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Showing most liked content on 04/15/2023 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. 6 points
    never released this one, as is basicly a overhaul of a pre-existing one. Made all new decals with the correct font and color. But the marking ARE 100% accurate (excepting serials - they're generic)
  3. 6 points
    Montevideo, Aeropuerto Internacional Angel San Adami an other small airfield with a very short runway. It is only 1.200 meters long.
  4. 5 points
    F-15MTD "Aya" (Pernis) Of the IDAF
  5. 5 points
    What if Uruguay would have had the Skyhawk?
  6. 5 points
    Went with black...for now!
  7. 4 points
  8. 4 points
    Found another pic of the Vandy 1 Super Hornet. I fixed the tails now: The download will be updated
  9. 4 points
    The metamorphosis of our plane...
  10. 4 points
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
    Heading out for an Eagle vs Eagle Red Flag hop.. But the sneaky gomers had an F-16 hidden away waiting to ruin the Eagle drivers' careful plans for a 2 x 2 fight!
  13. 2 points
    Republic P-43A-2 Lancer - No.1 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1942 Delays with the Pratt & Whitney R-2800 engine intended for the new P-47 Thunderbolt meant that orders were placed for an additional 200 P-43 Lancer fighter aircraft in order to keep the Republic production lines operating whilst waiting for P-47 production to start. Of this additional batch of 200 P-43 Lancers, 54 P-43's were allocated to the USAAC, 125 P-43A-1s were allocated to China (under the lend-lease program) with the balance of 21 aircraft being allocated to Dhimar as P-43A-2's. These were eagerly received by a desperate Royal Dhimari Air Force who wasted no time in re-equipping No.1 Squadron during the Spring of 1942 and also the High-Altitude Reconnaissance Flight where the P-43's excellent high-altitude performance enabled it to regularly fly above 40,000ft. In Dhimari service, the Lancer was well regarded and this led Royal Dhimari Air Force officials to push for P-47 Thunderbolts in preference to other types of fighter. Skin Credit: Charles
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 1 point
    well if the black checker is a seperate layer (tga or jpg!) rather than a black and white checker layer, then it shouldnt be too hard to change up colors for later. (scribbles note to self for future Hog work)
  21. 1 point
    It's not the .dll itself that's at fault, it means that something is wrong with a particular aircraft as opposed to to a terrain or ship etc. So now you need to check aircraft names ,nations etc, anything that is related to the aircraft that are being used ( flyable or ai ) in that particular mission. Check everything, comma, full stop, case sensitive etc.
  22. 1 point
    Your problem will be solved, If you back up the JPG-files to BMP-files. Good luck!
  23. 1 point
    The game will not generate a visable error message when it crashes bit it will show up in the windows error logs, it will show the faulting module ( area ) that is causing the problem, this in turn will point you in the right area that is causing your ctd's.
  24. 1 point
    Avia S-190D - 1st Fighter Regiment ('The Red Lions'), Parani Army Air Force, 1948
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    10 April 1994: At the request of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), two USAFE F-16s strike Bosnian Serb miltary targets outside of designated safe area of Gorazde. While the UNPROFOR reuest targeted tanks in the area, the F-16s were unable to engage those but destroy a command post and several military vehicles. While contemporary news accounts state US or USAFE F-16s in the action, they most likely were F-16C Block 40s of the 526th Fighter Squadron, 86th Wing like the pair shown here
  28. 1 point
    well, if you aint cheatin, you aint tryin! mandatory screenie, from this day 29 years ago
  29. 1 point
    Yes they will I need to correct some FM issues and better paintjob and its done. Mandatory screenie PD: Does anybody know where is the old Vindicator Stand In because I really need to stole the decals from it I found them
  30. 1 point
    Republic P-47N Thunderbolt - No.8 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1947
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Some more skin models which could make an appearance on the final product, we'll see:
  34. 1 point
    Will make a nice wingman for this one..
  35. 1 point
    Just sharing the pilot position for for Geezer "RAF Euro Pilot Oxy" to be used with the beautifull Spitfires released by Cliff7600. The original aircraft data ini position worked fine to me in all Spitfires, but if you had facing some problem with this position using Geezer pilot in those Spits you could try this: Open your "Aircraft data ini" file and find the name "Crew", them you must to exchange two (2) lines manually. // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=RAF Euro Pilot Oxy <------------------------------------ You must add this line SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.00,-1.43,0.43 <------------------------------------ You must add this line This position will work in all "Aircraft data ini" of those Spitfires released recently by Cliff7600
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    First, I will let you know that the initial decision (GKABS team will take over soon the FCK-1 project) was "revoked" at my request because of the new circumstances arisen. As you may remember we had a bit of a trouble losing the 3D modeller we started the project initially with. My search for the "best man" continued as I let you know last time and had no luck. But, meanwhile, one Combat Ace veteran saved the day for us, when I least expected, because I never dreamed he would have time and will put aside his work, in order to give us a helping hand. Logan4 joined the team and he will be handling the 3D modelling heavy lifting for the FCK-1 for the time being and, for both projects, generally. As you all know there is a lot of modelling work involved even if we already have the 3D models, in order to prepare them for the SF2 environment... GKABS team will also, if needed, give a hand with the SU-34, when the time comes. They will also assist, if needed, with any issue raised by the project work. For now I can let you know that we will have four FCK-1 versions (yes, two seat version included, and, yes, you are welcome). Logan4 already corrected the FCK-1 3D model we have, there were some issues with it.(See the pictures included to compare some changes). As soon as we will have the UV mapping, for both models, we will start the work for some skins which will go nicely with them. We also found a better model for SU-34 than the built one we had, and we will bring it soon before commencing the work to SU-34 project effectively. We also have but... AFTER the two planes (FCK-1 & SU-34) will be finished, tested, corrected and released, THREE more surprises, one bigger than the last one, if I may say so :) You are encouraged to ask and try to bribe me (I like cookies!) but being a surprise, of course, I won't tell you anything, I will just eat the cookies. LOL As usual I will take questions if you have and I'll do my best to answer to them. In the end I want to thank Logan4 for his dedication, altruism and help. Just knowing him made me wish be a better person. ORIGINAL 3D FCK-1 model/components: CHANGED 3D FCK-1 model/components:
  38. 1 point
    An old... April fish ! The OKB MiG Ye-3bis project around 1962. From the excellent MiG-21F-13 by the Mirage Factory P.
  39. 1 point
    "The bugle sounds as the charge begins, but on this battlefield no one wins The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath, as you plunge into a certain death" "Oh oh oh Oh oh oh "
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    MQ-9 Block 5 coming soon. screenshot by Coupi.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    A-Team Forrestal-class carriers modified to SF2NA standards CVA-59 USS Forrestal - SF2NA North Cape CVA-60 USS Saratoga - SF2 Vietnam Linebacker I CVA-61 USS Ranger - SF2 Vietnam Linebacker II CVA-62 USS Independence - SF2 Operation Tainted Cigar
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point


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