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Showing most liked content on 02/28/2024 in Posts

  1. 7 points
  2. 7 points
    The most powerful generation of birds pt2
  3. 7 points
    Photoshopped, the most powerful generation of birds
  4. 4 points
    Buy a legitimate copy, where the game creator gets his fair reward, then we'll talk.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    Yup. And with that, we'll just go ahead and shut this one down. Pity too.
  7. 3 points
    What's the difference? You're happy to give $99.99 to a corporate giant like Nike for their intellectual property but not to a one-man company trying to keep his head above water. What odd values you have.
  8. 3 points
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, we thought you meant for a camera shot!! Our Bad!!!
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    Back to the classic tileset. Upload No.7 is there. -Rewrote TFDtool randomized auto-rotate of certain tiles, to be as smart as I could possibly see it. Then applied it. - More manual adjustments of 45 degree road/river tiles. - Photoshop adjustment of 4 tiles. - Added 3 blue airbases. The ones which were historically significant. Edit: Upload 8 - Added harbor target area for blue and red. - More tile mapping adjustments and tile texture adjustments. - Renamed one airfield.
  12. 2 points
    Spang, 1994 (or what do you mf'rs not uderstand about close up!!!)
  13. 2 points
    Merci a tous. Les textures sont au format JPEG (500 ko environ et 3 Mo pour les TGA), désolé il n'y aura pas 4 saisons. Toutes les textures sont terminées, il me reste quelques ajustements et réglage a faire avant de les mettre en ligne ici ! :) Thank you all. The textures are in JPEG format (around 500 KB and 3 MB for TGA), sorry there won't be 4 seasons. All the textures are finished, I still have a few adjustments and adjustments to make before putting them online here! :)
  14. 1 point
    I'm very happy to announce that v0.9.8 of Operation Desert Storm has just been uploaded and will soon be available for download here at CombatACE.com once it's approved. You're advised to read all details on how to properly install and run the mod. In case of issues, also have a look at the offered suggestions included in the mod's page, which have been updated with new solutions. In case you missed the previous announcement showcasing many of the new additions and improvements, you can read about it all here: Since the announcement was made, in a mere month the team has worked much to fix some other long-standing issues and improve the overall quality consistency of the mod even further! Here below a change log of all major tweaks on top of the ones already mentioned in the previous thread: Standardized brightness and range values of landing lights for all aircraft of the mod. Standardized values for the DetectSystem data of all aircraft, namely MaxVisibleDistance, BaseRCSModifier and HeatSignatureModifier. Added brand new Mirage F1CR by the Mirage F1 Team, with specific tweaks for the ODS mod. Added brand new, proper 3d model for the CVA-59 Forrestal-class aircraft carrier, made by guuruu. Added proper Saudi Arabian E-3A 3d model (E-3A with CFM engines) made by Sundowner. Added Victory Arch aka Swords of Qadisiyah landmark to Baghdad, with 3d models recreated by swambast. Added new hi-res skins for the KC-135A by using templates produced by yakarov79, alongside improved tail decals. Added new hi-res skins for the E-3B/C Sentry by daddyairplanes with templates produced by yakarov79. Added improved skins with more accurate panel lines and colors for the F-15C, F-15D and F-15E aircraft, by daddyairplanes. Added unused AI-only Transfer mission type to all cargo aircraft of the mod. Added missing position/navigation lights on the KC-10 and VC10 K2 aircraft. Improved all ECM data (fixed or removed where necessary) in all relevant aircraft of the mod in order to provide more realistic gameplay. Improved aircraft data for all Mirage F1s for proper AI use of ECM and countermeasures, by pvince. Improved SoundList.ini data for better doppler effects, extended sound range for engines and explosions, by guuruu. Improved LandingAimPoint values for the decks of the CVA-63 and CVN-68 carriers to prevent aircraft from missing the deck. Fixed several issues with AI failing to properly land with more than two dozens of aircraft in the mod (mainly cargo planes). Fixed the AI not landing properly on carriers with S-3, F/A-18s and AV-8B aircraft. Fixed inaccurate values of service ceiling, radius/range, empty weight and fuel capacity on AI-only heavy aircraft (cargo planes, tankers, etc.). Fixed missing or wrongly displayed landing lights on several aircraft of the mod. Fixed overlapping parking spot reported by Viper63a on Ali Al-Salem and Ahmed Al-Jaber airfields by Jimbib. Fixed weapon stations for the F-15C and F-15D aircraft, so that AIM missiles won't be hanging in mid-air without CFTs and their pylons. Fixed Harold pod hanging in mid-air on the center pylon of the Mirage 2000RAD. Fixed inaccurate ECM/CM data and avionics for the Jaguar A, by pvince. I want to thank all previous modders and contributors of CombatACE.com mod that have helped make this happen. In particular, I want to thank @guuruu, @Sundowner, @daddyairplanes, @swambast and @pvince for their last minute efforts in producing brand new additions and improvements. Brand new Forrestal-class aircraft carrier with working weapons and night lighting by @guuruu. Brand new Saudi Arabian E-3A (E-3A with CFM engines) 3d model by @Sundowner with skin and decals by @PeacePuma. Victory Arch aka Swords of Qadisiyah landmark in Baghdad with 3d models recreated by @swambast. While you're waiting for the mod to be approved or while it's being installed on your system, you can enjoy this video by fellow YouTuber and flight sim enthusiast "damson", whom I thank for his testing of the mod and for the very useful feedback he provided about it:
  15. 1 point
    Just put FE2 Back on my Windows 10 PC and just had a blast still good after all these years it is modded, is any one still flying it?
  16. 1 point
    I do. Not as much as some other sims on my rig but every once and a while I need to go bust me some balloons. :)
  17. 1 point
    And this is why ThirdWire got out of the PC software business as I understand it. Too much piracy.
  18. 1 point
    There were a few moments that I was tempted, but I just better not start on that. I should give it a rest. Reflect on what to do with this. Upload no.6 is there now. It has some minor tiling adjustements. One targetarea was moved to a flatter tile. NKorea Such'on MiG-29 airbase was added to the targets. Okay, now for the next teaser. And don't get too excited because this proof of concept is hitting the memory limits of the game engine, and for many configs it will not load up. 1st image is for comparison plain Falcon 4 tiles and tile placement, tweaked by me. Other five images are the Falcon BMS 4.33 tileset. Which has a crazy amount of 2880 tiles. AFAIK The Falcon engine originally had a loading-tile-subsets-on-demand system, to prevent having to keep all tiles for Korea in memory at once. But the SF2 game has no such system. It is impossible to say how much tiles SF2 can handle because it depends on the host OS and tile resolution and amount of water alpha and maybe even the space required by aircraft skins. I have seen quite few hangs at loading yesterday, went downsizing tiles again until it did load up. This huge amount of tiles is again cause by Falcon's lack of rotation support for tiles, forcing them to make more tiles instead. I don't know who made this tileset, yet. I am not sure if I should release it. I like the set in general, In places it is the best the game has ever looked for me IMHO, but the village tiles with the blue roofs are looking rather 'restless' like a garbage heap.
  19. 1 point
    the F-4G Wild Weasel pack is almost done , something was still missing the AN/ALQ-131 , so i was working on it in the past days and here is the new 3d model , adding more details to the pod , mapping and making the templates will be next for the rear inner exhaust part i dont have good pictures so i do have to work around a bit there , the part is not yet finish and will look much better when it is done the pods are using 30 inch suspension lugs for now in some cases the 14 inch lugs could be added i know it is not perfect but i think it will be acceptable
  20. 1 point
    WOW...looks like you put those templates to good use...LOL!!! Mandatory pic
  21. 1 point
    They are coming along nicely, what do you say?
  22. 1 point
    Bonjour a tous . J'ai réalisé de nouvelles textures 1024x1024 pour le superbe terrain Korea Mig-alley de Gepard mais comment peut-on augmenter la distance d'apparition des arbres ? merci pour vos futures réponses ! Hello everyone . I created new 1024x1024 textures for Gepard's superb Korea Mig-alley terrain, but how can we increase the distance at which the trees appear? Thanks for your future responses!
  23. 1 point
    yeah, first a new haircut, second the muffins sold on the corner's coffee shop are great! LOL Welcome back bro!
  24. 1 point
    Thanks very much Wrench ! I tried... It’s interesting for cities, all the buildings are visible!
  25. 1 point
    in the Options.ini, try this: (the last lines) it can't hurt, and it does keep them around (meaning: i don't think it increases the 'draw distance', just keep them from fading out/away)
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Update V1.04 for WOTR Expansion Battle of France is now available. Version 1.04 1) Addressed an issue that could sometimes cause Escort Missions to have no waypoints or bomber squad to escort. 2) Addressed an issue that allowed French squadrons to incorrectly fly a mission with less than a section complement. 3) Fixed a Fuel Tank Gauge issue in the Curtiss H-75A. 4) Moved Merville Airfield as it was on a road. 5) Addressed an issue that would cause some active squads to be inactive during BoB - this could cause more generic Patrols to be assigned with less action.
  28. 1 point
  29. -2 points
    Nah, i respect your opinion about the legitimate copy. But no, thank you. With $99,99 i can get a new Nike Air Jordan or buy a groceries for ±3 month I'll try to get it by myself, thank you for your time 🙏


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