for different F-4s, along with new RWR textures. I want to give big tahnks to Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit for the advice, supports, and great informatiion on the F-4s for this big projects. The radar texture for USAF F-4C / D / E are now completed, as well the new RWR. However, the TV for guided ordinancesa re still WIP. For now, the F-4C (1967) is completed. I would like to share what I have been working on: F-4C's new CRT radar scop eand RWR texture: Optical TW style for radar and RWR New TV texture and effects (WIP) The F-4D and E screenshot will be posted as soon the TV is completed. I am still researching on what DVST and DSGC TV looks like, especaily the colors. Eagle114th
1 pointWrench how are you doing? Pains in the ass are hard to forget huh?😉I saw a few familiar names over at DCS doing Mods I didn't know if anyone I remembered was still here but so far I remember everyone who's tried to help me with getting me back up. Did any of the mods ever see the light of day? Burma WW2 and 90's Balkans war ? I saw someone did a big desert storm mod I would like to get when I get everything working.All the Sims that have come out may look nice but they don't hold a candle to what can and has been done here. And I remember your name on a lot of mods you are very prolific and I just wanted to say thanks for your work it's has made the sim so much more enjoyable! Well I will try to behave and not be such a pesterer but I loved your work! See around and I hope all is good. Thanks for saying hello 👋
1 pointMiGbuster I remember you! I’m running SF2 on win7 premium home cause I modded the hell outta SF2 inc WW2 campaigns and maps so I am playing it on that. And I tried what you said and it looks like it works! Thanks to all of the wonderful people I remember who helped me with this.
1 pointSure, here it is - zipped it up from the original 7z again. F-80C_DATA.zip Somehow missed your reply, sorry about the delay. CA has been acting up recently. Edit: File date is 2016
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 pointWe should give out some kind of award for stuff like this, sorta like a community thank you for such quality weapons. Nobody has done so well with this stuff. I'm sure have done good but wow, this is impressive.
1 pointThe following is MY opinion ONLY, and does NOT represent the owners of Combat Ace too many whiney cunts around all of a sudden -- freeloaders all. "Oh no, I can't download for free anymore! I can't create multiple false logins to break the limit of the downloads." Not one of you all have done ANYTHING for this site, but take take take. (exception, OldWilley DID assist with some translations for Russian cockpits). How many of you monkeys have actually have even posted on the Forums? How many have even bothered to say 'thank you' or 'good work' or even "there's an error here, what can be done to fix it?" You piss and moan like little bitches that had their favorite sweets taken away. There are those of us that have contributed to this sire, both monetary and add-ons for various games (not the the SF series, that is the center of the contrevorsy) since the early 2000s. You pay for fuel for you vehicles, insurance, rent, food, clothes, and maybe even "luxury" items -- smokes, resturant dining. So, fine. You can't (or won't) send a few coins to support the site. Ok, then, no problem. You've all always been free to stay or leave -- it's a (semi) free world. Choose to go? Bye! Have a nice life. Choose to stay? Start thinking about what you can to do help support CA. As to this statement: I don't the idea, but again, just my opinion. We can't stop it, of course. It's the uploader's choice. I'd suggest putting the link elsewhere, rather than in the announcement thread.
1 pointWhat if Germany would have been reunited in 1956 as neutral country, as Austria in 1955.
1 point
1 pointMy opinion: 1. New texture - as the main one (default in mod). 2. TW style - as an option for those who want it (but also include in mod).
1 point
1 pointBugger! Top one should have a white or blue spinner. Red is the default Third Wire Spit 22.
1 pointYep, they used K-14 (UK GGS) type reticle. The closed (also broken) circle can be blanked out leaving only the + mark. The circle is used for aim-off in the bombing mode (and in the caged sight mode), the diamonds reticle for rocket mode. I have made a improved Hunter sight of that type some time ago, based on some UK manual or doc. The A-4 sight in the F-100 has a 10-diamonds reticle, have made one as well , update for the F-86's and the F-100 too. Already in Dec. 2012 F-100D.7z F-100D_64.7z F-100D_68.7z
-2 pointsI completely agree with this. I'd be fine even with 1 download per week, it would be far more fair than the current pay to play system. Sure, servers have a cost, but other mod sites for other games can deal with it, and STILL provide free mods. And what is even worse, since Combatace is the only remaining site for SF2 mods, it is extremely unfair to capitalize on that by exploiting players, who do not have anywhere else to go.
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