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Showing most liked content on 11/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 8 points
    F-4E with AN/ARN-101 from the 3rd TFS / 3rd TFW based at Clark AFB , armed with 2 GBU-15 and AN/AXQ-14 data link pod
  2. 6 points

    Version 2.0.0


    Please note that because there is less information about this air defense system leaked to the outside world, this mod has certain [What If] content. So what are Type 625 and 625E? "Based on the revealed images, the Type 625E is a short range air defense system, or SHORAD. It is built as an 8×8 vehicle-mounted self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and surface-to-air missile system." —— From Military-Wiki This SHORAD is set to debut in at least 2021, with Type 625 being PLA’s own version, while Type 625E is the version intended for export. The difference between them is that the Type 625 has a longer gun and only 2 short-range anti-aircraft missiles on both sides. In this mod, due to the lack of 100% accurate model materials, I personally transformed the Type 625E based on the real prototype, named it Type 625A and set the service date as 2020. In summary, this mod contains: 1.Type 625A SHORAD (Olive Green/Desert Digital); 2.Type 625E SHORAD (Woodland/Desert/Desert Digital). Usage: Copy the Objects folder into your SF2 main folder. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model/Texture: Tim Samedov & Me Data/Modding: Me. Special thanks to:GKABS (for the Stinger model, the HY-6B seems to have a similar appearance to the Stinger, so I adapted based on his great work)
  3. 5 points
    In late 1985, several Angolan Mi-7 and Mi-24, supplying troops were shot down. The Angolan / Soviet and Cuban thought they were shot down by Cactus SAMs (variants of the Crotal system), it took some time for them to realize that the SAADF had countered them with low flying Impalas.
  4. 3 points
    First ground object mod,already published and awaiting approval!
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    Aerial battle over Al'Aranak I was testing and I got shot down by a totally illegal nuclear thingy. I decided to watch my wingman who managed to fire his two S-24 and was chased by two old F-86s. And then... That's science : you don't get what you expect.
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    JG-71 Richthofen Super Mysteres Take off from Evreux Heading to London Checking the clock of Big Ben Oh, it's Teatime. And a happy farewell to the Queen.
  9. 2 points
    Super-Duper! I'm just flying over different parts of Asia. I haven't found this in the game yet, but I imagine it will be an interesting challenge. But I already looked on it in Mue viewer. looks very good. THANKS!
  10. 2 points
    and i see this, after doing the main body panels and a good ways into the wings and engines.... let me take a look at them. might still go with my own since i've put a chunk of time in already (and also have blown it up to 4096 prior to tracing panels). but never turn down an offer, ya dont know what it might hold meanwhile todays progress (had some of theat RL, plus just havent been feeling good last few days)
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
    Hello everyonem, My wfie and I are contiuning with our excellent health recover. Ther is onething I have been wondering about and that is DLL files. The reason why I am asking about DLL files editing / modding; SF2 is not maintained nor update for many years. It is modders that have been keeping it alive. I am in the wonderful community that have passions as I do for Jane's combat simulation series and weare modding it. Even though I am on break from SF modding, in order, to allow my eye recover, I was wondering if it is possible to edit one of ancient simulation file, such as Jane's Fighter Anthology .exe files, because of awesome active modding community. We honor the ethics by keeping mods free and sharing our hobbies, as we do in here combatace. So I was wondering how can exe be understood? Out of curiousity, I took a look at HEX editing and then used x32dbg diseassebly and realized that the codes coudl be read in an assemlby langauge. However, I am not that experienced nor famliar with it yet. At the same time, by using AI to interpret the codes (Whiel being well aware that AI is currenlty still flawed and alwasy give geneic responses, still now is good time to experiment with it, due to the rapid advancement of AI technologies.) However, there is one thing that came up as an idea; What if we could edit the codes in DLL files that allow us to have unlocked moddability of avionics, enabling Gs limiters, and something like that. But again, I am concdenred about it becauser I do not know what combatace community feels about it. This is precisely why I haven't touched DLL files yet. I want to ensure it is done in ethical ways. If we contiune on the very limited methods of modding (Only iini. editing and adding 3D models), then we are stuck with the same limitatino of moddings. The community is currently small. We want for communty to be alive and become bigger again, therefore is why I want to ask about it. There is no another simulations out there that did excellent jobs as Thirdwsire did with Strike Fighter 2, as well as Jane's combat series did, what they managed to create; - Low Fidelity simulation that is semi-realistic This means we do not worry bout 'study sim', but we are required to learn about the limitations and characters of each aircraft, weaopns, avionics, etc.. IT is not arcade like ace combat nor too hardcore like "Study sim" DCS. It is just golden balance. Even though SF2 is missing air to ground radar veatures in avionics aspect. - Moddiblity, SF2 in heart, is desigend to be most moddable sim out there, it would be wasted potiental if DLL wasn't studied to allow expanded modding in ethical ways. EDIT #1: I talked with oen of modders, he / she gave me an excellent ideas. What I understand is that historically, TK do not mind the modding, however as long his files wasn't shared. So the idea is to create the installer that would modify the DLL files and allow us to add an external files that would enable DLL to read? EDIT #2: I realized we also could use Wrapper DLL, it intercepts calls to the original DLL and modifies them as needed before passing them on. I would like to know what combatace feels about this. Eagle114th
  14. 1 point
    it need fixing. Better to check yakarov79's Cobras and Guuruu's Mils
  15. 1 point
    Yes! And the most important thing! I forgot to say that we have two helicopter experts. They are yakarov79 and Guuruu
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Checking the clock of Big Ben Greeting the Queen.
  18. 1 point
    Hi,bazillius Haha, it seems that a friend has already encountered the problem, I hope this will be of some help: 1. The service time of 625A is 2020, and it is set to Mobile_AAA. 2. Need to ensure that China is included in the theater. Currently I'm running on the Taiwan Strait map and they are able to be deployed correctly,they are powerful and without good electronic countermeasures, completing the mission can be challenging 3. Based on past experience, 625E will be a purely export model, so I have limited the Userlist to several countries that may potentially purchase it, including Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia, etc., and the starting time is 2023. The reason I set it up this way is to be as historically accurate as possible within the context of [What If], but of course you are free to modify it if you wish.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    The Red Mustang, the black Spitfire's arch nemesis. It's an unknown aircraft because once ezer weizman, chief of the IAF, found out that a mustang was painted that way he gave an order to paint it back to it's original camoflauge, and after that it was sold to a museum in sweden (which it remains to this day). The cone is supposed to be black, no idea why sf2 decided to make it red even though its painted
  22. 1 point
    Well, at least it can fire...
  23. 1 point
    Supermarine Syrena F.1 - No.111 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1962
  24. 1 point
    Aerodrom Evreux, again. I made a new tile, so that i can place this big base at 3 tiles. Then i added the last two round dispersal areas to this monster base. In the next step i will place the parking positions for planes.
  25. 1 point
    We launched to intercept some inbound Beagles. Every one of them (all 12) was/were killed by the fleets missile barrage before we got close, so it became just a routine training mission.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    That would be interesting, and I would like to add my persepctive here. I lvoe discussing something like this! I would ike your thoguhts on this: I believe it would be great if we could add more features to it while keeping it in the scope of being 'low fidelity' with semi-complex / semi reallism to it. For eample, what I believe is truy needed for SF2: - Gs limiter (FInaly no more going over 10 or even 12= Gs or over -4 Gs, even for AI - More details / depths in air to ground targets radar operation (We need air to ground lockable targets and other features, thhat is as details, if not more detailed than Air to Air radar. However, keep in mind, we do not want to turn this into DCS "Study sim' with millin butotns, BUT we can stay in between where SF2 iis now and add a bit more spices to it. :) - moveable / controlable FLIR / TV in MDF -> this have been very needed for a long time! - no more gunsight / CCIP going beyond glass panel / HUD - More to list
  30. 1 point
    Ten years ago... the ultimate TW update ! Updating the current avionics shouldn't be a disgrace given the time our community members spend supporting and improving this game from 20 years. P.
  31. 1 point
    For me, this is a good idea. I see that SF2 is already, rather, an abandonware. But now the moderators will wake up and they'll hit you on the hat with a hammer . And we will continue to play the outdated game by ethically way. Ones has tried many times to discuss editing dlls and it always ended like this.
  32. 1 point
    I want to add one more thing, if we are going to start looking into DLL files, we should create seperated theads that discuss about modifying each DLL files, such as avionics60.DLL, avioncis70.DLL, HUD.DLL, and any another DLL related to flighht model (like adding Gs limiters as an example), AI and etc... If we discuss about all DLLs in one thread, it would get quite chaotic.
  33. 1 point
    Agreed wholeheartedly! Just to show what I see from x32dbg (Please note, there are x32dbg and x64dbg, if we want to look into 32 bit software, then we use x32dbg) when opening Avionics60.dll This could be hlepful to the modders when looking at DLL files.
  34. 1 point
    I do use that one; especially when I'm flying French Crusaders. That's the map where thsese were taken. (Hopefully, this protocol breach of it not being Monday is allowed in this instance) Getting them back on the smaller decks is the real challenge.
  35. 1 point
    Was somebody waiting for a bus ???
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    The A-6 is a nice responsive bomber, I like it when I fly it. Very nice aircraft. Taking out the E4 Prototype out for a spin in SoCal.
  38. 1 point
    - And what you've learned from this lesson, son ? - Never play a nukes in the garden, dad ...
  39. 1 point
    Of course, you tell me this after me & my Gina blow up the neighborhood.............
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    It was supposed to be an intercept mission, but a combination of ground fire and other MiGs killed them before I got into range, so I had a free flight to just cruise around the Korean countryside in 1951.
  46. 1 point
    Dassault Aviation Mirage IIIVZ - No.2 Squadron, South African Air Force, 1974 Skin Credit: torno
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    Checking a SAM site at Socotra island.
  49. 1 point
    Gets dark early in these North Atlantic latitudes.....
  50. 1 point
    I didn't make the rules, neither here at CA neither at A-Team site. You know I share my little works based on every good modeI (maybe an UFO too) wherever I find (I'm not a 3D artist) always with all of You. So please use these spaces for reviews and not for personal (even if right) protests.


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