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  1. 8 points
  2. 5 points
    This is why I give this type of building a high point value (for strike missions)
  3. 4 points
    I tried the method in the link and it worked for me, I hope more people will know. Before doing this, I had to endure having to close and restart max after a few minutes of work, over and over again, now I don't have that worry
  4. 4 points
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
    Done, I'm happy to help and thanks again for your work on Combatace
  7. 2 points
    we'll his hearts in the right spot, but he needs help from folks that are way more knowledgable than most in this conversation that said, i suspect that a few amongst us have dug deep like he wants, but for whatever reasons arent sharing. there are sometimes avionics or other DLL questions that get answered yet seem like some stuff is held back.....
  8. 2 points
    Yep, it's truly a lazy bunch.
  9. 2 points
    Bloody Hundreth '98 The Reluctant Dragon Jokers Wild
  10. 2 points
    wait, arent they in the exact same spot as the last pic you posted Fayetteville Hogs over the Adriatic
  11. 2 points
    If the ground crew could do something, ... it would be nice.
  12. 1 point
    Hi everyone, I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that the site's operating budget comes from the income we receive from donations, subscriptions, and ads. While our site traffic remains constant our advertising revenue has dropped. Changes to the way Google pays for advertisements and lower ad interest from advertisers have led to publishers, like us, taking drops in ad income. With shrinking ad revenue combined with fewer subscription plan purchases the site is on life support. Our donations for the year total $720 or a monthly average of $80. The good news is you can help by donating, renewing a subscription, or starting a new subscription. Use the links below to help. · Renew Subscription · New Subscription · Donate
  13. 1 point
    I've been trying to run down the serial numbers for the RoCAF F-84G Thunderjets, and having NO luck what so ever. Even Joe Baugher has failed me (list serial, says "to ROCAF" with no more info) So, if someone can point me in the right direction, it's be much appriciated! I'd like the full 26, but can make do with 18. The image below, is pretty much it. Other than a few photos TIA!!
  14. 1 point
    The Soviets founded an own aggressor training center in the early 1970th. It was based at the Mariji Air Base in Turkmenistan. First the operated MiG-21bis, from 1975 MiG-23 of different versions and from 1984 (or was it 85?) they used MiG-29. The aggressor planes got fast ID markings, the so called congnac stripes. So the MiG-23 looked: Do you know, wheter this skin is available? Here a video with the story of the soviet Top Gun school:
  15. 1 point
    Hi Gents, thanks for the ideas, much appreciated. The biggest issue is after finally getting MAX installed, it just won't load and constantly crashes upon the splash screen. So @simonmiller416 while I appreciate the tip, it has nothing to do with a "right click bug." I would love to have that problem honestly. But right now, Max just doesn't even successfully load. For Windows 11 Pro, perhaps a better and easier option might be to use the default built-in Hyper-V which comes with the Pro edition. That being said, I am not a fan at all of Virtual Machines. The clunkiness of having to transfer virtual files into real saved files, chunking out memory and SSD space, etc. is such a hassle in my opinion. I would only look to this for an absolute last resort effort, but @Menrva 's suggestion is, ultimately, probably going to be the best option at some point. In the meantime, @Wrench the suggestion of using an older machine is a practical option, although by far the least preferred. I have a multi monitor, complex NAS set up, etc. so I wanted my new Win 11 computer to completely replace all my legacy hardware, not sit along side it and not to mention I just don't have that kind of room. For other personal reasons, this has not become a high priority for the moment, but I will continue fighting to see how much progress I can make in getting this to work. When I last left off my efforts about a month ago, I was making some major breakthroughs that seemed very encouraging. Thanks for your thoughts on this.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    thank you the trick is to find a pic of any old chrome (or other) piece of metal, then apply it as a layer over the spot you want shiny play with opacity as needed
  18. 1 point
    Gosh, I'd say you're really good at working with chrome surfaces (the reflective area in front of the engine, I don't know if that's the right thing to say) I've tried to do the same thing on an E-7, but look bad. Great work!
  19. 1 point
    The latest iteration of the Tommo Inc Falcon 4.0 total conversion modification - Benchmark Sims 4.37 U3 - is available for you to enjoy RIGHT NOW with some major changes ( See change log below) BMS 4.37 U3 requires a legit installation of a Falcon 4.0 (all older and newer versions are accepted alike, i.e. Microprose, Hasbro, GOG, Steam, Retroism). The check is performed both at setup time and every time you start BMS. If no valid installation is found, BMS will exit with a corresponding error message. For those of you who are new to Falcon and still need a legacy Falcon 4.0 license, you’re lucky, as there are various season sales going on. Retroism GOG If you have already installed BMS 4.37 Full Installer you will need to launch the “updater.exe” in Falcon BMS root folder (or from the new launcher). Alternatively, you can use the offline incremental installer available on the Falcon BMS Download page. This mod may not be used for any commercial purposes. Any such use may constitute a violation of the intellectual property of Tommo Inc and the non-commercial Terms and Conditions under which Benchmark Sims make this mod available to you. After the update, when starting BMS, the version string in the BMS UI will now read: FALCON BMS 4.37.3 (X64) BUILD 1329 CHANGELOG https://www.falcon-bms.com/changelogs/falcon-bms-4-37-3/ A big THANK YOU to everyone in the BMS development team and to the gents from TOMMO INC who made this release possible! Download https://www.falcon-bms.com/downloads/
  20. 1 point
    10 of 15 done, churnin through nose arts like a of course i gotta ask if youre
  21. 1 point
    Or try Win8 compatibility. When I had DCS running at one time, the ModelViewer wouldn't work for some reason, so it came down to that. Maybe a compatibility mode may work?
  22. 1 point
    Stock plane over stock IsraelME terrain, with Starys replacement tiles.
  23. 1 point
    Yaa its happening... all the changes to F-15C (many), some to the Hornet and even a few to the Tornado
  24. 1 point
    View File ADM-160 Miniature Air-Launched Decoy From Wikipedia: "The ADM-160 MALD (Miniature Air-Launched Decoy) is a decoy missile developed by the United States. It uses gradient-index optics to create a radar cross section that simulates an airplane, in order to confuse missile defense systems. ...... ADM-160B Decoy version developed by Raytheon with longer endurance. In use by the USAF. ADM-160C "MALD-J" Radar jammer variant of ADM-160B by Raytheon. This variant of the MALD decoy can operate in both decoy and jammer modes...... MALD-J will provide stand-in jamming capability for the Airborne Electronic Attack Systems of Systems. It will be launched against a preplanned target and jam specific radars in a stand-in role to degrade or deny the IADS detection of friendly aircraft or munitions.Delivery to the US Armed Forces is to begin in 2012. That year, the Air Force ended procurement of the ADM-160B and will only procure MALD-J versions. MALD-N Navy variant based on the MALD-J. " This mod Include: 1.ADM-160B MALD 2.ADM-160C MALD-J 3.ADM-160D MALD-N Usage and precautions: 1.Upzip and copy ADM-160C folder to Objects/Weapons ; 2.For a true decoy effect I set it to "ASM" and "is decoy" ,so the ADM-160C is restricted to ASM compatible weapon station ; 3.Since it works similar to a drone in reality, it doesn't cause any damage to any target in the game, and may not even hit the target accurately,but it can indeed play a very good role in covering cruise missiles. Please be clear about your purpose of use and make a good choice. Model/Texture: BorisBC; Data/Modding: Me. Submitter simonmiller416 Submitted 10/22/2023 Category Single Ordnance Files  
  25. 1 point
    This is what I was shooting at.
  26. 1 point
    been a slow week for progress on...... mcuh of anything trying to wrap a portion of this that i promised someone. then final tweeks to the Jersey boys (and Chicago too) and this one might be ready and no, im probably not adding mission markings. the way its set up to get it all in, even the desert storm marking is really small (white thing below the unit patch)
  27. 1 point
    Pienso lanzarlos algún día con el mapa de Malvinas fotorrealista junto con los modelos nuevos de A4 B,C,Q, Súper Etendard, Sea Harrier, Mirage III EA ,DA , Dagger A , B y Pucara
  28. 1 point
    Egyptian F-16A
  29. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    F/A-18B/D Package. This package is beta and to be honest we are all sick of looking at it. So here is the deal. You find something wrong and the community agrees, send it to me and I will keep the package updated. We just need fresh eyes on it. There is a new pit by Brain32 that is amazing. The Hornet Team: Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo. New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics. Skins by Siddog, Sundowner and EricJ. Crash test Dummy: Caeser Pilots: by Diego Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others. Loadouts and variant shred out by CrazyhorseB34 who put a lot of effort into researching this part of the package. Its highly recommended you use the loads he made or you will have problems. If I forgot anyone let me know in a PM and I will correct it. To install: C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 directory.


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