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Showing most liked content on 02/16/2024 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. 10 points
  3. 8 points
    some F-4E´s and F-4G´s did get the single piece windscreen , here are the F-4G´s from the Idaho ANG that did get it including a new cockpit for it just notice by looking to the pictures that i have to work on some cockpit items a bit more , nothing major
  4. 7 points
    McDonnell Douglas F-4M Phantom - 48th Tactical Fighter Wing, United States Air Force Europe, 1975 During late 1966, with the USA getting more and more embroiled in the Vietnam war, it was decided to re-equip several USAFE units with the British licence-built F-4M so as to release older tactical aircraft such as the F-100D and F-105D for service in Vietnam where attrition was now a very serious issue. McDonnell Douglas had already brought together a substantial UK sub-contracting team consisting of BAC, Hawker Siddeley, Rolls-Royce (for the Spey turbofan engines) and Shorts with final assembly and flight testing being carried out at St. Louis but, with one eye on the European market, McDonnell Douglas moved final assembly to Brough (North Humberside) with flight testing at Holme on Spalding Moor. This decision came a bit too late for the Royal Navy whose F-4K aircraft continued to be assembled and flight tested in the USA but all F-4M's were produced in the UK with all odd production numbers being allocated to the RAF and all even numbers to the USAFE with Lakenheath and Bitburg becoming the first USAFE wings to re-equip with the type. Entering service with the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing based at RAF Lakenheath in England in 1970 the F-4M's received a modest upgrade during 1973-1974 to emerge with the Marconi ARI18228 RWR mounted on the fintip and also gained 'slimer' formation-keeping strip lights. The USAF F-4M's had a relatively long career with USAFE and were eventually replaced by F-15E's during 1990 and just missed out on participation in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
  5. 6 points
    Ready 5 for an early morning CAS tasking in the Red Sea...
  6. 6 points
    Almost had a bad day...ALMOST!
  7. 5 points
  8. 4 points
  9. 4 points
    Almost 10 years later... I plan to upload an update to this terrain. I worked on three of the Novalogic Terrains, adding target-areas, making and adapting the tiles to suit these. This was made easier by using Mue's new TOD editor. The three Novalogic terrains being Steppe, Scrub and Island Jungle. ( These are available for download on my website. ) Was thinking of doing the same for the Novalogic's Glacial terrain. But even though that terrain looks nice at times, I find the deposition of snow areas illogical there. That withheld me. Maybe it would be better to put effort in Novalogic's Savannah2? Yesterday I decided to adapt the target-area work to IcelandNA, which has similarities with Glacial. Added some cities, then ported over the harbor, one for blue and one for red. See screenshot of Husavik harbor. Such changes did require the addition of two target-areas, which may change the stock campaign game balance. I am thinking, maybe just branch of into IcalanNA2 or something, and keep the previous IcelandNA package as-is for the campaign. That would allow me to change these stock target-areas more extensively. I always found them a bit crappy anyways. Also considering again, to add some river tiles...
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    one thing on the SAMs gents is the Rules of Engagement often kept the SAM crews safer than teh fighter crews. at least until 1972 by which time the defense were built up pretty thick Desert Storm, gloves were off, if it radiated it was eating a HARM (to include the occasional BUFF tail gun!) it was more a DEAD fight than SEAD (destruction vs suppression) go back to Allied Force and a strict ROE once again. while only 2 aircraft were downed over Serbia, sites werent allowed to be prosecuted unless they were absolutely sure that it was a SAM or AAA and that there would be no civilian casualties. but Allied tactics and tech did keep the Serb SAM crews on their toes and shut down most of the time so suppression did work
  14. 2 points
    I don't know why, but I'm drawn to them. I'm a historian by education, and the Vietnam war really appeals to me as a subject. In aviation terms it seems like such an inflection point in technology and tactics; for example NFWS being instigated due to experiences in VN, and also things like the first showing of SAMs, and how hard it was to counter even the SA2. Add to that analogue cockpits and tactical nuclear bombers being repurposed as CAS aircraft (two things that couldn't be further apart)... I'm not American, actually I'm Scottish, so no hangups on the war here, just a studied interest in the men and machines.
  15. 2 points
    Luftwaffe F-4F Phantom about 1973 with a not yet final cockpit and ejection seat Martin Baker MKGH-7A
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    (While not particularly WW2, the bird is!) "crusing for the give someone a brusing"
  18. 1 point
    Hi all, I've owned SF2 for a few years now, but couldn't get on with it. Let me explain; I've been a flight sim guy for 30-odd years, having played my first flight sims on Atari STE. I've been a WW2 pilot flying Spitfires, P-51s, B-17s... Jumping to F-16s, F-14s, A-7s. My real interest has always been in "non-glass" cockpit combat jets, but sims didn't really exist for them as far as I could see. Until SF2. The reason I couldn't deal with SF2 was that I didn't have the physical set-up with my PC; it's a sim where you need to look at instruments (no HUD) and around you for SAMs and muzzle flashes, so I set about buying an IR tracker (Delanclip) and some brackets for my HOTAS. I was ready./ I came to SF2 late, having only even heard about it a few years ago. You couldn't believe my glee when I saw it was based around Korean- and Vietnam-war aircraft and on until the early 80s. I love the plethora of mods and the tight community, even for such an old game. I have questions though; while I understand the game is not a strict "cold start" type sim (like DCS), on the other hand it holds no hands. I know - in theory - how to land on a boat, but the game still needs me to know the gear, flaps and landing speed of a lot of aircraft, and doesn't signpost this anywhere. I guess I'm looking for a resource somewhere. Same with bombing; I love that most aircraft don't have a CCIP (although I downloaded Migbuster's DIANE mod for the A-6, a plane I love), I struggle with bombing. Flying the F-105 I looked at some 1960's resources and managed it in Hi-Lo-Hi missions from Thailand, but that was dive bombing. Flying through flak at <500ft and popping up into radar controlled flak and SAMs makes it a bit trickier and I've missed a lot more than I've hit. I'd love someone experienced in A4s and F4s to teach me there. Then there's mission types; flak suppression in aircraft without an RWR seems nuts, and ridiculously difficult, even with the ability to look out the cockpit. I'd like to "turn off" the HUD one day but I'd never find the targets without it (not to mention managing airspeed on carrier landings). So if anyone is still playing regularly and wants to help me with the above, I'd be very grateful.
  19. 1 point
    Not what if, but what almost was in 1992, in the shuffling of units, aircraft and missions, the 192nd TRS of the Nevada Air National Guard was tapped to take over F-4G Wild Weasel assests being retired by the 3rd Fighter Wing and 35th Fighter Wing. the plan far enough along to have an aircraft painted up in preliminary High Rollers markings. instead the aircraft were assigned to teh 190th Fighter Squadron, Idaho ANG and the High Rollers traded their Photo Phantoms in for C-130s a couple of years later
  20. 1 point
    shooot, I thought this was about bitcoin ... oh well... == In my assumption (oh! that word!!!) I would think that if there's no activity in a thread for one year, it should be considered dead. Removing it is actually not a real option, as sometimes these Elder Threads (tm) may have important data for someone, at sometime in their future. So, we leave them be. Unfortunately, Elder Threads (tm) are necroed all the time due folks not thinking about WHEN the thread was started and the last post therein. That's where common sense (is supposed) to come in. We all know where humanity is with common sense (not pointing at NOBODY!!). and THAT, friends, is an EXCELLENT idea. Wish more people would use that option
  21. 1 point
    I agree wholeheartedly about the civilian casualties, and it's one (of many) reasons that both our countries are better off with professional armed forces. It's also in a weird way why I want to be better at bombing; the way the game works I can order my wingman to hit the target and if he is sufficiently skilled he will complete my mission for me, but I want to hit the target, and if I'm downtown I don't want to hit a civilian centre by mistake. If that makes sense. I've also been taking advantage of the fantastic mod community here, and have downloaded the Falklands '82 and WOK mods. Next is Desert Storm 30AE, because that's the war I grew up with on TV and the one which started the fire of aviation for me (that and the Soviets in Afghanistan).
  22. 1 point
    That's fair and I think a lot of players here look at the Vietnam war as a pinnacle of aviation, and support the aviation side. My beef somewhat is the high rate of civilian casualties on the ground, I'm a former US Army Soldier, and I so far haven't killed a civilian between two combat deployments, so I have a sort of stuck up personality of the war. Anyway, it's mainly the tech that keeps me away. A lot of things were only done because of the level of tech. I have flown in the map at least with modern planes, and it's an interesting thing (imagine Hanoi with SA-10s and the like, yeesh!) given the technology ot today versus SA-2s and the like. It was a good thing that the SA-2 was what it was, and thankfully didn't down too many planes during that war.
  23. 1 point
    So @EricJ I watched the Devin video on bombing tactics - it was already watched so I must have seen it several years ago, which explains my Hi-Lo-Hi instincts on the 105. Makes a lot more sense with a regular reflex sight now.
  24. 1 point
    Hi, GKABS, hope you will be able to implement the different configurations of the Aero 1D 300-gal drop tank. Aero 1D single fin (to be loaded under the wings of the A-6A/B/C): Aero 1D with 2 fins (to be loaded on the centerline station under the fuselage during the early years of A-6 operations): Aero 1D with NO fins (to be loaded on the centerline station under the fuselage during the later years of A-6 operations): The models are not mine, but by one of the well-known, kind and generous modders here at CA and I am showing these only to illustrate my point.
  25. 1 point
    Viggen over South England
  26. 1 point
    I can send you max file, (Friday/Saturday)
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Here is the blue skin. As far as I can remember, it is also from CheckSix (I downloaded it in '07). MirageIIIC_2_10_BleuDA.zip Edit: Here is the original C6 link: https://www.checksix-fr.com/bibliotheque/index.php?page=detail&ID=5483 Wow, I had no idea that CheckSix was still available.
  29. 1 point
    A lesser known source for older files is the Checksix library https://www.checksix-fr.com/bibliotheque/index.php Categorie - select S.F. Project 1 or WOE / WOV Type - select Avion (aircraft) or Skin etc to narrow down your search. Or leave it at "all" and click through the pages Most of the TMF releases up to a certain date should be available, and also the two official TW stand-alone releases - the F-104G and A-4F.
  30. 1 point
    I have sent you my converted SF2 version of the TMF Nesher... P.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Thunderbolts............Swedish Style. Turning on Final to the Dispersal Point Good to be back...........
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    Two TARPS F-14As and an EA-6B from Forrestal's air wing on the way back to the coast after a probing flight over Syria... The Alert 5 flight wait on the cats in case they're needed to chase off any trailing MiGs..
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    A little bit wounded, but made it safely back to the base.
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    British Phantom over Dunsfold Airfield.
  46. 1 point
    The last eye candy , some additional tests and we're done .
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    A bit of CVW-5 flight deck action aboard CVN-76...
  50. 1 point


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