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Showing most liked content on 01/16/2024 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    World coalition to liberate Kuwait.
  2. 6 points
  3. 5 points
    We have quite a bit of users of the SFx series. There are other sims out like DCS, but I find SF2 a lot easier to mod and create campaigns with. Before this, I was a very old school sim addict, addicted to the Microprose sims from back in the 486 days. SF1 came out and it brought me back into flight sims in 2009. I took a break for 11 years to start a family. Realizing how much stuff is out there for SF2, it brought me back in. One of my kids has additional needs, and discovered became a fan of flight sims. It was a great way to bond and teach him about flying. Using SF2 WoV as his first experience, he was enthusiastic popping off Sparrows from an F-4D. We modded further and now he's running buzz saws of 20mm from French Corsairs in the Madagascar terrain. Guess it's his new favorite aircraft. We converted a Lenovo laptop as a dedicated SF2 gamer, and he has begun modding with me. For those times we travel, he can sit all day at the airport terminal watching commercial aircraft depart and arrive .. Anyway that is my story. What brought everyone else here?
  4. 5 points
    I liked it's equivalence to European Air War in terms of being able to jump in and fly a quick mission or dig into a campaign. I know people say it's "lite" compared to something like DCS but I think as a COMBAT sim it really excels at delivering that experience. I really don't like DCS for a lot of reasons I won't go into here. Let's just say it is not my go-to sim. If I want a FLIGHT simulator I will go with MSFS or X-Plane. Easy to play, easy to mod, great community, great mods. What is not to like from a easy to access COMBAT simulator?
  5. 4 points
    I had my first flight sim on my Amstrad 664, cannot for the life of me remember what it was called though, then I upgraded to the Amiga, and I really went in for Flight sims, I had Falcon, F16 Combat pilot, Birds of Prey, Gunship, F/a 18 , F14 fleet defender, and several more including several of the Janes series. I eventually got my first PC and continued the trend. My first big love was EAW, that got me hooked on modding and editing the sim, I prgressed to the IL2 series, and ended up with Lock on, then I discovered SF Gold........I have DCS, and IL2 Battle of.......well all of 'em actually, but I always come back to SF/FE as it is just so good, user friendly, uncomplicated, and fabulous to mod and skin, DCS is superb, but I am NOT a real fighter Pilot, and although I WAS in the RAF, I was an RAF Regiment Gunner, so I like things simple, as my poor ol' Rockape brain cannot be bothered with having to press 2 million buttons, and flick almost as many switches just to adjust the seat height in the pit heehehehehe. I find this series of sims ( SF/FE) to be fun, stress free ( mostly) and easy to use, fly, and mod/skin. Long may it continue.
  6. 4 points
    F-7A Red Hawk. So it could look, if the Pentagon decide to buy a fighter version of the T-7A.
  7. 4 points
    I came from the Lock On/Flanker 2.51 community when me and Dave met each other through Eagle Dynamics. I flew many other games and didn't get much into games from Jane's (I did like Apache Longbow though), but for the most part got into the WOX series and then when SF2 came out I moved on to that. I like the replayability and what little modding I have done though, so while I go away I still maintain some kind of presence here and so on.
  8. 4 points
    I was a big janes fighters Anthology and Microsoft CFS 1 and 2 player way back and was a semi-regular on the old Netwings and sim-outhouse forums. I remember 2003? Dave posting some screen shots from the original Strike Fighter Project One there. i was hooked and the first opportunity I bought the game. Unfortunately it was a second hand "Wally World" edition. Took me a while to track down a "real" copy and the rest is thousands apon thousand of siming hours of history.
  9. 4 points
  10. 4 points
    F-4 Phantom near London Gatwick Airport
  11. 4 points
    This colorful F-84G Thunderjet, nicked name "Night Take Off, Rurh, was the personnal mount of Col Col Charles Jordan, 58th FBWg commander, Taegu, Korea, circa 1952
  12. 3 points
    started because.... Phantoms stayed after I got teh modding bug prior ot that, computer ownership (and therefore flight simming ) was a very on and off thing for me.
  13. 3 points
    I've always played flight simulators. Since 1998. My favorites are Falcon 4.0 (FreeFalcon, OpenFalcon, BMS) FSX, FS2004. But I like Strike Fighters 2 because it's easy to mod. Modifying games, not only SF2, is my hobby. It calms my nerves. I love modifying while listening to music or watching a movie on the second display. For me this game mostley is not for playing, but rather as a collection of airplanes. Its too.. to arcade. No matter what game I start playing, after 20-40 minutes I already want to change something. I turn off a game and start looking through resources or seeing what I can add. The first game I started modding was Tank Platoon 2 in 1998
  14. 3 points
    I remember Janes Fighters Anthology! I had a copy of US Navy Fighters before it became merged with ATF and NATO Fighters. Didn't play it a lot since I was in HS at the time. I do remember they graded you on carrier landings in there.
  15. 2 points
    I didn't get on board until early 2008 when I saw a copy of Strike Fighters Gold (with an F-4E on the cover) in a local department store. My PC at that time was far from being a gaming machine but SFG worked just fine and I quickly caught up with WoV and WoE. This was a great time as WoI came out soon after and Strike Fighters 2 came in at the end of the year. From the very start I just wanted to modify the game to my own tastes and have the ability to place, say, an F-105D in service with the RAF and give it contemporary markings still gives me a kick. This nudged me in the direction of making my own decals and then making my own skins, mainly from templates but sometimes from scratch. I have tried other flight sims but I still find that SF best suits my interests. It's a pity that Third Wire did not continue to support SF on PC as I liked the direction they were going with DLC's and I'm convinced that SF2:Korea was on the horizon. Hey ho.
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    yup, circa '04-06 the guy that was silent in the last beta test thread of ours put the bug in my ear to do it. or specifically, i started looking at the ESSM pods (a fake pilot add on), then fiexed them, then looked at pics from 2003-2007...... you get the picture The NATO ones were actually much simpler to do, as they dont differentiate tween the 3 squadrons. just 1 NAEWF. and i did the research on that years ago. but since i had the decal slots open, i put in a data plate with serial num and model (B or C) right now im just waitin on a couple answers from said guy to complete. all the tgas are already made, whole wing skin done, and squadron skins are just a matter of copy and ini edit.
  20. 1 point
    Netwings, there's a blast from the past.
  21. 1 point
    Depends on plane. Some planes are made so, that they are very easy to fly. One example is the An-14 Pcholka (Little Bee). Oleg Antonow gave out the target, that an average "traktorist" (tractor driver) must be able to fly this plane. And in that way the plane was developed and finally the target was achieved.
  22. 1 point
    There are View Controls in the key mapping found in the Workshop. To move back in the cockpit I think it is Control + Enter. There are key assignments to move your view however you want in there. Beard
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Any group that can fly that tight a formation through clouds can handle some pesky Nieuports. Excellent work nonetheless... Also, I dig that b*tching Alpine sound system you had installed in the Einy... I think the propulsion of the sub woofer gave you a fortuitous extra 5-7kph! Also also, love the last minute "Uhh, am I going the right way?" glance at the compass! First rate all around! What happened to your wingmen? CaptSopwith, missed that pic the first time. That's quite a crew you got there! Who's leading who?
  25. 1 point
    This is a script to be used with 3ds Max to make the LOD files for the different distances beside the main LOD model. For example, you make an F-16.lod (file size is 6MB) and you need to make the other smaller files LOD1 High poly count 4MB LOD2 Lower 2MB LOD3 Even Lower 1MB then this is what you need. This used to be done manually but with the script, it will make it for you faster. Ps. Just be aware that it may work sometimes and may not work other times.
  26. 1 point
    ok how would we use this? could this bring model creation to the masses, or is it a specialized tool for the 3D model folks? please explain it to me like im stupid. because when it comes to making models i am
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point


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