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Piecemeal last won the day on April 5 2019

Piecemeal had the most liked content!

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453 +250 Reputation

About Piecemeal

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    Town Planner

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    (former) Republic Of Ireland


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  1. Hi folks. Just out of curiosity - has there been any progress on this beautiful bird since?
  2. Sorry to butt in on the serious work........ but I just couldn't help myself! Carry on, folks.
  3. A Brief Site Technical Question from a Returning Rooster

    Oh well, back to the slog for now I suppose..... Got any recommendations for specific Admins that could help in the meantime?
  4. A Brief Site Technical Question from a Returning Rooster

    Thanks for the warm welcome back, guys!! It's really appreciative. DQ, thanks for the shout out about Firefox - I didn't know about that setting on their engine, I might give it a look in. Does CA show up 'dark'?
  5. Hi all!! It's been a good while since I graced my presence here, what with too many RL issues to go into here. But anyways - I'll keep it short and sweet with a quick query. Can this website be viewed and/or navigated in 'dark mode'? I've been unlucky enough to have added some sight issues to my already lengthening list of health issues - with Diplopia (double vision) and extreme light sensitivity being new problems to deal with as a result of certain new prescription meds I'm taking for my Epilepsy. An unfortunate side effect of this issue is severe migraines due to the added light sensitivity. Changing the brightness settings on my monitor and operating Google Chrome in dark mode doesn't seem to help either when viewing this site and certain others, as it has no effect. I've even resorted to wearing dark shades over my 'gomer goggle' glasses in order to try and nullify the glare. What I'm trying to ask, really, is whether I can view this site in dark mode. Is there a settings section I haven't discovered where it can be done? Thanks in advance
  6. [Fictional] A-7E Corsair - Marineflieger

    Bravo!!! Another job well done! Ever thought of donning the D models in a 'what if' Imperial Iranian AF camo scheme? I think they called it 'Asia Minor'.
  7. I've always wondered what an A-10 would look like in an 'Asia Minor' scheme. You know, a 'what if the Shah had bought a sh*t-ton of 'em in the mid '70s' kind of thing
  8. Have you ever thought of doing the A variant of the much vaunted SA-8 'Gecko' vehicle? There only seems to be the B model available for SF2.
  9. I'll see your widowmaker and raise you twenty.......
  10. Nice!! Looks good in the IDF/AF camo scheme. I didn't even know there were templates available
  11. While we're on the subject of cockpits; I've been trying to Anglicise some of the gauges and panels on the Mirage 5BA cockpit. Does anybody know the english translation for these: Google translate has told me that 'Bidons' loosely translates as 'Cans' which I'm assuming means the external tanks. I'm completely lost on 'Voils', though. ....... I knew I should've paid more attention at school
  12. AMAZING!!! I've been using TW sims for years and have trying every which way to do that!!!! It's a perfect example of thinking outside the box. Thanks a million Logan
  13. Hi eric. I was just thinking there; didn't Nyghtfall find a way to view them, or was that on another 3D app he was using.
  14. Does anybody know if it's possible to view the stock cockpits on the LOD Viewer app; and if so, how?

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