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Showing most liked content on 05/27/2023 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. 6 points
  3. 5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points
    Re-posted from wrong thread...the landing is still gonna suck!
  9. 2 points
    oh yeah, should probably mention i'm playing with loadouts Iron Hand guys, prep to be disappointed. the Air Guard didnt really do the Weasel thin in SLUFs, and so those are now omitted. It was the Navy E's that were wired for Shrike and HARM... but assymetrical loadout can make life.... interesting
  10. 2 points
    Nope, it's just the HUD texture that was given a green color and it makes darker areas more noticeable in-game, it's just a normal consequence to our eyes, there's a deeper scientific reason as to why green is used in real life for NVGs. The effect of the green on the HUD texture also depends a lot on the quality of the screen panel on which you play games. On my end, without cockpit, I couldn't see the terrain on the horizon at night with the realSKY mod. By enabling the cockpit, then I could distinguish the terrain from the sky thanks to the HUD's reworked texture. There is no way to add such a FLIR shader effect to the 3d model of the cockpit. Hell, we don't even have a proper FLIR shader in the game for the DTV in cockpits, which is the cheap reason why TK made nights unrealistically bright. We've been there already, we've been modding the game for two entire decades (considering SFP1 days) so we know all about the engine limitations, there's nothing new to discover about it. The only realistic solution (apart from using Unlimited Effects, thus having TW's post processing shader kick-in all the time) is to use a shader injection method like Reshade, but that one eats a lot of resources and can decrease FPS by a lot depending on the system on which you run it. I've been looking for lighter alternatives but nothing good that works in SF2 so far. All that is needed is to reproduce the shader done by simonmiller416 for use on such a shader injector (the TW .FX shader cannot be re-used as is, the shader injector usually requires its own syntax and/or language).
  11. 2 points
    Prowler flying until Cliff7600 gets to it. I decided not to land on a carrier but seems to be okay with landing on airfields (even that was a bit annoying).
  12. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    F-5E - The F-5 was also adopted as an opposing forces (OPFOR) "aggressor" for dissimilar training role because of its small size and performance similarities to the Soviet MiG-21. The F-5E served with the US Air Force from 1975 until 1990, in the 64th Aggressor Squadron and 65th Aggressor Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, and with the 527th Aggressor Squadron at RAF Alconbury in the UK and the 26th Aggressor Squadron at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. F-5N - Ex-Swiss Air Force F-5Es used by the US Navy as an "aggressor" aircraft, with AN/APG-69 replacing the original AN/APQ-159. Intended to replace high-time USN/USMC F-5Es in the adversary role, and saw service through 2015. WHAT'S IN: F-5E USAF 65th Aggressor Squadron (4 skins and decals) F-5N USN VFC-111 "Sun Downers" (4 skins and decals) CREDITS: - A-TEAM/Capun: model - Pappychecksix: Blank Skins - paulopanz: decals, screens etc. INSTALL: - (*) you need F-5E-R0c.LOD file from A-TEAM model fix forum (this is the debugged lod) - put it inside F-5 AGG and F-5N folder NOTE: - canopy open 10 key - as I hate textures with serials painted on, I have to thank very much the great Pete, who made these great blank skins I could use to add historical serial numbers and codes. Let's make more aggressor squadrons skins Pappy! Hurry on. Enjoy Paolo & Pete
  13. 1 point
    A new Pacific theatre of operation World War II era combat flight simulator has started development from Jason Williams who is partnering with Barbedwire studios. Jason is the former CEO of 777 Studios who made Rise of Flight: The First Great Air War series, and the former Executive Producer of the IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles franchise by 1C Game Studios. Website here: https://combatpilot.com/ Interview here: https://stormbirds.blog/2023/05/18/combat-pilot-a-new-pacific-wwii-sim-coming-from-jason-williams-and-barbedwire-studios/
  14. 1 point
    That once in a blue moon times that I fly an F/A-18E
  15. 1 point
    ini cleanups, or why did TK comment that out so the pylons stayed on no matter what.....
  16. 1 point
    This is something I just figured out. For some reason the mission glitches and I didn't get a completion when I should. Anyway, this is to show how effective the internal jamming power and capabilities of the jammer and how it reacts to a high-threat environment (Hanoi, Vietnam, 2023) and so on:
  17. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    FW 190D, this is my final version of this device that includes all the experimental effects never seen in this simulator, this pack contains the plane with its corresponding cabin with 4 historical skins, plus one without insignia, to fly it with the nation you want, the new luftwaffe pilot (there are 2 lods, one with glasses and one without glasses, by default the pilot wears glasses). I included all the weapons of the model F I hope you enjoy it, more information in the readme file. Sorry my English is bad TORNO.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Kamikaze Shahed 136 drone.
  20. 1 point
    How about you read again the post you're referring to ? ;) The answer is there.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point



    SF2 Zero and Rufe Pak -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* This is a Compliation Pakcage of all the Mods/Reskins/etc for ArmorDave's A6M "Zero". Included in this pack are: A6M2 Type 21 A6M2 "Sen Baku" by Christian59 A6M5 Type 52a A6M5C Type 52c A6M7 Type 63 A6M2-N Rufe floatplane (both the early and late model sets - 'plane white-ish', and Camo green). All have a (semi) compliant SF2 FM - however, as always, further tweeking may be necessary by experts. Personally, I think they're just a hair 'too good', but they fly very nicely. Data ini edits add the SF2NA style 'carrier based statements', so they can/will fly from IJN carriers on terrains that have the proper naval map statements and _water.bmp. And if you posess operational IJN CVs (there's a WW2 ship pak in the works) Pilot figures (including the fakepilot & pylons), weapons, sounds and a gun are included. Decal radomization is TRUE for all, and all skin maps are jpgs. New, SF2 versions of the 'box art' hangars and loading screens are included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes, where discoverable, are included within their individual aircraft & skin folders. Due to the age of these models, and the lack of access to the MAX files, any and all physical errors canNOT be fixed. They are 'as they are'. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  23. 1 point



    SF2 KAW F4U-4/F4U-4B Corsair Pak, Ver 2 by TMF/MM 6/18/2014 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = ***Note: This pack replaces in total the TMF F4U-4 & F4U-4B Corsairs for KAW that were released several years ago. If you have the original KAW versions in you KAW mods folder, you =MUST= delete the F4U-4 and F4U-4B aircraft & decal folders from your game -BEFORE- installing this version. There have been a NUMBER of changes, and having the original still around =will= cause conflicts. In particular, this mod makes use of the TMF F4U-7.lod, with various components removed. As this aircraft uses SF2NA coding for carrier operations, having a Full-5 Merged install is a reccomended requirement. Those that "disapprove" of using the -7 Lod are cordially invited, and encouraged, =NOT= to download this mod. You have been warned!! *** This package contains remods of the F4U-4/-4B Corsairs for use during the Korean War. There are 2 complete aircraft in this pak, with a ship-load of skins/decal sets. If you have the originals from the "KAW Corsairs Pak" issued in 2013, you are advised to either delete or otherwise remove =BOTH= the aircraft and decals subfolders. These are designed to REPLACE, in total, those older orignal versions. The AU-1 and F4U-5NL are NOT in this pak; only the -4s Several new skin sets by CrazyHorseB34 have been added to this package They are marked with a star (*) below. Skins/Decal sets are included for the following units: F4U-4: VF-24 "Renegades" (USS Boxer, 7/50-11/50) VF-32 "Swordsmen" (USS Leyte, 1950-51)* VF-63 "Fighting Redcocks" (USS Boxer 2/52-8/52) VF-64 "Freelancers" (same as above) VF-113 "Stingers"(USS Philippine Sea, 7/50-3/51) VF-114 "Excutioners" (same as above) VF-193 "Ghostriders" (USS Princeton, 1952)* VF-653 "Dragons" (USS Valley Forge, 51-52) * VF-871 (USS Essex, 51-52) * VF-884 "Bitter Birds" (USS Boxer, 1951 & USS Kearsarge 52-53) * VMF-312 "Checkboards" (Shore based, various fields in Korea) F4U-4B: VF-53 "Iron Angels" (USS Essex 1/51-3/52) VF-192 "Golden Dragons" (USS Princeton, 11/51-5/52) VF-653 "Dragons" (USS Valley Forge, 51-52) * VF-791 "Fighting Rebels" (USS Boxer, 3/51-10/51) VMA-323 "Deathrattlers" (shore based, various fields in Korea) VMA-332 "Polka Dots" (USS Sicily ?? -flew off CVE) VMF-214 "Black Sheep" (shore based) *Please note, many Corsair squadrons flew both the -4 and -4B at the same time. There is one 'Easter Egg' squadron (totally fictious), as you all know how I hate wasting good skins/decal sets!!* The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'. Skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals and Decal Randomization is TRUE. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant(s) depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose. Like the original pak, all weapons, engine sound and pilot figure are included. The machine guns and cannons are not; these you should have already. A couple of new or updated weapons have been included (see Notes for more details), including new Mk.5 rocket rails by Raven. Standard Animations Keystrokes ™ are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9). The aircraft will now appear on the boat, parked properly with folded wings. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them before installing. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Good Hunting, and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  24. 1 point



    SF2 WW2 D3A1 "Val" Dive Bomber -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* This is a compilation of all my work for Pasko's D3A1 Val. It is designed to replace ALL the previously released versions. So, be advised. There is one aircraft in the pack with a multitude of skins: IJN Carriers at Pearl Harbor (all 6) IJN Carriers at Midway (all 4) IJN mid-late war (carrier AND Land Based, 1 each) 12 skin/decal sets in all. Numbering is as historically accurate as days and weeks of research can determine (including work for the original release some years ago) A semi-compliant SF2 Flight Model has been cobbled together, but it REALLLLLLY do needs further fine tuning by experts. I'm NOT happy at all with it; somebody PLEASE make the necessary adjustments. (do we have a begging smilie??) All skins are jpg format. Decal randomization is set to TRUE, but this may NOT be historically correct; Squadron and Flight leaders used 3, 2 and 1 color bands on the tail to identify themselves. With randomizaion set TRUE, the No.1 Bird will be 'whatever' is chosen by the GameEngine ™. Research has shown the Squadron Commander (and suboritinate Flight leaders) tended to 'lead from the front', so if the randomization is bothersome, simply edit the required inis, and remove it. SF2 versions of the old 'box art' Hangar and Loading screens are included. Sounds, weapons, etc and so forth are included. As a bonus, I finally figured out the canopy animation, so use Shift/0 to open and close the cockpit window. Wingfold however, is NOT working as that was never built into the LOD. SF2NA Carrier Based Statements have been adjusted to suit. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Information on the 'bombbay' is interestering to note! All readmes from the original releases, and re-releases are included where discoverable from the archives. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  25. 1 point



    Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa "Oscar" Pak for SF2 (Wolf257) -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* Mods/reskins/redcalings for Wolf257's Ki-43 IJAAF WW2 aircaft. This package contains the full aircraft, 'rebuilt' into several variants: Allowing for physical differences that cannot be changed between variants, this package contains the following aircraft: Ki-43i Ki-43ic Ki-43IIB Ki-43III For a listing of Sentai, consult the various aircraft aircraft folders. Remember, this LOD is from 2004, the MAX files are unavailable, so it is as it is. Compliants on the physical model will be ignored. All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE (for the one skin that has numbers). Chutai markings for all but the 'green' skin are decals. All get new SF2 versions of the original 'box art' hangar screens (it's the same screen reused for all!). DDS damage textures and Destroyed models are included for all (taken from the WW2 terrains). Due to the mapping being the same, what with the same lod being used for all, all skins are easily transferable between the different variants. In truth, 99.9% of Oscar units used all the variant at some point during the War. All have (pretty much the same, with slight differences) semi-compliant SF2 Flight Models, but they do need further fine tuning by experts. All lighting is 100% historically correct. All weapons, guns, a pilot figure and sounds are included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes, if I'd found them, are included for historical purposes. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  26. 1 point



    A6M-2N "Rufe" WW2 IJN Floatplane fighter For SF/Wo* or SF2 -- Please note, this aircraft is not fully SF2 compliant! The package, with the exception of the included destroyed model, and SF2-ized 'weapon' (ie: the floats) will need to be converted by YOU -the End User- for SF2 compatibility. The data ini has the added lines for the included destroyed model. It shouldn't change anything for SF/Wo*, except it not showing up after you shoot it down. It also is in DIRE need of a corrected/Updated 08 and/or SF2 level Flight Model. This mod is released "as is" (meaning as it was in 08). Adjustments/tweeks are encouraged! The readme included, is in it's original 2008 state. Seperate instructions are included for adding the destroyed model, for SF2 usage *Note: it will NOT take off or land on water (the game has never supported this), but from land bases. For some reason, the "invisible airfield" as used on several WW2 terrains is NOT working in SF2. BE ADVISED!!* ----------------- This is a modification to ArmourDave's A6M2 "Zero" fighter, converting it into the float-plane version as built by Nakajima for the Imperial Japanese Navy. Historically, probably the most successful floatplane fighter ever produced. There are 2 complete versions of the Rufe included in this package: 1) A6M2-N_Early: this has the light gray skin as used in mid-to-late 1942. This aircraft contains 2 new skins (created from a new template, based off the original skins as seen on some other Zero mods of mine); 11 Kokutai, based aboard the seplane tender 'Kamikawa Maru' in the northern Solomons circa July-August 1942, and 14 Kokutai, also based in the Solomons area. circa 1942 (actually the Shortland Islands, but who's counting?) 2) A6M2-N: this aircraft has the later (ie: early 1943 on) green overall camo. This aircraft ALSO contains 2 new skins (as above); 802 Kokutai based at Jaluit, Marshall Islands circa August 1943; and 902 Kokutai as seen in November, 1943 based at Truk. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein


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