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Showing most liked content on 05/02/2023 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. 6 points
    1979 Border War between China and Vietnam
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
    Some of my fallow 'what if' moders out there might find this useful... It was was just sitting on my PC.
  5. 3 points
    Static planes at airport (WIP) So it looks when static and real planes are mixed: Little problem, also small planes, like the Skyhawk can appear. If there would be a minimum size parameter ... all would be fine.
  6. 3 points
    Took the Miss out for a ride today...
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    Also found Fubar512s S-300 system, and been tweaking it. Again this isn't official, just me combing through the files and tweaking it so it's more usable and stuff. With the Growler I can suppress the Flap Lid radar so I can fly over it, at least so far. The game might throw a wrench in the system and make it burn through at a certain point but a test run suppressed it all the way. I made it targetable like Farid's, so you can employ a JSOW or long-range missile system (LRASM seems to land short consistently, so I would stick with a JSOW or if your ECM is good, attack it with something like a Maverick or JAGM, etc.) 55 kilometers out, which is more than good enough. Remember to jam though, and if you can't jam it, target it and pop up for a JSOW strike if you're lucky and it doesn't fire a missile at you. What's interesting is that you can target the radar without having a targeting pod, so that makes it good for long-range strikes against the system. This is recommended for missions where you do an Air Defense Suppression mission or if you have additional ordnance and want to expend it in a good manner. Anyway, I'll be working on Fubar512s system (I also updated the userlist.ini as well) for a bit then upload the files for use.
  9. 2 points
    buenas noticias, felizmente se recupero todo, pronto luego de resolver problemas de la vida real me hare un tiempo para comenzar a lanzar los aviones.
  10. 2 points
    and here I thought it was going to be a link to P0rnHub!!!!
  11. 2 points
    F-104G Jagdgeschwader 74 "Mölders" 1969
  12. 2 points
    you have a special talent for disaster... lo tuyo es el desmadre ...nice pics Hernan
  13. 2 points
    Taking the new VFC-111 F-5s out for a flight from NAS Key West...
  14. 1 point

    Version 1.5.0


    The first part of Cold East Ground Objects Bonanza mods for the SF2 series game. First of all. This is not entirely a 'Plug and Play' mod. Yes, some objects will appear in the game right away, but some will not - because some objects are meant to be used via the target editor. In general, the whole mod is built for terrain enhancement - a lot of objects should be added in terrain TYPES and TARGETS. But of course, some like tanks, SAMs, AAA, etc will appear automatically in the game. Having this in mind this mod is mostly for terrain builders, modders, and experienced users. If you are hoping for quick-click plug-and-play - this is not for you. All objects have destroyed models added. Gun files should be taken carefully - they are slightly modified by guuruu with decreased performance. I believe all the gun files are provided and you should have them already, if I forgot something - well it happens sometimes. Sorry for that. 5 new weapons for some of the objects. 9M14M, 9M14P, 9M111, 9M113, 9M114 Part one contains mostly tanks, APCs, IFVs, SPAAG, and some support armored objects. All of the skins are green, I added a few camo versions and a few extra but just for specific objects. NO Tan/Desret scheme. This might come in a more specific mod for specific terrains in the future. Userlist ini files are just there but they might need editing for your own use. Under any circumstances DO NOT mix these objects with ODS 30Aniversary Edition mod. ODS30AE objects are exclusive for ODS and differ in many ways from Cold East Ground Objects Bonanza. Inside 2S1 Gvozdika - one set for Transport role only and two as artillery - to be placed via targets.ini BMP-1 BMP-1P + 9K113 Konkurs (9M113 Gaboy missile) BMP-2 + 9K113 Konkurs (9M113 Gaboy missile) BRDM-2 BTR-50PK BTR-60PB BTR-60R-145BM radio and command vehicle 9K14M Malyutka-M 9P122 on BRDM-2 chassis (9M14M missile) 9K14P Malyutka-P 9P133 on BRDM-2 chassis (9M14P missile) 9K113 Konkurs 9P148 on BRDM-2 chassis (9M113 Gaboy missile) 9K113/111 Konkurs 9P148 on BRDM-2 chassis (2x 9M111 Fagot + 3x 9M113 Gaboy) 9K114 Shturm-S 9P149 on MT-LB chassis (9M114 Kokon missile) MT-LB MT-LB SNAR-10 Leopard artillery radar MT-LBu 1V14 artillery command and recon vehicle MT-LBu 9S80 (PPRU-1) air defense command vehicle MTU-55 bridge layer OT-62B OT-64A PT-76 T-54 T-55 obr59 T-55 obr71 T-55AM T-55AM2 (Czechoslovakia production) T-55AMV T-62 obr61 T-62 obr72 T-62M T-62MV T-72 Ural T-72 Ural-1 T-72A T-72M T-72M1 ZSU-23-4V ZSU-23-4V1 ZSU-23-4M ZSU-57-2 Most of the skins are 2048x2048 I highly recommend resizing to desired (lower) size format. Do not blindly copy-paste files. Pick a mod, make a backup if needed - test the file - decide - to keep it or not. Just in case - enjoy. Jarek. questions - suggestions - go to the designated area here
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Excellent news!!! now, get an external and backup everything!!!
  17. 1 point
    or a reboot of an AC/DC song....
  18. 1 point
    Boss, the Aeroparque Airport shown is only for small planes and regional aviation. The A-321 is the largest plane to operate there.
  19. 1 point
    This is a simple userlist update I made of the SAM (not official either). I hope you don't mind Farid as it's a nice system to play with often on when I'm trying to shoot at it with HARMs (but keep on missing): S-300Userlist.7z SA-10A_MSL.7z
  20. 1 point
    Okay, userlist update for Farid's SA-10A: It's just a simple Userlist update that should help with maps and the like. S-300Userlist.7z SA-10A_MSL.7z
  21. 1 point
    More WIP... Gear, gear door animations tested, correction and polishing almost finished. Minor aircraft body correction as well. Weapon pylons for AG ordnance finsihed and polished. Added external fuel tanks to the model. Some tweaking and editing for the main plane's files. We also work for some skins. Landing lights, gear door actuators, canopy mechanism, missing airscoops/outlets, Maverick rails will be next on the to do list.
  22. 1 point
    Allen...almost complete sir...USAF Aggressor F-5
  23. 1 point
    WIP it good .... meet him once, major cool dude!!!
  24. 1 point
    After the defeat in Malvinas/Falklands War in 1982, Argentina bought a non swing wing, light weight Flogger. The Soviets called it MiG-23FL. In early 1983 the first planes arrived.
  25. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The second part of Cold East Ground Objects Bonanza mods for the SF2 series game. First of all. This is not entirely a 'Plug and Play' mod. Yes, some objects will appear in the game right away, but some will not - because some objects are meant to be used via the target editor. In general, the whole mod is built for terrain enhancement - a lot of objects should be added in terrain TYPES and TARGETS. But of course, some like tanks, SAMs, AAA, etc will appear automatically in the game. Having this in mind this mod is mostly for terrain builders, modders,, and experienced users. If you are hoping for quick-click plug-and-play - this is not for you. All objects have destroyed models added. Gun files should be taken carefully - they are slightly modified by guuruu with decreased performance. I believe all the gun files are provided and you should have them already, if I forgot something - well it happens sometimes. Sorry for that. Part two contains mostly air-to-air defenses. SA-2, SA-3, SA-9, SA-8B, SA-13, SA-7. Again those SAMs are not really plug-and-play mods. I have made them in groups (SA-2A, SA-2B, SA-3, etc...) each group contains EWR, SAM_RADAR, and SAM_LAUNCHER. It is up to the player to pick and choose the desired system for a specific mod, terrain, etc. all except SA-2 use new weapon models. SA-2 uses an older model that was available for years already. (for now, I have no patience to finish my models) All objects have destroyed models added. Gun files should be taken carefully - they are slightly modified by guuruu with decreased performance. All of the skins are green, I added a few camo versions and a few extra but just for specific objects. NO Tan/Desret scheme. This might come in a more specific mod for specific terrains in the future. Userlist ini files are just there but they might need editing for your own use. If you have similar models from me - released years ago - do not mix them up. I recommend deleting all old files. Here you will find new updated models. Under any circumstances DO NOT mix these objects with ODS 30Aniversary Edition mod. ODS30AE objects are exclusive for ODS and differ in many ways from Cold East Ground Objects Bonanza. SA-2A (SA-75): P-12 + PRV-10 Station, RSNA-75 fire control radar and SM-63-II launcher for V750 (1D) rocket SA-2B (SA-75M) - userlist.ini contains Warsaw Pact and non WP users) P-12 + PRV-10 Station, RSNA-75M fire control radar and SM-63-II launcher for V750V (11D) rocket SA-2C(S-75): P-12 + PRV-11 Station, RSN-75 fire control radar and SM-63-II launcher for V750VN (13D) rocket SA-2E (S-75V): P-12M + PRV-11 Station, RSN-75MV fire control radar and SM-90 launcher for V755 (20D) rocket SA-2E1 (S-75M1): P-12NP + PRV-11 Station, RSN-75V1 fire control radar and SM-90 launcher for V7555U (20DS) rocket SA-2E2 (S-75M2): P-12NP + PRV-11 Station, RSN-75V2 fire control radar and SM-90 launcher for 5Ya23 (23D) rocket SA-2E3 (S-75M3): P-18 + PRV-11 + 1L22 Station, RSN-75M3 fire control radar and SM-90 launcher for 5Ya23 (23D) rocket SA-2F (S-75MK): P-12M + PRV-11 Station P-18 + PRV-11 + 1L22 Station, RSNA-75MK fire control radar and SM-90 launcher for V750VM (11DM) rocket SA-3 (S-125): P-15 + PRV-11, SNR-125 fire control radar and 5P71 launcher for 5W24 rocket SA-3B (S-125M): P-15 + PRV-11 P-15M + PRV-13 + 1L22 P-15M2 + PRV-13 + 1L22 P-19 + PRV-13 SNR-125 fire control radar and 5P71 and 5P73 launcher for 5W27 rocket SA-7 (9K32M) BTR-60PB equipped with 9K32M Strela-2M system SA-8B P-40 radar and 9K33M2 Osa-AK and 9K33M3 Osa-AKM systems on BAZ-5937 chassis. SA-9/SA-9B 9K31 Strela-1 on BRDM-2 chassis SA-13 9K35 Strela-10 on MT-LB chassis Most of the skins are 2048x2048 I highly recommend resizing to desired (lower) size format. Do not blindly copy-paste files. Pick a mod, make a backup if needed - test the file - decide - to keep it or not. Just in case - enjoy. Jarek. questions - suggestions - go to the designated area here
  26. 1 point
    Yeah , the other fellow collegue already flagged that in the thread. Take a look to what SUNDOWNER said about the issue.
  27. 1 point


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