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  1. 5 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Simple skin pack with a few sets of skins for Navy versions of A-7 Corsair II - A/B/C/E that flew during the air war over Vietnam between 1967-1974. Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. To run this mod you need also access to TW lod files from SF2 Series. userlist.ini included covering correct years of use of specific models. Skins cover the years 1967-1974 CVW deployments during Vietnam War. All squadrons year by year. The pack contains skins and decals. Skins sets are made in pairs - two squadrons for CVW for a specific year. I could not find all the correct BuNo / Modex but I am considering this as ongoing work in progress, so one day if I will learn something new there will be an update. Also, not all squadrons have CAG markings, sometimes i could not find info on markings...so I left it, again there might be an update if new info appears. I believe that the pack after unp[backing is around 2.6GB. So make some space for SLUF. All skins, new bump maps, specular, and decals are made by me. report bugs. enjoy. Jarek Hereda. P.S. This is huge, a lot of copy-paste for me, all decals.ini, textur.ini, etc...So if you will find that one decal is not showing up or something...just check first - maybe there is some bug in *.ini file. Fix, post solution, etc... So others can benefit from your fix. I put a lot of effort and time, and checked everything twice..still gremlins can appear. PART TWO - OPTIONAL MOD FILES. This is only for experienced users! who know how to improve the game for themselves, are not afraid of experimenting, and know how to go back to stock ini files if something is not okay. This is based on my mod that unifies USN equipment (300 gal tanks, MERs, TERs etc.) optional mod files include reworked data files - correcting usage of weapons, fuel tanks, etc. adding some specific tanks, and stations for specific launchers adding fake pilot mods etc, additional fake pilot mods (legendary fake pilot mod required!) additional loadout ini files - for a better game experience additional weapons by Ravenclaw to cover weapons needed in new loadout ini files. D704 refueling pod/fuel tank by Nyghtfall from his great A-4 pack.. I highly recommend picking up piece by piece from optional mods, testing, and deciding whether to use them or not. Use the optional mod as a separate mod or as a reference to make your own. ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. *************************************************************
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
    "Stealth Pylons" are indeed the best solution when we can only hand four weapons in the weapon bay (Kinda What If thing lol)
  6. 4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. 3 points
    Douglas A-24 Banshee - 9 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1941 Skin Credit: Charles Wow! I've just read that USAAF A-24's survived long enough to be transferred over to the USAF in 1947 who abandoned the 'A' for Attack designation so they became F-24 Banshees!
  9. 3 points
    View File A-7 Corsair II. SLUF over Vietnam. Simple skin pack with a few sets of skins for Navy versions of A-7 Corsair II - A/B/C/E that flew during the air war over Vietnam between 1967-1974. Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. To run this mod you need also access to TW lod files from SF2 Series. userlist.ini included covering correct years of use of specific models. Skins cover the years 1967-1974 CVW deployments during Vietnam War. All squadrons year by year. The pack contains skins and decals. Skins sets are made in pairs - two squadrons for CVW for a specific year. I could not find all the correct BuNo / Modex but I am considering this as ongoing work in progress, so one day if I will learn something new there will be an update. Also, not all squadrons have CAG markings, sometimes i could not find info on markings...so I left it, again there might be an update if new info appears. I believe that the pack after unp[backing is around 2.6GB. So make some space for SLUF. All skins, new bump maps, specular, and decals are made by me. report bugs. enjoy. Jarek Hereda. P.S. This is huge, a lot of copy-paste for me, all decals.ini, textur.ini, etc...So if you will find that one decal is not showing up or something...just check first - maybe there is some bug in *.ini file. Fix, post solution, etc... So others can benefit from your fix. I put a lot of effort and time, and checked everything twice..still gremlins can appear. PART TWO - OPTIONAL MOD FILES. This is only for experienced users! who know how to improve the game for themselves, are not afraid of experimenting, and know how to go back to stock ini files if something is not okay. This is based on my mod that unifies USN equipment (300 gal tanks, MERs, TERs etc.) optional mod files include reworked data files - correcting usage of weapons, fuel tanks, etc. adding some specific tanks, and stations for specific launchers adding fake pilot mods etc, additional fake pilot mods (legendary fake pilot mod required!) additional loadout ini files - for a better game experience additional weapons by Ravenclaw to cover weapons needed in new loadout ini files. D704 refueling pod/fuel tank by Nyghtfall from his great A-4 pack.. I highly recommend picking up piece by piece from optional mods, testing, and deciding whether to use them or not. Use the optional mod as a separate mod or as a reference to make your own. ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 08/20/2023 Category A-7  
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
    Coming soon Eurofhiter Typhoon. screenshot by Coupi
  12. 2 points
    21 August 1961, Edwards AFB The first intentional supersonice flight by an airliner. A DC-8-43 flown by Douglas test pilot Bill MacGruder dives from 50000 ft and breaks the sound barrier for approximately 16 seconds at around 41000 ft. Mainly to demonstrate that the DC-8 was in fact strong enough to do so. The aircraft was pending delivery to Canadian Pacific airlines, but still on the Doouglas books at teh time of the flight.
  13. 2 points
    Douglas A-24 Banshee - 9 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1941
  14. 2 points
    not quite as much. in ME you can lower the percentange down. the trick is figuring out what percentage the radars make up. most likely by dropping percentage, taking out radars, seeing if the mission is a success we nominate you to put that bell on the cat
  15. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    SF2 Falklands Mod HMS Ark Royal ‘what if’ campaign 1.1 This package contains everything you need for an Operation Corporate campaign that uses the HMS Ark Royal with her F-4K Phantom FG.1 and Buccaneer S.2D airwing as if they were all still in service for the 1982 Falklands war. It works solely with the updated version of Kesselbrut's "Falklands '82" (Operation Corporate) mod package for Strike Fighters 2 (SF2) uploaded by Dave https://combatace.com/files/file/11627-sf2-falklands-mod/ In this ‘what if’ scenario the Royal Navy Invincible class carriers have been delayed entering service requiring the HMS Ark Royal to remain active along with her FAA aircraft into the early 1980’s. As such the HMS Ark Royal leads the Royal Navy Task Force to recapture the Falkland Islands. The HMS Hermes serves as her sister carrier in the Task Force operating Sea Harriers and RAF Harriers. However the size and role of her Sea Harrier airwing is more reflective of the ships role as an ASW/ Commando Carrier as it was when the HMS Ark Royal was still active in real life. Meaning the bulk of the air war will be fought by the Phantoms and Buccaneers from the Ark Royal. The F-4K Phantom (75) are as they were at the end of Royal Navy service but with the addition of Skyflash and G model Sidewinder missiles (RN Phantoms only ever carried the D). One would assume they would have received these alongside the RAF FG.1/ FGR.2 Phantoms had they remained in service with the Navy after 1978. AIM-9L Sidewinders are also available for the Operation as they were for the Sea Harriers in real life. I have also made the SUU-23/A available but it is not used in any loadouts as it was only integrated onto the FG.1 after they were handed over to the RAF and upgraded with lead computing gunsights. The HEI rounds do not have tracers. The Buccaneer S.2D is also as it was at the end of Royal Navy service but with the ECM pods carried by the RAF Buccaneer force in 1982 and the ability to carry the Pave Spike pod. As I imagine these capabilities would have been transferred over from the RAF Buccaneers if this ‘what if’ had scenario had occurred. As well as using the G model Sidewinders of the Phantoms. Both aircraft have a big single shot of Chaff simulating how they loaded it inside the airbrakes of aircraft without dispensers in that era. Installation: In addition to the requirements for SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 you will need Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam (SF2V) for the F-4K cockpit as the F-4J cockpit is more accurate for a Royal Navy F-4K than the Third Wire DLC F-4K cockpit or Third Wire F-4M cockpit. STEP 1: If you don’t already have a working version of the SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 download and install it by following the instructions here This mod requires a separate Mod Folder from the StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already have or created in step 1. - Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of the StrikeFighters2_Falklands.exe you already have, Rename the copy to StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal.exe - Run the newly copied and renamed StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal.exe file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your Falklands'82 Ark Royal mod install will have been created in the same location as your StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already have. - Open your Mod Folder named StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it). STEP 3: INSTALL MAIN COMPONENTS TO MOD FOLDER - Copy and paste everything from your StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already had into the StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder you just created in step 2 EXCEPT the Options.INI file and the Version.INI file. - Unpack the SF2_Falklands82ArkRoyal.7z archive package to a location on your hard drive. - Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory to your StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder (created in Step 2 above) YOU MUST OVERIDE WHEN ASKED! STEP 4: EDIT OPTIONS.INI Open the Options.INI in your StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder. Locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following: [instantAction] AircraftType=F-4K_75 MissionMap=Malvinas StartTime=15:15:00 StartDate=05/21/1982 StartTimeDeviation=10 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 Just below the "Instant Action" section is the "Single Mission" section. At minimum you should change the EndYear= statement to 1983 or higher. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows: StartYear=1982 EndYear=1983 Save your changes and close the Options.INI file. THAT'S IT. Your "Falklands'82 Ark Royal for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. Credits: F-4K by Sundowner and the Mirage Factory. Ark Royal v3 by MigBuster, original by eburger68 and Hinchinbrooke. Bucaneer by ravenclaw_007. - original Model by Russouk2004 - Skins and decals by Paulopanz - Loading and Hangar screens by Soulman and Gustav - FM rework by Kreelin,Spillone104,Baffmeister,Cliff1 - Missions by Pureblue and Paulopanz - some weapons in this pack are from Mirage Factory -testcrew,Dave,Soulman,Crusader,Florian,Slartibartfast,Paulopanz, Baffmeister,76.IAPBlackbird,Hgbn,Pureblue,Thetestpilot,Kelsh002,Cliff1 - 3D work,templates,Skins,weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007 SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 by eburger68 & Dave (USAFMTL). comrpnt .......................... Falklands Mod & Mission Pack ChrisBV .......................... Sea Harrier Pack NeverEnough ...................... IA-58a Pucara for SF2 Tracker & Syd Adams .............. Twin Otter ID(io)T Team...................... MB-339A Banidos Team ..................... Static Malvinas Models Banidos Team ..................... Trucks Camiones Banidos Team ..................... Type 12L, 21, & Type 22 frigates bobrock .......................... Invincible re-paint skin Adrian Benetti ................... Sotoyomo & Z-28 patrol craft Adrian Benetti ................... Malvinas Weapons Pack ChrisBV .......................... Falklands War-era Weapons Mini-Pack Cellinsky ........................ WideSky cloud mod SayWhat?! ........................ IA-58a Pucara skins JefeFOSS ......................... Canberra FAA Oscuro skin PGC .............................. Mirage IIIEA skins torno & HrntFixr ................. C-130/KC-130 skins torno ............................ ARA Sea King skin Falls, nosecone, Banidos Team, ... A-4CA/P/Q skins Fallschirmjager, & 3-A-305 PanamaRed ........................ Harrier FRS.1/GR.3 fixes, Hermes fixes, Mentor fixes, Pucara fixes Elephant ........................ updated Harrier FRS.1 skins & decals STORM ............................ updated/expanded SquadronList.INI w/ a/c .INIs luk1978 .......................... new WaterNormal.BMP versions Ice Man .......................... Argentine pilot pics dtmdragon ........................ Lynx & Sea King upgrades torno ............................ Dagger skins & antennas for 3rdWire Nesher Soulfreak ........................ Canberra B.Mk62 (3rdWire B6 model) ataribaby ........................ Super Etendard fixes Wrench ........................... Exocet ASM fixes Additional skins from Edward's "Falklands Mod and Campaign for SFP1." Credit for the original "Falklands '82" mod package goes to Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel and the team of modders that contributed to that original release for SFP1.
  16. 1 point
    this was what the original looked like (Penn ANG in 80s ADC scheme)
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    A very impressive mod, look forward to trying it out. Regarding FM’s comment, there is a lot of truth in that. If you think deterrence is expensive, try having a war. However, I was on board the old Ark for a few weeks in 1978. By then she was beyond tired, she was knackered!! (..underfunded maintenance; besides, Eagle was always the more serviceable ship). We left Devonport with only 3 shafts working, and halfway across the Atlantic the ship broke down completely. Came to a dead stop for repairs, happily it was a nice calm day. Remember looking out to sea at the time, watching our circling escorts (Devonshire, Antelope), thinking “good job there isn’t a war on”…
  19. 1 point
    Now that's something really interesting, will dig on that!
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I think in some ways just bare metal is hard to pull off in my case. I never got the hang of it. Nice work
  23. 1 point
    Polish AF Tiger Meet 2013 / F-16C & D Block 52, with & without CFT's
  24. 1 point
    For the Battle of Britain 2 1960th terrain i will make two nations.ini. One for the usual Soviet vs NATO setting and a second one for an UK vs France and allies scenario. I love the blue vs blue or red vs red scenarios. No advantage by superior weapons, only the skill of the pilots decide the outcome of an battle. Screenshot: Dutch Hunter F.6 shot down by a british Hunter FGA.9
  25. 1 point
    That's some serious stealth something!!!!!! I'll just stay with runway denial the old fashioned way......
  26. 1 point


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