this is from my skin pack.
I've made this way because I always do things my way - like it or not. Generally, there is always a good explanation of 'flight path'
if I want to have a specific, certain solution. Because that pack is dedicated to Nam and obviously RA-5C in Nam did not carry Nukes. And, RA-5C generally did not carry nukes.
Simply - delete fake pilot lines from data ini. It will not use fake pilot. Fake pilot - in fact is , Julhelm 'weapon' that I put in RA-5C ass. To represent I said before.
Correct lines in data ini files at weapon stations make sure that it can carry weapon type NUC and BOMB...and all will be well. Make sure you have nukes from Julhem pack.
Yes, weapon editor is not required in SF2 but believe me, it is more convenient. I would say it is required to have easy weapon mod solutions.
basically what you need to do is a basic simplest modding - editing of ini files. No witchcraft required.