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Showing most liked content on 07/23/2023 in Posts
9 points
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4 points
4 pointsUploaded a modified version of my personal skin, awaiting approval from the admins.
4 pointsIf someone of the modders can build a Godzilla, then i will include it as easter egg.
4 points
4 pointshow did you.... how...... does this mean there'll be a Godzilla in the new one?
3 pointsGrumman F8F Bearcat - Night Attack Flight, Skadron 7, Indonesian Air Force, 1958
3 pointsSome more flying. I've been mulling over making a variation of this skin. It's not hard just not sure if there's interest.
2 points
2 points
2 points75th Anniversary, 20 years in service. 23°Gruppo F-104S-ASA MM6737
2 pointsSupermarine Spitfire Mk.XII - UN Flight, Aeronáutica Militar, 1949 In June 1949 an appeal was made by the United Nations (UN) for military support in the ongoing UN peacekeeping mission in the Kernan Valley district on the border between Dhimar and Paran. In response, the Portuguese government sent a combined Aeronáutica Militar force using men and machines drawn from Tancos Air Base and Ota Air Base to form a new squadron designated as the 'UN Flight'. Initially formed at Tancos Air Base in July 1949, the UN Flight were equipped with eight Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XII fighter aircraft and deployed to Dhimar later in the same month becoming the first combat aircraft to operate on behalf of the UN. All eight Spitfires received UN identifying markings on their fuselage and wore large Cruz de Cristo roundels in all six position with their two-digit Aeronáutica Militar serial numbers carried on the fin and fuselage. Used mainly in the ground-attack and reconnaissance roles the Spitfires occasionally encountered Parani fighter aircraft including Avia-built Fw-190D's but combat was avoided by both sides with the Parani aircraft being escorted away from the Kernan Valley area. The Autumn Truce of 1949 saw the deployment come to an end and the UN Flight returned to Tancos Air Base in November 1949 remaining in service until March 1955. Skin Credit: Adapted by me from skins contained in the recent floatplanes released by Cliff7600
2 points
1 pointCarrier Quals with a new PC..... Got a little distracted 1/2 mile out, but managed to get back on deck safely.
1 point
1 point
1 pointOh! So you ARE a girl. LOL You never told me that, what kind of friend are you ? LOL
1 pointActually, there are several variations.. First is where you have multiple vertices on the same place that need welding. On the pic, A and B shows seemingly fine mesh, yet on C you can see there are 3 vertices in the same location, this will create shadow if unwelded. Also the same introduces an other problem, as 3dsmax will not weld things that cross into each other. So first have to separate the pin, then weld the double vertices and after that pactch up the hole on the original mesh where the pin come from. On picture D there lurking a stray polygon, highlighted on E which will also create shadow issue, this either has to be deleted or mated to the correct mesh it belongs too. Picture F and G shows a bit trickier shadow culprit.. Seemingly everything is fine, but unfortunately depend on the graphic engine how it decides to display a multi shaped mesh, the creation of triangles may cause overlap of polygon - for better illustration look at the part of I and the green circle. In this case on part H the outer vertices (black line) are out of line with the inner vertices (green line) shown on pic which will create a shadow in game. here you can either move the outer vertices to a location that not intersects or connect to vertices that will make the displaying different as it was done on pic J. These are a few and their variations. a stray vertice also similar to the item discussed with pics F to J.
1 pointI played Wildlands one time, but never got into it because of some personal issues.
1 point
1 point
1 pointI was working hard on a very historical skin and then I don't know, I lost it... a little update / the anti glare panel is needed for the real bird Something related but still not the bird I want to do (LOD is done since 18 months) And this is the bird I wanted to make at first : Still some details to do
1 pointThis is awesome! Because, now, I have this kind of chaff around the ships (I do not remember what happened on this screenshot btw):
1 point
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1 point
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