Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
Ala 46 Mirage F1 skin con gunpod y fuel tanks
By Ariell
Skin mirage F1 EE Español, con sus tanques y recon pod repintados,
los archivos originales no son hechos por mi, solo he repintado las partes necesarias, estas armas estan en la carpeta de armas de el mod Operation Desert Storm for Wings Over Europe subido por JSF_Aggie, aquí en combatace.
Hice dos skins en diferentes tonos azules, por que no estoy seguro del color original, use el que prefiera.
Representa al ALA 46 con sus respectivos decals y con indicativos reales.
Este skin es para el Mirage F-1EQ, pero con modificaciones en los nombres de los archivos bmp sirven para todos los Mirage F1 que hay en la seccion de download.
Requiere menores cambios en el data.ini y lodaut.ini:
En Data.ini
// Weapon Stations
FuelTankName=Tank_RP35D (cambiar por Tank_RP37)
FuelTankName=Tank_RP35D (cambiar por Tank_RP37)
FuelTankName=Tank_RP35D (cambiar por Tank_RP37)
Tank_RP35D (cambiar por Tank_RP37)
Reco_RP35P (cambiar por Reco_RP37P)
Ponga las carpetas en el lugar correspondiente y a disfrutar.
Sientase en la libertad de modificar a su gusto esta pintura, siempre y cuando me dé
el correspondiente credito. Ya que yo lo hago.
Buen vuelo. Ariell
Mirage F1 EE Skin Spanish, with their tanks and recon pod repainted,
the original files are not made by me, I just repainted the parts needed, these weapons are in the weapons folder of the mod for Operation Desert Storm Wings Over Europe uploaded by JSF_Aggie here in combatace.
I made two skins in different shades of blue,because I'm not sure the original color, use your preference. It represents the WING 46 with their respective indicative decals and real serial numbers.
This skin is for the Mirage F-1EQ, but with modifications in the bmp file names fit all F1 Mirage is in the download section.
Requires minor changes and lodaut.ini data.ini:
In Data.ini
// Weapon Stations---------------------------------------------------------
FuelTankName=Tank_RP35D (change for Tank_RP37)
FuelTankName=Tank_RP35D (change for Tank_RP37)
FuelTankName=Tank_RP35D (change for Tank_RP37)
In the LOADOUT.ini
Tank_RP35D (change for Tank_RP37)
Reco_RP35P (change for Reco_RP37P)
Place the folders in the right place and enjoy.
Feel free to modify to your liking this painting, Just give me the appropriate credit. Because I do so.
good Flight.Ariell.-
By emresukhoi
T-6C model, 2 experimental camo skin...
Orginal templates Dels...
SF2NA: The RSR Edition
By eburger68
Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic
- The RSR Edition
This is an add-on package for the "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA) Expansion Pack available at CombatAce. The "SF2NA: RSR Edition" (SF2NA-RSR) add-on offers a new campaign that is markedly different from the default "Northern Sabre" campaign that ships with SF2NA as well as fourteen stand-alone missions that can be flown independently of the campaign. Also included are eleven new aircraft and a four new ground objects to fill out the campaign and missions. Please note that while the campaign and missions are inspired by a certain popular novel from the 1980's, they are not designed to faithfully re-create down to the last detail episodes from that book.
This add-on package is designed to be applied over the top of an existing installation of the SF2NA Expansion Pack. You can download the three main Expansion Pack files here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Please take a look over the remainder of this ReadMe before installing this add-on.
The minimum requirements for this add-on package are the same as for the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic (SFNA), plus
Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
As this mod is an add-on to the SF2NA Expansion Pack, you must have that earlier mod already installed and working.
Here's how to install this add-on package:
1. Ensure that SF2NA, SF2V, SF2, and SF2E are all properly installed & updated as part of a
merged install.
2. Ensure that the SF2NA Expansion Pack is properly installed and working. (See above for
links to all the download components.)
3. Unpack SF2NA_RSR.7z to a safe place on your drive.
4. Open the \To_Mod_Folder directory. Drag and drop all the files and folders from within
the \To_Mod_Folder sub-folder to your SF2NA Expansion Pack Mod Folder, overwriting as
At this point the SF2NA-RSR add-on is installed and you're ready to play the new campaign.
For information on the individual missions that are also included as well as some optional items that you can install, please see the following two sections.
Optional Items
This add-on package includes files to support the use of Gerwin's alternate IcelandNA terrain as well as Baltika's Iceland02 terrain. These optional files are contained in the \_Optional directory.
This directory contains files to update the version of Baltika's Iceland02 terrain that is included in the SF2NA Expansion Pack (also as an Optional install). It also contains a custom version of the new campaign for use with Baltika's terrain.
To use these updated optional files you must install Baltika's Iceland02 as directed in the SF2NA Expansion Pack documentation for that terrain as well as the updates for it included in the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
Once the terrain and original updates are installed, you can install the additional updates for the terrain included in this directory. You can also install the alternate version of the new campaign (which will overwrite the standard version of the new campaign that works on the IcelandNA terrain).
This directory contains files to update Gerwin's alternate IcelandNA terrain, which is included in the SF2NA Expansion Pack. To use these updated files you must have Gerwin's terrain installed as instructed in the documentation for the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
To use Gerwin's alternate terrain with the new campaign, you will need to edit the new campaign's main .INI in the same way you did the campaigns included in the SF2NA Expansion Pack. See Step 7 of the installation instructions for Gerwin's alternate terrain in the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
Summary of New Campaign
This add-on supplies a new campaign set in June 1986 for the SF2NA Expansion Pack. This campaign is markedly different from the stock "Northern Sabre" campaign in that the Soviets control all of Iceland at the start of the campaign.
A large USN/USMC naval convoy approaches from the southwest to re-take the island from the Soviet forces entrenched on the island. That convoy consists of two carrier groups (led the Independence & the America), two amphibious groups (led by the Tarawa & Peleliu), and a naval gunfire support group (anchored by the USS Iowa & USS New Jersey). USAF, USN, and RAF aircraft based in Scotland fly from off-map air bases in support of the convoy.
The first few days of the campaign are spent striking Soviet targets on the island, fending off Soviet long range recon aircraft searching for the naval convoy, and searching for Soviet naval units thought to be moving towards Iceland. The Marines land at two points near Mt. Snaefllsjokull on the western side of the island north of Reykjavik.
The new campaign appears in the campaign list as: 1986-0618 Northern Sabre (RSR).
Individual Missions
As noted earlier, this add-on includes fourteen missions that can be flown independently of the campaign. These missions are located in the \_Missions directory. For instructions on how to install and play the individual missions, please see the ReadMe for the missions included there.
What's Included
This add-on includes the following updates for the SF2NA Expansion Pack:
- AH-1J_80
- FB-111A
- Mi-24P
- NimrodMR1
- P-3C
- RF-4C
- S-3B
- Tu-16KSR2
- BMP-2
- BMP-2_AT-5
- CommTrailer
- HQTrailer
- one new campaign
- fourteen new missions
- misc. new skins
- misc. new weapons
This update contains a number of new items from the following modders who generously allowed their use:
yakarov79 ............................ AH-1J_80
EricJ ................................. AH-1J camo skin
Dave (USAFMTL) ........................ B-52G 2nd BW skin
FastCargo ............................. FB-111A
slick_cowboy .......................... FB-111A skins
Julhelm ............................... F-19
Veltro2K .............................. Il-76 & A-50
Dave (USAFMTL) ........................ F-4D 136th FIS skin, F-15C skins, RF-4C Euro skin
YEYEYE ................................ Mi-24P
Veltro2K & Wrench ..................... Nimrod MR.1
Florian ............................... P-3C beta
FoxMonter ............................. S-3B
Wrench ................................ S-3B updates
slick cowboy .......................... S-3B skins
Paulopanz & Spillone104 ............... Tu-16KSR2
rebel ryder ........................... BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5
Kesselbrut ............................ CommTrailer, HQTrailer
ID(io)T Team, Torno, YeYeYe, .......... Iowa '80s battleship
& Spitwulf
Fubar512 .............................. Iowa '80s configuration
Caesar & eburger68 .................... RSR missions
Dave (USAFMTL) ........................ Frisbee missions
If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
Eric Howes (eburger68)
14 March 2015
Ka-29 Helix-B
This model represents the Ka-29 Helix-B assault helicopter in service with the Russian armed forces. It is a development of the Ka-27 naval helicopter and primarily designed for amphibious assault.
I created this mod as "practice" using a free model I downloaded long ago. The skin is rather low-res and I have not made any attempt at improving it. However, I did create slow/fast rotors, animated doors and shock absorbers, as well as lights and weapons. The flight model is a work in progress. See the readme for full details.
No cockpit is included by default; use whatever you have available. Please feel free to post improvements to the skin and/or flight model.
Cockpit doors: Shift+0
Cabin doors: Shift+9
- soviet
- helicopter
- (and 1 more)
SF2NA MAR-2012 Dupuy de Lome
By acesfakia
SF2 NA 2012
This is a represent for the ship Dupuy de Lôme of the French Navy
I make this ship to join all the other's French ship's here in combatace,and for those people that want to make a anti-ship mission
with another ship that a cargo ship....
I would like to thank all the community here and special the Moder's that help me in many ways....!
Special thank's to WhiteBoySamurai for the ship's....information's etc...!!
I hope to enjoy it.
p.s Is not a Great work but i think will be ok for the Game.
The Dupuy de Lôme (A759),
named after the 19th century engineer Henri Dupuy de Lôme,
is a ship designed for the collection of signals and communications beyond enemy lines,
which entered the service of the French Navy in April 2006.
In contrast to the Bougainville, the ship that she replaced, the Dupuy de Lôme was specifically designed
for sea intelligence, pursuant to the MINREM project
(Moyen Interarmées Naval deRecherche ElectroMagnétique,
"Joint Naval Resources for Electromagnetic Research").
- dupuy de lome
- sigint
- (and 3 more)
Afterburner Climax Brave Fangs
By Warwolf01
Basen on Afterburner Climax Brave Fangs F-14D
- afterburner climax
- northatlantic
- (and 4 more)
By emresukhoi
T-6A Texan 2 Model, Turkish TAI HURKUS and KT-1 training plane, skins....
IcelandNA (Replacement File)
By Warwolf01
This is a full IcelandNA Terrain in Standar Resolution like the other origninal sceneries, to replace the original High resolution StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic IcelandNA, with all airbases structures and targets, as far i test it.
For this mod i used:
Baltika Iceland02 Full-scale Terrain v1.0
(as base file for the replacement file)
Third Wire Desert and Germany Original Terrains
(as complement of Baltika Iceland02 Full-scale Terrain v1.0)
Third Wire Strike Fighters 2 Extractor
(To extract the necessary files)
Canadair .Cat Pack Creator
(To Create the File)
I used Baltika Iceland02 Full-scale Terrain v1.0, then i extract desert and germany terrain files and use the texture files as complement for Iceland02 Full-scale Terrain and then re pack it to make a replace file insted of the high definition North Atlantic Terrain.
is not an original file it is a remade file
- icelandna
- replacement
- (and 4 more)
Six Planes for six Days
By paulopanz
Fly all the IDF in '67 war!
This is the stock campaign completed, a sequel and upgrade of previous "five planes for six days" pack .
A "redux " campaign with more accurate arab order of battle is WIP. Stay tuned.
You will need these planes:
MD-450 Ouragan:*)
These need to be made flyables:
- Vautour IIA (cockpit included)
- Super Mystere (cockpit included)
To Install:
Put Campaigns folder in Your mod folder.
To make Super Mystere and Vaoutour flyables put Objects folder in Your mod folder.(*)
@ paulopanz
(*) No needed is you use Eburger68 SFI2 Extention pack
Super Mystere & Saar
By paulopanz
Here You got two flyable planes
- Super Mystère B.2 with 10 silver and 4 camo brand new French skins
- Super Mystère Sa'ar with 1 silver (exclusive made!) and 2 camo brand new skins from Honduras
Canopy open: Key 10
Full preview here
- cockpit by Ordway
- sounds from ErikGen SF.1 plane
- decals by Ludo (who else?)
This long lasting project started months ago from a gentle request
was finished today, when Erikgen explained to me how to toy with new
specular maps for silver planes effects.
By emresukhoi
Turkish Air Force, Jet Training Team, T-38 Talon, 121. Ari Filo skins...
fixed all numbers
Decal numbers edit by paulopanz
Thank you paulopanz
Fouga IAI Tuzkit
By paulopanz
The Israeli Air Force operated a license-manufactured version, the IAI Tzukit. While principally a trainer, it was used in the 1967 Six Day War by 147 Squadron as a close support aircraft, attacking targets on the Egyptian front during the first day of the war, when Israel's more capable combat aircraft were deployed on Operation Focus against Arab air bases. They were then deployed against Jordanian forces, including armour, on the West Bank. The Magister proved effective at the close-support mission albeit with heavy casualties, with six being lost.
9 former Israeli and 3 French Magisters were acquired by the Salvadoran Air Force and used as both trainers and ground attack aircraft in the Salvadoran Civil War using bombs and nose-mounted 7.62mm machine guns. None are recorded as being lost to enemy fire, but only five were in operational condition by the end of the war.
What's in:
- A new plane;
- 9 skins;
- Historical decalsets;
- Open canopy 10 key auto closing at take off;
- Weapons
- "real" sound;
- Screens;
- Loadout.tga;
- Veltro2K - plane model;
- Coupi ini edits, 1 Salvador Skin;
- Paulopanz Templates, IDF skins, decals;
- Baffmeister final data.ini and proper FM;
- Spillone104 - sound;
- Guyran & Nesher proper IDF writings;
- all mod folder content in your mod install
- overwrite
This is a dream gone true. All IDF Magister/Tuzkit for Israel wars. Thank you Ettore!
That's all
@ paulopanz
MD-450 Ouragon template set
By Wrench
MD-450 Ouragon template set
This is my "Home Grown" Template set for Pasko's French Jet Fighter. They are 1024 x 1024.
Multi-layered PDS format templates. There is only one template for the wings (Left Wing), as the right and left wings are mapped identically.
Be adivised, that if NOT in natural metal finish (say, a camo of some kind), the right lower aileron is NOT mapped correctly. There are several skins now available that show how to correct this (ie: via a decal). The right aileron psd is also provided.
I've also supplied a blank, generic NM skin, in bmp format.
Please feel free to make any correction, modification, etc. I only ask they said improvements be made available to the entire community.
Happy Sinning!!!!
Kevin Stein
RAF Avro Arrows
By Sundowner
2 versions of the superb CF-105 originally made by Fastcargo.
Have fun......or not as the case may be.
F-101C Templates
By Sundowner
Templates for Erikgen's excellent F-101C Voodoo......natural metal only, no camo.
Have fun.
'What if' KAW Hawker Hunter F.1 with Campiagn
By dtmdragon
'What if' KAW Hawker Hunter F.1A & F.1B with campiagn 1.0
The back story:
In order to meet the Mig-15 threat over Korea and with no capable fighters currently in the RAF inventory the British Ministry of Supply instructs Hawker Aviation to undertake a crash production program of its P.1067 fighter. Project ‘Huntsman’. In less than a year since the prototype flew and two years ahead of schedule the Hawker Hunter is deployed to the Korean Theatre in early 1952. Since the Hunter F.1 designation was already assigned to the first full production Hunters due into service in 1954, the Hunters produced under program ‘Huntsman’ are (unusually) designated Hunter F.1A
These aircraft are basically identical to the future production Hunter F.1 the most obvious difference being that they are finished in High Speed Silver. However the lack of paint means these Hunters are 21 Mph faster and 53Kg lighter than the full production F.1 Hunters.
Operations over Korea immediately highlighted the Hunters inherent shortcomings. Of most concern was its lack of fuel and endurance with barely an hour’s flight time. Also of concern was the damage done to the fuselage caused by the ejection of spent cartridge links. These concerns (among others) would be addressed in time by future models of the Hunter, but in the skies of Korea in 1952 the lack of range and endurance had to be immediately mitigated. And thus the Hunter F.1B is born with the addition of wing mounted drop tanks installed in theatre.
What's in it:
- Hawker Hunter F.1A
- Hawker Hunter F.1B
- Various RAF 43 and 222 Squadron Skins in Camo and High Speed Silver.
- NOTE: The camo skins are included as a bonus but the aircraft data.ini files are set up to reflect the high speed silver skins as I have included the weight reduction and increased speed that comes without using camo paint. I found the figures I used in an article about the trial OD green Sabres in Korea.
- sounds
- pilot
- Modified Korea Campaign using the Hunters. This will not change the original campaign in any way, you will see an additional campaign called 'Korean War Hunters Over Korea' that you can select. Missions will be similar to the Sabre, No 43 Squadron is based at Suwon AB (K-13) and No. 222 Squadron at Kimpo AB (K-14).
- NOTE: this mod can be added to the Wings Over Korea mod without any change what so ever to the original game play. You will never see these Hunters show up over Korea unless you play the above included campaign or start a single mission with a Hunter.
- canopy open key=10 automatic closing at take off
To Install:
- Designed to be used with the Wings Over Korea mod but should work without it.
- Put everything in you main StrikeFighters2 KAW mods folder
- Get the Wings Over Korea mod here:
- Third Wire
- Paulopanz Hunter F.1 Skins & Edits for SF2
- Sundowner Hunter F6 Templates.
- Do335 Wings Over Korea
- Evryone else in the WOK/ KAW team
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
StrikeFighter2 American Air Force WWII (ETO) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper63a
StrikeFighter2 American Air Force WWII (ETO) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper
This mod includes custom "American Air Force WWII" themed menu screens and pilots for the ETO package I hope someone will make in the future (if not already made that I don't know about). You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up (make a copy of) your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
To remove, simply delete the FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders and rename the copies you made to FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders.
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit would be something like...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\<Name of your ETO mod folder>\
StrikeFighter2 Soviet Air Force WWII (ETO) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper63a
StrikeFighter2 Soviet Air Force WWII (ETO) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper
This mod includes custom "Soviet Air Force WWII" themed menu screens and pilots for the ETO package I hope someone will make in the future (if not already made that I don't know about). You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up (make a copy of) your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
To remove, simply delete the FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders and rename the copies you made to FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders.
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit would be something like...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\<Name of your ETO mod folder>\
StrikeFighter2 German Luftwaffe WWII (ETO) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper63a
StrikeFighter2 German Luftwaffe WWII (ETO) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper
This mod includes custom "German Luftwaffe WWII" themed menu screens and pilots for the ETO package I hope someone will make in the future (if not already made that I don't know about). You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up (make a copy of) your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
To remove, simply delete the FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders and rename the copies you made to FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders.
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit would be something like...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\<Name of your ETO mod folder>\
StrikeFighter2 Great Britain RAF WWII (ETO) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper63a
StrikeFighter2 British RAF WWII (ETO) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper
This mod includes custom "Great Britain RAF WWII" themed menu screens and pilots for the ETO package I hope someone will make in the future (if not already made that I don't know about). You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up (make a copy of) your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
To remove, simply delete the FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders and rename the copies you made to FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders.
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit would be something like...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\<Name of your ETO mod folder>\
SF2 Scooters! Vol.1 - Skinpack for TW A-4 Skyhawks
By Nyghtfall
Scooters! Vol.1 - Skinpack for TW A-4 Skyhawks by Nyghtfall v1.0
*** SF2 required for A-4B-model ***
*** SF2V required for A-4E_65, A-4E_67 and A-4F-model ***
*** tested in full 5-merged installation ***
This Pack contains skins for 5 different Skyhawk Squadrons (4x US Navy, 1x US Marine Corps):
- A-4B from VA-81 Crusaders aboard USS Forrestal in 1961
- A-4E_65 from VA-72 Blue Hawks aboard USS Independence in 1965
- A-4E_67 from VA-106 Gladiators aboard USS Intrepid between 1968-1969
- A-4F from VA-55 Warhorses aboard USS Hancock in 1972
- A-4E_65 from VMA-311 Tomcats, based at Chu Lai Air Base between 1967-1968
Included is also a slighty changed loadout.ini, to get a more navy-like loadout.
1. unzip to a temporary folder
2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
3. enjoy!
If VA-81 Squadron is missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free number:
DisplayName=VA-81 'Crusaders'
- Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models I used.
- Alejandro for the Escapac seat
- ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia
- Wrench, updated data.ini (Canopy, Landinglight)
- VA-55 patch is taken from modified by me
- VA-72 patch is taken from http://www.vfp62.comand modified by me
- VMA-311 patch is taken from http://www.aviatorgear.comand modified by me
- myself Skins, Decals, ini-work
- Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
- Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at
- all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.
Super Mirage F1AZ
Super Mirage F1AZ
After the war, plans were made to upgrade the Mirage F1 fleet by replacing the Snecma Atar 09K50 engine with the SMR95 engine which was based on the Klimov RD-33, and the integration of the Russian R-73 air-to-air missile. Fittingly the project aircraft for this was once again Mirage F1-AZ '216'. Mirage '216' became known as 'Super Mirage F1'. Echoing events of 1973 with the Mirage M53, sadly this project came to an end when after 22 years of service the SAAF withdrew the Mirage F1-AZ from service on the 25th November 1997. Thus ending the SAAF’s 35 year association with Mirage aircraft.
Another project involved fitting an advanced avionics suite to Mirage F1-AZ '235', this system was introduced to the Spanish AF Mirage F1’s. Mirage '235' was given the unique white and arctic blue scheme, earning it the nickname as the worlds fastest dairy cart.
After 22 years of service, only eight Mirage F1-AZ’s were lost, one due to enemy action.
Crédits :
- Aircraft : BPAO, Flying.toaster and Centurion-1.
- Cockpit : Brain32 and Centurion-1
- Skins : Ludo.m54.
- Decals : Ludo.m54.
- Templates : Brain32, ACE888 and Ludo.m54.
- Avionics and data tweaks : Crusader.
- FM : Baffmeister.
- Interception light : Coupi
- Missiles, rocket pods and seat : Ravenclaw_007.
- Weapons : The Mirage Factory.
- Hangars et loading screens : Denis Oliveira.
- UpdateSkin: Denis Oliveira.
- Cockpit and Avioncs update: Coupi.
- 3D mod: Denis Oliveira.
- New Engine DATA: Denis Oliveira.
Seahawk F.1A, "What If..." Korean War Mod
By Wrench
Seahawk F.1A, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm - A "What If..." mod for SF/WoV/WoE, Korean War installs
This is a mod of Bunyap's Seahawk into a "What If..." version, as might have been used by the FAA during the Korean War. It's a sort of "kitbashed" version, as I've combined the F.1 and FB.3 versions, to give a sort of field-modification feel to the weapons loadouts. I say 'kitbashed', when perhaps I should say 'combined', as the F.1s never had any provisions for A-G munitions; no rockets, no bombs, no napalm -- just their guns. So, I figured, due to the extingincies of war, the MoD and/or crews in the field, perfromed a hack-job, and "borrowed" the mounts and wiring and other etc bits off other aircraft to give them the capability to load and fire the 60-lb rocket, so prevalent on RAF/FAA aircraft.
The skin, which is 'borrowed' from the FGA.6, has been repainted, from a new partial template (new panel lines added where necessary), with the black-and-white Invasion Stripes used in the KTO for identification of Allied/UN/FAA aircraft (as seen on the Sea Fury, Firefly and Seafires). One of the best things about Buny's Seahawks, is they're all mapped identicaly, making the job soooo much easier.
The skin represents 898 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm, embarked aboard HMS OCEAN in the very-late 1952/early 1953 time frame. New decals have been created by me, with serial numbers for 24 aircraft (probably at least twice the number in a Royal Navy carrier squadron). The serials are 100% accurate, as they ARE all from production F.1s, but since this is obviously a 'What If...' aircraft, they can't be considered accurate for the Korean War. (neither can the aircraft, but what the's a game and all for fun!!!)
This is an almost full aircraft package, with all the inis, skin, new decals, lods etc. Excepting that NO cockpit has been supplied with this aircraft. However, for WoE users, I've included a modified version of the HunterFGA9 cockpit ini, with the pilot positon adjusted to match the physical model. In my estimation, it's the best one available, as it has that nice Post-War/1950s steam gauge look. As an alternative, for SF/WoV users, I've included the cockpit ini from my 'jet-modded-Spitfire pit'. You'll see it as "SeaHawk_cockpit.ini". You'll need to download my WW2:1946 Vampire to obtain all the necessary cockpit bits. More, highly detailed, step-by-step information is below, in the "To Instalate" instructions.
2 Hangar screens have been supplied; one is my old version and another BRAND NEW!! -only available in this mod- WoE style, repsenting a carrier deck. The Loading screen is still the original from Bunyap.
=You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak to have the WW2/Post-War/Korean War Era weapons!!! I've not supplied any of the rockets or drop tanks with this mod, as they are already in the BunyPak. If not using the BunyPak (ie: TMF Weapons Pak), you'll need to get the Seahawk Package at CombatAce, as it contains the drop tanks. The Rockets you'll have to add from the BunyPak =
IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed to be used in SF/WoV/WoE -- it has NOT been tested in WoI. In fact, I don't think I've even flown ANY of the Seahawks in WoI yet!!! But it should be good as is. It's a jet, not a prop job; so hopefully...
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions.
Happy Landings!!
kevin stein
By emresukhoi
''Nearby is also dedicated to the memory of the deceased pilots''
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