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Showing most liked content on 01/22/2024 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Fairchild C-119E Flying Boxcar - No.37 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, 1967 Skin Credit: MontyCZ
  2. 6 points
  3. 5 points
    Scouting for Boys.. (USAAF Air Liaison SQ, 1945)
  4. 5 points
    MiG-21-93, the prototype of the MiG-21Bison.
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. 3 points
    My garaged grocery hauler is a Blue Q5, but I preferred a PLAAF Green Q5 for this mission over Taiwan...
  8. 3 points
    Well, that sucks. Nothing to be done about it, i guess.... he needs to protect his product It's just frustrating. Looks like a bit of trial and error for me now I hope the blender 2.79 exporter doesn't give me any hassle It sure would be nice if there were an .lod exporter for present blender versions, but I don't think I'll hold my breath I'll probably ask lots of questions in the mod threads later thanks for the info.
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    Runway Denial is almost as much fun as hunting SAMS....... Almost.
  11. 2 points
    I bought the Strike fighters 2 complete edition about a week ago. I even installed Windows 10 on my computer for it. Everything else I do, is on Linux. I wanted the game because I desired a flight sim that let me bomb things and was in the sweet spot between an arcade game and a full-on sim like DCS. I chose SF2 because I had heard it was easily, and completely, moddable. I am really bad at games and view this sort of software as I would a model railroad; fun to play with but even more fun to build for. I have some experience with modelling in Blender, mostly designing military minis for 3dprints at 1/285 scale for wargames. I now want to bring some of my models into this game to play with and blow up. Here is a WIP of some AVF's from China. This is a procedural texture as a start before finishing painting and baking it to a lower poly model. ( that's a zsu-57, not a Type 80 SPAAG; wrong chassis) t Single player suits me perfectly as I can play how I like without lil' kids bitching about me on-line because I'm not very good at video games. Having fooled around with YSFlight, the game looks great, or at least, more than good enough for me. I wish it would run on linux or WINE or the like. I wish I were allowed to look at the LOD files I've purchased so I have a benchmark as to what quality work the designer expects by default; polycounts for the different lod distances, texture sizes, animation set-ups, etc., but it is what it is. It's enough to make me think that I should have bought IL-2 instead. No matter.... SF2 is a wonderful game. Too bad it seems mostly abandoned.
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
    We have quite a bit of users of the SFx series. There are other sims out like DCS, but I find SF2 a lot easier to mod and create campaigns with. Before this, I was a very old school sim addict, addicted to the Microprose sims from back in the 486 days. SF1 came out and it brought me back into flight sims in 2009. I took a break for 11 years to start a family. Realizing how much stuff is out there for SF2, it brought me back in. One of my kids has additional needs, and discovered became a fan of flight sims. It was a great way to bond and teach him about flying. Using SF2 WoV as his first experience, he was enthusiastic popping off Sparrows from an F-4D. We modded further and now he's running buzz saws of 20mm from French Corsairs in the Madagascar terrain. Guess it's his new favorite aircraft. We converted a Lenovo laptop as a dedicated SF2 gamer, and he has begun modding with me. For those times we travel, he can sit all day at the airport terminal watching commercial aircraft depart and arrive .. Anyway that is my story. What brought everyone else here?
  14. 1 point
    Nicely crafted, like the wavy effect on tail booms.
  15. 1 point
    CVW-7 Super Sunday..
  16. 1 point
    What if the 23rd was on call in February 1994 instead of teh 512th?
  17. 1 point
    Welcome to the club Bartleby... I would advice you to read trough the SF1/SF2 knowledge base and the mod & skining discussion threads, you will find how you can look at things and much-much more. Beside the above, download Mue's LODViewer which will enable you to see polycounts and how the models are structured, animations, etc. ------------------------------ Back to topic... Since young age I was scale modelling, then mid 90's I was overseas in the US and brought a package of 8 flight sims in a box, these required still to be run from MS-dos. In the early 2000-s run into Jane's IAF and USAF. In those years one of the gaming magasines had a copy of Stike Fighters Project1 included in its monthly issue. Played it trough several times, but I did miss the ability to jump from one airplane to the next like in the Jane's simulators to finish the objectives. Later on as the SF titles come out sooner or later brought them and strated to play with them more. Then run into the CA and Column5 sites and saw other birds could be built and added, so I thought, if nothing else than I can make some of my airplanes from what I'd drawn between 1990-2005 (215+ with 5 views) to be part of the game and fly them around. So started to fiddle with G-max, from there got deeper and deeper into making different objects, weapons, skins, etc. Later I only got SF2 when I had a new rig that I thought would be able to run all my siming titles and some of the shooters I played back in the days.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    single engine Toads!
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    North American F-100D 'Shavit' - 253 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1973
  24. 1 point
    What got me into SF?? I don't want to think that far back....(2005). Lets just say, that coming from the Janes USNF/ATF/FA series (where I built a boatloao of novel conversion mission sets) I was given to understand this was 'the next FA". Unfortunately, it never had the in depth mission builder FA had. But hey, I"m still here. You bunch are stuck with me!
  25. 1 point
    I always got a kick when Column5 would decorate his page commie style for May day.
  26. 1 point
    I got my copy of Strike Fighters Project 1 shipped over to me just after the Wallmart release. Anything with Phantoms got my instant attention..........I "played" it for around 6 months then thought I'd have a go at this skinning lark, I uploaded my first skins to Avsim. In those days SimHq was the place to go & once SF P1 had got itself established a forum was soon set up over there but there still was'nt really anywhere to upload your work to other than Avsim....that's when Don aka Column5 setup the website as seen above. Most of us "modders" were in touch with each other behind the scenes using msn messenger or ICQ and that's the way we got stuff done, files were shuffled about between us so fast it was sometimes hard to keep up, I'd sometime have up to 10 skins on the go at any one time but tried to have one finished completely new ( as is, started from scratch, no lines,paint or anything ) skin a week, either for my own choice or for TMF or whatever project was on the go at the time. Those were the "good old days" always something new coming out, I'm mean "completely new", not like the re-release of a re-release that we get a lot of nowadays, there was always something to look forward to......then TK would release a patch which resulted in the mad scramble to see what's new and what had got removed or ended up broken. It was all good fun though, and even though most of us old heads have moved on or even worse died (RIP) it's good to see that we do still have an active community to keep the old girl alive and kicking. There are still plenty of quality mods available here to keep folks interested and that's what counts. But we must also remember that without Erik providing this haven for all our work then the whole Strike Fighters family would of died off a long time ago. So a big thanks to; TK Modders past and present Erik And good old "joe public" for enjoying what we do. Blimey......it's taken over 2 hours to type this lot up....
  27. 1 point
    I've been hit by a big wave of nostalgia!
  28. 1 point
    Tell me how you feel about seeing this page... I am very fond of Colum5, it brings back many good memories like when you remember a song... and from here I discovered the CA site... for the nostalgic, I leave you a link to the old one. site in all its glory https://web.archive.org/web/20100428115038/http://www.column5.us/aircraft.shtml
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    I've always played flight simulators. Since 1998. My favorites are Falcon 4.0 (FreeFalcon, OpenFalcon, BMS) FSX, FS2004. But I like Strike Fighters 2 because it's easy to mod. Modifying games, not only SF2, is my hobby. It calms my nerves. I love modifying while listening to music or watching a movie on the second display. For me this game mostley is not for playing, but rather as a collection of airplanes. Its too.. to arcade. No matter what game I start playing, after 20-40 minutes I already want to change something. I turn off a game and start looking through resources or seeing what I can add. The first game I started modding was Tank Platoon 2 in 1998
  32. 1 point
    I didn't get on board until early 2008 when I saw a copy of Strike Fighters Gold (with an F-4E on the cover) in a local department store. My PC at that time was far from being a gaming machine but SFG worked just fine and I quickly caught up with WoV and WoE. This was a great time as WoI came out soon after and Strike Fighters 2 came in at the end of the year. From the very start I just wanted to modify the game to my own tastes and have the ability to place, say, an F-105D in service with the RAF and give it contemporary markings still gives me a kick. This nudged me in the direction of making my own decals and then making my own skins, mainly from templates but sometimes from scratch. I have tried other flight sims but I still find that SF best suits my interests. It's a pity that Third Wire did not continue to support SF on PC as I liked the direction they were going with DLC's and I'm convinced that SF2:Korea was on the horizon. Hey ho.
  33. 1 point
    I liked it's equivalence to European Air War in terms of being able to jump in and fly a quick mission or dig into a campaign. I know people say it's "lite" compared to something like DCS but I think as a COMBAT sim it really excels at delivering that experience. I really don't like DCS for a lot of reasons I won't go into here. Let's just say it is not my go-to sim. If I want a FLIGHT simulator I will go with MSFS or X-Plane. Easy to play, easy to mod, great community, great mods. What is not to like from a easy to access COMBAT simulator?
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    1940. Bombers knocking out a Tommy airfield. 109 is covering the airfield.
  37. 1 point
    Northrop F-5J Tiger II - 302 Hikotai (Aggressor Flight), Japanese Air Self-Defense Force, 1984 F-5J Skin Credit: pappychksix
  38. 1 point
    “Be resolved that honor is heavier than the mountains and death lighter than the feather.” ― Yasuo Kuwahara G4M2E Tei Edited from: USS Essex from: XYM7 OHKA Type-11: Free 3D file, edited with Blender 2.79/8, Mue's Lod Exporter / Thanks to @Nyghtfall for "Blending" guidance. Pilot Edited from : Banidos German WWII Pilot
  39. 1 point
    BAC (English Electric) F-112C Lightning - 68th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Air Defense Command, USAF, 1967
  40. 1 point
    1, Download and install the Mirage Factory F-4E(s) Shablol Updated for SF2 1.0: http://combatace.com/files/file/13473-mirage-factory-f-4es-shablol-updated-for-sf2/ 2, Go into your mods folder, navigate to the aircraft folder and rename the F-4E(s) Shablol's main folder 'F-4E(S)' to 'RF-4X' 3, Download and unpack the 7z file attached to this post: objects.7z 4, Copy and paste the 'Aircraft' and 'Pilots' folder into the 'objects' folder in your mods folder, IMPORTANT: make SURE you merge and overwrite the files when you do.


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