Here's what the internal jammer on an F/A-18EF will look like for Block II and IIIs. I reduced the power of the internal jammer and it coincides with the Growler. I don't know why I can't make the jammers more powerful on the Growler (I would think to provide EW protection, it would have to have the power to do so, even in game) as I think I'm at "max" value for the podded jammers. Anyway here's the test value on my personal jet against the SA-10 Radar. I forgot who made it, but overall this is what the internal jammer will do. It seems fairly reasonable for a fighter to have that effect (If I didn't jam it would have locked me up as soon as I took off from the carrier, so it does work, just not how it used to in previous videos and iterations of the coding and the like).