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Showing most liked content on 09/21/2020 in Posts
9 pointsMy first strike over Turkey. No escort and Turkish F4 CAPs : need to fly low
8 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
3 pointsI Wondered how to get ab effects with no AB... in model animated throttles...and burner mesh so it expands when throttles open....so no need for AB emitter as you know the U2 hasnt one...but it does light up at full throttle ive discovered at some sites about groom lake flights..... so tthis method enables it without the game knowing it with messages you dont need..
3 pointsI asked Florian aka Amokfloo to erase the dorsal antenna ... maybe I has his original 3d files .... maybe I hope so
2 points
2 pointsEagle Dynamics have a cut off date of 1980 for anything like that......so should expect the same here for this material.
2 pointsBest sims about those fighter jets are very old ones, which are difficult to get to work on modern OS; EF-2000 and F-22 Total Air War by Digital Image Design, and Joint Strike Fighter by Innerloop Studios (a flight sim about the X-35 and X-32 prototypes). Those games are very complex when it comes to how to successfully use modern avionics, though their flight model/physics is obviously outdated by today's standards. For DCS, BMS and Strike Fighters you can find add-ons of those aircraft, but none of these games (with relative add-ons) can provide the depth and detail of operating such advanced platforms from the cockpit. Beware, only EF-2000 is an accurate representation of an aircraft, that is the Eurofighter. The other mentioned games only provide an hypothetical representation of the avionics of an F-22 and F-35/X-35. Even nowadays there's not much info about those, for obvious reasons.
2 points
1 pointView File Sukhoi Su-17/20/22 (Fitter B-C-D-F) The Sukhoi Su-17 (NATO reporting name: Fitter) is a Soviet variable-sweep wing fighter-bomber developed from the Sukhoi Su-7. It enjoyed a long career in Soviet, later Russian, service and was widely exported to Eastern Bloc, Arab air forces, Angola and Peru as the Su-20 and Su-22. It is the first variable-sweep wing of Soviet origin. These are earlier models. What's In: 7 Flyable planes Su-17 Su-17K Su-17M Su-17M2 Su-20 Su-20R Su=22 New Skins, Decals Weapons, pilots, sounds Credits: - original model: Amokfloo - first SF-2 pack: Eburger68 - new templates, skins, decats, tweaks etc: Paulopanz Install: - delete any previous version - all in your mod folder Note: I started working on this plane many years ago. As the model was good I asked only for deleting dorsal antenna. All things stopped when someone told me a bigger project was started about ALL Sukhois family. In fact I saw a lot of fantastic pictures about it, but years went by and no Sukhoi was realised. So I lost any hope about it and decided to finish up my very ancient skinpack using Y. Gordon book. This plane has the same dorsal antenna I wanted to delete, but I think is quite good, now in a far better dressing than original one and this is the only one Sukhoi we have to fit in all comunity scenarios. I hope you like! @paulopanz Submitter paulopanz Submitted 09/10/2020 Category Su-17
1 point
1 point
1 pointYeah but wouldn't it randomly fire at a target if it was in range? If so then it would be very annoying as you can't tell it what to fire at.
1 pointyeah. the DID's the best we have. many hours was spended in those games. but they are very... VeErrrRrY old
1 pointWell at least the situation isn't confusing
1 pointNot a flight sim, but a simulator anyway: Very good at describing the doctrine around those planes (among others)
1 point
1 pointThese are my thoughts, maybe someone else can help. I'm thinking of contemporary documents only here. Publications produced at the time for aircraft in service and the tactical doctrine published by various air arms during these conflicts. Reference Materials - Airplane Flying Manuals / Pilot Operating Handbooks -- WWII and Prior -- Jet Age through Vietnam -- Post Vietnam - Air Combat Tactics -- WWII and Prior -- Jet Age through Vietnam -- Post Vietnam - Miscellaneous (This would be the place for modern documents which analyze the past, or sim-specific tips and tricks)
1 pointnice...saves me some work....ed.. having to total remake gears as they were shyte (white things lol) remade engine.... might finish it later..
1 pointHello, Little idea... In order to add to this very interesting topic launched by Crusader : https://combatace.com/forums/topic/88060-tw-f-16a-netz-cockpit-tweakes/?tab=comments#comment-710296 I propose the rudder pedals activation for the TW F-16A cockpit from its cockpit.ini file : [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=F-16A_Netz_pit.LOD ... ... Instrument[092]=ThreatUnknownLight Instrument[093]=ToggleMasterArm ... ... Instrument[XXX]=LeftRudder Instrument[XXX]=RightRudder ... // Rudder pedals activation [LeftRudder] Type=RUDDER_PEDAL NodeName=rudder_pedal_L MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=5.0 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=-5.0 Set[03].Value=1.0 [RightRudder] Type=RUDDER_PEDAL NodeName=rudder_pedal_R MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=5.0 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=-5.0 Set[03].Value=1.0
1 point
1 pointRegarding my old Aircraft Ini Data Editor: TK kept issuing patches refining the flight model, so I had to keep editing my application to account for the new features. At some point, I introduced a bug that broke the functionality of saving/opening multiple documents (a memory leak? or a problem with the serialization routines for opening/closing documents?). I had already lost the previous working version of the source code and didn't have the time or energy to figure out what was broken. So, I abandoned further development quite some time ago. SF2 data ini files have similar, but larger more detailed tables. If my program was set up correctly, it would automatically handle the larger tables. But TK may have added more features or changed how the data was being used by the game engine. As programmed, it would throw away any data it didn't recognize and only process the variables it was programmed to read. I would use debug mode to try to verify my lift and drag equations. But that was so many years ago. What AIDE did was read in all of the pertinent flight model information and solve for specific aerodynamic values to produce tables similar to those found in flight manuals. So, you could tweak a flight model parameters in the data ini files and see how it affected performance. It could not take performance tables and turn them into ini data tables. So, you had to have some insight into how all of the variables interacted to make useful changes. With a re-iterative trial and error process, you could build a flight model that would reasonably replicate flight manual performance tables. In particular, you could strive to replicate specific excess power, instantaneous turn performance, and sustained turn performance. This also meant realistic stall speeds and climb rates. If you could get NASA data on some of the drag or lift parameters, you could build a flight model superior to what most sims offered at that time. Some people look down on using lookup tables for flight model data, but the fact is if the tables have high enough resolution and have accurate numbers, there is no more realistic or faster way to model flight. I would love to make a new version of AIDE that leverage modern hardware for better performance and was 100% compatible with SF2 without any bugs/memory leaks. But it has been a long time since I programmed at that level and I don't have the time or energy it takes to get such a project done in any reasonable time. After all the work I did on it, the only thing I ever produced was an F-4B flight model tailored to the flight model engine as of SFP1 SP2a patch level, and that was partially broken after the release of Wings Over Vietnam. I have learned to accept that PC flight sims are never going to be as realistic as I would like them to be and I would rather spend my time flying in sims than reverse engineering and attempting to improve them. SFP1/WoX/SF2 had one principal competitor, LOMAC. LOMAC had some awesome terrain graphics quality compared to SFP1/SF2, particularly the water. But its flight models were horrible. Its modern evolution, DCS World, now has flight models that are extremely complex and detailed as well as being among the most realistic/accurate you can get on a PC today. I no longer chart data from the game and perform calculations to compare the results with flight manual tables. As long as the aircraft flies reasonably close to the descriptions in the flight manuals, I am pretty happy. The problem with DCS World is that it takes a lot of time and money to produce accurate flight and systems models, so there will never be as many flyable aircraft types/variants compared to SFP1/SF2.
1 pointthis one falls half-way-in-between what-ifs. The aircraft and unit depicted are real, but the Soviet BORODINO class* CV isn't. Testing the new Banshee, got this naval strike mission against the Soviet CVBG in the western Pacific. *iirc, it's included in one of cocas's what if red carrier birds. if not, it may be a seperate d/l. I don't remember -- age and all
1 pointHandley Page Hatfield B.1 - No.7 Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, 1936
1 pointF-8 pilot in the Navy/ USMC camouflage (WWII 'duck hunter') fatigues a lot of older F-8 pilots wore early on during the Vietnam war:
1 pointI also have single AIM-9 rail options for all the other F-8 Variants with Y-racks (D/E/J/H):
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