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Showing most liked content on 08/25/2023 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. 5 points
    One thing, which i had forgotten, when i released Battle of Britain 2 Operation Sealion terrain some years ago, was to make correct TOD files for some farm tiles. That caused trees and buildings at the wrong position. Now i made new TOD files for that farm files and it looks better now. I think i should release a small patch for BoB2 terrain.
  3. 4 points
    Yak-15 'Pero' - Soviet Air Force, 1946 The daring theft of a pre-production Jumo 004B axial flow turbojet engine from the Messerschmitt test facility at Leipeim airfield by Soviet spies in June 1943 enabled the Soviet Union to quickly catch-up with this new technology and before the year was out a team at 26 GAZ, headed by Klimov, were producing copies of the Jumo 004B as the RD-10 for a variety of planned Soviet tactical aircraft including a new single-seat jet fighter designed by the Yakovlev OKB. To save time, Yakovlev based the new design on their successful Yak-3 piston-engined fighter with the RD-10 jet engine mounted underneath the forward fuselage with the jet exhaust exiting underneath the centre fuselage protected by a steel heatshield. The wings and tail were largely unchanged and a useful armanent of two 23mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-23 cannon was added to the new nose section. Designated as the Yak-15 the new aircraft made a successful first flight in April 1944. However, the successful repelling of the Allied invasion by German forces in June 1944 allowed Germany to bolster their eastern front and slow down the Soviet advance to a crawl and especially during the harsh winter of 1944-45. This delay allowed Germany to deploy more and more advanced weapons and whilst the Me-262's remained largely in the west the radical Blohm & Voss P.170 three-engined 'Schnellbomber' was particularly effective on the eastern front. In February, 1945 the Yak-15 entered service with the 437th Fighter Aviation Regiment at Vodogon in the Novgorod Oblast and finally gave the Soviet Air Force the ability to intercept the P.170 nuisance raiders.
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    Also, to be blunt, NOBODY is building anything for SF1 anymore. We've all moved on to SF2, 10-12 years ago.
  6. 2 points
    Exactly. With Arma 3 you can do a lot with the game code and make a plethora of mods, just by looking at it and figuring out what to do. I can say that the devs are more friendly though, and of course encourage a lot of modders to make stuff for the game. Of course, you get those who come up with some bizarre requests and you're stuck with "I can't do that because the game simply won't allow it."
  7. 2 points
    I have never understood why Germany has not bought the F-18 Hornet. It's such a beautiful plane!
  8. 2 points
    my friend...... you dont remember 2012-2013 in TW land TK would release patches. lets say at noon on a monday by 8pm, CA would be full o posts breaking down whats in the new patch and singing songs of praise. by 8am the next morning those songs of praise would turn to screams of anguish as somebody discovered that this mod was porked. or that feature disappeared. or something that was ridicously hard was now ridicously easy. and so on my recurring joke is funny because its true. we've seen us do it...........
  9. 2 points
  10. 1 point
    and the originally works just fine on around 99% of said systems hell, he probably coulda made a good chunk of change making pits for the non player flyables. especially if he released the way he did for all the other DLCs....... (cough cough A-6)
  11. 1 point
    If he would have offered more than an old, but now Win10 compatible game, the result would have been different. A fistfull new planes and anew war theater ... Perhaps Korea War. And he would had a lot if people which would be interested in.
  12. 1 point
    There are plenty of mods that can still be done for DCS, like infantry that attack enemy planes and helos, simulating helo gunners with fixed gun positions controlled by the player, adding roads and paths to the terrains so they look more realistic... TK will never return to the series, he tried and didn't got the money he expected, and that was for Win10, now we're on Win11.
  13. 1 point
    Guys in the with regard to brightness you can always change brightness, contrast, or gamma on your NVidia settings (or AMD) - or on your monitor to help.
  14. 1 point
    How then do open source programs work? How then does Falcon BMS exist? I'm talking about something completely different. But anyway it's too late to do something with the game. The game is very outdated. It remains only to play what is in hands but not in our dreams. In general, I didn’t expect that everyone would gather here, in this topic. I thought there would be one or two comments. Thanks to topick starter for good mood
  15. 1 point
    Hello. I'm a game developer and aviation lover. I loved Strike Fighters from the first day I saw it. I would like to know how to make models of aircraft and terrain for campaigns. I have several model ideas and I wish I could make them to share with you. It's also the least I can do for you to allow you to download models and enjoy hours of fun in this realistic simulator. Also, it will help me to develop techniques to make simulators. Thanks.
  16. 1 point
    If you read through the old TW forums archive you can see the pattern of the patch release, from the first few hours of elation from new features and "fixes" then like DA said it was all doom and despair soon after. I think TK's biggest regret was ever making the game with the intention of allowing the end user to "customise" it. He as a game developer already should have known that what ever you give the customer it would never be enough, the more folks you get screwing with stuff the more they'll want and the more they'll break.
  17. 1 point
    Me-109E-8. I dont know why it is called Bf-109 today. During wartime the pilots called it always "Me-109", never Bf-109.
  18. 1 point
    Honestly. What are you expecting? If it was me creating a game and then a bunch of players started to mess with it, trying to change everything that I achieved, trying to work around things that were not supposed to work, building new models where the polycount of one model is bigger than the whole objects pool from the original game. Building new terrains and fancy campaigns that bring too much to the game... hell screw players then. He made a game and you are screwing with it...instead playing.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    For the Battle of Britain 2 1960th terrain i will make two nations.ini. One for the usual Soviet vs NATO setting and a second one for an UK vs France and allies scenario. I love the blue vs blue or red vs red scenarios. No advantage by superior weapons, only the skill of the pilots decide the outcome of an battle. Screenshot: Dutch Hunter F.6 shot down by a british Hunter FGA.9
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    What the F-105 was designed for
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Nice waters there luk1978! Do you mind sharing your terrain repaints? Here is my own new Sea Harrier loading screen: Happy New Year to you too!


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