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Showing most liked content on 07/27/2023 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    More to come with the new Typhoon.
  2. 10 points
  3. 7 points
  4. 6 points
  5. 6 points
    After having won the competition for a light attack plane, FIAT had encountered problems with the structural integrity of its two-part fuselage system in the G-91. The first model, built the way it was meant to, in the wind-channel showed the possibility of unusual wear in the connection system of the two fuselage parts, which could have lead to the breaking and the loss of the plane in medium to high-g exposures. The construction team had to overthink a possibility for a workaround without making the airplane much heavier, more expensive and more difficult to maintain. Italian minister of defense, Paolo Emilio Taviani, not happy about this matter, sought an other way to reinforce the italian air force with a suitable and comparable aircraft until the problems of the G-91 would have been solved. He was then offered the A-4 Skyhawk, which was also a light and easy to maintain aircraft. Three italian pilots of the Aeronautica Militare received the possibility to test the aircraft in the US. Their reports included a satisfactory review of this nimble aircraft. It was described as nice to fly and easy to maintain. The ministry of defense, not willing to upset FIAT but showing impatience, ordered 72 A4D-2N (renamed A-4C; with an option for eventually more), which got allocated to squadrons of the 6th, 32nd and 51st Stormo in 1962. An A-4C of the 32nd Stormo, 1962 At the end of the 1960s, the A-4Cs got replaced by the more modern A-4Es, with better engine and radar and also the possibility to take more payload on board. Some of the A-4C, which some of the italian pilots called "topolino" (little mouse), got retained for training purposes while most of the fleet got back to the US or sold to other countries. A-4Es from the 51st Stormo, 1970 At the end of the 1960s, FIAT finally was able to start delivering G-91 to the air forces. Italy, though being local customer, was doubtful about replacing the Skyhawks with the Ginas, since all pilots were satisfied with the capabilities and the flight characteristics of the aircraft. Mario Tanassi, then minister of defense, declared, after having discussed this matter with the Adreotti administration, that the Skyhawks would be replaced by G-91 in a matter of two years with the exception of the 6th Stormo. The replaced Skyhawks got then sold to other countries or scrapped for spare parts. The 6th Stormo was the last wing having the Skyhawk, receiving in 1973 the last upgrade with the A-4F. A-4Fs of the 6th Stormo The wing did not have the Skyhawk for a long time. In 1978, MoD Attilio Ruffini on behalf of the italian government, got into negotiations with SecDef Harold Brown of the Carter Administration about the purchase of 24 A-6 and 4 EA-6 aircraft of Grumman for replacing the Skyhawks. In Spring 1979, the negotiations were successful and Italy was to receive the new aircraft in early 1980. The days of the Skyhawk in italian service got fewer and fewer. The last Skyhawk was taken out of commission and sold to Brazil in April 1980. A-6S' of the 6th Stormo, around Summer 1980 EA-6S', Summer 1980
  6. 5 points
    F-4K Phantoms from the HMS Royal Ark over the Falkland Islands in 1982 during Operation Corporate.
  7. 5 points
    With the help of logan4 the main body of this cockpit may not have a big problem. I will keep his suggestions for future reference. Now I will start to completely design the MFD graphics in the cockpit
  8. 5 points
    Guardians of the North. F-104G CF-104
  9. 4 points
    I didn't understood why the pictures were so dark. I thought "C'mon it was 1948, they knew how to take a photograph back then" ( / what's wrong with them !?! xD) And while I was studying the fading of the green paint on black and white pictures, my brain did its daily effort and I realised : the Spitfires had been repaint in NATO camo colors, dark grey / dark green / PRU blue. I used these values : Dark grey / Basalt Grey : hexa 575D64 Dark green / Yellow Olive : hexa 453F2F PRU blue : hexa 5C7A82 If you have more reliable values for these colors please tell me ! (the tail is in lighter olive green on purpose)
  10. 4 points
  11. 3 points
    Well... i totally didnt get carried away and started "reworking" the TODs with the Vietnam mod after about a week or so of testing different stuff i have finally come up with something im ready to show off theres still some issues like floating buildings but its not noticeable (its because i created a single lod for each texture) and smooth shading issue im not sure how to fix that ive tried everything i could think of Performance wise? not hit at all from what ive noticed Heres the Results!
  12. 3 points
    Thank you for your feedback, we are working on a fix for the program.
  13. 2 points
    those Italian Scooter skins are awesome! mildly suprised that at least later in its fictional life the folks in the Aeronautica Militare didnt do any play on the American nickname. Little mouse is nice, but i was rather expecting Vespa
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    I'd reccomend the building be not so densly packed. Don't forget, the terrain have to place target items inside those boundries. up to and including full rail yards. I should know, i've had that issue with MANY terrains I've built but they do look good
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Dear Friends, Another update, 5.105, is available now. Today we have released the first two Flying Circus Vol.III aircraft - the Halberstadt D.II and Nieuport 11 early Great War fighters. The emergence of the Nieuport 11 at the front finally put an end to the devastating superiority of the Fokker monoplanes, which for a time had become known as the "Fokker Scourge." During the Battle of Verdun in February 1916, Nieuport 11s inflicted heavy damage on the enemy's air forces, which forced the German High Command to review the tactics of combat aircraft. Many famous aces of WWI (including Georges Guynemer) had their first major successes flying the Bébé. Most of the pilots were impressed by Halberstadt D.II's better performance compared to the older Fokker monoplanes, especially its better climb and speed and very quick, easy, and responsive controls which gave it good maneuverability in the hands of experienced German pilots. Our friends LuftManu and Avimimus have teamed up to prepare interesting videos of these birds that give a nice overview. The release of this update commences the Early Access program for Flying Circus Vol.III - if you consider acquiring it eventually, these new aircraft are only a few mouse clicks away right now. Of course, there are other improvements and fixes in the update change log: 5.105 Halberstadt D.II is available via the Flying Circus Vol. III Early Access program; Nieuport 11 is available via the Flying Circus Vol. III Early Access program; Photo recon missions on the Arado Ar 234 jet are added to Bodenplatte Career mode timeframe (Sonderkommando Sperling); Fw 190 A-3, A-5, A-6, and A-8 external textures and paint schemes improved (Martin =ICDP= Catney); Certain Spitfire Mk.IXe, P-47D-22, and P-47D-28 paint schemes corrected (Martin =ICDP= Catney); Sky Nomads campaign updated: difficulty level is lowered a bit in the first mission, the text is corrected, Spanish and French translations added thanks to enthusiasts E69_Cananas and DN308; Issues with a line drawing order on the map that could result in a wrong-looking mission route on the map have been corrected; Original ShVAK gun sounds are restored due to popular demand - the new sounds will be reworked to better fit in the overall acoustic concept; A couple of bugs in Normandy and Rhineland Career missions that could result in the player flight not traveling to the next waypoint have been found and fixed; Issues in the transport aircraft missions that could prevent them from meeting their escorts have been found and fixed; AI pilots will more efficiently wait for their lagging-behind wingmen and pursue enemy aircraft while being far from the rest of the flight. The work on the next update has already started - according to the plan, it will bring the Li-2 and possibly other new previously announced aircraft. Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy the new aircraft and, most importantly, the remaining third of the summer days! Make every one of them count. See you in the skies!
  20. 1 point
    Maybe, after loading stuff, first try test each of them before chewing too much "food" in your mouth and choking ;). In long run, if you are patient (are you young ? LOL) you will learn a lot of things here modding and modifing files. We all've been there ;)
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Nooooooooooooo! Don't do that!!!!!!!!!!
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Qutar Typhoon coming soon with refueling poem. Texture/screenshots by compufat.
  27. 1 point
    Updated the Su-33 Flanker-D to 1.0.1 Big thank you to @Coupi
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Grumman F8F Bearcat - Night Attack Flight, Skadron 7, Indonesian Air Force, 1958
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    F-113 Retaliator intercepting an unwelcomed guest.
  32. 1 point
    I don't have the need for two monitors, as I got a laptop and do fine with one.
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    I was working hard on a very historical skin and then I don't know, I lost it... a little update / the anti glare panel is needed for the real bird Something related but still not the bird I want to do (LOD is done since 18 months) And this is the bird I wanted to make at first : Still some details to do
  35. 1 point
    to many polys in one node can cause the wrong presentation in the game...if your fuselage is one mesh then I can see from here that it is too many polygons indeed. You will have to divide it into a few nodes - just do it smart and 'cut' pieces in 'smart' places. smoothing groups will work but I gues you have unwelded vertexes, then it means you have double or triple count of polys. Select by drag and click one vertex - if it will display vertex (example ) 235 selected than it is ok...if menu will display '3 vertexes selected' than you have to Select vertexes in area and click target weld and set range to 0,001 this should solve problem. And you have to do it probably to whole model.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    No.11 squadron also had their Mk.XII
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    Smile! You´re on Candid Camera!!!!
  40. 0 points
    When i say "Painful" i mean everyday desturbing my sleeping. Effecrivness of Iranian drones is zero. Only mental. You wake up not fresh. I think thhese cruise missiles arethe same shit. Shahed - 136 , Grad Partizan etc the weapon of civilian terror, not the weapon in classic meanin. The target of this shit is not point, is not wehicle is not electrick station. The targrt is town itsels. Its like a bomb with nails in the underground station. Psychological effect but not military casulties. They are vert annoing but thats not gamechanging weapon. The same with all other missiles i have seen.


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