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Showing most liked content on 03/27/2023 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    Most have probably missed this fact that with Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic, additional types.ini statements for a terrain have been introduced. Here below you'll find the extra ones: [TargetTypeXXX] Reported=FALSE DetailLevel=2 FadeWithDistance=TRUE IgnoreHeading=TRUE AdjustZBuffer=FALSE The most interesting and useful statement is DetailLevel. The Ground Objects graphics setting in the options has always been rather pointless in Strike Fighters as it would only affect randomly parked aircraft. This DetailLevel statement makes it much more useful when applied to most if not all target types defined in a terrain's types.ini. DetailLevel=3 means that the target type will spawn only when Ground Object settings are set to Unlimited, a value of 1 means that the target type will only spawn when Ground Object settings are set to Medium or higher. The below screenshots show it clearly. Ground Objects set to Unlimited; even the smallest eye-candy objects are shown, loading times are obviously higher. Ground Objects set to Low; only priority objects (those that should be targets for missions) are shown, loading times are quicker. The downside is that it requires a terrain modder to add such DetailLevel statement to each of the eye-candy objects in a types.ini file. If you have 300 or more, you can imagine it takes quite a bit of work and trial and error to choose which priority to assign to each object. This update/feature will be part of the IraqWA terrain in a future update of the ODS 30AE mod. The other statements are also used in the stock IcelandNA terrain, here below a summary of what I managed to figure out about them: FadeWithDistance - No matter what, it doesn't seem to work. it would have been cool to have terrain objects fade like TOD entities; most likely this is a placeholder for something TK never implemented properly. IgnoreHeading - Rather self-explanatory, it makes the object type ignore the heading you give to it in a terrain target area of the targets.ini file. TK uses it for the countless tree LODs created for the IcelandNA terrain. AdjustZBuffer - When set to false for runways, they suffer from heavy z-buffering issues on tile based terrains. Most likely this option was needed for specific runways on the IcelandNA terrain, since runway LODs are placed over another LOD, that of the terrain. For our usual tile based terrains, this statement may be of little to no use. Reported - The only statement I couldn't figure out. For sure you wouldn't set it to false for main terrain objects. This info may be useful to terrain modders wiling to optimize their own terrains and make them more scalable depending on graphics settings. Please admins, pin this topic for future reference.
  2. 8 points
    This is the list of ground objects that is in my to do list so far: 1. Centurion tank 2. M48 Patton III tank 3. Um Al Maradim Class of missile attack craft 4. USS Pegasus (PHM-1) 5. FV601 Saladin
  3. 4 points
    A few seconds after this shot, we Heard "Sam Launch", went evasive, and a Hawk obliterated my wingman.
  4. 4 points
  5. 3 points
    For my Vietnam install I'm not using the game "parked" aircraft slots anymore, everything is now a static aircraft so that I can get the right aircraft on the right airbase for the time period. I've also made about 50 (maybe more) extra vehicles, bomb trailers, generators etc & skinned them all to five 1024x1024 jpgs. And about 80+ new buildings all using about seven seperate jpgs. With 650+ tile textures you've really got to get into some creative thinking if you want use-able framerates....distance lods are a must ! As I only fly A/G missions ground object and terrain variation is a must for me........& don't get me started on rivers & roads.....
  6. 3 points
    MiG-21SM. Close to the coastline of the Kuril Islands, mid 1970th.
  7. 3 points
    A-Team Forrestal-class carriers modified to SF2NA standards CVA-59 USS Forrestal - SF2NA North Cape CVA-60 USS Saratoga - SF2 Vietnam Linebacker I CVA-61 USS Ranger - SF2 Vietnam Linebacker II CVA-62 USS Independence - SF2 Operation Tainted Cigar
  8. 3 points
  9. 2 points
    No not yet, I will think about it when I get there.
  10. 2 points
    Now that's very Argetinesque If you permit me wht word, the square looking city is just perfect! Excellent work!!
  11. 2 points
    For those of you that have "The Forest Bowl" terrain, use the free camera when at an airfield, and look around, especially in the open hangars. I think they add a LOT of eye candy and depth to the scene. Even if they just sit there and get blowed up! Don't forget the WW2 statics, culled from the various WW2 terrains (many of which originated from "that dude") P-40E, P-38F/H/J, P-51D P47D -razorback and bubble top, Blenheim, Beaufighter, Me-262, Bf-109 E/F/G (iirc), FW-190, Hurricane 1, Spitfire 1/5/9 Lancaster, B-17F/G, Beaufort, Bf-110C, Ju-87, Ju-88, Re-2000, Re-2001, A5M, Ki-27, Ki-45, Ki-48 to that list we can add a few items that have come out of their payware origins, and are now (somewhat) freely available PBY (land and water) C-47 & DC-3, F4F, G3M, G4M, Hawk75N, Ki-27, Ki-21, Ki-30, Ki-48, P-36 B1B, 707, A-10C, AH-1J, C-17, C-130E/J, F1EQ, F-4E (IRIAF), F-5EM, F-14, F-16C, F-22, HH-60, KC-10, KC-135/R, MiG-29 (IRIAF) A-1 (various), A-4E, A-6A, A-26C/K, AH-1G, B-57B, C-7, C-119, F-4B/C/D/E, F-100D/F, F-105D/F, KA3B, MiG-17FS, MiG-21PFS, O2A, PC-6, RF-4C, RF-101, T-28D, TH-55 (Hughes 300), UH-1B/C/D Russo also gave me a Cessna T-50 Bobcat on floats too! Along with 2 version of the HRS/H-19, standard and navy style with folded rotors (see Bowl) I have the really old SF1 statics "he" built 1000 years ago (33 units) Some aren't soooo bad, others are just unbelievably horrid (missing parts, open meshes, etc) --- I don't (actually) think we need a new category for static aircraft, even if we can assemble the majority, maybe under "object mods" or "building", as they ARE treated like terrain object buildings. I truely appriciate the offer Jim, and will no doubt take you up on that!!!
  12. 2 points
    check the Anatolia, Panama and maybe the "eastern Med" map for PB bridge. It might fit your needs
  13. 2 points
    New tile for smaller towns:
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    trailblazin.... oh, those guys back there look familiar
  16. 2 points
    MQ-9 Reaper was uploaded just waiting for approval.
  17. 1 point
    is 'parked planes and helicopters that are terrain objects. not just those generated by the game during missions, but for us terraformers to add say, parked inside a hangar, or on the ramp area. both civilian (general aviation), comerical and military. For both Red and Blue air. we have a few scavanged from various sources and so forth, and some very old ones (1stGen) that are utterly awful (missing and open meshes, unmapped meshes, etc). So, I just thought after all these years, I'd just toss that out for our 3dGurus. thanks!
  18. 1 point
    View File La-17 Drone Soviet Optical Television Visual Control System as Cockpit (What If). I propose an "Television-Optical Control System" (as Cockpit) in the minimalist Soviet style of the 60s for the wonderful drones La-17 by Spillone 104. La-17 https://combatace.com/forums/topic/83164-sf2-lavochkin-la-17n-la-17r/?tab=comments#comment-668397 Submitter michaelk Submitted 03/27/2023 Category Jet Cockpits  
  19. 1 point
    I have no issue with the Super Hornet. You'd have to get with FastCargo as he has the original max files.
  20. 1 point
    I'm playing with bridge models. I found two on my harddrive: I placed them side by side for test reasons. From higher altitudes they are looking good. But if you flying low you see, that the ends are "hanging in the air". The bridge ends of SF2 Vietnam neighter fit nor they looks good. I would need a longer, perhaps curvy ramp, which reaches 34 meters at the end. Or i play with the tile_hm.bmp file to include such a ramp in the tile.
  21. 1 point
    What about the "new" Su-22s?? Five years or more!!!!!!
  22. 1 point
    How about 3 years? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  23. 1 point
    The master behind this is @compufat
  24. 1 point
    Su-35I Flanher-E IRIAF uploaded. Just waiting for approval.
  25. 1 point
    I don't know what to say. No comment !!!
  26. 1 point
    You should remember that such stuff is governed by avionics70.dll which was intended for early 4th gen fighters - F-14A, F-15A, F-16A, etc. Putting overly modern stuff in the game still forces it to use the same 70.dll file to govern its function. So don't expect proper modern ECM function, stealth, LPI radars and such. Su-35S radar is indeed very powerful, it is made that way since Russia doesn't have much A-50 AWACS planes and there is no developed datalink in Russian AirForce like you would expect in USAF; A-50 just gives azimuth to the target by radio comms. Thus it's old-school, A-50 gives you azimuth, then you look with your own radar. Moreso, Su-35S pays for its radar range by being very detectable - it has huge RCS and radar itself is non-LPI, therefore target will know very early that it is being looked at.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Weapon parameters are the key here. Use weapon editor and adjust them accordingly if you are sure that you know what you're doing. Don't toy with them if you don't know what you're doing. Usually weapon packages, made here by CombatAce veterans (Ravenclaw is one nick that comes to my mind now) around are adjusted and realistic. Use them and try resist temptation to do things...better.
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Su-9 flight lined up on runway of a soviet airbase at Kurile Islands. Here we go! Patrol over the woodland of the islands. Patrol along the coastline of the Kuriles. Landing approach. (What a pity, that TK had not modeled the flaps of the Su-9.) And touchdown.
  32. 1 point
    As QRA at RAF Coningsby we scrambled into a typically English overcast late Autumn morning... Contact had been lost with an Austrian Airlines flight from Vienna to London, Heathrow. ATC was still tracking it and although it was on course it was in a shallow descent someway before it was due to lose altitude and commence approach. We were given permission to go supersonic and made our approach to the Airbus from the rear.. It started a turn, again keeping to it's assigned course, but still descending, and we rolled to turn with it before continuing to close.. My wingman was the first to notice. 'Something doesn't look right about the configuration Lead..' 'It's the doors!' I gasped. ' All of the doors are open..' We made a slow pass, and sure enough all of the doors, passenger and cargo, had somehow opened. But how? A bomb? A mechanical fault? And what of the crew and passengers? As we passed the cockpit I spotted a torch flashing in morse code. E-L-E-C S-T-O-R-M || M-L-T-P-L L-I-G-H-T-N-G S-T-R-K-S || L-O-S-T P-R-S-R || P-S-G-R-S C-R-W O-N O-X-Y || L-N-D-G L-H-R A-S-A-P|| I passed the message to base: They had flown through an electrical storm and had suffered multiple lightning strikes. The aircraft's electric systems had obviously been affected which had caused the doors to unlock and blow open. This had caused a decompression (hence the shallow descent, to try to minimise the effects) and crew and passengers were on oxygen. They were intending to land at London Heathrow still. ATC took moments to digest this and the response was quick - get them to another airfield, but not Heathrow. The risk that this was a ruse for a terrorist attack was too great. Before I had a chance to reply to the airliner we dropped into the clouds and I called Two in closer as we stuck grimly to the Airbus, not wanting to lose sight of it in the descent.. As we dropped through the overcast I moved up and passed on the message to the airliner crew. Their response - N-C-D || L-H-R O-N-L-Y Querying base for orders we were told to to just stick with the Airbus and while investigations into the passengers and crew continued. If this was a terrorist attack or a madman in the pilot seat, would we be cleared to shoot down the airliner? We were running out of time, the aircraft was still descending and we were now coming up on populated areas. A shootdown now could cause catastrophic damage on the ground.. And then we were out of time for a decision, as we came over Central London, with visibility still poor in the low cloud and rain squalls... The Airbus lowered it's undercarriage slowly. They must be using some emergency method.. I closed to get a better look and signalled to the crew the wheels looked to be down OK. I dropped back to watch as the airliner made it's final approach. Orders were still to remain on standby to shoot it down if necessary. What did they expect us to do at this late stage? Strafe it on the runway? And then it was down and stopped on the runway. We pulled clear as emergency vehicles swarmed around it and a fleet of air ambulances were cleared in to begin ferrying the most severely hurt to hospitals. We didn't see any of that as we headed back to base, treating Londoners to a flyby as we crossed the capital again, although whether they could see us in the murky weather is debateable.. And home to a rainy afternoon, Maybe there'll be something good to watch on the telly...
  33. 0 points
    Do you mean this bridge? If i try to bomb this bridge, the bombs are falling trough and do no damage.


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