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  1. 7 points
    Esk 726, Aalborg, 1959. No A-6 Intruder of VA-165 in the country until 1967. In 65 they still got their propellers on board Coral Sea as part of CVW-15.
  2. 4 points
    I've been having problems with rudder behavior in SF2 ever since I picked up the game. It not only behaves weird, but also has very limited effectiveness. The two main problems: - sideslips and slipturns seem to be impossible. Aircraft barely reacts to rudder movements in these aspects and just keeps flying with barely any change in heading. This means that rudder gives you only yaw angle and no slip force at all. - the annoying "rocking", "swaying" motion. As you apply rudder (or return it to neutral) and aircraft yaws accordingly, it then starts to sway on yaw axis like a boat on the sea - before finally stabilizing. This is present in other sims too, but not to the same degree as in SF2. Moreso, in SF2 using rudder you can wiggle the aircraft on yaw like a dog's tail which is completely insane. For digging deeper I firstly picked up MiG-15bis from download section as it seems to have the worst rudder behavior. I will post excerpts from data file with my comments. [FlightControl] PitchDamper=0.0 RollDamper=0.0 YawDamper=0.5 AutoTrimLimit=0.0 Initially, I set up all these values to zero for the purity of experiment. Yawdamper is at zero in majority of aircraft I checked. Afterwards, I applied YawDamper=0.5 to damp the smaller swaying motion of the aircraft. Touching other parameters here is not required [AircraftData] EmptyMass=3668.0 EmptyInertia=21264.0,7800.6,1800.0 It goes as pitch, roll and yaw inertia. No need to touch the first two parameters, and the last is one of the main factors contributing to the said behavior. I played with values a little bit. At really high yaw inertia (I tried as much as 20 times the empty weight), aircraft sways slowly but with high amplitude, exactly like a boat. At lower values, swaying is faster but has smaller amplitude and ends quicker - which is more like the real thing. I think values of 0.5 - 2 times the empty weight are optimal here. [LeftAileron] / [RightAileron] CDdc=0.0201 //drag Cldc=0.0395 //roll Cndc=-0.005 //yaw ControlRate=4.0 I am not touching table data because I really have no idea about it. These coefficients are simpler to understand though. For the clarity, positive value means the movement opposite to the direction of deflection. Negative value is in the same direction as deflection. Thus, Cldc=0.0395 on left aileron means that aircraft will roll in direction opposite to aileron deflection. No need to touch CDdc. Cldc has no effect on the rudder, you can play around with it if you want better or worse roll rate. Cndc is the adverse yaw. Aircraft tends to yaw slightly in direction opposite to roll, the effect discovered long time ago by Wright brothers, so make sure this value is opposite to Cldc. ControlRate affects the speed at which control surface moves after your input. I don't think it is necessary to change it [Rudder1] /[Rudder2] (this model has split rudders with their effects combined, the same applies to models with one rudder) CDdc=0.0162 //drag Cydc=-0.12 //side force Cldc=-0.0024 //roll Cndc=-0.028 //yaw CDdc=0.0123 //drag Cydc=-0.10 //side force Cldc=-0.0016 //roll Cndc=-0.02 //yaw Once again, drag is ignored Cydc is the side force caused by slip. It should be in negative as aircraft will slip in the same direction as rudder applied. Curiously, original file had it positive and aircraft tried to slip in the opposite direction. This is the reason for lack of slip! Cldc is the rudder roll caused by different airspeeds over inner and outer wings during slip and thus, different amounts of lift. Likewise, should be in negative as aircraft rolls in the same direction as rudder applied, and once again, in original file it was positive. Cndc is the yawing motion and the main source of swaying. It should be negative too, otherwise, doesn't require much tuning. With the given changes, the handling of the aircraft (at least for me) improved a lot, and gunnery became way more easier. The swaying motion remained only on minute, abrupt rudder inputs and I can finally feel the rudder working, including slipturns too. To confirm my discoveries, I looked into the stock F-100A. It has the same behavior, persistent swaying on yawing, possible to be wiggled around violently and no slip present. [FlightControl] YawDamper=0.5 Applied yaw damper, rest left untouched. [AircraftData] EmptyMass=8226.0 EmptyInertia=68970.9,20295.1,8000.0 Original had yaw inertia well over 100000. Not sure why it is always set up so high, I set it up of around 1 time empty weight [LeftAileron] / [RightAileron] CDdc=0.0356 //drag Cldc=0.0690 //roll Cndc=-0.0075 //yaw All values left as in original, except I turned Cndc to negative. Curiously, original had it in positive meaning that it had no adverse yaw [Rudder] CDdc=0.0097 //drag Cydc=-0.1130 //side force Cldc=-0.0008 //roll Cndc=-0.0730 //yaw Didn't touch the drag and yaw, but, most curiously, original had Cydc and Cldc as positive! This means that on right rudder it tried to slip to the left which, if effect, left it flying straight. For some reason, even with Cldc positive it rolled in the correct direction - most likely other factors at play. Anyway, with Cldc at negative it performs rudder rolls better. I haven't changed the numerical values themselves in Sabre's rudder and aileron coefficients above - only turned three of them to negative. And just like with MiG, the handling improved a lot. Thus, the conclusion: - yaw damper 0.5 - yaw inertia 0.5 - 2 times of empty weight - make sure that adverse yaw is present - Cndc of ailerons has opposite sign to Cldc - make sure that Cydc and Cldc of rudder have the same sign as Cndc - tweaking coefficients not required! I attach both files for you to try, I am curious if you notice the improvement in handling or it became worse for you instead Oh, and forgot to add - all tested on Hard FM settings in options only F-100A_DATA.ini MIG-15BIS_DATA.ini
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
    ok, real world nit pick time most netting like that is plastic, and melts kinda easy. how do i know? 21 years as an Army cook, with many many moons cooking under the stars. to close to any exhaust (even the fans venting the kitchen) and the net gets burnt up and darkened. so it should be higher over the building. which would be a nightmare to put up, and keep up in any kind of wind. but you want to be properly tactical? the competition is way ahead of you on that i've also eaten at a few of these over the years (yes i mean the truck)
  5. 3 points
    Ground tug with trailer and mobile light generator now fully completed as well.
  6. 3 points
    The last one ... ok, not an RF. lets see what i got next week......
  7. 3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 IAI Dagger (FAA) by The Mirage Factory Upgrade/Remod Pack 4/4/2024 -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested) This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's IAI Dagger as used by the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentina or FAA). Skins remain in their original bmp format. All necessary items are provided, weapons, pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth (most weapons used ARE stock 3W items, with few exceptions). This is a "nationalized" single-user only aircraft. This aircraft is supplied with 3 skins: Camo with NO ID bands (original skin) Camo with Blue ID Bands Camo with Yellow ID Bands (both with a 1982 start date) All skins use the same 'pool' of 39 ID/serial numbers. All serials are 100% hisorically accurate. As can be expected, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active, although the 2 Color Banded Birds (tm) both have the 1982 start date for use during the Falkland War (as best as my research could narrow down) Also, the Date Switch is used on the Loadout ini, as newer missiles become available. When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop-down you'll see: Dagger (TMF) So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm). Also. this will diferentiate it from the Other Daggers available As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli and The Mirage Factory
  11. 2 points
    one of the best thinks about doing a new Intruder, is there's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many decals readily avilalbe for the various units!!
  12. 2 points
    Added in auxiliary support building; working to finalize all the prop assets I've been working on over the past few weeks to really jazz things up. Should be completed any day now, @Wrench will get first dibs for initial testing.
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. 1 point
    Hankers started to do that, and they had me put cream on his ear so he would eat. Hopefully, it's not that long as he's probably on his way to the Rainbow Bridge, but hopefully, it's temporary and not like my previous cat.
  16. 1 point
    and there are just a few adjustments for positioning\renaming. I already started to convert my over Nam drumstick and I am still using older (with adjustments) decal.ini.
  17. 1 point
    Increible!!! Felicitaciones y gracias!!!!
  18. 1 point
    View File SF2 IAI Dagger (FAA) by The Mirage Factory Upgrade/Remod Pack SF2 IAI Dagger (FAA) by The Mirage Factory Upgrade/Remod Pack 4/4/2024 -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested) This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's IAI Dagger as used by the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentina or FAA). Skins remain in their original bmp format. All necessary items are provided, weapons, pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth (most weapons used ARE stock 3W items, with few exceptions). This is a "nationalized" single-user only aircraft. This aircraft is supplied with 3 skins: Camo with NO ID bands (original skin) Camo with Blue ID Bands Camo with Yellow ID Bands (both with a 1982 start date) All skins use the same 'pool' of 39 ID/serial numbers. All serials are 100% hisorically accurate. As can be expected, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active, although the 2 Color Banded Birds (tm) both have the 1982 start date for use during the Falkland War (as best as my research could narrow down) Also, the Date Switch is used on the Loadout ini, as newer missiles become available. When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop-down you'll see: Dagger (TMF) So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm). Also. this will diferentiate it from the Other Daggers available As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli and The Mirage Factory Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/12/2024 Category Israeli Origin  
  19. 1 point
    I just did uninstall & reinstall of WE & CE without causing issues to the game. These apps just make copies of ini files (and others). Of course WE makes changes to these copies of ini files but not to the actual game files. Do you realise that you can actually DELETE all the folders & files in Saved Games and SF2 will start up like normal and create the folders & files back in Saved Game. But your edited ini's will not be there, ie you have vanilla install again. This is convenient when you want to revert to vanilla install for whatever reason. You may not be aware, so this is how it works: I have some edited ini's that I always use ( Flight, Huddata, Viewlist, joystick profile) and I just keep these copies so if I reinstall the game or delete Saved Games folder then I can just copy those ini's In to Saved Games. Instant modding.
  20. 1 point
    afaik (and remember!) yes, they are
  21. 1 point
    only a few were wired in USAF service right towards the end. the spanish wouldnt be wired until around 1990 or so, and i imagine they got abunch of the ones that were wired, and did the rest up. as for slimers RF-4C_DATA.7z if only there were a method to remove parts from a model at this rate do we need to move this over to Coyote Aerospace? by my math were looking three, possibly four aircraft and many many skins edit : disregard all above pic after checking PMs. its what i get for typing slow
  22. 1 point
    I fly around with no external indication at all, so to find my way around I have to use NAV equipment; in case of older planes this is navigational marker on radiocompass. Oftentimes, instead of correct bearing it chooses to show me the butt for some reason. This is the case, for example, for F-106 pit and others based on it After looking into the matter the culprit is found. Originally, it looks like this: [CourseArrow] Type=COURSE_ARROW NodeName=HSIcenter MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [CourseCounter] Type=COURSE_ARROW CounterNodeFormat=course_dig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=DEG While it should be: [CourseArrow] Type=BEARING_MARKER NodeName=HSIcenter MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [CourseCounter] Type=BEARING_MARKER CounterNodeFormat=course_dig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=DEG After looking into the pits made by Stary, the following is found too: [CourseArrow] Type=BEARING_MARKER //Type=COURSE_ARROW NodeName=course_arrow MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [BearingMarker] Type=MAGNETIC_COMPASS //Type=BEARING_MARKER NodeName=bearing_marker MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 So apparently, CourseArrow became BEARING_MARKER while BearingMarker is now just MAGNETIC_COMPASS. Not sure when it happened, between SF1 and SF2 (never played SF1 for that matter), or later during updates... In case if you encounter the same problem and want it gone, find the node which is ought to show you the correct course and define it as BEARING_MARKER. Works for analog counters as well
  23. 0 points
    It's fine as is. Right not, I'm not doing too much, and I'm dealing with a cat health crisis. None of the vets seem to know exactly what wrong with Teddy, but he's gone comletley ape-shit crazy with trying to help him. He's bitten through some leather work gloves I have ripped up both hands!!!, simply trying to give him his meds or eyedroppers of water (hes not drinking or eating for the last 7-ish days). My mind is definately not on anything ... so forgive me
  24. 0 points
    Bad news. My copy of 3DS Max has died and I am not able to resurrect it. So all the 3D models I've done for First Eagles are gone. However, Mue has made an LOD exported for Blender. I'm starting to learn Blender and hopefully I'll be able to make planes for FE again soon. Mue's exporter only works for FE2. I'm going to have to dust off my copy and get FE2 set up.


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