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  1. 8 points
  2. 6 points
    Been at air combat simulators for around 25 years. Most all concerning WW i and WW II aircraft. My few good air combat simulators are IL-2 1946 BAT ,Combat Flight Simulator 3-(11 installs), RoF, WOFF,First Eagles Gold, and now Strike fighters 2. A late comer but at it now ! I Worked on weapon guidance systems on the F-14 Tomcat in the US Navy but always loved the older aircraft. I wanted to try something different ,but there is not a lot to choose from when you have a mid level gaming rig. This seems the ticket ! My video card is outdated and needs needs a upgrade to play SF2 ,( WOFF and,RoF also), at max settings. Plan on getting a new video card in March-(fixed income) and do some serious playing then. For now i want to learn as much as i can in the meantime. Got the keyboard commands but haven't experienced the game play yet. Where do i start to get my head around it all ? Use Win 10. Is there any tricks/walkarounds i need to do to get it to run smoothly ? Where do i start reading to get up to par with adding aircraft and new/improved features to SF 2 ? A good friend gave me the whole series along with First Eagles Gold to see if i like them. Sorry to say my rig can barely handle them. Time to learn before i get started. Would be grateful for any help. Regards, Scott
  3. 6 points
  4. 6 points
    new 450 gallon drop tank for the F-105
  5. 4 points
    Recon mission with an MV-22......... And the locals got a little testy over our presence. I'm outta here while their aim hasn't been corrected for the speed of the pass..
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    For the Argentine Navy we had only the carrier and the General Belgrano cruiser. Thatswhy i modified the stock Gearing class destroyers to make it working as argetine ship. The same i made with the Sumner class, of which the argentinians had 3 vessels.
  8. 3 points
    The ubiquitous Fiat CR.32, in Spain and China, circa 1938:
  9. 2 points
    Welcome! I have just started flying this simulator again after almost one and a half years, because of heart failure. I started with the series Strike Fighters: Project 1. That didn't work too well back then. Then, I got into the original Wings over Vietnam. I will tell you this to save you some frustration. Find a good Mod that deals with the inaccurate flight dynamics of the MiG-17. I just installed a Mod yesterday and for me, it's changed the game. After all the time I've flown this sim, finally found a fix for those Super MiG-17s. I used Aerodynamically Limited MiG-17s v1.1. There may be better ones but, this has made it possible for me to fight them with the F-4. This will save you some frustration also because the missiles are more successful. Good Luck, and Have Fun! https://combatace.com/forums/topic/90358-aerodynamically-limited-mig-17s-v11/
  10. 2 points
    I have my problems with the YAP file pirates. They have to often stolen files and sold them as their own work.
  11. 2 points
    I run a NVIDIA GPU and don't have any issues with SF2 Complete. It might be a specific card but overall I don't have any issues. And welcome sixstrings, check the Knowledge Base too for some questions as well...
  12. 2 points
    Welcome! I would suggest you get SF2 Complete if you haven't bought any yet, you will end up wanting to buy all games, expansions and DLCs however obscure they might be. The game itself doesn't need much in the way of hardware, other than it seems not to like Nvidia for some reason, IIRC. Better ask someone more knowledgeable on that topic. If I were you I would start playing mostly stock, learn a bit about how mods work and then get them bit by bit depending on what you find most interesting.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Welcome to our (usually) happy and slightly insane miscreants. The best thing to do on starting up SF and FE, is go to the forums, and look for the help files, there is a ton of interesting, and pertinent information over there, red all that bumf first off, and that should give you a bit of a leg up on how everything works ( usually) If there is something that you cannot get your head around, as some of the info is somewhat dated, but still relevant, but if for any reason it confuses the hell out of you, do not be afraid to ask !! This is a friendly, and helpful community, very little flak or gremlins here !! Anyhow that is my two penny worth, and again welcome to our band of merry men and the occasional lady.............................................
  16. 1 point
    I actually got the 'Rona just a few weeks ago. I had a cough, a little fever, and a loss of appetite. I had no problem with breathing. It caused me to miss my dad's funeral. He was 80 and had been suffering from Alzheimer's. I can see how some people are hit really hard with it. I can also see how some people are barely affected by it. I had a fever of 101.8 deg one night. That was the first time I had a fever since March 2010. I'm not going to say these people were lying. I will just say they didn't know what they were talking about. They thought they did. I have Asthma, severe allergies, Diabetes, and Multiple Sclerosis. The fact that I have MS and severe allergies actually means I'm less likely to get a bad case of the virus. I was just getting over symptoms of severe allergies when I got the darn thing. Two weeks prior, I had a really bad post-nasal drip and lost my voice. I started getting my voice back and the bad coughing had pretty much gone away. Well, due to MS, I have to have infusions of Ocrevus, which suppresses the immune system. I got my infusion on Thursday, went back to work, and tested positive on Saturday. The next time I get my infusion therapy, I will take a week off. 🤣 Oh, BTW, I have been in Heart Failure for the last 2 years and now, I have an ICD. I feel so much better now. Now, I am flying SF2 again. During the time I was recovering from Heart Failure, I watched a lot of videos about the F-4 and I'm happy to say, I now know how to get that beast to Mach 2 and know why I wasn't able to reach that speed before. I actually got the F-4E to Mach 2.07 with missiles aboard.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    The Argentinians speak spanish, then Aeropuerto.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    An other small project of me is a What if scenario. 1982, Argentina conquered the Falklands. The british PM Thatcher sent out the Royal Navy, but not to reconquere the islands, but to strike Buenos Aires, the argentinian capital. Core of this scenario is the Rio de la Plata Bay, with the argentinian carrier battle group defending Buenos Aires and a british battle group in the role of the attacker. Here the planning map: And here a Super Etendard taking of from Tandil Airbase.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    In the '50 several south american countries entered in jet age with the Shooting Star This huge skinpack portaits these airforces: - Brazil (33 delivered starting in 1958, withdrawn from service in 1973) - Chile (30 delivered from 1958 on, last ones retired from service in 1974) - Colombia (16 delivered starting in 1958, retired by 1966) - Ecuador (16 delivered between 1957 and 1960, six returned to the United States in 1965) - Peru (16 delivered starting in 1958, the type was phased out in 1973) - Uruguay (17 delivered, withdrawn from use in 1971) Why this little, quite heavy (see the FACh camo skin ...) effort? Because this is a fantastic, maybe underated, model made by great 3D master Erikgen and these exotic skins are pretty. (Aren't they?) <ENRICO CI MANCHI!> WHAT'S IN: - 13 new skins - Historical Serial numbers - Brazilian Playcards ... CREDITS: - Enrico Gennari aka "EriKgen" plane model - Kenin Stein aka "Wrench" original FAC skin used as a base from my own house templates - Geary aka "Geary" for some layers I was able to extract from his temps I couldn't use due my old PS suite INSTALL: - You must have Erikgen F-80C installed - deliver all files inside "to mod folder" folder to your own mod folder (isn't it easy?) Carpe diem .... and fly higher and higher, please. @paulopanz
  25. 1 point



    Updated version of Gramps and Mo gas A-4K Kahu , with 70.dll cockpit and avionics. Skin modified, Data.ini modified for a more realistic behaviour, new weapons and some minor fixes. I hope you enjoy. Simone Sieni
  26. 1 point



    Upgraded version of Gramps A-4K Kahu to SP4 standard. Including new skins. Read the read me March 30 update: minor decal update as of MAKO69 pointed me into the right direction


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